Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, Skye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and others, because Igo put a lot of energy on the Ancient One mage, let them seize the opportunity, and after destroying those tentacles, turn to Igo. kill.

Egowan was so helpless that he had to wait to summon some tentacles to resist Captain America and the others.

Yi Ge was furious in his heart. Judging from this situation, the situation was very unfavorable to him, and he might really die if he failed.

At this time, Yang Jian's carefully prepared big move was finally completed, and the energy ball with a diameter of more than ten meters was compressed to the size of a basketball.

"Everyone get out of the way, Jinlun turns around and explodes!" Yang Jian roared angrily and threw the energy ball in his hand.

Saul and the others saw Yang Jian make a move, and they didn't need to be reminded. They moved exactly the same, turned around and ran. They knew Yang Jian's strength. The big move that took so much effort to prepare must be extraordinary, and they didn't want to be involved. .

The ancient mage also retracted the protective cover. After the energy ball flew out, it suddenly shot a golden light beam, like a golden sword that opened up the world, directly penetrated the ground, and then began to move.

This is Yang Jian's trick created by imitating the ability of Tenseikan from Naruto World, but because he does not have the highly concentrated energy of Qiudaoyu, he needs to compress it himself, so it takes a long time.

rumbling, rumbling...

The ground was torn apart, revealing a huge crack, black and bottomless, extending outwards, it was clearly intended to cut the entire planet apart.

Egg had a terrified expression on his face, because the golden lightsaber cutting in this direction would definitely cut his brain in half, and he would really be dead by then.

Yi Ge didn't want to die, he hadn't become a true god, he hadn't become the strongest in this universe, and there was still endless beautiful life waiting for him to enjoy, but it was a pity that all these seemed to come to naught.

Of course, Yi Ge wouldn't give up just yet. As a veteran Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, he still had some trump cards. At critical moments, no one knew what he would do.

Chapter 481 The Death of Egg

"Do not!!!"

Yi Ge roared, and at this juncture of life and death, he gave up attacking everyone, his body and the densely packed tentacles collapsed at the same time, he withdrew all his power, and concentrated all his power to form an energy barrier on the surface of his brain.


The golden lightsaber finally slashed at the brain and collided with the energy barrier. The violent energy erupted, and the ground was blown away, forming a huge crater thousands of meters deep.

The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy looked along the cut crack, and a super brain was displayed in front of everyone, emitting white light. That was the real core of Ego, and it could be seen clearly even if it was thousands of meters away. Chu, you can imagine how big that plate of brains is.

The golden lightsaber and the energy barrier were in a stalemate with each other, and Yang Jian couldn't break through the barrier by increasing the energy output several times.

But Xingjue saw the advantage, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back, a set of space suits covered his body, and the flames sprayed from his feet flew up to kill Yigo, approaching the brain, and the energy gun in his hand kept shooting, It collided with the energy barrier, splashing a little bit of Baikang.

With Xingjue leading by example, others of course know what they should do. The other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy also put on space suits and chased after them. Gamora, Nebula, and Rocket each resisted the bombardment of an energy cannon , Yondu blew his whistle, his whistle turned into a stream of red light, hitting the energy barrier continuously, the big stupid Drax the Destroyer held two daggers, rushed up screaming, and stabbed with two daggers After poking around, only the mantis girl, holding the little tree figure Groot, didn't know what to do, she looked like a bully.

Since the Guardians of the Galaxy are desperately fighting, it would be underestimated if the Avengers just did this.

Thor, Iron Man.War Machine, Ivan, Vision, and Scarlet Witch also killed them. Thor threw out the storm ax in his hand and slashed at the energy barrier, bursting out with violent thunder power, causing the energy barrier to shake violently stand up.

Mirage punched out with all his strength, and a piece of the energy barrier was directly dented, but soon more energy gathered to repair the energy barrier.

The Scarlet Witch directly condensed a ball of red energy to cover the surface of the energy barrier and continuously decompose it.

Iron Man, Ivan.War Machine can only shoot with energy beams, but the effect is obviously not very good.

In addition, there is the Falcon, which shoots with two guns, but it plays a smaller role, not as good as Iron Man and the others?

