Bucky no longer expects to defeat Yang Jian, and it would be nice to be able to protect himself. Of course, he doesn't think he will suffer a crushing defeat, at most he will suffer some losses, because after his devil fruit awakens, his life-saving ability is absolutely top-notch in the world.

Feeling Yang Jian's domineering and domineering impact becoming more and more intense, his head became dizzy for a while, and when Bucky was about to admit defeat, for some reason, a red-haired figure that he hated suddenly appeared in his mind at this moment. Thinking of the suffering of being forced by Yang Jian to do all kinds of training, a surge of anger surged in his heart.

No, I can't give up, this is the only chance, even if there is little hope, I will try again.

Brazil regained strength from nowhere, resisted the feeling of dizziness, stood up straight, and shouted: "Fruit Awakening · Brain Molecular Reorganization · Overlord Color Explosion!"

A slight change suddenly occurred in Bucky's brain, and the two temples swelled up. If you can see inside his brain, you will find that a pineal gland in the brain quickly secretes a substance that makes Bucky's The spiritual power increased instantly, and the domineering look that was several times stronger than before burst out.

Originally suppressed by Yang Jian, Baki was easily suppressed. He felt that the general situation was settled, and he was unprepared. In the end, he was accidentally countered by his opponent. His body swayed and he almost fainted. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to stabilize his body in time. Finally, Without making a fool of himself, he reluctantly raised his head to look at Bucky.

Bucky's situation doesn't seem to be much better, his eyes are about to pop out, his mental power is constantly shrinking and expanding, like an engine, and his brain cells become extremely active, as if all the workers work together to maintain This level of domineering output.

Yang Jian stared, exuding a faint blue light, but he used a secret method to stimulate his spiritual power, and then resisted Bucky's domineering arrogance like a storm, "Please, do you need to fight so hard? You use this kind of The method stimulates the brain, which is very harmful to the spirit."

Bucky's eyes were bloodshot, his body had reached its limit after five years of training, his bones were harder than steel, but at this moment there seemed to be cracks in his skull, but Bucky didn't care at all.

"As long as I can defeat you, it is worth paying a little price. Anyway, after my fruit ability is awakened, I can self-regulate my body, and the loss of mental power can also be recovered through self-cultivation. Even if I am injured, I can perform self-treatment. I can lie on the bed for a few days at most. .”

Half a minute later, the hole disappeared, and following the hole disappeared was a huge circular ground.

"Okay, you're ruthless! If that's the case, then I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman. Do you think you're the only one who can explode? I can too!" Yang Jian took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Spiritual boost·overlord color shock! Drink! "

Yang Jian's domineering spirit also increased several times and turned back to Bucky.


Bucky only felt a tightness in his chest, his heartbeat began to speed up, and he almost couldn't stand it anymore, "What's going on? Why has his domineering aura increased so much, it's almost comparable to that bastard Shanks."

Boom!Boom! !

The arena where Yang Jian and Bucky were standing began to collapse, countless gravels fell, and even the entire island began to vibrate. If it continued like this, it would not take long for it to collapse and sink to the bottom of the sea.

This island is a place for cultivating talents. It is very important to both the Bucky Pirates and the Hong Gang. Both of them understand this, so they slowly floated up and flew into the sky.

A scar appeared in the sky. The unnamed island, which had been dispelled from the mist and brightened because of the domineering attack of the domineering color, became dark again at this time. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the lightning and thunder made the island look like hell.

"It's terrible. It's a good thing we didn't go up there, otherwise we would have been unlucky. The aftermath they emitted could stun us." On a boat several kilometers away from the unnamed island, Kabaji saw Looking at the island, he said happily.

"Yeah, the captain has become so powerful before I knew it. I thought it was enough to increase my strength, but it's far behind the captain." The trembling pet Li felt ashamed and kicked him directly.

Enilu looked at the unnamed island in front of him, but his eyes shined brightly, "This is the real battle, this is the captain in my mind, only such a strong strength can make me surrender, by the way, Morocco Qi, I forgot to tell you, Captain Bucky has decided to let me take the position of vice-captain, I am afraid you have to abdicate."

"It doesn't matter, you can be the vice-captain if you want." Mochi waved his hand, with a face of indifference. If it was before, he might be reluctant to part with the position of vice-captain, but now he has seen a stronger power and a wider scope. He no longer cares about these false names, because he understands that strength is the foundation of everything.

