Now it seems that the absolute barrier defense is not absolute, once the upper limit is reached, it will also be cracked.

dang dang dang dang...

Bucky swung the long knife in his hand wildly like Avalokitesvara, and soon the barrier was cut to pieces, pieces of green fragments came out from the air, and then Bucky slashed Yang Jian's chest.

"Don't underestimate me, multiple absolute defense barriers, seven layers superimposed!"

A fierce light flashed in Yang Jian's eyes, and he clenched his fist and blasted towards Bucky's blade. Layers of green barriers appeared on the fist, superimposed together, making Yang Jian's fist turn green.

Dangdang! ! !

The fist and the long knife collided three times in a row, and the outermost three layers of barriers were cut directly. However, after the violent impact, Yang Jian and Bucky were forced back by the opponent's force at the same time, and managed to stabilize their figures. Ten meters stand out of thin air.

At this time, Yang Jian discovered a problem. The knife in Bucky's hand looked narrow on the surface and seemed to have little weight, but in fact it weighed more than a hundred catties. The two of them confronted each other just now, and Yang Jian's arm was so shaken. Numb.

"So that's how it is. You were almost cheated by you. Have you refined the knife in your hand? Use your fruit ability to rearrange the molecules, compress the molecular structure, increase its density, and increase its mass by more than a dozen. times, so it looks light, but it is actually extremely heavy.”

Bucky nodded and admitted: "That's right, for me now, weapons such as er, the Supreme Sword, etc. are meaningless, because I can easily create a weapon of the Great Sword level, as for the Supreme Sword , although it is a bit troublesome, but if you give me a few months, I can also create weapons of the same level, but I can't give birth to my own spirituality like those real supreme swords."

"This is already very good. If you sell weapons, I'm afraid you will directly bankrupt the craftsmen who write famous swords in this world. The weapons they have worked so hard to make are not as good as the ones you made casually. There is no comparison. So Devil fruit is really unreasonable, there is no strongest devil fruit, only the most suitable, and the hanger is to find a way to use it.”

"Maybe, but I don't have the will in this regard. After all, my wish is to become a treasure king, not a foundry master. The most I can do is to upgrade the weapons of my subordinates to the level of a big sword." Bucky This is standing and talking without back pain. If people who make knives hear it, they will probably fight Bucky desperately. When did the big fast knives become ordinary weapons.

"Whatever, as long as you're happy. By the way, shall we continue to fight? Now that the situation is clear, you don't seem to have much chance of winning."

"Of course, although I know that I don't have much chance of winning, I still want to give it a try. I have a feeling that if I can't beat you this time, I won't have another chance in the future."

"Well, if you insist on this, let us continue to fight."

Yang Jian's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Bucky, punching Bucky's head with a punch.

Bucky's figure flickered, and he left the spot in an instant, avoiding Yang Jian's punch, and with a flick of his right leg, one foot became covered with armed domineering aura, and he broke away from his body, kicking Yang Jian fiercely like a missile.

Yang Jian had already sensed Bucky's flying feet after seeing and hearing about them, and he stepped on them continuously, and then disappeared again with a sound explosion.

Just like that, the two came and fought together, suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly, but they didn't really disappear, because their speed was too fast, beyond the limit of the eyes' acceptance, so they appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Yang Jian's fist sometimes collided with the long knife, and sometimes collided with Bucky's fist and foot, sending out a series of roars, setting off a violent wave of air that spread in the sky, mixed with white cracks, and a hurricane gradually formed on the sea surface. Set off a huge wave tens of meters high, wave after wave spread out.

"Damn it! Go! Go! It's too dangerous here." Enilu, who was watching the battle in the distance, saw the huge waves crushing him, and his face turned pale with fright. If it was just a wave, they could still resist it. But this wave after wave is simply terrible.

At this time, besides the boat that Yang Jian was on when he came, there were two other boats on the boat. They were people who had been trained on the unnamed island before. Speeding up, dragging the boat directly on the sea with moon steps, let some people enjoy the surfing feeling of people dragging the boat again.

But even so, the day after tomorrow, I still caught up. At this time, Kabaji, Moqi, and Enilo had already arrived at the stern. By the way, Simba the lion had to be added.

"Sixty million volts Thunder Dragon!"

"Land's Foot·Continuous Gift!"

"Draw your sword and cut it in a flash!"


