
Skye, the Scarlet Witch, and Jin He reunited with Yang Jian after finishing off their opponents.

"How is it? Are you injured?" Yang Jian asked with a gentle expression.

"Of course I don't have a few small characters. It's far away from hurting me. I can get rid of them all by myself." The Scarlet Witch looked proud, and her expression seemed to be praising me, after all, she was still young. And it is inevitable that you want to show off to the person you like.

"Good job, keep working hard." Of course Yang Jian wouldn't mind a few compliments?

Skye couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, feeling as if his beloved toy had been snatched away, but then he thought that he had a closer relationship with Yang Jian, and now the Scarlet Witch was just an outsider, so he couldn't help feeling happy again, standing up proudly chest.

The strength on Jin Bin's body converged, his swollen muscles recovered, and he approached the Yang family and asked, "Dr. Boss, the leader of the Dark Church, that guy named Red Hood escaped. Could it be that you can't take him down?"

"No way, the red boots he is wearing are a space artifact. The space disrupting device I set up before can't help him at all, unless I have a better understanding of the law of space and create a stronger space blocking device. Before that I can only let him go for the time being, if only I can study his two artifacts, maybe I can find a way to deal with it, and it will also help my understanding of the laws of space."

"Well, that's a pity. Leaving such a hidden danger is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. It doesn't know when it will come out to bite us." Jin Bing showed a trace of worry on his face,

"It doesn't matter, let Dabai increase his search for the red hood. His goal is the three super magic circles on the earth. As long as he increases the monitoring of the three sanctuaries, he will definitely be found. I will personally lead the team to pursue him." Kill him, even if he can't kill him, let him be exhausted and have no time to care about him." Yang Jian also made up his mind and decided to fight the red hood properly.

Yang Jian asked Jin and them to help them take back the space interference devices placed in four directions. As for the corpse, he planned to send someone else to deal with it. When he was about to leave, suddenly a fire appeared in the sky, and a golden and red figure descended from the sky. The person who came was actually iron Man.

After Iron Man arrived, he looked around and immediately saw the corpses there. Through Friday's analysis, he immediately understood that there had just been a big battle here, but those lost were obviously not good things, or they were dressed in black. Like a villain, or the skin is gray and black, and even the blood is not owned by normal people, giving people a sense of death, and they are no longer human.

After Iron Man landed, he opened the mask on his face, looked at Yang Jian and said, "Didn't you say you won't be a superhero? Even if the world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with you. Why are you coming out to fight crime now?"

"I'm not fighting crime, and I don't intend to be a superhero. I just don't want the earth to be destroyed like this. After all, my industries are all on the earth, and I don't have the idea of ​​emigrating to aliens for the time being."

"Is the destruction of the earth so serious? What do these guys do? They have something to do with the destruction of the earth." Iron Man felt that Yang Jian was alarmist, and didn't think these people could destroy the earth.

"They are members of the Dark Church, and they believe in Dormammu, a demon god of the dark dimension. His goal is to summon Dormammu to come and devour the earth, and pull all life into the dark dimension. I had to kill them in order to protect myself. "

"Dimension Demon God! Are you kidding me?" Iron Man is already one of the smartest people on earth, but because of his vision, the existence of Dimension Demon God is still beyond his cognition.

"I know, it's unbelievable, but it's true. Maybe you don't understand it. Dormammu is a multi-dimensional demon god. The earth is just a delicious pastry in his eyes. If you want to know more There is a lot of information, so I might ask Sol to find out, there should be relevant information about Dommam in Asgard, well, let’s stop here, I’m tired and have to go back to rest!” Combined with what I learned from the ancient one mage Under the circumstances, Yang Jian can be sure that Dormammu will still invade, so tell Iron Man in advance to prepare him mentally, maybe it will be useful.

"Wait, I have other things..."

Iron Man wanted to say something, but Yang Jian didn't pay attention at all, and stretched out his hand to open the space door and slipped in. Jin Bin, Scarlet Witch, and Skye hurriedly followed.

Iron Man could only watch the space gate disappear, but he had no choice but to withdraw his hand. Thinking back to what Yang Jian said just now, he murmured: "Is it true that the multi-dimensional demon god feeds on the earth? This world is really getting more and more dangerous." , Looks like I really need to talk to Saul."

Under the action of the propeller under his feet, Iron Man flew into the sky. Before he got back to the Tucker Building, he couldn't help calling Sol. After getting some news about Dormammu, his face became extremely serious. , It has been confirmed that what Yang Jian said is true, which makes him feel a sense of crisis in his heart.



The figure of the red hood appeared out of nowhere in a dark cave, and the cloak on his body emitted strands of black mist, condensing into a face.

At this time, the Red Hood regained control of his body, and quickly knelt down, "Master, the dark church we finally formed is gone, what should we do?"

Although the Red Hood was controlled by Dormammu before, he was still able to see the situation outside and knew what happened. Those members of the Dark Church must be in danger. This also means that his efforts over the past few years have been in vain, and he can't help feeling a little frustrated. .

