That illusory blood shadow was Deng Yin's true self, and Xuan Zhenzi rushed over and couldn't help laughing, "Xuan Zhenzi, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to come in from hell, since you are looking for death, then I will not You're being polite, just sent me a good body."

Deng Yin suddenly jumped forward and got into Xuan Zhenzi's body, intending to suck his blood, but just when he got in, he found something wrong. It turned out that Xuan Zhenzi actually set up a forbidden law in his body. The body is a cage to trap Deng Yin.

Chapter 336 Xu Feiniang Exposed

Deng Yin dashed left and right in Xuan Zhenzi's body, and couldn't escape for a while, but Xuan Zhenzi didn't feel well either, his face turned red like blood, and the new blood aura all over his body, sometimes ferocious, sometimes peaceful, constantly changing, several times I almost couldn't help but want to stand up and kill, but I finally endured it.

"Xuan Zhenzi, you are really willing to spend your money, but do you think you can trap me in this way?"

It was obviously Xuan Zhenzi's body, but when he opened and closed his mouth, what came out was Deng Yin's gloomy voice.

Xuan Zhenzi didn't speak, but only focused on suppressing Deng Yin in his body. He also knew that he couldn't suppress Deng Yin for too long by himself, so he had to rely on external force to secretly transmit Zhu Mei's voice to carry out the next step.

After the incarnation of the blood god lost Deng Yin's control, it collapsed instantly, turning into an endless rain of blood and falling from the sky, corroding everything it passed by.

At this time, a group of blood god sons emerged from the bloody water. Although most of them were taken away by the bodhi circle before, some were killed by the invisible sword energy, but nearly a quarter of the remaining ones flew to the sky immediately. Roaring and rushing towards Xuan Zhenzi, intending to kill Xuan Zhenzi and leave Deng Yin, the world was dyed red by countless blood-colored phantoms.

Zhu Mei and Bai Guyi rushed to Xuan Zhenzi's side to protect him with the invisible fairy escape, and used their invisible sword energy to kill the blood god sons who rushed over. They finally trapped Deng Yin, how could he escape.

Blood god sons were killed one by one. Originally, the invisible sword qi was formless, formless, shadowless and heartless, but there were too many blood god sons. Wherever the sword qi passed, after the blood god sons were beheaded, the blood qi would contaminate the sword qi, making them invisible. The sword energy became visible to the naked eye.

Bai Guyi and Zhu Mei protected Xuan Zhenzi in the center, and released the invisible sword energy with all their strength. From a distance, it looked like a huge blood-colored sphere, and the sphere was covered with barbs gathered by the invisible sword energy. beauty.

Although only a quarter of the blood gods are left, there are still tens of thousands of them, and they are all fierce and fearless of death. Zhu Mei and Bai Guyi still feel that they are inexhaustible. It started to feel a little weak.

At the critical moment, a ray of light flew from a distance, holding a bodhi circle, but it was Miao Yi's wife, Xun Lanyin, who had returned. She was lucky, and the bodhi circle was not picked up by others. It was really lucky.

Seeing Mrs. Miaoyi returning and taking back the magic weapon to restrain Deng Yin, Bai Guyi showed joy on his face, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up and get the bodhi circle, as long as you put it on Senior Brother Xuan Zhenzi, you can suppress Deng Yin? "

Now Deng Yin is in a hurry. Although he is sealed in Xuanzhenzi's body, he can still perceive the outside situation. He knows very well that once he is put on the bodhi circle and cooperates with Xuanzhenzi, he will be suppressed. Difficult.

Deng Yin immediately issued an order, and half of the besieging Xueshenzi immediately killed Mrs. Miaoyi, and stopped her no matter what, and could not let Bodhi circle here.