"Thank you very much." Enil said so, but his face didn't show much joy. In fact, he didn't have much interest in the position of vice-captain. For others, unless the other party is really stronger than him, obviously Moqi doesn't have the strength to make him bow his head.

In this way, the position of the deputy head of the Bucky Pirates was handed over without causing any waves, and the eyes of the three were always fixed on the nameless island.

"No, I can't go on like this. Continue to compete with the domineering look. I must be the one who loses in the end. I must make a change."

Bucky slowly restrained his domineering aura, no longer attacked, but used it for defense, clenched his fists hard, and cracks appeared all over his body, but they healed quickly.

When Yang Jian saw Bucky's appearance, he knew that he was planning to use hard power to fight. In this case, Yang Jian would not let him go, and also withdrew his domineering arrogance and confronted Bucky.

The two figures just floated in the air. Yang Jian used gravitational powers to achieve flight, while Bucky naturally split the fruit into pieces. In the original plot, Bucky could split his body and float in the air to achieve the purpose of flying. Now It is not surprising that the devil fruit is awakened and the whole person is flying in the sky.

"Armed Coil · Big Split Fist!"

Bucky stomped on his feet dozens of times in an instant, and with a loud sound, he rushed out, his arm turned black, and he punched out, and immediately centered on the fist, dense cracks spread rapidly.

This situation is a bit like Whitebeard's ability to shake fruit. The space seems to be broken, but there is no earth-shattering sound like Whitebeard. On the contrary, when he punches, it is a little silent. Combined with the attack method created by the fruit ability, one punch directly splits the space.

"Good time! Zhenzhen Fruit·Dakongzhen!"

The power of Bucky's punch, Yang Jian knew how powerful it was just by seeing the cracks that were constantly shattering. Qu, in the next second, he smashed his right fist hard at Bucky's fist.

Yang Jian was also happy to see Liexin, so he chose to use Whitebeard's shaking fruit ability to fight against him. Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, of course Yang Jian will not let go of his fruit ability. He has been using it for several years. The intelligence network of the Hong Gang pays attention to the movements of Whitebeard. When he hears that the Whitebeard Pirates are fighting with others, Yang Jian will rush over immediately. Several times he has witnessed Whitebeard displaying the Zhenzhen Fruit with his own eyes. The fruit copied his ability, plus the increase of other abilities, not worse than Whitebeard at all. .

After the two fists collided, there was no shocking explosion, and the fists of the two didn't even collide, but there was a light and crisp sound of clicking.

Then in front of Bucky and Yang Jian, where the two fists collided, the space shattered, pieces of debris fell down, and a black hole the size of a fist appeared.

"Dangerous, run away!"

Seeing this black hole, Yang Jian's expression changed drastically, and he flew back immediately. Although Bucky didn't know what was going on, he instinctively sensed the danger and made the same movement as Yang Jian .

In the next second, the black hole began to twist, and an extremely powerful suction appeared, directly absorbing all the surrounding objects.

Chapter 492 Yang Jian VS Bucky

Soon the black hole recovered, and the space healed, but seeing the scene just now, neither Yang Jian nor Bucky dared to fight recklessly with the tricks just now, they could only change the fighting method.

With a bang, Baki pulled out a long, narrow knife more than one meter long from his waist, pointed the knife point at Yang Jian, and said softly, "Molecular recombination, macromolecular cutting edge!"

A little under Bucky's feet, a ray of light rushed out, and the long knife in his hand was covered by the armed domineering color, and it also turned black.

If you observe from a microscopic point of view, you will find that the long knife in Bucky's hand has undergone earth-shaking changes. The individual molecules outside the blade are lined up, which makes it extremely sharp, er, even steel can easily cut loose.

"Absolute barrier!"

Sensing the crisis, Yang Jian pushed forward with both hands, and a hemispherical green barrier was in front of him, facing Bucky's slash.

when! ! !

With an ear-piercing crisp sound, the domineering black knife in Bucky's hand directly cut a half-meter-long opening on the barrier, and then was caught, unable to move forward.

Yang Jian was taken aback. You must know that this is the barrier fruit ability. In the original plot, Bartolomeo uses an absolute defensive barrier, which cannot be destroyed by any means, and can use the barrier to attack.

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