"Sir Xing, since you are from Earth, why don't you take this opportunity to go back to Earth. The Earth has undergone many changes over the years, and you should pay homage to your mother." Yang Jian looked at Xingjue.Unsolicited invites.

Xingjue looked a little hesitant, turned his head to look at Yondu, it was Yondu who brought him out of the earth, and he hated Yondu for a long time because of this, but it is only now that he understands that Yondu is the one who really cares for him. Good man, thinking back on everything Yondu has done for him over the years, he can't help but be a little moved. He really wants to go back to Earth, but he is a little hesitant, so he wants to hear Yondu's opinion.

"It's good to go back to the earth to have a look. When I brought you out, you didn't even go to your mother's grave for a while. Take this opportunity to make up for it and tell your mother that you are alive and well."

Star-Lord nodded and looked at Gamora, Rocket and others, "What about you, do you want to come with me?"

"Let's go together. I'm a little curious about the earth. It's obviously a backward planet. Why are there so many strong people? Maybe there we can find a way to deal with Thanos."

Gamora was the first to agree. Originally, she always thought that Thanos was very powerful and invincible, but after seeing Yang Jian's performance today, she suddenly realized that maybe she was wrong. If these people join forces, even Thanos is not an opponent, is he?

Gamora has made up her mind to find an opportunity to invite Yang Jian and others to deal with Thanos together. She is not worried that Yang Jian and the others will refuse, because the purpose of Thanos is to wipe out half of the life in the universe. Normally, even if it was just for self-protection, he would never agree and would definitely stop him.

"I'm Groot."

"What, Groot, why do you also want to go to Earth?" Rocket Raccoon looked at Groot, very surprised. This is the first time Groot has been so proactive. Before, what did Rocket say?

"I'm Groot!" The little tree figure Groot said again.

"It's so strange that there are things on Earth that make you feel close, well, let's go to Earth together."

In this way, most people in the Guardians of the Galaxy agreed. As for Mantis and Drax, well, these two, one is a mascot, the other is submissive and has no opinion. Everyone else agrees. How can they object?

Soon Xingjue and the others also stepped into the space gate, but Yondu, who was walking at the end, suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "Wait a minute, I have another subordinate who is driving a spaceship to stay in outer space, ready to pick us up at any time. I have to inform him."

"It's okay, let him go to Earth together, I'll open a door for him!"

There was no need for Mage Gu Yi to take action. This time, Yang Jian took action himself. With a swipe of the void, a space door big enough for a small spacecraft to pass appeared in the sky.

Yondu immediately contacted his only subordinate, the others had betrayed and were all killed by Yondu.

After everyone walked into the space gate, Yang Jian was ready to return to the earth, but when he was still a few steps away from the space gate, his heart moved, he turned his head, and stretched out his hand, the fragments of Yi Ge's brain were blown by an invisible The power was sucked in, Yang Jian used a magic to put it away, and then walked into the space door.

After passing through the space gate, the original source of the black torrent is still there. Everyone has gathered together. At this time, Iron Man is communicating with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Iron Man seems to be extraordinarily enthusiastic.

At this time, everyone had time to carefully observe these aliens, raccoons, treants, big men with red lines all over their bodies, men with fins on their heads, female aliens, some were blue, some were green, and some had tentacles on their heads. , only Yondu's little follower and Xingjue look like normal people, which opened the eyes of everyone in the Avengers.

Iron Man glanced at Nebula from time to time, this was the person he was most interested in, and it was really just interest, not sexual interest.

Iron Man can be regarded as one of the most talented people on the earth. Of course, it can be seen that the transformation of Xingyun's body is very clever. Most of the organs on her body are gone. Another person would have died long ago. But she is not only alive and well, but also Possesses extraordinary combat power.

If these transformations can be studied thoroughly, Iron Man will definitely be very helpful to his next upgrade of the steel suit, and maybe he can get new inspiration from it, so I can't help but want to study it.

In addition, the spacecraft of the Guardians of the Galaxy is also the target of Iron Man. The technology contained in it is not available on the earth, which is too tempting for Iron Man.

"Welcome to Earth, what are your plans for the future? If you need my help, just ask, there is basically nothing I can't do on Earth," Iron Man offered to show his favor in order to achieve his goal stand up.