Mrs. Miaoyi was besieged by the blood body, and she exerted the invisible sword energy to the limit, but she was still unable to move an inch. Looking at the three Xuan Zhenzi who were already in danger from a distance, she gritted her teeth and burst out all her strength. The overwhelming invisible sword energy shocked everyone. Shooting, killing thousands of blood gods in an instant, clearing out a space, although waves of weakness continued to come, but Mrs. Miaoyi held back forcibly, looked up, and suddenly circled the Bodhi in her hand towards Xuanzhenzi Throw it over there.

The circle spun round and round, killing dozens of blood god sons, crossing the space to the three of Xuan Zhenzi, Bai Guyi maintained the output of the invisible sword begging with one hand, and grabbed the bodhi circle with the other hand, turning After growing up, put it on Xuan Zhenzi's head.

This time Deng Yin was also in a hurry, and under the explosion of all his strength, a blood-colored beam of light burst out from Xuan Zhenzi's body and went straight to the sky, resisting the falling bodhi circle, but this is not a long-term solution, after all, the bodhi circle can restrain blood As a matter of nerves, this can only be delayed for a while. With the infusion of Bai Guyi's mana, the bodhi circle slowly fell down, and it seemed that it was about to be wrapped around his neck.

When Deng Yin was about to despair, suddenly two white lights flew from a distance, shooting into Bai Guyi's eyes, freezing his soul, and his body froze there.

This change shocked everyone, of course Zhu Mei was the most shocked, because this kind of white light is so familiar, he saw it once not long ago, when the ascetic Tutuo fell last time, he couldn't help but panic , had a bad premonition, looked in the direction of the white light, and it was as he expected, a gourd was held in the palm of a jade hand, and a fat, white baby emitting white light floated above the gourd. A masked Taoist nun bowed to the baby and said, "Please turn around, baby!"

The chubby white baby spewed out a fierce breath, and turned around Bai Guyi's neck, and Bai Guyi's huge head was chopped off, killing it together with the primordial spirit, because one of the two elders of Songshan in the world Bai Guyi, the old man chasing clouds, died just like that. Things changed so fast that people couldn't react.

Xuan Zhenzi Bai Guyi died, and Deng Yin immediately seized the opportunity to fight back under the agitation of his mind, and soon gained control of part of his body. His body was full of blood, and he slapped the bodhi circle away. Mrs. Miao Yi Hastily stretched out his hand to summon Bodhiquan'er back.


Seeing her friend's death, Zhu Mei was furious for a moment, let out an earth-shattering roar, and looked at the Taoist nun wearing a mask, full of murderous aura.

That nun was of course Xu Feiniang, she didn't care about Zhu Mei's gaze at all, she took the white and fat baby with a gourd and hung it on her waist in a leisurely manner, as if she didn't pay attention to Zhu Mei at all.

This action irritated Zhu Mei even more, she rushed out no matter what, and was about to fight the Taoist girl, but at this moment, Fei Niang suddenly took out a bag more than three feet high from behind, threw it at Zhu Mei, and shouted , "I wish the dwarf, a gift for you!"

Zhu Mei instinctively thought that what was thrown was a magic weapon for killing, and was about to release the invisible sword energy to smash the bag, but before he could do anything, the bag split open by itself, revealing a figure of a girl inside.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Zhu Mei forcefully withdrew the invisible sword energy that was about to be sent out, and almost hurt himself because he found out that the girl was actually his apprentice Zhu Wen.

Zhu Wen, the female apprentice, has an extraordinary status in Zhu Mei's heart. It's not just a simple master-student relationship. You must know that Zhu Wen is the reincarnation of Zhu Mei's friend Wen Jin. Wen Jin got a heavenly book by accident and took it out to share with her. Zhu Mei's sharing was originally a good thing, but Wen Jin later made a joke, saying that there was still a second volume in the Heavenly Book. His body forced him to hand over the second book, Wen Jin couldn't get it, he could only tell the truth, but Zhu Mei didn't believe it at all, and finally forced Wen Jin to death.

