"No problem, I agree, but I hope after you heal my sister." Gamora didn't wait for others to say anything, and made a decision directly. Although the spaceship did not belong to him, it should be Yondu's , but Gamora is confident that he can make decisions.

Iron Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy discussed it, and no one objected, so everyone was happy.

On the other side, the little tree figure Groot also pestered the ancient mage to ask this and that, the cute little tree figure was really irresistible.

"I'm Groot."

Now Groot is less than half a meter tall, and his eyes are blinking, full of longing. After coming to the earth, he feels that kind of intimacy, and he really wants to find out what is attracting him on the earth. After investigating, it was found that the aura on Master Gu Yi was very similar to what attracted him.

Rocket Raccoon looked at the little tree man holding the yellow robe of Ancient One, his eyes were full of embarrassment. He knew the strength of Ancient One clearly.

"You want to know what attracts you on earth and the relationship with me, right?" Unexpectedly, before Rocket Raccoon could speak, Ancient One spoke first, squatting down and gently stroking the little tree Man, said with a gentle face.

"You...you can understand Groot." Rocket Raccoon looked surprised. In the ears of others, Groot can only say that. Except for himself, this is the first time that Rocket can understand Groot. special talker.

"No, I can't understand either, but as a mage, his mental power is far beyond ordinary people, and he can understand his thoughts in a special way,"

"I'm Groot?" The little tree man was very happy to know that Ancient One could understand his words, and asked again.

"If I'm not wrong, the reason why the earth makes you feel kind is because there is a special plant here. Its name is the sacred tree. You have something in common."

Boom! !

As Master Gu Yi said, he stretched out his hand and hooked it, a small sapling emerged from the ground, and then began to grow rapidly, turning into a towering tree tens of meters high in a blink of an eye.

The movement of the ancient mage immediately attracted the attention of other people, and they gathered around one after another. The Guardians of the Galaxy looked at this towering tree with surprise on their faces. As for the Avengers, they were no strangers to it. A mage had summoned more trees before.

"Is this the sacred tree? Although it's a bit bigger, it doesn't seem to be a big deal." Rocket Raccoon looked at the sacred tree, not understanding what was so special about it.

"To be precise, this is a part of the divine beast. Its roots are all over the earth. Who am I to tell you that life is connected and you can control its growth. The body of the divine tree is not here. You can regard this tree as a part of the divine tree." A small branch, the sacred tree can absorb the energy of the entire earth to grow, and at the same time absorb the energy of the sun through photosynthesis to feed back to the earth. One day in the future, when I die, my soul will fuse with the sacred tree and transform into another Forms of life exist.”

Master Gu Yi said that he secretly swept Yang Jianjian. At the beginning, Yang Jian made an agreement with Master Gu Yi not to tell others that the sacred tree was obtained from him, so Yang Jian didn't say anything, and he was relieved.

In fact, if Yang Jian is willing, he can fuse with the sacred tree by himself and obtain an immortal life, but in this way, he will be bound to the earth. This is not what Yang Jian wants. Yang Jian's goal is the stars and the sea. It is definitely not as simple as a single earth.

"Is there another form of existence? Well, if you merge with the sacred tree and then control the earth, maybe you will become the legendary Gaia, and then you will be the consciousness of the earth." Yang Jian looked at the towering tree in front of him, meaning Said deeply.


The Avengers glanced at each other, and suddenly remembered that many strange things have happened on the earth recently. An oasis suddenly appeared in the desert, a big tree suddenly grew somewhere, the number of trees in the forest increased, and there seemed to be something moving deep underground. Nick Fury also asked them to help investigate, but unfortunately they didn't find any useful information. Now they seem to understand what's going on.

The little tree figure Groot was completely attracted by the towering tree in front of him, he leaned over involuntarily, stretched out his hand and slowly touched the big tree.

Master Gu Yi looked at the cute appearance of the little tree man, smiled knowingly, stretched out his hand, and a root system emerged from the bottom of the big tree, as if a hand was holding the little tree man's arm, a little green light emerged, It slowly poured into the little tree figure Groot's body.

