Now Yang Jian doesn't need to explain where the five super mechs have been teleported to. The explosion in the sky has already explained everything. Looking at the "fireworks" spreading from the sky, everyone is in a cold sweat. The ground exploded, and at most it was the Hulk. A few of Yang Jian's people could survive, and the rest had to be reduced to ashes.some type of,

Seeing that his last hole card also failed, Ultron finally gave up completely. He knew very well that his plan to exterminate mankind was hopeless. The remaining dozen or so mechas turned around and fled, although he knew that the hope of escaping was almost zero. , but still want to try.

Where would the superhero let Ultron leave, and immediately started chasing and killing Ultron. He had locked on to Vision and knew his position like the back of his hand. Not long after, the last mech was finally killed, and the war was completely over. .

"We won!" Although Captain America was tired, he couldn't hide the joy on his face and shouted loudly.

"Yes, we protected the world." Black Widow echoed.

"It's finally resolved, Ultron! Go all the way!" Iron Man has complicated feelings for Ultron, and it can even be said that he is the child he created, so although he won, he is not in a good mood.

"After winning the battle, I think we should go have a drink, Tony don't think about these unhappy things."

"Yes, I agree!"

"Never get drunk!"


Everyone is cheering, the Avengers, the civilians in the space carrier, even the Hydra fighters who were enemies before, and the governments of various countries who are paying attention to the battle here. After all, this is a battle that concerns the life and death of all mankind. war.

Of course, among the crowd of cheering people, there was one who seemed out of place, and that was the Scarlet Witch. After finishing Ultron, he came to his brother's body and held him in his arms, his eyes were dull.

At this time, the rest of the Avengers also noticed the strangeness of the Wandering Scarlet Witch. They gathered around and stood around the Scarlet Witch, not knowing what to say.

"Wanda, don't be sad, you still have us..."

Skye, who is also a woman, and in some ways is a different person, has a close relationship, feels that she should comfort her at this time, but obviously, the effect is not very good, and the Scarlet Witch's eyes are still dull.

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly reached out to stop Skye's words, "Forget it, some things didn't happen to me first, and I can't understand it without experiencing it myself."

"But..." Skye wanted to say that she had also experienced despair and being used by her mother, but then she thought that her situation seemed different. Although her mother's deeds made her sad, it was not life and death, so there was no way to compare.

Yang Jian thought for a while, looked up at Meow Miao, who had turned back into a kitten, and was lying on Skye's shoulder, and said, "Miao Miao, try it and see if your ability can bring him back to life."

"Come back to life? Jane, are you right? Pietro is already dead, can people be brought back to life?" Skye thought he heard it wrong and wanted to confirm.

Captain America, Iron Man and others were also attracted by Yang Jian's words, they were full of inconceivability, and they didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead at all. Although they had heard similar legends, they only thought it was a story.

Compared to other people's disbelief, the Scarlet Witch's eyes were full of hope, and she was full of anticipation. She also went to the doctor for a sudden illness. As long as she had a glimmer of hope to save her brother, she would give it a try.

What's more, Yang Jian has a special place in her heart. When she and Kuaiyin were most desperate, it was Yang Jian who gave them light again, and also endowed them with superpowers. In Scarlet Witch's heart, Yang Jian is like a god. Existence, resurrecting the dead does not seem to be unacceptable.

"Boss, can you really save my brother? Please help me, I am willing to give everything."

Yang Jian bowed his hand and asked the Scarlet Witch to calm down first, "Don't get excited, I'm not sure if I can succeed, the key is meow."

"Meow meow!?"

Everyone turned to look at Miaomiao in amazement. Although they had seen how powerful Miaomiao was, they didn't know that she had the ability to resurrect the dead.

"That's right, it's Miaomiao. Miaomiao has an extraordinary origin. It has the blood of the Egyptian cat god. In Egyptian mythology, cats are the guardians of the underworld, so Miaomiao can call back the souls of the dead, but this requires consumption. There is a magical power in his body, after using it, his vitality will be seriously injured, and it can only be used once."

