Immediately afterwards, there was a beast-like roar, and the Hulk appeared on the stage. It was also because of Yang Jian's butterfly effect. Today's Hulk is much stronger than the self-control ability in the original plot, and even occasionally communicates with other people. Although a bit childish temper, but still within the controllable range.

Relying on his thick skin and thick flesh, the Hulk let the energy beam hit his body, and then charged forward like a bison. His huge fists smashed down one after another, and one after another of the steel suits were smashed to pieces.

Captain America also rushed from the side at this time, a shield appeared in his hand, he jumped up, grabbed a steel suit and rode on him, and chopped off his head with the shield.

It's a pity that the space here is too narrow, and Captain America can't exert his due strength at all, or he will directly transform into a giant more than 20 meters high, and directly step down a large area to death.

Red liquid came out of Iron Man's body, which was actually a nano-robot, forming a steel suit on his surface. Although he lost the assistance of Jarvis, he was still able to exert powerful combat power with his body control, and shot out from the palm of his hand. The energy beam pierced through the steel suits.

Falcon Sam obviously appeared earlier than in the original plot. He raised his hand and pressed a button on his watch. The storage cabinet under the building was suddenly blasted from the inside, and a package flew out, and soon came to the top of the building directly. Breaking through the glass, it is automatically installed on the back of the falcon. A pair of huge wings spread out. The left wing is like a shield to protect the falcon, and the other wing transforms into a sharp knife.

The Falcon's wing-changing shield blocked the light beams from the steel suits, and then rushed straight up. The other wing-changing blade swept across, cutting the two steel suits in two.

Colonel Roddy was unlucky. At the cost of his arm injury, he managed to put on the war machine under the cover of other people. As a result, he was attacked by more than a dozen steel suits, and he was injured more and more. He could only hide in the corner Here is some remote support.

Black Widow wears wrist guards on both hands, and shoots sharp arrows. Every time it hits a steel suit, it will release a strong electric current, temporarily paralyzing the steel suit, and then someone will replace the steel suit. clothes destroyed.

Hawkeye opened his trouser legs, pulled out a piece of equipment from his boots, pressed it, and a red light beam popped out, which turned out to be a laser cutting blade. However, he did not rush to fight with those steel suits, but joined Hill together. Leah guards Nick Fury and Pepper behind her back.

Chapter 444 Ask Ivan for help

Hawkeye Barton is definitely the last one in terms of strength among the Avengers. There are too many people stronger than him, and his presence is low on weekdays. However, as an agent, he has a calmness that others do not have, even if it is Black Widow. Not as good in some ways.

When Ultron said before that he wanted to destroy human beings and only keep human genes and related information, he was thinking about a question. From Ultron's standpoint, how to destroy human beings, and what preparations should be made before destroying human beings?

Let’s not talk about how to destroy human beings, but before that, the Avengers must be dealt with first, because the Avengers will definitely prevent Ultron from destroying human beings, and these people are the biggest obstacles for Ultron right now.

Among these people, Nick Fury is the most special one. If you look at it on the surface, you can be rich and powerful. Clothes can kill, but once he is allowed to step on the sky carrier and control the mechanical god of war, then he will be an absolute killing machine.

Imagine that a [-]-meter-high steel giant exerts its power and tramples a large area to death with one step. Even the top superheroes such as Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man are far from his killing efficiency.

But now Nick Fury has no chance to drive the Mechagod at all. It can be said that he is at his weakest. Barton is very sure that Ultron will never let go of such a good opportunity to get rid of Nick Fury.

Barton observed carefully, and he found that Ultron controlled a group of steel suits to besiege you. When you first entered Iron Man, Hulk and others, there were more than a dozen steel suits that did not participate in it, but intentionally or unintentionally. Approaching Nick Fury, and looking at them, they are ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

"No, his target is Nick, everyone move closer to me." After seeing through Ultron's plan, Barton shouted without hesitation.

Most of the people present were smart people. Except for Thor, the guy with a hole in his head, and the Hulk who had already entered a berserk state, everyone else immediately guessed Ultron's plan, and at the same time shot back their opponents with all their strength, rushing Come to protect Nick Fury.

Ultron, who originally planned to lay out the layout slowly, and then unexpectedly launched a fatal blow to Nick Fury, had no choice but to temporarily change the plan. A dozen steel suits rushed towards Nick Fury at the fastest speed at the same time, try it Can you get rid of Nick Fury?

Seeing the steel armors approaching fiercely, Hill and Nick Fury raised their guns and fired at the same time. It seemed that the ordinary pistols fired armor-piercing bullets. After the bullets were empty, they just killed seven or eight steel armors. The remaining Iron Armors had already rushed forward, but Iron Man and the others were firmly blocked by the other Iron Armors, unable to break through the line of defense for a while.

As soon as Barton gritted his teeth, he grabbed the laser cutting blade and rushed out. With his extraordinary eyesight, he tried to avoid the shooting of the steel armor's energy beam as much as possible. Four or five steel armors were dismembered.

However, Barton's outstanding performance did not relieve Nick Fury from the crisis, because the remaining two Iron Armors had rushed over, and at the same time, the reactors on their chests kept flickering, which was obviously a precursor to self-destruction.

