Yang Jian put his hands together, and the magic shield spun quickly, and at the same time began to shrink rapidly, shrinking from one meter in diameter to less than half a meter in diameter, and there was a buzzing sound due to the friction between the high-speed rotation and the air.


As soon as Yang Jian shook his hand, the light wheel turned into a stream of light and cut Domamu back. The edge of the light emitted a red light, and it was very sharp at a glance.

At first, Yang Jian thought that Dormammu would dodge. After all, Yang Jian knew the power of the cutting light wheel, and even he did not dare to resist it, but he did not expect that Dormammu would not dodge or dodge. He shook the cloak on his body, Immediately, a red light burst out, unexpectedly blocking the light wheel.


The high-speed rotating light wheel rubbed against the red light and made a piercing sound, but it was still unable to cut through it. Yang Jian was extremely surprised. It stands to reason that even super alloys could not stop the cutting of the light wheel, even vibration Jin, as long as you give it a little more time, you can cut it off, but you can't break a cloak.

"Give it back to you!" Domamu shook the cloak, and the light wheel was actually bounced back. According to this situation, Yang Jian might be cut into two pieces.

Yang Jian snapped his fingers, and the light wheel burst instantly, turning into a ball of energy and dissipating away, but Yang Jian's eyes never left the red cloak on Dormammu's body, "It seems that this artifact It's stronger than I imagined!"

Dormammu's face rarely showed a hint of complacency, "Of course, this is one of my few collections. Its functions are not only here, but also more powerful!"

Dormammu said that the cloak suddenly turned automatically without wind, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

"Where's the person?" Yang Jian used his mental power to investigate, but he didn't find anything, as if the other party disappeared out of thin air. The other party's cloak not only hides the body shape, voice, smell, and magic fluctuations, but can even isolate the spiritual detection .

"I am becoming more and more interested in this cloak. It is indeed a very powerful ability, but if you think that I can't do anything about it, then you are wrong."

Yang Jian spread out his right hand, and a ball of energy light appeared in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, he put his five fingers together and pinched it hard. The light ball exploded with a bang, and countless particles scattered around like dust, quickly covering dozens of square meters. meters of space.

Yang Jian glanced over and soon found that an area was not occupied by particles, and a human figure was faintly formed, approaching him.

"Found it!" Yang Jian punched without hesitation.



Yang Jian hit Domamu on the nose with a punch, followed by a scream. Domamu, who had reappeared, was holding his nose and retreating. His eyes were red and tears were about to flow out. .

"Your cloak's invisibility ability is indeed perverted, but no matter how invisible you are, you are always an entity. As long as you are an entity, you can't hide within the range of particles, unless you can completely virtualize your body, so that these ions can Shuttle through your body."

Dormammu waited for the soreness from his nose to subside, and then looked at Yang Jian with fierce eyes again. The pain just now was too painful. In order to better control his body, Dormammu combined his consciousness with the red pocket The caps are connected together, and he can also feel the pain of the other party. Dormammu has forgotten how many years he has not felt this pain.

"Okay, okay! I underestimated you, but don't be complacent, so what if you broke my invisibility? But I still have other hands broken! Curse of darkness."

Dormammu suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a wisp of black mist that was hard to detect with the naked eye, spreading rapidly, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.

Yang Jian suddenly felt a little weak in his body, as if he was exhausted all day, his whole body was weak, exhausted, weak and just wanted to go to sleep immediately, all kinds of negative states broke out at the same time.

Not only Yang Jian, Scarlet Witch, Skye and Jin Bin seemed to be affected and became weak, but the morale of those dark mages and undead warriors increased one by one, and the more they fought, the more courageous they became.

"Cut! You are still playing such a small trick, and you are almost fooled, but don't forget that I happen to have the magic to restrain you, Dispelling Light!"

A powerful wave of magic power erupted from Yang Jian's body, and his whole body exuded white light, like the sun. A ball of white light shone on Skye and the others, and they felt warm all over. It seemed that infinite power gushed out from him, instantly dispelling them The negative state, now it's the turn of the group of dark mages and undead warriors to lose their strength.