Of course, Yang Jian's words were to fool them. The real reason is that Yang Jian extracted a ray of power from the Egyptian cat that empowered catwoman in the DC world when he studied it. After years of nurturing, he finally reached the level of resurrecting the dead , but after it is used up, it will take at least ten years for this energy to regenerate to the strength of resurrecting the dead.

"Miaomiao, please save me Pietro, no matter what the price is, I am willing to pay, even my life..." Scarlet Witch looked at Miaomiao pleadingly.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. Whether it succeeds or not depends on his good fortune. As for the price, you don't need to pay. If Pietro can really be resurrected, let him be my shit-shoveling officer." Even if Scarlet Witch doesn't say Miaomiao will also save people. After all, Yang Jian has already ordered it, and Miaomiao will never refuse. After all, everything it has is bestowed by Yang Jian.

Meow Meow asked the Scarlet Witch to lay Pietro's body flat, jumped off Skye's shoulders, walked to Pietro's body with graceful steps, stood on his chest for a closer look, and then took a deep breath. Beating rhythmically.


The hairs all over Meow Miao's body suddenly stood on end, and immediately exploded, letting out a scream.

Usually, the meowing of a cat gives people a cute feeling, but this time the meowing is not only not cute, but also very sharp and piercing, and the people around them feel cold all over.

The weather seemed to be gloomy, Meow opened its mouth, and a wisp of black mist spewed out from Pietro's nose and mouth.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Pietro's body began to change. The bloody and tattered body healed quickly, and it returned to its original appearance in a blink of an eye. If it weren't for the blood stains on the broken clothes, everyone thought Everything before was an illusion.

Pietro, who had long since lost his vitality, began to heave his chest, gradually began to breathe, and his face became rosy, really alive.

After doing all this, Miaomiao was a little sluggish, and walked down from Kuaiyin's chest, "It's finally lucky, but it's the first time I use this ability, there may be some sequelae after resurrection, you should pay attention to it .”

"It's really alive! It's not scientific!" Iron Man couldn't believe it. As a scientist in Jiading, he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

"What science are you talking about? There are already too many unscientific things that happened today. I don't care about one more thing!" Ivan dislikes Iron Man the most. Now that the crisis is over, he relaxes and can't help but say something .

"There are so many unscientific things. I believe that no matter what happens, a scientific explanation can be found. Maybe this is also a scientific expression? One day in the future, we can use science and technology to achieve the purpose of resurrection. Pietro's The situation is of great research value." Of course, Iron Man would not have a good impression of Ivan, so he immediately turned back.

"Really? Then how many years will it take for your technology to resurrect the dead? 100 years later? But I also heard what my boss said just now. The reason why Meow can resurrect Pietro is because he has the blood of the Egyptian cat god. And the Egyptian myths and legends are all thousands of years ago, that is to say, ancient Egypt had the ability to resurrect the dead thousands of years ago, don’t you think the science in your mouth is a bit too bad?”

"What is science? It sucks. You are also a scientist. Don't insult the word science."

"I didn't mean to insult science, you said it yourself."

"that is because……"

The quarrel between Ivan and Iron Man became more and more intense. Captain America couldn't stand it anymore, and interrupted directly: "Shut up, let's see how Pietro is doing. Since he has been resurrected, why hasn't he woke up yet?"

The Scarlet Witch squatted down and pushed Kuaiyin with her trembling hands, fearing that the resurrection of her interests was just an illusion.

"Pietro wake up, wake up!"

Pietro, who was in a coma, was stimulated and his consciousness gradually became clear, but his consciousness finally stayed at the moment when he was blown away. The body instinctively opened his eyes, and then his whole body bounced up, quickly retreated, and his body jumped up. Several meters high.

Then everyone saw a surprising scene.It was only after Pietro jumped up that he realized something was wrong. When he fell, his body twisted flexibly in the air, and he landed on a stone on all fours. That image was like a big cat.

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