"I want to go to the place where my mother lives first. It's just that I haven't come back for so many years. The changes are too great. I'm not sure I can find it." He was confused, and only reacted when he heard Iron Man speak.

"Do you remember your mother's name? And her age, as long as I have relevant information, I can find it."

"Of course I remember." Xingjue was very impressed with his mother. Even after so many years, he still remembered it firmly in his heart, and quickly told the relevant information about his mother.

"Then it's no problem. Give me some time to make sure I check it out. By the way, no matter what you do on earth, you need to spend money. You can take this card well, and you can overdraw it infinitely." Star Ke proudly took out a card and handed it over.

"Then why are you so embarrassed?" Xingjue said so, but the movement of his hand was not slow at all, and he had already snatched the card while speaking.

"It's okay, it's just a little money, it's nothing. To me, it's not a problem that money can solve. Next, you can play on the earth for a few days. You, however, your companion's appearance is different from the people on earth, go out casually I'm afraid it will cause chaos, if you don't mind, you can stay at my house for a few days."

After Stark finished speaking, he looked specifically at Nebula. He had introduced her before and knew her name. "Miss Nebula, there is something I want to talk to you about."

As soon as Iron Man finished speaking, the eyes of Captain America and others became weird, looking at Nebula, who was neither human nor ghost, and then at Iron Man.

Everyone's deepest impression of Iron Man is still the image of a playboy. At this time, Iron Man invites Xing Yun, and they can't help thinking wrong.Secretly admired in his heart: As expected of Stark, such a woman dares to go up, it's too heavy taste.

If Iron Man knew what everyone was thinking at this time, he would definitely vomit blood depressedly. He really didn't have that kind of thought this time.

Chapter 482 Thanos and Death

Iron Man's gaze was too aggressive, his attention was focused on the mechanical parts of Xingyun's body, but in the eyes of others, it was completely a satyr's gaze.

Xingyun's eyes flashed with a fierce star, and a dagger appeared in his hand. The cold light flashed, and it was already placed on Iron Man's neck. "Are you looking for death?"

Iron Man broke out in a cold sweat, because he was too hasty, and he didn't have time to put down his mask. If the opponent moved slightly at this time, he would definitely be able to slit his neck. He was shocked and understood his mistake just now.

"Miss Xingyun, you misunderstood. I have no other intentions. I just think the mechanical modification of your body is very interesting and I want to study it."

It dawned on everyone in the Avengers that Iron Man didn't want to be lustful, but wanted to study the opponent's body modification.

But after hearing Iron Man's words, Xing Yun was even angrier. It was definitely the most painful thing in his life for him to be transformed into this by Thanos. Hearing that Iron Man still wanted to study himself was simply fueling the fire.

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, absolutely not. Didn't Ms. Xing transform herself into this? If so, I have a way to restore you to your original flesh and blood." As one of the smartest people on earth, Iron Man is also good at Watching words and expressions, feeling the anger in the heart, and guessing in my heart.

"What? You said you could restore my sister to her original appearance, is that true?" Before Nebula could speak, Gamora couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over to grab Iron Man's hand and asked.

"Yes, I have a drug called Extremis Virus, which can regenerate human limbs. As long as there is enough energy, as long as people are still alive, they can regenerate human limbs. But you are aliens. I want to regenerate human limbs based on genes. Adjust the Extremis virus." Iron Man quickly explained.

The two sisters, Xingyun and Gamora, showed surprise on their faces at the same time. Xingyun took a deep breath to calm himself down, and retracted the dagger in his hand.

"If this is the case, I can cooperate with you, and you can also study my body, but if I find out that you lied to me, no matter what the price is, I will kill you."

Iron Man quickly assured: "Don't worry, I mean what I say. With the Cradle of Regeneration, I'm at least [-]% sure that I can succeed, and the Extremis virus will also allow you to gain extraordinary power, but I have one additional condition. I hope you can agree."

Xing Yun and Gamora also knew that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, so they were not angry, "What conditions do you have?"

"That spaceship!" Iron Man pointed to the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy team in the open space next to him, "I want to study this spaceship."

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