If Shi Xia is merciful, it will be no different from courting death. Although some people think that the demon side is acting abnormally and their sanity is affected by some kind of force, but there is no time to investigate anything at this time.

If Yan Yingmu, the real person of Ji Le and the three monks and two nuns still have the energy to investigate carefully, they may be able to detect a trace of strange aura in the sky at this time. The source comes from somewhere underground. These auras are The culprit who affects everyone's mind.

At this time, Xu Feiniang, who was hiding at the bottom, was dressed in filial piety, wearing a mask on her head, holding a strange red and black ball in her hand, staring at the fierce battle on the battlefield, and murmured: "Senior brother, hurry up! I will soon!" Then I can avenge you, and I will not let anyone who killed you go."

Xu Feiniang looked at the fallen masters of good and evil on the battlefield, she still seemed a little dissatisfied, "It seems that the heat is still not enough, so I will add fire to you."

Xu Feiniang squeezed it hard, and the weird air mass in her hand exploded, and the black and red air quickly spread out, and the weird atmosphere on the battlefield became more intense immediately. In this way, not only those people of the devil way, but also those in the righteous way They also gradually lost their composure, became more and more crazy, and killed and injured more people.

That weird black-red aura is the aura of apocalypse that Xu Feiniang condensed when the apocalypse was approaching. A friend of the Taoist, please stay, I don’t know how many demons’ lives have been ruined, and now it is directly detonating the aura, triggering an early Everyone's catastrophe, under the sympathy between heaven and man, everyone became crazy, and everyone suddenly exploded into a pot of porridge.

Xu Feiniang's eyes focused on a certain part of the battlefield, where Zhu Mei, Bai Guyi, Mrs. Miaoyi and the deeply injured Xuan Zhenzi joined forces to fight a young man in red. I don't know what that young man is, so One against four actually did not lose the wind at all. Even if Xuan Zhenzi was seriously injured, the others were intact. Three of the famous three immortals and two elders, plus Mrs. Miaoyi, were already masters if they could fight them with one or two moves It's a master, but this person didn't lose the wind in the slightest, which is really shocking.

The four of Xuan Zhenzi are also strange. They are very strange about the identity of this young man who does not know where he came from. Not to mention his advanced cultivation, he seems to be very familiar with the various methods of their Emei Sect, and he can always pinpoint their weaknesses. The attack made them have to doubt the identity of the teenager.

The four of Xuan Zhenzi glanced at each other, and at the same time unfolded their means with a tacit understanding, each released an invisible sword energy, overwhelmingly wrapped the boy in red, and split the boy's body in an instant, but before they had time to be happy, suddenly a ray of red The blood shadow appeared in the fragments of the corpse, and rushed towards Xuan Zhenzi directly.

"Not good! It's the blood god Deng Yin!"

This time Xuan Zhenzi recognized the other party's identity, and he was so frightened that he was scared. He knew the strength of the blood god Deng Yinyan. The blood nerves cultivated by the other party are known as the number one skill of the devil. There are few enemies in the world. No wonder The other party was so clear about Emei's methods. After all, Deng Yin was once a disciple of Emei, and also the junior of Daoist Changmei. Their uncle was really more proficient in using invisible sword energy than them.

Deng Yin came prepared this time. He deliberately hid his identity at the beginning, and casually borrowed the body of a practitioner, with the purpose of trying to smear Emei.

Seeing that Xuan Zhenzi was about to be thrown on him by Deng Yin, he was seriously injured at this time, and he was definitely not Deng Yin's opponent. Once the blood shadow entered his body, he would be drained of blood and die within a few breaths.

At the critical moment, Mrs. Miaoyi suddenly took out a circle from her bosom, pointed it at Deng Yin, and immediately produced a huge suction force, and Deng Yin involuntarily threw it towards the center of the circle.

"Damn it! Bodhi circle! You actually took out this treasure!" Deng Yin turned into thousands of blood god sons and scattered in all directions. Although a few blood god son clones were sucked away in the end, But he broke free from the suction of the bodhi circle.

Mrs. Miaoyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Deng Yin had been forced to retreat, and she secretly called out luck. Just in case, I didn't expect it to come in handy.

