In fact, Yi Zhou said that he was confident, but he had no idea in his heart. It was just that he had to come because of the invitation of Emei. Yi Zhou was an ambitious person. The reason why he still stays in the mortal world is because he once made a vow to bring his family to ascend together, but this matter is not that simple. It is obvious that their Xuanguidao luck alone cannot fulfill his vow. With the help of external force, it happened that Emei's thousand-year plan to wipe out all the demons gave him hope. He wanted to use Emei's luck to ascend, bring his family to ascend, and fulfill his vow. Yu Emei also worked hard.

Yi Zhou connected his hands with seals, and used his means to lay down the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palaces Immortal Formation. This is his life-long painstaking effort in cultivating immortals for thousands of years, and its power is infinite. The housekeeping formation on Xuangui Island is this Nine Palaces Immortal Formation Even if the Earth Immortal fell into it, he couldn't find a way out, and was finally bombarded and killed into scum, with both body and spirit annihilated.

Although trapped by the Nine Palaces Immortal Formation, Old Demon Red Lotus didn't panic at all. He seemed to want to test the power of this large formation. Cut off one of his left arms at the elbow.

The red lotus old devil's arm was cut off, but there was not a trace of blood flowing out, and his face did not change at all. He shook slightly, as if shaking his sleeves, and a red lotus flower was born from the broken mouth immediately. Another arm, exactly the same as before, grew out.

"That's right, your formation is a little tricky, it seems that I can't hide it anymore."

The red lotus old devil took a deep breath, and suddenly a red lotus flower bloomed under his feet, and then it spread in all directions around the red lotus, and more lotus flowers bloomed, and in a blink of an eye, everywhere in the big formation was full of flowers. The red lotus with the size of a wheel covers all the big space, layer upon layer, until it goes deep into the earth's crust. There are millions of them at least. Inside each red lotus is a welcome from a small world. The mind of the devil is changeable, manifests itself arbitrarily, regenerates as it dies, and flows continuously.

Yi Zhou gasped when he saw this scene, and sighed in his heart: This old devil is really powerful, but he didn't flinch. With a move in his heart, he perfectly combined the Nine Palaces Immortal Formation with the Innate Five Dunes. Complementing each other, energy is mobilized from the sky and the earth, and it bursts out instantly. Suddenly, black water surges, flames boil, golden spears rain, giant trees empty, thousands of miles of yellow sand, hundreds of billions of thunderstorms, crushing towards countless red lotuses in the center.

The red lotus old devil snorted coldly, and each lotus flower burst into a red light, colliding with and rubbing against the various attacks rising in the battle, sending out a series of explosions.

At this time, one of the red lotuses grew rapidly, and its color became more and more coquettish, revealing an illusory world inside, and Yi Zhou actually saw his wife, children and grandson in it, and they lived in it Surviving the catastrophe and ascending to the fairy world, this is what Yi Zhou has been looking forward to all along. A ray of joy rose in his heart, and then he felt bad.

Sure enough, because Yi Zhou was so distracted, the control of the formation in his hand was a little slow, and with the triumphant laughter of the red lotus old devil, a huge red lotus flower appeared in the sky, spinning around, and sprayed out from the lotus hole. Dashes of red air engulfed him, and opened the scarlet petals, swallowing Yi Zhou like a giant mouth of some kind of monster.

The Red Lotus old devil tried his best to seduce Yi Zhou, but Yi Zhou was a heavenly immortal after all, and he had already certified Pure Yang. Although he missed the opportunity, he immediately counterattacked after he woke up. The two incarnations shot out eight golden rainbows at the same time, crushing the lotus red lotus, protected the body to a safe place, and then killed the old devil red lotus.

"Small tricks!" The old demon Honglian waved his hand, and all the blossoming red lotuses were suddenly aimed at Yi Zhou. Several magic lights spewed out from each lotus pod and rolled towards Yi Zhou, and took out another thirty-six red lotus seeds to Yi Zhou. Zhou played.

Yi Zhou mobilized the formation in an instant, and the power of the five elements surged and shattered it, but the thirty-six lotus seeds were extremely powerful. Turning around, dancing up and down, looking at it with discerning eyes, you can see that there is also a small world inside the oval lotus seed, mountains and rivers, birds flying and beasts walking, pavilions, pavilions, wine pools and meat forests, it seems endless, and there are growths inside. A great suction force wanted to absorb his primordial spirit into it!

These thirty-six lotus seeds were meticulously refined by the old devil Red Lotus. Each lotus seed turned into a heaven, and thirty-six are thirty-six heavens. In each sky, there is a demon incarnation of the old devil red lotus. , once he is sucked in, Yi Zhou will be slaughtered by him.

However, Yi Zhou's certified celestial being, Yuanshen Chunyang, was not so easily attracted, and immediately activated the formation, trying to imprison Lianzi.

