Boom! !

Female Thunder God Jane just knocked over a robot with a hammer, but two robots rushed to her, one left and one right, and blew themselves up directly in front of her.

Jane was blown out without preparedness for a while, and the Thor's Hammer in her hand didn't know where it fell. At the same time, another robot was chasing after him, the light on his body was flickering, obviously planning to self-destruct a second time, killing the girl. Thor solves it.


Sol saw that his girlfriend was in danger, and he didn't care to continue to support Captain America. He immediately chased after him, swung the storm ax in his hand, and spun the robot in two at high speed. There was a flaw in its own defense, and three robots surrounded and attacked in an instant, shooting six energy beams.

what! ! !

Thor saw that the chests of the three robots were also flickering, and knew that they also wanted to play a self-destructing game. With a roar, thunder power burst out from his body, and the lightning flashed and thundered, forming a layer of Thor armor on the body surface, and the energy beam The attack was hit outside, and then the five fingers spread out and shot out beams of thunder, piercing through the three robots in an instant.

Saul rushed to Jane, hugged her in his arms, and asked worriedly: "Honey, are you okay?"

It has to be said that even Thor, a rough man, has changed now, and he can say such gentle words.

Although she was hurt a little, seeing Sol caring so much for her, Jane was filled with happiness, "I'm fine, I'm worrying you, it's nice to have you by my side."

"I will always be with you……"

"Okay, what time is it, I'm still there, hurry up and help me." Hearing the voice from the communicator, everyone was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the two Thors, especially Tony Stark, Besieged by more than a dozen robots, he was in a hurry and almost went crazy.

It was only then that Sol and Jane remembered that they were still on the battlefield at this time, and one of them came back to their senses, turned around and joined the battle.

Jane suffered a big loss just now, so of course she wanted to save face, she reached out to recall Thor's Hammer, and rushed out with a roar, regardless of her injuries, jingling.After smashing randomly, several robots were smashed to pieces before he let out a bad breath.

"Don't charge too hard, be careful of injury!" Thor has been guarding Jane's side, fearing that she will be in danger again soon, and the two teamed up to attack the robot's defense line and kill Captain America.

Ivan, War Machine, and Falcon were surrounded by hundreds of robots, and they were blocked back after several attacks. It's disgusting for a robot to blow itself up at every turn.

Hawkeye, Black Widow, Skye and Meow, who are flying a Quinjet fighter in the sky, are in a bit of an embarrassing situation at this time. The reason why they can't support Captain America is really unreasonable, because they can't land.

Ultron is well aware of the strength of Skye and Miaomiao, as long as they are allowed to land on the ground, it would be a bit reluctant to block other members of the Avengers. A good way is to let them float in the sky, unable to participate in the battle on the ground.

For this reason, Ao Chuangao sent [-] or [-] robots, and they did not directly conflict with the Kun-style fighters. They just let a few robots stick to the bottom of the fighters and pushed the fighters to rise continuously. If the robots were destroyed, there would be other robots soon. Although the method is simple, it is very effective.

At this time, the situation of Captain America and the Hulk on the ground is in jeopardy, because Ultron discovered another weakness of Captain America, that is Dr. Helen Zhao in his hand.

At this time, Dr. Helen Zhao has become Captain America's burden. Captain America is holding Dr. Helen Zhao with his left hand, and he dare not injure his left hand at all, because after the injury, the steam ejected from the wound during the repair process contains strong heat, absolutely He was able to steam Dr. Helen Zhao, and he didn't dare to put Dr. Helen Zhao down, otherwise, if Ultron took him as a hostage and threatened to hand over the cradle of regeneration, it would be even more difficult for Captain America.

Because Captain America needs to be distracted from time to time to protect Dr. Zhao Helen, he can't concentrate on fighting against the robot at all, and can only be forced to retreat again and again.

Chapter 451: Ultron's Escape

The Hulk was originally a violent person. According to his previous temperament, he rushed out and smashed the robot, but he was dissuaded by Captain America several times, and finally stayed where he was to protect the cradle of regeneration.

If the former Hulk was just a giant baby who didn't understand anything, after the initial fusion with Dr. Banner's personality, he has become a slightly more sensible child, barely able to listen to persuasion.