Just when Nick Fury was feeling a little desperate, Pepper, who had been protected at the back and looked like a weak girl, suddenly jumped up and rushed out with a red light on his body. The imaginary heat radiated out, and her body was pierced by two steel battle suits, but at the same time, her hands were also pressed on the reactor on the chest of the two steel battle suits, and the steel suits were melted directly, and Xiaojiali smashed the two steel suits with bare hands. The armor of steel was torn apart.

Seeing this scene, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Captain America, Thor and others were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Pepper, who looked so weak, would have such a violent side. Could it be that this is the legendary demolition of Gundam with bare hands.

In fact, we can't blame them for being shocked, because although Tony Stark helped Xiaojia perfect the Extremis virus in her body and became a super soldier, Iron Man didn't intend to let Xiaojiao participate in the battle of the Avengers. Always let Xiaojiao hide his strength.

And Little Pepper is also very obedient, he really regards himself as a little woman who can't handle the family, and doesn't show too much that he is himself, that is, this time he was pushed into a hurry, otherwise he might have to continue Keep it hidden, so low-key is the kingly way. You must learn to keep a hole card for yourself, and you can play an unimaginable role at critical times.

"Don't be in a daze, get rid of these steel suits quickly." Captain America was the first to react and shouted, and then the others remembered that they were still fighting at this time. Get rid of.

Soon there were only a dozen steel armors controlled by Ultron. Seeing this situation, Ultron’s winning rate was zero after calculation. Retreat for a while, and think of a way later.

The remaining armors changed their combat methods, chose to avoid their edge, and used guerrilla tactics to delay time. Three iron armors left the battlefield and rushed into the laboratory. One of the iron armors opened the safe very skillfully, and took out the fire energy stored in it. The metal and the other two steel battle suits quickly took out tubes of Zhenjin from the storage room and put them in a box. Wakanda was completely under Yang Jian's control, and he had as much Zhenjin as he wanted. , some of them will be sold every once in a while, but Yang Jian also knows that rare things are more expensive, so the amount sold is not large, and nearly 1/3 of them were bought by Tony Stark at a high price, and it was finally accumulated At this point, Ultron ended up taking it all in one pot.

After the three steel suits got what they wanted, they smashed through the broken glass and flew away from here, but before leaving, Ultron also left a special gift in Tony Stark's computer, which was a video, specially Used to drive apart the Avengers.

Ten minutes later, everyone finally solved the last steel battle. After Tony Stark checked his laboratory, his face was extremely ugly. The destroyed building was nothing, and the lost shock gold was enough for him to feel heartbroken. That's right, not to mention the unique spark energy, in addition to that, Jarvis, whom Tony Stark has always regarded as a relative, is now completely gone.

"Ultron escaped." Bruce sighed.

Rody looked at Tony Stark, who was a little lost, and didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only find a way to divert her attention, "There is no doubt that Ultron has entered the Internet and exists in every corner of the data world. Computers, Mobile phones, surveillance...all have his tentacles."

Black Widow also said: "Maybe we should check our computer, he may know us better than ourselves."

Nick Fury: "It means that this world has no secrets about Ultron at all..."


Everyone spoke out one after another, discussing how to deal with Ultron, but the more they discussed, the more desperate they became. There was no effective method at all.

Bruce Banner thought for a while, looked at Tony Stark and said: "Tony, contact Ivan, ask him for help, Ultron has taken away the fire energy, and there is Zhenjin, he can create a pair of The indestructible body, coupled with the transformation of the fire energy, is definitely an unsolvable existence, we must learn more about Transformers."

"No, I will never bow to that bastard Ivan!" Tony Stark almost roared, and vetoed it without thinking. He is Iron Man, has his own pride, and will never admit defeat to Ivan.

"Otherwise, how should we deal with Ultron? Every time we delay Ultron, it becomes stronger. No one knows what kind of situation it will cause in the end. Don't forget that Ultron's ultimate goal is to destroy all mankind. Don't you Do you want to risk a safe future for all of humanity? Stop being selfish."

Tony Stark was silent for a moment. He was the one who caused the disaster this time. It is his responsibility to solve the Ultron crisis, and the sooner the better, if it is really because of Ultron that the damage is irreparable, He absolutely couldn't forgive himself, but he was really unwilling to bow his head to Ivan.

Jingle Bell! ! !

Just when Tony Stark was in a dilemma, his mobile phone rang. He took out his mobile phone and found that it was actually Ivan calling. Knowing about Ultron already, he called and laughed at himself.

Tony thought for a while, and chose to answer. Now he understands the reason why the other party called, but he didn't expect that after pressing the answer button, before he could speak, Ivan Vanke's roar came from the phone.

"Tony Stark, what the hell are you bastard doing? Do you know what you are doing? Do you really want to destroy all mankind? In order to get the video, you even used this method, I I really misread you."

Tony Stark was stunned by the scolding. At the beginning, he thought that the other party already knew about Ultron, but the more he heard it, the more he didn't like it. What happened to the so-called video?

"What are you talking about? Tell me clearly." Tony Stark decided to test it out.

"At this time, you are still playing tricks. Just now, a super hacker suddenly appeared on the Internet and launched an attack on the nuclear weapon launch codes all over the world. Dabai and I worked together to find out that the location of the other party is your Stark Tower. Although I also suspect that you deliberately lured me away for other purposes, I dare not gamble with the launch code of nuclear weapons, after all, it is related to the safety of all mankind.

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