At this time, every Captain America, Ant-Man, and Hawkeye.Black Widow, Black Panther, and even Meow, Skye, and Quicksilver all stayed on the ground and looked at each other. They also wanted to help, but the problem was that they couldn’t fly. If they just jumped into a deep pit of several kilometers, I’m afraid Had to fall alive.

"Don't worry, I'll open a door for you." Master Gu Yi immediately sensed Skye's embarrassment, swiped his hands together, and a space door appeared in front of everyone, and through the space door, Yi Ge could be seen The super brain is not far away.

Now Skye and the others were happy, each showed their abilities, and launched a crazy attack. Skye used her shock wave, and Meow Meow continued to spray energy cannons from her mouth. Vibrating gold battle suits can also emit purple energy light waves. Ant-Man and Captain America are too big to pass through the space door and directly grab stones and throw them over. The effect is also good.

At this time, Egg was about to blow up. Among the many attacks, Yang Jian's golden lightsaber was the most threatening, followed by Thor's storm axe, followed by Vision's fist, followed by Skye's shock wave, Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic.

As for the others, regardless of Iron Man's energy beams or the energy cannons of the Guardians of the Galaxy, they actually don't play much role at all, not even tickling.

Normally, Yi Ge would be able to crush them to death, but now he can only bear it, because all his energy is used to defend against the attacks of Yang Jian and the others, and he can't spare any energy to deal with these few that he didn't see before. The ants could only forcibly suppress their anger, hoping that Yang Jian's energy would be exhausted as soon as possible, so that he would be free to deal with others.

Because Yi Ge concentrated all the energy to defend, the energy barrier was extremely strong. Under the siege of the crowd, although it seemed to be crumbling, it still persisted in the end.

At this moment, the two sides had reached a certain balance. Yi Ge couldn't make a move, and Yang Jian and the others couldn't break through the defense, but don't forget that there was another person who was idle, and he was a super boss.

As a veteran Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, Mage Ancient One only did some auxiliary work before, and did not show strong combat power, but it would be a big mistake to underestimate her because of this.

How could it be so simple to be a super strong man who kept Dormammu out of the dimension for hundreds of years and made Dormammu stare at the earth but had no choice but to find the most suitable opportunity. Now is about to be the last straw that crushes Yi Ge.

Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand, and an ion spark appeared in the palm of his hand. Everyone thought that the effect of this ion spark was only to open the space door, even Yang Jian thought so, but today Master Gu Yi gave Yang Jian a good look. learned a lesson.

The ion sparks in the hands of Mage Ancient One were compressed into a ball, and then shook his hands and flung them out. The ion sparks passed through the space gate and landed in the center of the energy barrier impartially. Distorted, Egg's energy barrier seemed to be bitten off by something, and a round hole several meters away appeared in the center.And it can't be filled for a while.

"Master Gu Yi, I admit defeat, please let me go, I am willing to accept you as a servant, as long as I can survive, I am willing to give everything!"

Yi Ge's voice came from inside his brain, he was really scared, the energy barrier was broken, and his last hole card was gone, anyone present could kill him, so he had to admit defeat and beg for mercy, hoping to survive.

It's a pity that Master Gu Yi was not moved at all, and said coldly: "Do it, kill him!"

Yang Jian immediately moved the golden lightsaber a little, and pierced the brain through the big hole made by the ancient mage. For magic, Skye's shock wave, Star Lord's energy gun...

boom! !

Being hit by so many people at the same time, Yi Ge's wailing and begging for mercy stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a shocking explosion inside the planet. His brain was directly blown to pieces, and a powerful man at the level of a heavenly father was wiped out. No Egg.

Rumble, boom.

As the ground began to shake violently, and with Yi Ge's death, the planet began to disintegrate. After all, this planet was supported by Yi Ge.

"Everyone will come back, let's leave here." Master Gu Yi said and immediately opened the space door to return to Earth.

Black Widow, Hawkeye and others were the closest, and they stepped over without hesitation. Iron Man and others returned as quickly as possible, and did not return to Earth through space. In the end, only the Guardians of the Galaxy were left.

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