After seeing the situation at noon in front of him clearly, Kuaiyin put down his guard, stood up, and said with some confusion: "Wanda, what's going on? I remember that I should have been killed by the bomb."

Kuaiyin's performance just now made everyone feel weird. Just now, it is not something ordinary people can do to reach a height of several meters. Is Kuaiyin's physical fitness so strong?

"Woooooo... Pietro, that's great, you're alive, you're alive!" The Scarlet Witch hugged her brother and cried loudly.

"Sister, meow! Tell me what's going on, meow! Damn it, what's wrong with me? Meow!" Pietro was a little at a loss, and at the same time found that he was always meowing. When did he have such a mouth habit? , I can't change it.

It took a while for the Scarlet Witch to stabilize her emotions, let go of Pietro, and slowly told the story.

"In other words, I really died once, meow! Meow Miao just brought me back to life, meow! This strange oral habit of mine is the sequelae after resurrection? Meow! Can you change it?" Pietro turned his head and asked Meow Meow asked.

At this time, Meow Meow has returned to Skye, and Skye is looking at Meow Meow curiously. This is the first time she knows that Meow Meow can actually resurrect the dead.

Miaomiao was really tired. She rested in Skye's arms. Hearing Kuaiyin's words, he opened his eyes slightly and said weakly, "It's really nothing. After being resurrected with my power, you will acquire some cat habits. As long as you practice hard, you will overcome it, and there are other benefits, you can make a lot of money."

"What's the benefit?"

"I think you should have discovered that indeed you have more powerful strength, you can be as flexible as a cat, your physical fitness is several times that of before, not weaker than Captain America, your endurance is stronger, your strength has increased several times, and you can fight For example, your current strength can defeat three to five of you from before."

"Huh! That sounds good, Meow, that's great! Thank you, Meow."

"You don't have to thank me, I didn't save you for nothing, just be my shit shoveler honestly from now on!!!"

Chapter 467 Titan Beast

"Cough, cough, cough?" Kuaiyin almost choked, what the hell is the shit-shoveling officer.

"Don't use this expression, I saved your life, shouldn't you repay me? Remember what I told you in the future, and you should act faster, and prepare the best cat food for me every day. Your sister has already done it for you If you agree, you will serve me comfortably, so don't deny it."

Quicksilver turned his head to look at the Scarlet Witch and saw that she didn't show any signs of mourning, " could it be? From now on you will be my boss, you let me go east, I will never go west, by the way, you say I It will have some cat habits, what are the specific manifestations? How to overcome it?"

"For example, the mouth hobbies that come out of your mouth from time to time, such as playing with balls of wool, such as catnip, and when someone touches your head, you can't help but squint your eyes and let go of your vigilance. If these shortcomings cannot be overcome, I'm afraid you will be used by others, as for how to overcome it, it depends on your willpower in the final analysis."

When Kuaiyin was thinking about how to overcome these habits, Scarlet Witch's eyes lit up. Her younger brother had just been lost, and she was a little excited. , gently sweeping over Kuaiyin's nose.

Kuaiyin slapped it instinctively. His vivid appearance and expression were exactly like those of a kitten. The key is that Kuaiyin himself hadn’t realized this. Consider yourself a cat.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting, the little cat is here to my sister." Seeing her brother's stupid and cute look, the Scarlet Witch couldn't help laughing, and stroked his chin, and Kuaiyin didn't hold back in less than three seconds. Zhong fell, squinting his eyes and leaning his neck up, and let out a pleasant humming sound from his throat.

The surrounding superheroes looked weird when they saw the interaction between the two siblings, especially when they looked at Kuaiyin with a hint of pity. Having such a sister is really hard work.

But having said that, it seems quite interesting, like stroking a cat, why don’t you try it too, but think of Kuaiyin’s ability, wait for him to react and ask himself to settle the score, and if he doesn’t react, he will be bruised and swollen. Alright.

"Oh! Damn it! Wanda, how could you do this to me?" Quicksilver's eyes widened suddenly, and he finally realized that he had been teased and fell into the trap. When he realized his situation, he was ashamed and annoyed, and furious. He immediately yelled and reprimanded him.

"Hahaha...don't worry about it, let's just play!" Wanda said, flicking the fluffy grass in her hand, and planned to continue teasing.

