"If Thanos wants to achieve his goal, he must collect all six infinite gems. We just need to make him unable to collect them?"

"Among the six infinite gems, the time gem is in the hands of the ancient one, and the soul gem is in my hands. If Thanos dares to come to the earth, I will join forces with the ancient one. Just me and the ancient one are enough for him to drink. Just be able to make it. Defeat, not to mention still have the atelier, uh, and you guys. It's the same as keeping the space in Asgard. Well, it hurts. Not to mention that the European gold is not dead. The other three gems are falling I don’t know, well, I’m just collecting the other three gems even if Thanos is useless. If he dares to come to Earth, Master Ancient One and I will teach him how to be a man. If he dares to go to Asgard, Odin can also sink And Sol can beat him black and blue."

"That's right, er, my Dafu is already hungry and thirsty. It's wonderful. When he comes, we must meet him well. See if he is as powerful as in the legend." Thor said later I couldn't help getting excited, um, a long lightning flashed out from the battle uniform in my hand, it seemed that if Thanos was in front of him again, I really wanted to rush up and fight him.

Chapter 483 Divine Tree Diffusion Plan

Yang Jian's words made everyone feel at ease. Since it can be ensured that Thanos can't collect all six infinite gems, what's there to be afraid of?When the sky fell, there was a tall one to hold it up.

But just when they relaxed, Yang Jian changed his tone again, "Of course, we still need to make some preparations just in case, now we have three infinity gems here to ensure safety, and the other three The whereabouts of the gemstone is unknown, so I still try to find a way, even if I can’t receive it, at least notify the owner of the gemstone, let them be careful and guard against the tyrant.”

Star-Lord heard the words and immediately stated: "We know the whereabouts of the power gems. On Xandar, we helped them resist Ronan, the accuser who owns the power gems. We have a good relationship with them. Explain the situation to them. Will be careful."

Thor, the God of Thunder, also immediately said: "The Reality Gem was given to a person by my father for safekeeping. He may not be strong, but he is very good at saving his life. He should keep the Reality Gem well, but for safety's sake, let him know."

Then everyone's eyes turned to Gamora, because according to the words of everyone just now, five of the Infinity Stones have been accurately located, and only the last Soul Stone is left, and Gamora is the only one who knows the whereabouts of the Soul Stone people.

"The planet where the Soul Gem is located is very secret, and I have broadcast its coordinates from the star map, no one will find it there." Gamora said confidently.

"That's good, but I didn't expect that those of us present would know the whereabouts of the six infinity gems. If we were the villains, we could easily destroy the entire low-star universe."

After the discussion, the atmosphere relaxed, and some Iron Man even joked.

"Tony, don't be careless!" Captain America still didn't relax, "Don't forget that the Ancient One said just now that there is a more powerful death behind Thanos, just a Thanos is difficult enough, if Death Intervene, can we resist it?"

Master Gu Yi waved his hand with a smile on his face, "We don't need to confront death head-on, don't forget that although she is the god of creation, she is only one of them. If she goes too far, the other four creators will die." The gods will stop it, because in the infinite universe, they all have the power of the same rules, cooperate with each other and restrict each other, just like playing a game, you must abide by the rules, you can die to provide convenience for Thanos, but absolutely You can't do it yourself."

"Are the five creation gods? Can Master Gu Yi tell us who the other four are?" Iron Man's curiosity flared up, and he couldn't help asking.

Yang Jian glanced at Iron Man and said: "I think it's better for you not to know about these things. Although the five gods are not superior in ability, death is still relatively inferior in strength, and only one is weaker than Galactus. One point, the other three should be above her, since the other party can sense the name of death, so can the other three, I don't think you want to be targeted by them either!"

Iron Man smiled mischievously, and said, "Okay, I won't ask, but is there no problem with Galactus? And why is his name so strange? Could it be that he can devour planets?"

"Yes, the name is his most intuitive embodiment. He feeds on planets. Originally, his existence was like white blood cells, responsible for devouring those planets that are diseased to the universe.

It’s just that Galactus is too big, moves slowly, and takes a long time to get from one planet to another. Generally speaking, the energy obtained by devouring planets is not enough to supply his consumption, and he is often in a state of starvation.

Therefore, when Galactus is on his way, he can't help devouring some nearby planets to replenish energy. If Galactus passes by our earth one day, and he happens to be hungry again, then we will be out of luck. "

The faces of the people present were a little pale, and if there was such a day, they didn't know what to do.

"No... our luck won't be so bad." Iron Man, who wanted to be venomous, spoke a little awkwardly.

"Who knows?" Yang Jian knew that sooner or later the earth would have this catastrophe, and Galactus would definitely come, but Yang Jian was not very worried.

"Then if we fight Galactus, is there any chance of winning?"

"It depends on the situation, and if Galactus is in full bloom, it is definitely at the level of the five creation gods. The sum of us is not enough for him to swallow it in one bite, but in order to resist hunger, Galactus is usually in a semi-sleeping state , I can’t exert much strength at all, so I will be killed from time to time, and sometimes the strength shown is not even as strong as the father-level powerhouse, but it will be resurrected after a short time, and then start a new round of devouring.”

"In this case, we can only pray that we will not be so unlucky and meet Galactus."

They obviously solved Yi Ge and saved the universe, but everyone heard a series of news, which made them feel very heavy, and the original joy dissipated. Finally, under the persuasion of Master Gu Yi, they went back to their homes and found their mothers. .