Enilu tapped the taiko drums on both shoulders, and the thunder and lightning created rushed out of the taiko drums, forming a huge thunder dragon and rushing towards the tsunami. With a roar, the first few waves were smashed to pieces.

Instead, Mochi's Lanjiao rolled up a vacuum attack, and a white slashing wave flew out, splitting the waves.

Kabaji waved the knife in his hand, and a burst of knife energy instantly turned into a huge slash, which was more powerful than Moqi's Lanjiao.

Lion Simba, or Li Kei, his roar was created by Yang Jian based on the legendary lion's roar. After training, it was so powerful that it directly shattered the waves.

It wasn't until the boat rowed more than ten kilometers that the waves gradually became smaller. Everyone stopped and looked back at the place where Yang Jian and Baki fought, with horror still on their faces.

"Is this the true strength of the captain and the Great Demon King? Enel, I don't know what's going on now?" Kabaji wiped the cold sweat off his head before asking.

Because the distance is too far, coupled with the isolation of the energy storm formed during the battle between Yang Jian and Baki, it is impossible to detect the situation even if he has a face-to-face arrogance. However, Enilo is special, and his knowledge-like arrogance is far better than others , coupled with the assisting effect of the thunder fruit, the coverage of knowledge-colored domineering is dozens of times that of other people, and it should be able to feel the internal situation.

Enilu closed his eyes, and took a closer look with his domineering look, "The battle between the factory director and that bastard is getting more and more fierce, and there is no winner yet, but judging by the situation, the captain seems to be in trouble, and it has already begun. fall into a disadvantage."

"Falling? Are you saying that the captain is about to lose? What a pity, isn't there a way to teach that big devil a lesson?" Kabaji asked with a bit of reluctance.

"Let's forget it. In fact, it's normal for the captain to fail. That guy is a real monster. We don't know how deep he is until now. To be honest, I don't expect to defeat him anymore." Mochi sighed. Lost face.Say

Enel is also a little desperate, but he has personally experienced the power of Bucky, the awakening of the devil fruit ability, and the domineering domineering. If this situation fails, wouldn't he have no chance?How will I take revenge in the future?

"Although the captain is at a disadvantage, he will not be defeated in a short period of time. It is normal for a master of their level to fight for a few days and nights. It is not that simple to decide the winner, but after the captain is at a disadvantage, The longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for him, unless the captain makes a breakthrough under tremendous pressure and wins by surprise." Although Enilu said so, he has no idea in his heart.

"Anilu... No! You should be called the vice-captain now. You mean that Captain Bucky may still win, right?" Mochi asked expectantly.

"Although the hope is very slim, there is still a chance. It depends on whether Captain Bucky has any other cards?"

Hearing what Anilu said, Kabaji gained some confidence, "There will definitely be. Our captain is the most despicable, not the smartest. He always hides it, and there will definitely be killers."

"Let's hope!" Enilo didn't have any hope, of course he had his hole cards, but unfortunately he had already used them. Awakening of Fruit Ability, domineering look, and molecular cutting edge were all the cards Bucky prepared to defeat Yang Jian. , unfortunately, it didn't play its due role at all.

After the awakening of Bucky's fruit ability, he has been thinking about how to enhance his own strength and how to defeat Yang Jian for the past few days. He specifically discussed with Anilo, who also gave him some advice, so what cards does Bucky have? It couldn't be more clear that everything that should be used has been used, but the result is disappointing, so he said that there is still a chance, but in fact he has given up any hope.

Dangdang! ! !

The knife in Bucky's hand kept colliding with Yang Jian's fist, breaking through the three outermost barriers and cutting a crack on the fourth barrier, but the crack healed quickly before he had time to be happy, and then Yang Jian Three layers of barriers appeared on Jane's fist again, and it turned into a state of seven layers of barriers again, which made Bucky's efforts useless. No matter how hard he tried, he could not hurt Yang Jian.

Baki and Yang Jian had been fighting from morning to evening, and they were exhausted and out of breath. Although Yang Jian was also sweating profusely, his condition was obviously much better than Baki's.

Although there is still no winner.But in fact, Bucky has already lost, and he failed to hurt Yang Jian with all his cards out. After fighting for so long, he didn't come up with new tricks, and there will be no good results if he continues to fight.

"Molecular explosion!"

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