Swish!Kuaiyin rushed out in an instant, and watched from a distance of more than 20 meters, "Don't come close to me, no, I have to overcome these instincts as soon as possible, I'll take a step first, don't look for me, I will look for you when I return to normal of."

Quicksilver turned into a silver light and disappeared, which made Scarlet Witch very anxious. She really didn't have any malicious intentions, she was just joking.

"Pietro, no, come back quickly, where are you going? I promise you, I won't joke with you anymore, come back quickly!"

The Scarlet Witch shouted loudly, but it was a pity that Pietro didn't pay attention at all. The Scarlet Witch also felt that her joke was a bit too much at this time.

Skye patted Scarlet Witch on the shoulder, "Don't worry, with Pietro's ability, no one can catch him, I believe he will call you."

Scarlet Witch's complexion improved a bit. Although there were many twists and turns, it was finally a happy ending. Quicksilver's resurrection made the Avengers relax. The next step is to deal with the post-war affairs. The most important issue at hand is Kido pull.

Yang Jian and the avengers came to Ghidorah, Yang Jian pretended to say: "Ghidorah, thanks to you this time, you are the hero who saved the world, by the way, let me introduce these friends to you, they They are all members of the Avengers, well-known superheroes."

"Ho Ho Ho!" Ghidorah replied weakly, he was so tired, and now he just wanted to go back and absorb energy to recover.

"Uh! Sorry, I forgot, you are too exhausted this time, and you really need to take a good rest. If that's the case, I won't introduce it, go back!"

Originally, according to Yang Jian's original plan, he planned to introduce a kind of avenger to Ghidorah, so as to make a connection. In addition, this time Ghidorah can be regarded as saving the whole world, so pay attention to letting him clean up and become a hero of justice.

But it is a pity that Ghidorah is obviously not in the mood now. In order to drag the meteorite, all the energy is exhausted. This state is very dangerous. He recovered.


Ghidorah finally greeted Yang Jian, flapped her wings, and a strong gust of wind blew by. Ghidorah had already soared into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Mr. Yang, I think we should talk about Ghidorah."

Ghidorah had just left, and Nick Fury in a black windbreaker came from behind, his bald head exuding a dark luster.

"Why, Director Fury, you don't want to find a way to resettle those refugees from Sokovia. Why do you come to me? And there are still those Hydra fighters on the Helicarrier. Are you afraid of their rebellion if you leave like this?"

Yang Jian doesn't like dealing with people like Nick Fury, because he's always calculating how to use you to achieve his goals.

"Don't worry about this. There are other staff members inside the Helicarrier. They just send people back. They can complete the task. As for those Hydra fighters, don't worry. Now they are all turned into Ghidorah's madmen. Believers, regard Ghidorah as their god, and Ghidorah's performance is obviously on our side, they will definitely be honest." Thinking of the fanatical performance of those Hydra fighters before, Nick Fury felt There was a convulsion, just crazy.

"Okay, you're right, tell me your purpose now, you can ask about Ghidorah, but I can't guarantee the answer." Yang Jian will not be used to Nick Fury, even if The other party is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the world's largest secret service organization, and Yang Jian doesn't take it seriously.

Nick Fury automatically ignored Yang Jian's last sentence, and asked with an unchanged expression: "I want to ask what kind of existence Ghidorah is? Will he pose a threat to us humans? Just look at the power he shows. Look, Ghidorah's strength is already strong enough to destroy the earth, this is a threat, we cannot let it go."

"Fury, don't talk nonsense, Ghidorah saved us and the whole world just now, how can you be so suspicious."

Before Yang Jian could speak, Captain America couldn't bear it anymore. He had to say that Captain America was a good man. Although the word "good man" has become a curse word nowadays, it is still necessary to use the word "good man" to describe Captain America. It is irrefutable, because this is a fact that no one can refute, even if it is some super villains, you can hate Captain America, but you cannot doubt his character.

Captain America really can't understand Nick Fury's temperament that sees everything as a threat. Mingming Kidora has just saved the world, but now you treat it as an enemy. In his opinion, this is simply unreasonable.

"I know that Ghidorah has just saved the world, but it is not human after all. His power is too powerful. In his eyes, we humans are probably like ants. If one day he stands on the opposite side of us, how should we fight against this? There is such an existence, so we must be prepared.”

"Even if there is a day, it will be in the future. You can't target Ghidorah just because of a possibility."

"But I can't wait until that day. If I wait until that day comes, it will be too late to think of a solution."

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