"Continue to train when people are gone. In short, I don't care what method you use, I want to destroy the three super magic circles on the earth as quickly as possible." Domamu is unreasonable, but there is no way, who made him the boss Woolen cloth.

"This...'" Red Hood couldn't bear to mention how bitter he was, what could he do when he met such a boss?

"Actually, if you want to destroy the super magic circle, it's not impossible, it's just..." The red hood hesitated to speak, as if there was something hard to say.

"Don't be a mother-in-law here, just speak up if you have anything to say."

"Good master, there used to be an organization called the Hand in New York, which was not weaker than Jin Bin's power, but later Jin Bin got the support of another powerful force, and the Hand was severely hit, and was eventually driven out Out of New York, I had contacted them and wanted them to join the Church of Darkness, but they didn’t agree and only cooperated, and they also made a request to let us provide dark power to help them summon a creature called Black Sky. Monsters, because the dark power they need is too large, so I rejected it, and if they let their light destroy the three Kama Taj temples on this condition, I should agree."

Dormammu immediately made a decision and said: "Then what are you waiting for, go find them immediately, isn't it just dark energy, it is nothing to me, as long as they can help me destroy the three temples, I will not only give them Power, and will give them eternal life, go, negotiate with them."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

In the next period of time, Yang Jian began to chase him with a red hood. As soon as Dabai found his trace, Yang Jian immediately rushed over with space magic, and he came up with a magic attack.

But because the two artifacts on the red hood are too perverted, the red cloak can block and resist attacks, making it impossible for Yang Jian to kill with one blow. The red boots under his feet shuttle through the space, and the red hood is cautious. Running away made Yang Jia do useless work time and time again.

And later the Red Hood also knew that Yang Jian used the robot Dabai to closely monitor the city where the three temples were located. All the cameras were his eyes, and he also began to learn how to detect and avoid the cameras as much as possible. When he went out, he basically Even at night, and using the cloak to make himself invisible, it became more and more difficult for Dabai to find him.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was obvious that Yang Jian's pursuit was not going well.

The outside world is also turbulent. The government used the previous Sokovia War that caused countless civilian deaths as an excuse to require all superheroes to be controlled and let them sign an agreement. Some of the Avengers agreed, and some opposed it. Fierce, still divided into two factions as in the original plot, the support faction headed by Iron Man and the opposition headed by Captain America.

The difference from the original plot is that Thor and the Hulk did not leave the earth because of the shock in their own country, and the other encountered space turbulence and drifted to an alien planet. They still stayed on the earth.

As the heir of Asgard, the future king of gods, Thor will not be under the control of others, of course he chooses to stand on the side of Captain America, while the Hulk is in a dilemma, and finally quit the Avengers. With the help of his father, he joined a certain laboratory, continued to study gamma rays, and tried to completely integrate his two personalities.

Because Yang Jian was busy chasing the Red Hood, he just took time to understand the situation, and there were some things that he cared about. For example, our Dr. Slantkey was in a car accident, his hands were disabled, and he officially embarked on the path of pursuing magic. .

According to the calculation of the time, the Black Panther should officially show up at this time. Yang Jian notified Wakanda to ask Eric to push the Black Panther T'Challa to the foreground, and it was even more important to break Wakanda's closed-door policy. State, and also specifically explained, use the resources in your hands to enhance the strength of the Avengers, such as providing the Avengers with some weapons made of gold-shock materials, or the strengthening potion researched by your heart-shaped herbal medicine as the main material.

Now Eric has completely controlled Wakanda, the five major tribes are under his rule, T'Challa and his sister Shu Rui have also been completely subdued.

In fact, it's not right to say subdue, because their parents were controlled by Eric, so they didn't dare to resist at all.Moreover, after Eric came to the throne, he did not kill them all, and let Su Rui continue to be in charge of Wakanda's research department. In the eyes of many people, this is already the best of benevolence.

Seeing T'Challa and Shu Rui brothers and sisters who are honestly working under him, Eric wants to feel happy for you for his wise decision. T'Challa is just a reckless man, a senior thug, even After eating the heart-shaped herb, Eric can easily hang him. After all, Eric Yang's body was transformed by Yang Jian, and his strength became too much stronger. He became the most powerful king of Wakanda in the past.

But Su Rui is different. Her scientific intelligence is astounding. It can even be said that she supported the scientific research department of Wakanda by herself. In just a few years, the technical level of Wakanda has been improved. a lot.increase

Of course, where there are people, there are disputes. Some of them want to drive Eric off the throne and let T'Challa succeed him as the new king. They are all cronies of the previous king, but none of them ended well. , You must know that there is another dangerous guy in Wakanda who has been hiding in the dark.

Ulysses Crow, a former arms dealer, was transformed by Yang Jian just like Eric. Of course, he is not Eric's opponent in a head-to-head confrontation, but he is more flexible and changeable, and can pretend to be anyone. Ever-changing, sneaking into the enemy's interior, all those who want to rebel will be solved by him.

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