The red lotus old devil secretly had a bad idea, and once again gave birth to a lotus flower that emitted a magic light to wrap up the lotus seed and take it back. Then he let out a long roar, raised his hands, and sprayed tens of thousands of red lotus threads from his palm, every time All the lotus threads are connected to a red lotus, spinning endlessly, and endless magic flames spew out from the lotus pod, forming a large red cloud that covers the sky and the sun, and quickly rises into the sky, as if to envelop Yi Zhou's Nine Palace Immortal Formation. Turn into ashes!

"Don't be presumptuous!" Yi Zhou yelled angrily, and the endless Nine Palaces Divine Light burst out from the big formation, colliding with the monstrous magic flame. You come and I go back and forth so fiercely, and he took out the most precious Taihao hook to kill the old devil Honglian .

Not far from the Nine Palaces Formation, Yi Zhou's friend, Master Yizhen, was also fighting with Ha Ha Patriarch.

Master Yizhen is the master of Yijing, the daughter of Yizhou. He is good at Guizangyi and has profound magic power. People are also quite friendly, at first they were sects, they used to practice in the Thousand Corpse Cave of Moerya, Dagulang Mountain, Kunming, and later opened up a Befu in Motianya, Mount Emei. This time, it was the Emei faction and the Yi family who repeatedly persuaded him, and the Emei faction promised to help him with all their strength when he crossed the catastrophe, so he came out of the mountain.

Master Yizhen let out the sun, moon, water and fire, and the mountain thunder and wind blasted at Patriarch Ha Ha, intending to kill the old devil.

With a series of "haha" and "haha" laughter, everyone was terrified, and suddenly black and green flames exploded in the air, crackling and exploding, and thousands of blue fires surged up, and then quickly gathered together for a total of There are 12 groups, and a fire dragon is born in each group of green fire. When it was first formed, it was only a young dragon with a length of more than ten meters.The number and volume increased sharply, with thousands of blue flames and thousands of will-o'-the-wisps forming one piece, spreading in all directions like a tide.

Master Yizhen was shocked when he saw it: "This is the god of the Twelve Capitals!"

Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons belong to the spells handed down from the ancient times, and many heretics can practice them. After being passed down, each family introduces new ones and incorporates their own methods, so the practiced methods are completely different.

This method has killed countless lives, and it is the most dry. If the power is not up to the level of the ancestor Haha, if you use it forcibly, you will lose a century of life every time. Ashes, body and spirit are gone.

However, because Yang Jian has the memory of his previous life, based on the Great Formation of Du Tian Shen Sha in the prehistoric legends, and with his own understanding, he created an alternative Du Tian Shen Sha that takes it seriously, and eliminates the defect of losing lifespan. It will still bite the master back, so Yang Jian helped Xu Feiniang refine a magic lamp that is specially designed to resist the grinding head and prevent backlash.

Haha, the ancestor is fierce and domineering, and he used his most ruthless means as soon as he made a move. 12 fire dragons flew around, locking on the sun, moon, water and fire released by a real master, and the mountain Lei Ze The wind was entangled by the fire dragon, but burned to ashes within a few breaths.

At this time, the monster dragon became bigger and bigger, and the twelve ancestral dragons quickly grew to more than a thousand feet, winding and flying in the raging fire waves. The head is seen here, and the tail is seen in the distance. A small mountain roared and opened its huge mouth to bite Master Yizhen.

Master Yizhen didn't dare to be careless, he took out a mirror from his bosom, the ends of the two longevity eyebrows flew up suddenly, he focused his attention, bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the mirror, then shook his wrist, and let out a violent sound from his mouth drink.

The mirror immediately turned into an octagonal golden light, surrounded by gossip symbols of yin and yang fighting, which is quite different from the arrangement of the gossip in Zhouyi, flying around and shooting down a ray of light, covering the twelve demon dragons.

Yi Zhou's daughter, Yi Jing, has a Fire Mirror of the Six Suns, which is the most powerful of all her magic weapons. Demons, but even so, the power of the Six Suns Divine Fire Mirror is much lower than that of Master Yizhen's Guizang Chaoge Mirror, so in the golden light, a large piece of light shoots out, like a surging tide, and the flames are blooming, When the twelve thousand-foot demon dragon sands flew up, they were shrouded in this light, and their bodies shrank smaller and smaller, unexpectedly there was a suction force trying to take them in.

Haha Patriarch was also quite surprised, and sighed in his heart, Yizhen, this old thing really has a trick, controlling the twelve monster dragons to twist their bodies crazily, trying to break free from the suction of returning to Tibet, but they couldn't take it back for a while, Of course, even a real master would not be able to absorb it.

Haha, the old ancestor turned his brains sharply, formed mudras with his hands, and sprayed real energy from his mouth, releasing billowing yellow smoke, filled with boundless yellow sand, surging in all directions, and the whole space violently agitated.

