Bucky grabbed a cow charm, and under Yang Jian's guidance, communicated with his spiritual power. Soon the cow charm melted into his body from his palm. Although Bucky said it nicely, after the spell melted into his body, he kept observing carefully. Once there is an abnormality in the patient, he will immediately decompose the body and keep the auxiliary to get rid of it. .Be on guard, once there is an abnormality.

Fortunately, no accidents happened. The liquid from the cow charm flowed along the meridians like a small river, spreading all over the body. Bucky felt as if his body had infinite power.

Bucky pulled out his own knife casually, pinching it with two fingers, giving people a feeling of lightness, but in fact, the weight of the knife was more than one hundred catties, because Bucky's strength had increased too much, and the knife was It's like holding a toothpick in your hand.

Yang Jian explained next to him: "The fusion is the cow charm, which represents power, which will make your strength infinitely stronger, your physical strength greatly increased, and your defense power greatly enhanced. Strength, physical attack destructive power, etc. will be greatly improved."

At this moment, Bucky was obsessed with the powerful strength of his body and couldn't extricate himself. It took a while to come back to his senses. After thinking for a while, he grabbed his knife with both hands and folded it forcefully. With a snap, the knife broke in two.

"Sure enough, my strength has increased, and I can break the knife with pure strength." After Bucky finished speaking, he put the broken knife back together, activated the ability molecules to decompose and reorganize, and the knife quickly disappeared. recovery.

"This is just the beginning. In the future, when you master the cow charm proficiently, the power will become stronger and stronger. It's just that after the devil fruit is made into a charm, it cannot be awakened. This is not a big shortcoming."

"It doesn't matter, it is extremely difficult to awaken the phantom beast fruit. This is already very good. I don't know if I can beat you with my current strength."

Yang Jian smiled and shook his head, "If you think too much, the more fruit powers are not the better, and the ability to exert one of the laws to the limit is no worse than the power of multiple fruits. You can imagine that now you can get the power of the cow charm Can the blessed you really win against the previous you?"

Bucky lowered his head and thought about it, after thinking about it, he found that even with the blessing of the cow charm, it seems that his chances of winning against his previous self did not increase much. Bucky is very aware of the power of his devil fruit after awakening, and the cow charm Although it gave him stronger strength, it did not substantially change his strength. If he lacked strength, he could choose flexible and changeable fighting methods, avoiding the most important and taking the lightest.

This situation is just like Blackbeard in the original plot. After gaining the ability of Whitebeard, adding the Dark Fruit, the dual ability person is still only one of the four emperors, and does not have much advantage against the other three.

"I understand. The Bull Talisman just gave me one more choice in the battle, but it didn't make a substantial change. It's like you, who have mastered so many abilities, but can't really beat the development of the shattered fruit to My limit."

"It's good if you understand, one trick, eating all over the world, developing a single fruit ability to the limit is no worse than multiple abilities, but my path is a bit different from yours, what I really want to study is the origin of this world .”

Baki had also heard Yang Jian talk about the origin of the world, laws and other things before, but he couldn't understand it, so he stopped asking.

Bucky felt the bull talisman in his body, and tried to condense it again, and soon a cloud of silver liquid appeared in his palm, which condensed into the bull talisman again.

When Kabaji and Moqi saw this scene, they immediately felt relieved. This showed that Yang Jian hadn't lied to them. The spell could be integrated into the body, and it could be taken out at any time.

The cow charm is more suitable for Bucky, because he is relatively short in size, and it is very disadvantageous to fight against those enemies with huge size. Although it can change the body density to make him taller, it reduces the strength of the body correspondingly, and the cow charm It can make up for this weakness, so Bucky simply chose the Bull Charm.

Before, Kabaji and the others were worried that Yang Jian would tamper with the talisman, so they didn't dare to touch it. Now they were sure that there was no problem. They all looked at Yang Jian pitifully, wanting to get the talisman but dared not.

"Okay, I told you one each, pick your own."

Kabaji, Moqi, and Anilu heard the words and grabbed those spells almost at the same time, but at this moment Bucky raised his hand to stop them.

"Don't worry, before you choose a spell, you should at least understand what abilities you have."

The three of Enilo withdrew their hands in embarrassment when they heard the words, they were indeed a little too anxious.

Yang Jian also nodded and said: "This is my negligence, sorry, let me introduce it, needless to say, the cow charm and the dragon charm, one represents strength, and the other represents fire. Let me introduce other spells."

Yang Jian first picked up the Rat Charm, "The ability of the Rat Charm is to turn static into dynamic, it can endow static objects with power, and turn static objects into animals."

As Yang Jian said, he pulled out Kabaji's knife, brushed it a few times, and carved a stone into an abstract human figure half a meter high. He picked up the rat charm, and a beam of light fell on the stone man, and the stone man immediately came to life. Come here, jump up and down there.