Deng Yin looked at the bodhi circle in Mrs. Miaoyi's Xun Lanyin's hands, and his heart was full of resentment. You must know that his blood and nerves are the number one skill in the magic way. Ordinary magic weapons can't affect him at all. There are few, but this bodhi circle is one of them.

Deng Yin practiced blood refining nerves, peeled off his skin from head to toe alive, and then pierced the acupuncture points of his body with golden needles, and burned them with magic fire. Refined into one body with the primordial spirit, turned into a naked blood shadow, ever-changing, hard to hurt by water and fire, indestructible in a thousand aeons!Back then Daoist Changmei used the Ziying sword to chop the Lord of the Stone God Palace who had cultivated blood nerves, three cuts and three stabs in the body without any injuries, and now Deng Yin can do the same.

Deng Yin was captured by Master Changmei three times, but still could not kill him. For the last time, Master Changmei was imprisoned in a black hole on the coast of Xingxiu. There are two volumes, which are divided into good and evil. Deng Yin got an evil volume, and his cultivation speed is faster, but his temperament becomes more violent as he cultivates.

After Deng Yin succeeded, he did not leave Xingxiu Sea immediately, because in the end, Daoist Changmei left a prophecy that once he left, he would surely die.

It's just that Xu Feiniang was instructed by Yang Jian to find the place where Deng Yin was imprisoned by Zhenren, told him about Emei's thousand-year plan, and persuaded Deng Yin with her eloquence, so she participated in the sword fight at Ciyun Temple.

However, Deng Yin is also a cautious person. In order to eliminate the Emei faction, he wiped out all the souls of a country in the Western Regions, and refined all of them into blood gods. They are all scarlet figures. They follow his will and don't show up at ordinary times. The four of Zhenzi worked together to chop them up, and saw that the bodhi circle was frightened, so they released all the blood god sons, and then shook the body lightly, changing rapidly, and condensed into a three-foot-tall Taoist wearing a black robe , The Blood God Son, who broke free from the bodhi circle, quickly gathered on Deng's body, turning into a head full of red hair, and each strand of hair was a Blood God Son, adorned on the head, as if someone was walking on each strand of hair. Waving their arms, their faces were deformed in extreme horror, and their cries could even be heard.

It's a pity that no matter how much they struggled, it was useless, but the red hair fluttered more and more, giving it a more chic look.

Xuan Zhenzi, Xun Lanyin, Bai Guyi and Zhu Mei gathered together, and Xun Lanyin stood at the front with a Bodhi ring in his hand, his face was full of alert, and he said, "Uncle, my sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and I will be on my feet. Wrong again."

But Deng Yin didn't care, and said with a sneer: "Turn back? Hahaha... It's a joke, you juniors still want to persuade me to turn back, I really don't know what to do, and you are Emei disciples, don't speak like the Buddhist group Bald ass!"

"If the uncle is obsessed with obsession, then don't blame us for being presumptuous and not recognizing you as an uncle." Xun Lanyin deliberately circled the Bodhi in his hand as he spoke, with a hint of threat.

His face darkened, and he snorted coldly and said: "Although the bodhi circle restrains my blood nerves, it depends on who uses it. If the real person of bliss appears with this bodhi circle, I will turn around and leave without saying a word, but you are far behind. .”

Of course Deng Yin knew the history of the bodhi circle. When the first volume of the blood nerve was destroyed, it was directly sucked into the bodhi circle and formed a blood bead. With the bodhi circle of self-restraint, there is certainty of victory in a real battle.

Deng Yin seemed to be a little impatient, and immediately raised his hands, with a ferocious face, stretched out his claws to grab Xun Lanyin!

Xun Lan hastily activated the bodhi circle, and a force of intimidation emerged out of thin air, covering Deng Yin, wanting to suck it in.

But Deng Yin was already prepared, and his body shook.The dense blood gods appeared again, and hundreds of blood bodies actively threw themselves into the bodhi circle, offsetting part of the suction, and the other blood gods would spread out to avoid the front, and pounce on the four of Xuanzhenzi from the left and right sides .

Xuan Zhenzi, Zhu Mei, and Bai Guyi shot out the invisible sword qi at the same time, constantly repelling the blood god son who rushed over. It is hundreds of ways, making people hard to defend against, and invincible. They are good at beheading people's primordial spirits. If the gods and demons in the demon religion accidentally touch them, they will also be destroyed physically and mentally. They can also cause damage to the blood god son, but the effect is poor. point.