Groot seemed to have taken a big tonic, his body began to grow taller, and soon rose from less than half a meter to a height of two meters.

"Groot, it's great that you've recovered." Rocket exclaimed when he saw Groot, a tree figure whose image had changed drastically, and excitedly climbed onto Groot, standing on his shoulder and stroking around.

Xingjue, Gamora and others also approached Groot, looking back and forth, Yazhong was full of joy, and they were also happy for Groot.

When they fought against Ronan together, the spaceship fell, and Groot sacrificed himself to protect them, which made them very guilty. Now seeing Groot return to his original appearance, he couldn't help being happy.

Watching the performance of the Guardians of the Galaxy, everyone could feel the friendship between them, and there was a smile on their faces.

"Okay, the crisis is over, everyone saved the entire universe, I should go back, see you later." Master Gu Yi said as he stretched out his hand to open the space door.

"Wait a minute, Mage Gu Yi, the crisis of the universe has not been resolved, and there is a bigger crisis waiting for us." Gamora saw that Gu Yi was about to leave, thought of Thanos, and hurriedly stopped him.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Gamora's words. They had just resolved a cosmic crisis, and now they are coming again. It's endless, right?

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!" Captain America asked with a serious face.

"Thanos, it's Thanos! He's collecting infinite gems to achieve his goal. If he succeeds, he can wipe out half of the life in the universe with just a snap of his fingers..." Gamora didn't hide the slightest bit. All the news about Thanos came out.

The Avengers looked at each other in blank dismay. In fact, they more or less knew that some things about Thanos were passed down by Yang Jian, but they were a little skeptical before, thinking that there could be such a crazy person in this world.

"What I said is true. He thinks that there are too many lives in this universe, and the resources are not enough. Half of the lives in the universe need to be wiped out to maintain the balance. I was once ordered to help him find the whereabouts of the soul gem, although I found Yes, but I didn’t tell him, Master Ancient One, please believe me.”

The Ancient One raised his hand to calm Gamora down.

"I didn't say I don't believe you. In fact, I already knew the purpose of Thanos. It's just that his situation is special. Although Thanos is very powerful, he is not invincible, even if he fights alone. I am sure to remain undefeated. I am not the only one who wants to kill Thanos, and some of them are not inferior to me in strength, but no one succeeds, because there is a stronger existence behind Thanos, to be exact No one can kill him at all."

Gamora and Xingyun's eyes widened instantly. As Thanos' daughters, they never knew about this.

"There are other people behind Thanos, how is this possible? Why have I never heard of it?" Gamora yelled in disbelief.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because even Thanos wouldn't dare to reveal that existence easily. He is one of the five creation gods. Death is the source of all death. It is the only existence in countless multiverses. In addition, remind You guys, it doesn’t matter if you are on Earth, if you are in other places, don’t say this name, because once you say it, you will be sensed by her, and bad things will probably happen to you.”

"Death? This word is often used. How many times have I said it? But nothing bad has ever happened because of it." Xingjue said with some disbelief.

"That's because you didn't know the existence of death at all before, and you just regarded death as a word. Now your understanding of death has changed, and your hearts agree with each other. Saying this name will have a strange power, so that you will be recognized She sensed it."

"Then why you can say whatever you want on Earth, aren't you afraid of being discovered by her?" It was Iron Man who asked the question this time.

"Because there is a sacred tree on the earth, in some respects the earth is already my private domain. Although his strength is far superior to mine, it is still no problem to isolate her."

"That's death and why help Thanos? What's the relationship for them?"

"There are many theories about this, but in my opinion, their relationship couldn't be simpler. It's just that the collaborators benefit from each other. Thanos wants to wipe out half of the life in the universe and maintain the balance of the universe, while Death wants to need What she wants is the soul, and death is her authority, the more souls she has, the stronger her strength will be."

"Is there really no other way?" Gamora said with a hint of despair.

Others are also embarrassed when they hear it. They feel that it is enough trouble to pay for one Thanos, and one death is added. This is the rhythm of kneeling.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. Things are not as bad as you imagined." At this time, Yang Wenjuan suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Yang Jian.Want to really know how to support your family?

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