It should be said that the one with the most complicated mood among the crowd should be Iron Man. After he knew what happened to the twin brothers and sisters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, he always felt very guilty in the play. He wanted to make up for something, but before he had time, no one up.

Scarlet Witch slowly put down the bloody corpse, turned her head to look at Ultron, her eyes were full of hatred.

At this time, Ultron's body was squirming again, and hundreds of reactors were ready to go, and this time the number reached an astonishing one thousand, almost all of Ultron's inventory.

The Avengers are about to cry, are they really going to die here today?No one expected that the Scarlet Witch suddenly erupted at this time, her eyes turned red, exuding strong energy fluctuations, she grabbed forward with both hands, and the red energy dozens of times stronger than before swarmed out, and at the same time, a big Drink, "Go to hell with me!"

The red energy was overwhelming, covering the Ultron in an instant. Those reactors that had just emerged and had not had time to launch were forcibly pressed back by the red energy. After being squeezed, they exploded, and the Austrian bed was suddenly It was blown to pieces, with big holes all over his body, not to mention how embarrassing he was.

Even so, the Scarlet Witch still refused to let Ultron go, the red energy kept shrinking, squeezing Otto's body, intending to squeeze it into pieces.

"Don't even think about it! I must be the one who wins in the end, and you will definitely die." Ultron opened his hands and pushed outward with all his strength, forcing the red energy to burst.

But at this moment, the earth giant under Yang Jian's control arrived and punched him three times in a row on his chest. After taking two steps back, Ao Chuang finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Even so, Ultron still refused to admit defeat, struggling to stand up, and used forty or fifty reactors to condense into a super bomb, ready to use it to deal with the earth giants, "Accept fate, I am your doom."

"It should be me who said this, pay for my brother's life!"

The Scarlet Witch's magic was broken, and she suffered some backlash, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, but she didn't care at all. She closed her hands together, and she forcibly pushed back the super bomb, which blasted a big hole in his chest with a bang.

Even Ultron was severely damaged after experiencing this series of heavy blows, and lost more than a thousand reactors successively. The energy has been reduced to the limit, and the movement has obviously slowed down, which is obviously a manifestation of insufficient energy.

Seeing that Ultron still wanted to resist, Yang Jian controlled the earth giant and suddenly hit the ground, shouting: "Hand of Rock!"

There was a rumbling sound from the ground, and big black hands emerged from the ground around Ultron, each of which was tens of meters high, firmly grasping Ultron's limbs and fixing them to the ground.


Following Ultron's roar, his neck twisted to control the only head that could move, and energy rays shot out from his eyes.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Following a series of roars, the big rock hands that fixed Ultron's two arms were shattered, and he was about to sit up while supporting his body.

"Don't even think about it! Lie down for me!" The Scarlet Witch pressed down with both hands, and the red energy instantly blessed Ultron's body. Ultron's hands supporting the ground sank more than ten meters underground, but he insisted on not falling down. It was the Scarlet Witch because Excessive force, blood flowed from the mouth and nose.

"Let's come together!" Thor, the god of thunder, rushed to the battle ax in his hand first.Cut a huge hole in Ultron's arm.

"Roar! Hulk is the strongest." The Hulk tried his best to put his weight on the other arm, causing Ultron's arm to bend significantly.

Immediately after Skye's Shaking Fist, Jane's Thor's Hammer, Ivan's Electric Whip, Meow's Energy Cannon, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye...

Under repeated blows, Ultron finally couldn't hold on, and lay back down again with a bang.With the doctor running back again.

"Good job, Hand of Rock!" More big hands of rock emerged from the ground and fixed their hands again, and this time even Ultron's head was fixed, and two of them covered his eyes.

Ao Chuang struggled vigorously, and the energy rays shot out from his eyes, piercing through the big hand of the rock, but unfortunately it was useless, even if there were two holes in the big hand of tens of meters, it didn't matter.

Ultron also tried to use a small reactor to blow up these rock arms, but every time it was released, it was covered and pressed back by the Scarlet Witch with chaos magic. Not only failed to blow up those big rock hands, but injured itself up.Give,

The rest of the Avengers also came to join in the fun, and when Ultron was unable to move, they jumped on him and crazily destroyed him, especially the Hulk, who shamelessly got into Ultron's body to demolish it. Jane smashed down with a Storm Ax and a Thor's Hammer, and cooperated with the Hulk to drive well and fast. It looked like she was going to tear Ultron to pieces.


