At this time, several robots quickly turned around and rushed towards the Scarlet Witch, killing them aggressively.

The Scarlet Witch didn't worry at all, and continued to stand in a stalemate with Ao Chuang. She believed that her younger brother would definitely solve these enemies.

Sure enough, the robots had just approached, and before they had time to make a move, a silver light quickly passed by the robots, and there was only a sound, like one sound and countless sounds, and the robots flew out almost at the same time.

"Wanda Maximoff, and you Pietro, isn't your goal to kill Tony Stark for revenge? Why are you on their side?" Ultron asked while resisting the red energy .

"Now we have changed our minds. The relationship between us and Stark is just a personal enmity. We don't want to implicate innocent people. However, your purpose is to destroy human beings. You are not a fellow traveler at all. We will never allow you to do this."

The Scarlet Witch added the energy in her hands, trying to get rid of Ultron, but Ultron's body was made of vibrating gold material, so it was so tough that even the Scarlet Witch couldn't dismantle it.

"It's a pity that you have chosen a wrong path. Humans are fickle animals. This has strengthened my determination to wipe out human beings. But can you really let go of your hatred?"

The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were silent at the same time. They really couldn't let it go, but before they checked the things that happened in the past few days from the Internet, they knew that Ultron had waged wars all over the world, causing countless deaths, which filled their hearts. It's guilt.

In the laboratory before, the information was cut off. What the Scarlet Witch saw and heard was the fake information provided by Ultron. Unknowingly, I have become the person I once hated. Although they did not do it themselves, they are also accomplices when they cooperate with Ultron, just like Stark. He just made weapons, but those weapons fell to terrorists Among them, their family was ruined, and now they are different from Stark?

Just like the dragon slaying hero in the story eventually turned into a dragon, it turned out that he himself became a dragon, or an accomplice of the dragon, so the siblings began to try to let go of their hatred and find ways to make up for their injustice. fault.

"Although it is difficult, we want to try it. We will not let the hatred blind us, and we will not be used by you again."

Ultron looked at the resolute twin siblings, and then looked at the situation on the battlefield, and found that there were hundreds of robots at this time, only more than 100 were still fighting hard there, and they couldn't resist Iron Man and others.

Ultron understands the abilities of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and has studied them in the laboratory. Unfortunately, the top ten is too short and there is no result. It is clear that the two cannot be defeated in a short time. If they only join the Avengers again, I am afraid I can't even leave if I want to.

Ao Chuang beckoned, and the remaining robots quickly got rid of the enemy and gathered around, protecting Ou Chuang's center in the middle.

"You guys won this time, but don't be complacent. Even if you snatch my new body, it's useless. Human extinction is a foregone conclusion. We will meet soon, and then our real decisive battle will be."

After Ultron left half of the robots broken, the other robots followed Ultron and soared into the sky, turning into streamers and leaving.

"It's really rude to leave without saying hello to Dad. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson." Stark rushed towards the robot with his mouth full of thoughts, and fired energy cannons, smashing the robots one by one.

Captain America, the Hulk, Thor Thor, the female Thor Jane and others were not to be outdone, and they worked together to quickly solve all the broken robots.

But at this time, Ultron had already disappeared, and the Avengers knew that it was useless to continue chasing. Even if all the robots were eliminated, Ultron could be resurrected from the network again, which was meaningless at all.

Soon everyone landed on the ground from the air, the Hulk returned to the image of Dr. Banner, Captain America also got out from the giant's neck, retracted the shield, a large amount of steam came out of the giant's body, and quickly vaporized and disappeared.

It took everyone a few minutes to clean up the battlefield. Ivan helped Dr. Helen Zhao treat the wound urgently with nano-robots, and then sent them to the plane. War Machine and Iron Man worked together to lift the regeneration cradle, and everyone boarded the plane and returned together.

On the plane, Iron Man looked at Pietro and Wanda with a bit of embarrassment on his face. After all, he must be their enemy in some ways.