In addition, Ultron also had some scruples. When attacking the Hulk, he didn't dare to do his best, for fear of damaging the regeneration cradle next to him. Now Ultron has almost used up the vibrating gold material in his hand, and the only bit of fire energy has also been destroyed. Stored inside the regeneration cradle, Ultron originally planned to activate and transform immediately after transferring his center there, but now even if he wants to take it back, he can't do it.

Everyone was trying their best to deal with their opponents, and no one noticed that at some point, an extraordinarily tall Ultron robot flew over from a distance, and under the cover of other robots, approached the Hulk secretly.

In order to protect the cradle of regeneration, the Hulk did not dare to stay away. Other robots also saw this, hanging from a distance, and using energy beams to attack. The Hulk could only grab some gravel or robot fragments from the ground and throw them out. Attack, with a depressed look on his face.

At this time, the tall robot seized an opportunity, stretched out its left arm and clenched its fist vigorously, and lifted it upwards in the void.Lift it up suddenly.

An invisible pulling force emanated from the robotic fist, and the ground under the Hulk's feet seemed to be pulled up by something. The Hulk's tall body was directly pushed into the air, the body lost its balance, and its limbs danced wildly.

The other arm of the tall robot was raised, and five energy beams shot out from the fingertips, hitting the Hulk who had nowhere to rely on in the air.


The Hulk screamed, his body drew a beautiful parabola, and he didn't know where he flew.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, two robots rushed forward, lifted the regeneration cradle one from the left and the other from the right, and flew into the sky.

"No, Ultron's center is there, he wants to snatch the cradle of regeneration, stop him quickly." Stark looked at the robot and screamed.

At this time, everyone realized that the robot was different, because Jarvis was smashed by Ultron before, and he was very familiar with him. He immediately noticed the center of Ultron and told Stark about it.

"Look at the hammer!"

Hearing Stark's shout, Jane knew that the central Ultron was the key, and immediately threw Thor's hammer in his hand.

But soon a shocking scene happened. When Ultron raised his hand, he actually blocked Thor's Hammer. No matter how hard Jane tried, he couldn't move forward.

This shocked everyone. Everyone present knew how powerful Thor's Hammer was. They exhausted all their strength. Even the Hulk couldn't move Thor's Hammer. Why was Ultron able to block Thor's Hammer? .

"Look at the axe!"

Although Thor was also shocked in his heart, the movement in his hand was not slow at all. He threw out the storm battle ax in his hand, and slashed towards him while spinning.

Now Ao Chuang didn't dare to pick it up with his hands, otherwise he would definitely be split in two. Even if his body was made of vibrating gold, he couldn't stand the Storm Axe!Hastily throwing Thor's Hammer away, the thrusters under his feet were activated, and he rushed into the sky to avoid Thor's Storm Tomahawk.

But in such a short period of time, the Regeneration Cradle has been carried by two robots and flew hundreds of meters away. It seemed that it was about to be taken away. Everyone desperately wanted to rush forward, but they were stopped by the Ultron robot.

Just when everyone was in a hurry, a silver brilliance rushed towards them in the distance, and after stopping, two figures appeared, a man and a woman, a beautiful woman was carried by a handsome guy, and there was only Kuaiyin and scarlet witch.

The Scarlet Witch jumped off Quicksilver's back, looked at the regeneration cradle in the air, raised her hands, two balls of red energy emerged in the palms, grabbed the void, and the regeneration cradle was immediately covered with red energy, dragging the regeneration cradle towards Whereabouts Gan.

boom! !

The two robots turned their propellers to the maximum, trying to withstand the tearing force below, but this angered the Scarlet Witch. With a firm grip with both hands, the two robots were immediately crushed, and the regeneration cradle was supported by red energy. With that, he landed next to Captain America.

Ultron swooped down and slammed into Captain America fiercely from the sky, ready to take back the cradle of regeneration, but just halfway through the flight, he was wrapped in a cloud of red mist, and his body seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out.

The Scarlet Witch clasped her hands, trying to maintain the red energy. Every time Ultron struggled, she felt uncomfortable.

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