Ao Chuang finally found that going on like this is not an option. If there is no change, there will be only one dead end in the end, and the last resort can only be used. The huge body disbands instantly and turns into more than 100 robots and five super mechs.

The Avengers Alliance immediately stepped forward to encircle and suppress them. After a series of roars, the robots tried their best to avoid the Avengers' attacks and flew into the sky. Although they were destroyed a lot, they were not completely wiped out. The five super mechs didn't have such good luck. They didn't have the ability to fly. The first one was grabbed by big hands, unable to escape for a while, and was trapped there.


At this moment, there was a violent vibration from the opposite side, and the waves were surging. Everyone looked up and found that they finally landed safely, but the city was no longer in the original place, but was falling into the sea. Fortunately, it was only the coastal area, and the city was not destroyed. The submersion formed an island instead, but I don't know how the island belongs, because it has left the scope of the Sokovia country. I am afraid that there will be another war of words at that time. Of course, these are all things to come. .

Ghidorah finally breathed a sigh of relief, stopped the gravitational light, and lay powerlessly on the ground, really exhausting it.

Just now all the civilians and Hydra fighters were gathered inside the space carrier, and Nick Fury, who was planning to transfer, was speechless. What kind of situation is this? He worked hard and managed to gather people together, but the crisis has been resolved. , After such a long time, haven't I been doing it for nothing?

Chapter 466 Resurrection

"Hahaha! Ultron, are you finished this time? Are you out of action? Your meteorite has landed, what else can you do now..." Seeing that the meteorite fell safely, Iron Man finally relieved his serious worry, and laughed loudly. His poisonous tongue began to flare up again, and he sneered at Ao Chuang.

Captain America and the others were originally happy, but for some reason, when they heard Iron Man's sarcasm, they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts, because every time someone on their side said something like this, Oo Chuang will always have unexpected moves, triggering new crises.

I must have thought too much, it's already like this, how could Ultron come back?A group of Avengers kept comforting themselves in their hearts.

It's a pity that things in this world are so strange, the more you don't want things to happen, the more likely they will happen, Ultron's cold voice sounded again, "You guys are too happy, I admit that my plan failed, but even so I It won’t make you feel better either, you can die with me!”

As Ao Chuang's voice fell, the reaction furnace trapped on the chest of the super mecha on the stage suddenly flickered violently, and at the same time the robots in the sky swooped down, not to kill them, but to stop them.

Anyone with a little bit of knowledge would know that the super mech reactor started to overload and was about to self-destruct.

All the superheroes were dumbfounded. Those small reactors were nothing, they exploded like a missile, but five large reactors erupted at the same time. Although most of the energy was consumed, it was equivalent to a missile. A large-yield tactical nuclear bomb, emitting high heat, enveloped tens of miles in a radius. The Avengers present and the people inside the Helicarrier who had just finished loading and hadn't left had to die here.

Now the mecha is five super big, and because it is too big, it can't move at all, and even because of the interception of the robot, it can't get close at all. I can only watch helplessly as the reactor on the chest of the mecha is getting brighter and brighter. There will be a few seconds at most The bell will explode completely.

"Ghidorah, come and help!"

At the critical moment, Yang Jian had to come forward to turn the tide. Regardless of the bewildered Avengers, they stretched out their right hands and slid counterclockwise, slowly opening a large space door with a diameter of sixty to seventy meters.


Ghidorah, who had just recovered a bit of strength, stood up struggling and walked to the side of the mecha with big strides. The three heads bit one of the mechas, and the two tails also entangled with one of the mechas. Needless to say, he just threw it into the space door, and Yang Jian immediately closed it.

Everyone was about to ask where Yang Jian sent the mech to, but Yang Jian looked up at the sky, and a violent explosion came from outside the atmosphere.


Intense light exploded in the sky in an instant, pushing away all the surrounding clouds and mist, like a grand fireworks, beautiful and beautiful, but under the beautiful scenery, there is a frightening death storm.

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