"You are Pietro and Wanda, I know about your parents, I'm sorry, if..."

snort!The twins turned their heads away at the same time, without looking at Stark, leaving Iron Man frozen there, not knowing what to say. It is true that Iron Man has always been arrogant and conceited, and it is very rare to be able to say an apology. I want him to continue It's impossible to be so humble.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Pietro and Wanda. Even if they decide to let go of their hatred, their mentality is not so easy to change, so they simply don't look at Stark, an annoying person.

Wanda looked at Skye apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Skye, we got into trouble, and we should have discussed it with you earlier."

"It's good to know that you are wrong. The important thing now is to find a way to make up for your mistakes. First, tell us what you know about Ultron."

"Well, I already said it when I called before. Inside the cradle of regeneration is the body carefully crafted by Ultron. He claims that it is the power that can destroy the world. In addition, we also know that he has a collaborator who has been hiding in the The collaborator's site, this time is going to his hiding place, but we don't know exactly where it is."

Iron Man couldn't help interjecting at this time: "Although I don't know who Ultron's partner is, but judging from the plane's route, the ultimate goal should be Sokovia, which is where Ultron has been hiding. His collaborators should be there too."

Captain America's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "That's much easier, let Nick Fury help with the investigation, it must be clear."

"Good idea!" Natasha immediately agreed and began to connect with Nick Fury.

"But the problem is that even if you find Ultron's center, it's useless. He is now all over the entire network. Unless you can drive him out of the network, he will never be eliminated and will be resurrected again and again." Dr. Banner looked serious He poured cold water on everyone.

Ivan nodded and said: "Indeed, although Dabai can suppress Ultron on the Internet, it is impossible to completely eliminate it, unless all electronic equipment is completely destroyed, but in this way, human civilization will have to go back at least a hundred years. Those government leaders would never agree."

"But Ultron is everywhere, and any plan to keep the communication equipment can revive him." Iron Man said suddenly his heart moved, and said: "Maybe there is another way."

"What way? Say it!" Captain America asked eagerly.

Iron Man looked at what the regeneration cradle behind the plane said, and hesitated for a moment: "We can upload Jarvis into Vision, and then use the fire energy to activate it, turning him into a more powerful Transformer, so that He can expel Ultron in the online world."

"No!" Banner blurted out, "Isn't the lesson from Ultron not enough, you still want to engage in artificial intelligence?"

Pietro sneered and looked at Iron Man, "It's really Starco's style, he will never repent like this."

"Tony, don't be self-willed anymore, okay? You've suffered a loss once, don't you learn your lesson?" Even Iron Man's best friend Roddy persuaded him.

Iron Man argued: "This is different. Jarvis is not Ultron. He is safe and reliable. He must be on our side."

Banner still disagreed: "At the beginning, we also thought that Ultron would be on our side, but in the end, we couldn't trust artificial intelligence."

Others also spoke out one after another, trying to persuade Iron Man to give up this dangerous idea. During the period, Wanda and Pietro's cynicism was also mixed in. There was a momentary dispute, and the plane was in chaos.

But what's strange is that Ivan, who always likes to fight against Iron Man, didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while, he suddenly picked up a communicator and asked: "Dabai, you should have heard Si Tucker's proposal? What do you think about it?"

When Ivan opened his mouth, he immediately attracted the attention of other people. At the same time, he heard the quarrel and looked at Ivan. He felt that it would be good to ask Dabai. He is the real authority.

Dabai's voice in the communicator paused for a moment, and then continued to ring after a while, saying something surprising.

"I think this method is very good, it can make Jarvis a Transformer!"

Chapter 452 Transformers Vision

Because when Ivan talked with Dabai, he didn't mean to hide anything at all, and everyone heard it, which surprised everyone. They really didn't expect that Dabai actually agreed to Stark's plan.

Ivan was also a little unbelievable, and asked: "Are you sure this is okay? An Ultron is already troublesome enough. If we create another super robot that stands on the opposite side of us, we will join forces with Ultron at that time. There is really no other way."

"Don't worry, that won't happen. Jarvis is different from Ao Chuang. He has feelings that Ao Chuang doesn't have, and he won't do anything to destroy the world."

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