Even with the help of Dabai, it took a lot of effort to barely win and keep the code for launching the nuclear bomb, but the other party took advantage of Dabai and I being dragged into the fantasy technology database and stole a copy of the design. Tuhe recorded the video of your parents' death, who else can do this kind of thing and have this ability, except you?

Haven't you been developing super artificial intelligence?It's called Ultron, right?It seems that you have succeeded, why do you want to show me off?Don't be complacent, this time I was just caught off guard by you, and I need to be distracted to protect the nuclear bomb launch code. Countries will definitely take precautions after suffering this loss, disconnect the nuclear bomb launch code from the network, and next time I don't need to Worry about the nuke launch code, you won't be given another chance. "

Ivan's growling voice was exceptionally loud, not only Tony Stark, but also other people heard it, only to find out that Ultron actually did this kind of thing, and actually put his mind on the nuclear bomb launch code, everyone couldn't help but Breaking out in a cold sweat from fright, he secretly said it was a fluke, fortunately, Ivan and Dabai blocked him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Tony Stark was scolded bloody, and he was also angry, but he couldn't refute it, so he just said coldly, "I didn't do this thing, it was Austria who made the nuclear bomb launch code idea." create."

Ivan almost exploded when he heard this, "Are you playing word games with me? Isn't Ultron the super artificial intelligence you designed? He can't act without your order."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway..."

Tony Stark wanted to say more, but at this time a hand stretched out from behind and snatched the phone away, but it was Dr. Banner who had returned to his normal form. It was obviously not right for him to see Tony Stark like this. Ken admits defeat, if he and Ivan continue to quarrel like this, how long will the quarrel last?

"Ivan, hello, I'm Banner. The situation on our side is a bit special. Generally speaking, Tony didn't lie just now. All of this is caused by Ultron. We have just been attacked. Ultron has completely out of control..."

Banner kept the story short as much as possible, told Ivan about Ultron, and asked Nick Fury, Captain America and others to speak up to prove that what he just said was true.

Ivan on the opposite side was dumbfounded, and after a while, he said in a mocking tone: "Tony Stark, you are really good at making trouble. Do you think this is fun? You actually created a monster that wants to destroy human beings."

"Cough cough cough!!"

Dr. Banner coughed a few times, and said with some embarrassment: "I also have a lot of responsibility for this matter. I also participated in the design of Ultron's program. We didn't expect this to happen. The original purpose of our design Ultron was to I hope he can protect human beings and control countless steel suits to complete the work instead of us. I never thought that this would happen. In any case, we must prevent him from destroying human beings. According to our guess, Ultron should use shock Gold and fire energy create indestructible bodies and transform themselves into Transformers, so we need information about Transformers, please help us by any means."

Ivan was silent for a moment, and then said: "With my authority, I can indeed get the information of Transformers, but it is only a part of you. The most core information can only be authorized by our boss, and our boss didn't know what happened recently. What is it, shut yourself in the laboratory, don't know what you are studying, and specifically explain that even if the earth is destroyed, don't bother him, so the core information may not be available for the time being."

It was also a coincidence of time. I had watched Yang Jian's self-created world before, and understood some of the use of laws, so I started to retreat and practice, especially the use of magic, but this time is the time when the plot of Avengers [-] unfolds.

"No matter what, send over the information you can check first. Let's study it together and see if we can find a way to deal with it. As soon as possible, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible!" Ivan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Chapter 445 Iron Man's Regret

After Dr. Banner hung up the phone, his face relaxed a little. Ivanken helped to get more information about Transformers, and maybe he could find a way to deal with Ultron.

Drop drop! ! !

The only remaining head of a shattered steel armor suddenly lit up, and everyone was taken aback, thinking it was about to explode, but Ultron's voice sounded again.

"You guys won this time, but it's just the beginning, we will meet again, by the way, Stark, I forgot to tell you, I left you a small gift, which is stored in your computer, aren't you Always wanted to know the truth about your parents' death? Go there and see for yourself."

Tony Stark froze for a moment when he heard the words, then straightened up immediately, planning to restart the computer.

Bruce Banner hurriedly dissuaded him: "Be careful, Tony, this may be Ultron's trap, in case..."

Tony Stark shook his head and said: "Don't worry, now that the computer is disconnected from the network, even Ultron can't control it. It's not so easy to calculate me."

Stark turned on the computer impatiently. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and even the truth of his parents' death was about to become his obsession. Today, he finally got his wish, and he didn't want to delay for a moment.