"It's not over yet!"

Dormammu stepped out and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was behind Yang Jian, holding an invisible blade in his hand, and slashed towards Yang Jian's neck.

Yang Jian had sensed the spatial fluctuations a long time ago, and reacted immediately. He was short, just to avoid the opponent's slash, and then a vibrating gold knife appeared in his hand, and he turned around and slashed out.

Yang Jian had an idea in mind and wanted to try it out, maybe he could find the weakness of the cloak.

It stands to reason that the cloak on Domamu's body has strong defensive power, and it can completely withstand this knife, but Domamu unexpectedly took a step back quickly, disappeared from the spot, and then appeared tens of meters away from Yang Jian.

"Sure enough. Although your cloak is a divine weapon, it is mainly used to defend against energy attacks, so my magic was blocked by you before, but now I use weapons directly so you don't dare to bear it. My weapons are It is made of the highest-ranked metal in the universe, and it is so sharp that you dare not bet on it."

Domamu's face became extremely ugly, but he didn't refute. Obviously, what Yang Jian said just now was not wrong.

"Just now I felt magic runes from your cloak. This kind of runes is very ancient, so this cloak should be an ancient artifact. It is really very rare. I think if you destroy a few of these runes, you should be able to Make your cloak useless."

"You're fine, I'll remember!" Dormammu was mad with hatred, but he didn't want to continue the fight. The other party found one of his magical weaknesses so quickly. If he cracked another one, today It is really possible to explain here.

Sometimes Dormammu looks regretfully at the few remaining dark mages and undead warriors who have been crushed and beaten by Shikai and the others, and he can only think in his heart: I can only give up on them, first find a way to keep the red hood, and then Let's develop again.

"You've won this time, but don't be complacent. I've made a note of this account, and I'll get it back one day."

"Why do you want to run if you can't beat it? Come and leave when you want, how can it be so easy."

"Hmph, I want to leave, but no one can stop me. I know you have placed space-disrupting props nearby, but you underestimate my artifact too much. It is not enough to trap me."

As Dormammu said, he raised his foot and stomped heavily, and strong space fluctuations erupted. The several space blocking devices secretly installed by Yang Jian exploded instantly, and then Dormammu stepped out and disappeared instantly.

Chapter 474

Yang Jian looked at the place where Domamu disappeared, and sighed helplessly. It wasn't that Yang Jian didn't want to chase, but that he couldn't catch up at all. The fluctuation of the pair of red boots was very weak when they traveled through space. Although Yang Jian also has the ability to travel through space, the time it takes for Yang Jian to travel once is enough for the opponent to travel four times. five times.

I have already known the general functions of the opponent's two artifacts from Casillas before, and after knowing that the opponent has space capabilities, I made some preparations and placed some devices that interfere with space around. I originally wanted to use this method. Trapping the opponent, unfortunately, it seems that it has no effect at all.

Yang Jian became more and more interested in the two artifacts of the red hood, and thought in his heart that if he had the opportunity in the future, he must get them and study them carefully.

Yang Jian turned to look at Skye and the others. The members of the Dark Church were already on the verge of collapse under the blows of the three of them, especially seeing their boss escape.

Although according to this situation, the victory is only a matter of time, but Yang Jian feels that time is precious, and doesn't want to continue to entangle with them, so he stretches out his hand to condense a ball of light, and gently throws it into the sky, like a small sun radiating warmth of light.

But for those dark mages and undead warriors, the light was too warm. It seemed as if they were being burned by fire, and white smoke came out of their bodies.

ah ah ah...

The shrill screams sounded endlessly, those living dead warriors had almost no resistance, and fell to the ground and lost their vitality. Those dark mages were better, although they absorbed the dark power and were restrained by the light attribute power, but After all, they were still alive, and the light shining on their bodies made them weak, but they did not die. But don't forget that there were Skye and the Scarlet Witch beside them. The two took the opportunity to kill the dark mages one by one.


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