Captain America continued to use their methods to fight crime with those who were willing to follow him. Although they were wanted because of this, they did not regret it at all, because Yang Jianjian secretly helped Wakanda, so there was no need to worry about logistics. Captain America and the others Well done.

And Iron Man led another group of Avengers to fight wits and bravely with the government. On the surface, they continued to hunt down Captain America and the others. , Looking for various reasons to shirk, he hid in the laboratory and began to study the mechanical parts of Nebula's body and the spaceship.

It is also worth mentioning that on the second day after the Guardians of the Galaxy came to Earth, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., met with them secretly. There was actually a smile, and I thought it was a big gain.

As time passed day by day, Iron Man helped Xingyun restore his original flesh and blood according to the agreement. At the same time, he also obtained a lot of advanced research materials. He is ready to create a new steel suit, which can be directly connected to the nerves and controlled by his own consciousness.

In addition, the study of spaceships has not been given up. The technology from aliens has greatly improved the technological level of Stark Industries. For this reason, Iron Man even went to Fantasy Technology to show off, but he was quickly accepted. It was a shock, because he found that the high technology he had just researched was actually defeated by a few products that Yang Jian took out at random. Only then did he realize that the imaginary technology and the technology he had mastered had exceeded his imagination.

After solving Egg, everything has become peaceful. For some reason, even Dormammu has not moved. It stands to reason that he wants to devour the earth, and he will definitely try his best to make the Red Hood destroy the three The temple, but there was no trace of the red hood for a long time.

Yang Jian didn't know that the reason why the Red Hood hadn't caused trouble recently was because he had been negotiating with the Hands and Peace Conference, but the two sides still couldn't reach an agreement.

Originally, the purpose of the Hand Association was to summon the black sky and use the power of the black sky to rule the world. This requires a huge amount of dark energy. Originally, Dormammu thought that as long as he promised them to provide dark energy, the Hand Association would agree to this deal. When the earth is swallowed up in the future, shouldn't these energies be taken back?

Domamu had a good idea, but unexpectedly Shuhehui rejected it, because Yang Jian had frantically hunted down the Red Hood before, and some news about the Dark Church and Domamu also leaked out, and many forces knew about Domamu Mu's purpose is to devour the earth, and the Hand is one of them.Now they quit. The Hand wants to rule the world, not destroy it. If Dormammu comes, will they still have something to play?

In the end, the Hand Society and the Church of Darkness directly fell out, because the Red Hood was left alone, and was besieged by the Hand Society. The people in the Red Hood were revived again and again, and in the end only one of the Red Hood was seriously injured and fled.

Of course, Yang Jian didn't know about these things. At this time, she had resumed her life of working as a secretary when she had something to do, and the life of being a secretary when she had nothing to do. In the end, the Scarlet Witch could not escape the evil hands, no!To be precise, he should have thrown himself into the trap and was dragged onto the big bed by Yang Jian.

It wasn't until a month later that Yang Jian got a little bored, and then remembered the collected fragments of Yi Ge's brain, and wanted to study it. Unexpectedly, this research really led Yang Jian to research something good.

Yang Jian extracted a substance from Yi Ge's brain fragments and found that it had the characteristics of a plant, so she wanted to try it out and see what would happen if it was fused with a plant.

At the beginning, Yang Jian got a total of two seeds of the sacred tree from the chaotic space, one of which was given to Master Gu Yi, and the other remained with him.

Yang Jian has never decided what to do with the remaining seed. He originally planned to give this seed man to Groot, the tree man, and let him fuse with the seed to create a Marvel version of the Thousand-Handed Basarama.

But after thinking about it, I gave up. Now I just use it as an experiment to see if it can be fused with this kind of substance extracted from a brain. I didn't expect it to be successful. The process is very smooth.

The seeds of the divine tree have been evolved again on the original basis, and they can't get out, but yes, you must know that you have a seed after splitting, splitting the seed, and then using the seed to transform the planet.Therefore, the sustainable seeds can be fused, er, er, how to obtain the material system extracted from a large book, er, and finally get a strange ability.

According to Yang Jian's test, it was found that the seeds have the ability to transmit energy remotely. This ability obviously comes from Yigo. It is connected through the quantum channel, so Yigo can transfer the energy to the seeds left by the previous ones, and directly transform the planet.

In this way, Yang Jian had an inspiration. If he found a planet, planted this seed, cultivated it into a sacred tree, and then based on this sacred tree, cultivated more seeds and planted it in other planets. The planet grows into a new sacred tree.

So can these sacred trees transmit energy to each other?By occupying planets one by one in this way and expanding step by step, will it be possible to occupy the entire universe one day in the future?

Yang Jian's thinking was actually similar to Yi Ge's, but Yi Ge failed in the end, but Yang Jian was very sure of success.

The key to Yigo's failure was that he was too selfish, only thinking about himself, and didn't care about life on other planets at all, but Yang Jian could choose a win-win approach, because not only would the planet planted with the sacred tree not be damaged, but instead It will benefit from the sacred tree. As long as the sacred tree grows to a sufficient extent, it can absorb and absorb the energy in the universe to feed back the planet. I believe that many people are willing to let the sacred tree grow on their planet. Presumably there will be a happy ending in the end. situation.

Then Yang Jian began to diverge his thinking again. If the seeds were planted on a desolate, lifeless planet, and then powered by other sacred trees to grow, transforming the originally desolate planet into a prosperous planet suitable for life, then what would happen? What will it be like?

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