Although from time to time there are blood god sons who slipped through the net and rushed towards them, but they would all be sucked away by Madam Miaoyi with the bodhi ring, and the four joined forces to block them.

Deng Yin sneered and said: "There is invisible sword energy in the Xuanmen of the Taiqing, but it is just something left over from my old game!"

Deng Yin and Daoist Changmei worshiped in Emei and practiced Taoism together, and he was also granted the Ziqing treasure at the same time. He knew all the invisible sword energy in the Nine Heavens Xuanjing, and the various spells in Shaoqing's secret striata. He was defeated three times in those years. In the hands of Daoist Changmei, he has been thinking hard about countermeasures for more than three hundred years, using blood and nerve kung fu to break the kung fu on the Ziqing treasure book, almost any method of the Emei School, he has already thought of breaking the method.

I saw Deng Yin stretching out his left arm, turning it into a big hand with a length of three feet, and then a vortex with a diameter of more than ten feet appeared in the relic of the void, and countless blood shadow divine lights were spinning rapidly inside, forming a vortex, turning more and more The heavier the blood, it was just a faint blood shadow at first, but later it turned into dark red flesh and blood.

The vortex is like a meat grinder, with meat flakes flying around and blood splattering, forcibly absorbing everything around it, and the invisible sword energy emitted by Xuan Zhenzi and the others are all sucked in.

At this time, countless Blood God Sons approached Xuan Zhen Zizi and the other four, and they were less than ten feet away.

At a critical moment, Mrs. Miaoyi suddenly threw the bodhi circle upwards, and Xuan Zhenzi, Bai Guyi, and Zhu Mei also injected mana into the circle at the same time, and the suction force emitted by the bodhi circle suddenly increased by more than ten times. Shenzi was sucked in without the slightest resistance, and even the four of Xuan Zhenzi were a little wobbly and might be sucked in at any time. Fortunately, they had profound magic powers, and they supported each other to resist the suction in the end.

This time the loss of Blood God Son was close to one-thirteenth, but Deng Yin was not angry, and sneered, "Since you want to suck it, let you suck it up."

Deng Yin supported it with both hands, and the mass of flesh and blood immediately began to swell, like the bloody mouth of a monster in the demon world, swallowing it towards the bodhi circle in the sky.

Xuan Zhenzi and the others quickly poured all their mana into the bodhi circle, pushing the suction to the limit.

boom! !

With a loud noise, most of the flesh and blood monster was sucked away, but the remaining part still knocked open the bodhi circle, spinning and flying to the distance.

Mrs. Miaoyi hurriedly chased after the bodhi circle, and the three of Xuanzhenzi worked together to block Deng Yin with endless invisible sword energy.

Deng Yin laughed loudly, the blood god's avatar soared, and soon surpassed more than a hundred feet, standing on the mountain peak, his head that almost touched the clouds looked like a peeled human face, dripping with blood, splashing like rain , the eyes are like the eyes of the god of death, looking up at the sky and looking down at the earth, the three of Xuan Zhenzi hardly dare to look at him, the places they glanced turned into scorched earth, and all living things turned into pus and blood!

The big blood-god-like hand grabbed Xuan Zhenzi and the three of them directly, carrying thousands of blood shadows on its arms, one can imagine that this blow must be earth-shattering.

At the critical moment, Xuan Zhenzi stood up on his own initiative, disregarding the injuries on his body, and shot tens of thousands of demon-killing needles, mixed with countless Taiqing Shenlei.

There were originally a total of [-] demon-killing needles, but most of them were destroyed in the fight with Zen Master Xiaoyue before, and there were nearly [-] needles left. At this time, with the full power of the Taiqing Shenlei, a series of explosions came, The arm of the incarnation of the blood god was directly blown to pieces, and then continued to move forward, shooting towards the chest of the incarnation of the blood god. Xuan Zhenzi followed closely behind, making people wonder what he was going to do.

The arm of the blood god incarnation grew out soon after being destroyed, but at this time Xuan Zhenzi's arm had already reached the chest of the blood god incarnation, and the remaining needles continued to shoot out. A big hole exposed a heart, and there was still a faint shadow of blood inside that bloody heart.

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