Master Yizhen also made seals with his hands, and muttered words in his mouth, water, fire, wind and thunder flew out, colliding with the yellow sand, and suddenly thunder rolled and roared.

Master Yizhen was so distracted, Haha Patriarch immediately seized the opportunity, he made a tactic with his left hand, and urged the twelve monster dragons to recover with his true energy, the flames on those monster dragons burst out suddenly, and there were countless men and women each All kinds of costumes and various forms appeared in the flames, making ear-piercing screams, which made people shake their souls.

These are all resentful spirits who were tortured to death by extremely cruel means by Haha Patriarch. They were refined into demon heads with magical magic, and they can absorb people's energy and spirit from the air.

The farther the demon dragon is away from the mirror, the bigger it becomes, and it is about to return to its thousand-foot body. How could the master Yizhen let the demon dragon escape? The range of the glowing glow has also increased a lot, and the demon dragon has been raised by Zhang Xu.

Relying on mana, the two repeatedly saw each other in the air, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. It was just that Master Yizhen was disturbed by the resentful spirit released by the ancestor Haha just now, and unwilling to procrastinate, he opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood. The Guizang Treasure Mirror blazed wildly, and the gossip symbols on the edge also began to spin and fly, deriving layers of space in the mirror, but it was a real master who manipulated the Guizang Treasure Mirror to evolve the world in the mirror, and desperately collected the demon dragon.

Patriarch Ha no longer laughed, but roared, resounding through the world, the voice concealed deep anger, and directly cast the secret method. With a roar, the twelve demon dragons exploded in an instant, and the green Yinhuo burst into flames. It surged in all directions, broke away from Gui Zangrui's suction, and then each flame turned into a fire dragon, there were thousands of them. These fire dragons opened their teeth and claws, but the strange thing was that they didn't attack Master Yizhen, but entangled them first haha Old Ancestor, it is obvious that the evil spirits of the gods are fighting back.

If it were someone else, he would definitely be severely injured by this treasure that he had spent countless painstaking efforts to refine, and even the soul might be swallowed by the fire dragon and become a member of the devil in the fire.

But even though Haha Patriarch was not disturbed, he was still able to cast spells in time, protecting himself with true qi, and the group of dragons was re-controlled by him in an instant, and they gathered together again to transform into the original form of twelve demon dragons. It's just that the reminder has shrunk a circle.

Master Yizhen took advantage of the victory and pursued, pointed the Guizang mirror in his hand at the old devil Haha, and was about to suck it into the mirror.

Haha Patriarch only felt his body was unstable, he was almost sucked into the air, and forced himself to stabilize his body, "Haha" he slapped out with a strange smile, and a hundred-foot black column of air shot out towards the Guizang mirror. This is Haha's practice The magic power, the true qi transformed by the seven evil spirits' demonized bones, is very vicious, but this time he didn't want to hurt Master Yizhen, just to delay the time a little bit, so it was mixed with Seventeen or eighteen fist-sized green magic thunders, this is Dutian Yinlei refined from the foundation of the twelve capital gods, similar to other demonic thunders, it also has the power to corrode the primordial spirit, but it is more powerful. It has the advantage of transforming the gods into bones and destroying the gods, and it is especially effective against the method of controlling the sword and imperial treasures of the primordial spirit.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Following a series of explosions, the mirror light of Guizang Mirror was blown away a little, Haha Patriarch took the opportunity to escape, controlled 12 monster dragons to make a bend, avoided the front mirror light, and bit Master Yizhen from behind .

Master Yizhen had no choice but to turn over the precious mirror in his hand, and temporarily gave up on Ancestor Haha, and went to deal with those monster dragons first. In this way, the two of them formed the previous stalemate again, but Ancestor Haha learned his lesson, and from time to time The bombardment with thunder made Master Yizhen unable to concentrate on dealing with the demon dragon as before.

Chapter 335 The Blood God Is Ferocious

The battle between good and evil on the battlefield is getting more and more frenzied, especially the people of the evil way, who are obviously abnormal, and their spirits are extraordinarily excited. Some even have red eyes, feeling like they are losing their minds, completely disregarding their own lives Crazy attack.

The demon corpse Gu Chen fought fiercely with the green sac fairy Hua Yaosong. Because of the lack of magic weapons in his hands, he was suppressed all the time, and the things he had been taught by the opponent in the past always appeared in his mind. The other party died together.

Luo Ziyan used the mustard ring to attract the underworld sage Xu Wan's Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banner, and planned to collect this magic weapon. Unexpectedly, Xu Wan directly chose to detonate it, and planned to rush up to kill her, but it was a pity that Luo Zi Smoke escaped.

The Liehuo Leiyin sword in the hands of the Patriarch Lihuo of Huashan Sect became more and more crazy as it danced more and more. , forcing the righteous side to fight them desperately, and people died in battle every moment.

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