Xia Wenjin became Zhu Wen after reincarnated. In this life, Zhu Mei needs to settle karma instead. Zhu Mei is very confident about this. Now that Zhu Wen is reincarnated as a little girl, she has no one to rely on and has no one to rely on. Help can't go far at all, so Zhu Mei has always been kind to this apprentice, and instinctively reached out to catch him.

It's just that what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations. Zhu Wen was originally in a coma, but he didn't live in his house for a moment.Another thing happened that made him, um, not hard to predict. Those Zhu Wen were already in a coma, but the moment Zhu Mei caught her, they suddenly opened their eyes, and two red lights came out. Mei felt confused for a while, and at this time Zhu Wen made a move, holding a blood-colored poisonous needle, and instantly pierced Zhu Mei's body.


Zhu Mei couldn't help but let out a scream, and threw the female Zhu Wen out of her hand.

"What a cruel master, you actually want to kill your apprentice." Xu Feiniang stretched out her hand, and a ball of blue light supported Zhu Wen.

"Sinister, do you know what you are doing?" Zhu Mei felt that after the poisonous needle entered his body, a corrosive force spread rapidly. There is swimming along the blood vessels to the heart.

Hearing Zhu Mei's scolding, a strange smile appeared on Zhu Wen's face, and a strange yet familiar voice came out from Zhu Mei's mouth, "Fellow Zhu Mei, it's been a long time."

Immediately, Zhu Mei seemed to have seen the most incredible thing, raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at Zhu Wen and said, " are Kuan Jin, no, this is absolutely impossible."

"Nothing is impossible." At this time, Xu Feiniang took the initiative to stand up and explained: "I awakened the memory of her previous life with a secret technique, and let your friends reunite. How about it? Thank me!"

Zhu Mei immediately understood the other party's plan, and it was clear that he was letting himself kill each other, "Fellow Daoist Wen, don't fall for this trick, this person deliberately provoked a dispute between us..."

"It doesn't matter!" Zhu Wen, that is, Wen Jin waved his hands and said, "In the previous life, because of the fruit of this life, you destroyed my body and caused me to be reincarnated. Today, I will pay you back a poisonous needle. We will pay each other back. , from now on, you will walk on your Yangguan road, and I will walk on my single-plank bridge, and we will not owe each other."

After Zhu Xun finished speaking, the red light in his eyes gradually dissipated, getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely, and then he closed his eyes and passed out completely.

Zhu Mei looked at her apprentice with a complex expression on her face. The cause and effect were settled, but he was not happy at all. Now that he was seriously injured, it was this apprentice who hurt her, but she could not be blamed.


While Zhu Mei was talking with Xu Feiniang, Mrs. Miaoyi sneaked close to Xuan Zhenzi, intending to trap Bodhi on his head, but at this moment "Xuan Zhenzi" raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, a red light erupted from his body. He threw Mrs. Miaoyi into the air, and when "Xuan Zhenzi" stood up, the red light on his body had dissipated. This was an indescribable evil with two scarlet eyes.

Deng Yin has completely suppressed Xuan Zhenzi's primordial spirit, took control of his body, touched his body, Xie Mei smiled and said: "This body is not bad, with strong magic power and full of energy. I will suck the blood when I get tired of using it." Do it, use Xuan Zhenzi's child's primordial spirit to refine a new blood god incarnation."

After Deng Yin finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Mrs. Miaoyi and Zhu Mei, and said in a cat-and-mouse tone: "Now you are at the end of your rope. Why, do you still want to resist? Why don't you just have a good time and let me transform you into blood god sons?" .”

Mrs. Miaoyi tightly grasped the bodhi circle in her hand, it was the only thing that could give her a sense of security, but she also knew that today she might be in danger.

Zhu Mei's eyes were not on Deng Yin, but stared at Xu Feiniang, and asked: "Who are you? The gourd appeared in your hand, it must be closely related to the man in black robe. What are you guys?" Relationship? Why are you targeting us so much? Tell me, even if it is death, let me understand that I have no grievances with you, why are you counting me so?"

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