Soon a video appeared on the computer, and other people gathered together, and soon a quiet road under the night appeared.

"I know this road!" Tony Stark's eyes were red, because he had been to the place in the picture more than once, which was the place where his parents had a car accident, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

Soon there was a car in the video, which was chased by a man with a metal arm on a motorcycle and punched, and the car crashed into the side of the road.

"Bucky!" Captain America exclaimed, feeling uneasy in his heart.

The video continued, and the Howards kept calling for help in the screen, and then the man with the metal arm, Bucky the Winter Soldier, came to open the car door and dragged Howard out of it.

And at this time, Howard Stark also recognized Bucky, calling Bucky's name in his mouth, but unfortunately his face was expressionless, there was only the cold Bucky in Asia, he didn't care at all, it was very cruel, punching and punching Howard was beaten to death, then went around to the other side, grabbed Howard's wife by the neck, strangled her to death, and then took five packs of super soldier serum and left, and the video ended here.

After watching the video, Stark didn't understand what was going on, his parents were killed by Hydra for the super serum, and it was Bucky the Winter Soldier who did it.

Stark only felt that there was a fire burning in his chest, which was getting hotter and hotter, almost driving him crazy and breaking him down. He wished he could find Bucky now and kill him to avenge his parents.

Captain America was a little embarrassed, but thinking of Bucky's past relationship with him, he couldn't help but excuse him: "Tony, calm down, don't let hatred control you, Bucky is also a victim, he is controlled."

Originally, Stark was already furious, but it was fine if Captain America didn't persuade him, but this persuasion was like adding fuel to the fire, making Stark even more angry.

"He killed my father and my mother, can he erase his sins just by saying that he is controlled? Calm down, how do you make me calm down? It's not your parents who died, of course you can say that Take it easy, what would you do if you were in my shoes?"

Captain America was at a loss for words. There are some things that you have not personally experienced, and you will never be able to understand the mood of the person involved. He is not qualified to make decisions for Stark, and others can't say anything, even if they know Bucky is being killed A sin where the unconscious works under human control, but a murderer is a murderer.

At this time, Nick Fury can't do anything else, and there are more important things to do now, "Trust me, I know you are very angry, but the key at this time is not your personal grievances, but to find a way to solve Ultron. That is the key point, which is related to the safety of human beings in the entire world.

You are all smart people, I think I also understand the purpose of Ultron, I want to use this video to trigger the civil war of the Avengers, so that we have no time to deal with him, we must not fall into the trap, so the future will be discussed in the future, the main point It's the immediate crisis. "

Although Stark was so angry that he almost collapsed, he still had a sense of reason. He suppressed his anger forcibly, looked at Captain America and said, "I won't let him go. My parents can't die in vain. In the future, if you To protect him, you must be prepared to become my enemy."

"Tor..." Looking at Tony Stark who turned and left, Captain America put down his hands helplessly, his face full of frustration.

Hawkeye patted Captain America on the shoulder and comforted him: "Captain, don't try to persuade me anymore, some things don't make sense, but there is still some time, maybe there will be a turning point in the future."

Although Captain America still misses his good friend Bucky in his heart, he also understands that the Ultron crisis is the top priority.

Everyone worked together. The building that was damaged due to the battle was simply cleaned up. Stark and Dr. Banner worked together to re-adjust the computer equipment and disconnect the external network to prevent it from being invaded by Ultron.

An hour later, Ivan Vanke and Skye came to Stark Tower. Ivan held a data bag in his hand, and Skye held a kitten in his arms. If everyone present knew the inside story, who would? Imagine how this little kitten can transform into a behemoth!

After Ivan arrived at the scene, he gave Stark a hard look. If it was normal, Stark would definitely wait to go back and pay back, but this time Stark also knew that he had caused a catastrophe, and because of the truth about the death of his parents , I was not in the mood to fight with Ivan at all, so I pretended not to see it.

"Dabai needs to guard against Ultron's possible counterattack at any time, so he has to stay in fantasy technology to protect the nuclear bomb launch code. By the way, when Dabai and I blocked Ultron in the network, we got help from a little guy. Now I brought him."

As Ivan spoke, he took out a tablet computer and connected it to the network of Stark Tower, a golden spherical stereoscopic projection appeared, and at the same time a familiar voice came.

"Mr. Stark, it's a pleasure to see you again, Jarvis is at your service."

Tony Stark's eyes widened immediately, his face was full of surprise, "Jarvis, what is the matter that you are still alive?"

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