After a few seconds, Yang Jian used the rat charm again to turn the stone man into a dead object, "The same rat spell can also turn animals into still life, but it is only effective for inanimate inorganic objects, and cannot activate dead bodies to achieve death. And come back to life."

Yang Jian put the rat charm back, and took the tiger charm, "The tiger charm shows the balance of yin and yang, offsets the conflicting forces, and divides the positive and negative sides."

Yang Jian held the Tiger Talisman to shine a light on Moqi, and a brilliance flashed by. In the dark eyes of everyone, one Moqi turned into two, one fierce and ferocious, one obedient, with a stern look , are completely two extremes.

Chapter 494 Twelve Talismans (Part [-])

"Bastard, what did you do to me, do you want to be beaten?" Although they split into two, the two Mochis had previous memories, and one of them stared at Yang Jian with a murderous look on his face.

"Don't be like this, let's be peaceful and don't get angry." Another little Momoqi hurriedly persuaded him, but he didn't have any confidence at all.

Yang Jianli ignored Moqi who was divided into two, and continued to explain to others: "After being divided into two, the personalities are completely different, but this is only the most basic application. If you can fully control the power of the spell, you can use it completely. Differentiate into a target that is exactly the same as the original and can control the opponent's actions. Think about it, if you can be the last Four Emperors master, what will happen if they want them to fight themselves? Of course, the stronger the target, the more difficult it is to divide , and it needs to consume the power of the auxiliary master to maintain it, and it will naturally collapse when the time comes."

Seeing Yang Jian ignoring them, the two Mochis were okay with the little shou-looking one, but the vicious one couldn't take it anymore, and they clenched Yi's fist as if throwing at Yang Jian.


Yang Jian casually raised a hand to block Mochi's fist, and then cast a tiger charm, and the two separated Mochi reunited.

"How do you feel, brother?" Kabaji hurriedly stepped forward to ask when he saw Moqi transforming back.

"Ugh! That feeling is very strange. One is timid and afraid of everything, while the other has no scruples. It seems that all the restraints have been lifted, and even the fear of Mr. Yang has disappeared. Maybe you can try it too."

"No, no, no!!" Kabaji shook his head like a rattle and refused, "Forget it, I don't want to try that feeling."

"Next is the Rabbit Charm, that's simple. Its ability has only one speed, which can make the holder move at supersonic speed or even faster. Not only can the user have a very fast super speed to run at high speed, It can also make all kinds of physical skills agile and fast, hand speed and other hand and foot movements can be fully accelerated to move, and move at a high speed on the water surface, so fast that it is invisible."

In the plot of Jackie Chan's Adventures, the speed is increased to a certain level, beyond the range of the speed of light, it is even enough to create space-time cracks, which can break through time and travel through time and space, forming hyperspace wormholes, but the spell made by Yang Jian obviously cannot reach that level.

"The ability of the snake charm is invisibility. People who have the spell can not only make themselves invisible, but also make people or things they touch invisible, smell, and sound will be hidden. It itself does not have much combat power, it is just an auxiliary spell."

"The horse amulet has the ability to heal. It can remove all abnormal influences in the body caused by external forces. It can heal all diseases and injuries on the user's body, relieve physical pain and coma, and repair any damaged objects. , restore any defective object to its fullest state, and cure all diseases.”

"The sheep charm can make people's soul go out of the body. After the soul leaves the body and flies out of the body, it can wander anywhere in the world without sound or shadow. The disadvantage is that there is no support of the soul, the body cannot move, and the soul can be attached to the body of a sleeping person. You can possess other people to control your dreams, but if the other party’s soul power is stronger than yours, then be careful, you may be hurt by the other party instead.”

"The monkey charm represents change and has the ability to transform. The holder can not only transform into any living creature, but also change other people. This change is the transformation of body shape and structure, the transformation of species attributes, and the reorganization of cell molecules. Of course, it still needs Consume the user's power." There is no change in the monkey spell user in the animation, but the spell made by Yang Jian will definitely be different.

"The chicken charm is a floating ability, which can make the holder use the power of thought to suspend in the air and control objects to float and move...

The dog charm is the power of eternal life, the body of immortality, can make the holder forever young, immortal, immortal, body and soul will not be hurt, can be killed, tired, starved, wounded, poisoned, etc. A series of undead powers, with which you will not receive any harm, protect your life, protect your body from death, and be immune to all fatal attacks. The disadvantage is that you will still feel pain when you are attacked...

The pig charm can make people have Cyclops, the eyes emit destructive laser scorching light rays, and the long-range emission energy of the flame laser beam has an infinite distance..."

Yang Jian spent a lot of saliva before introducing the ability of the spell, and then waited for everyone's choice.

Enilu looked at the spell in front of him, full of excitement, "It's great to have so many magical abilities, but the sheep spell and the floating chicken spell are not very useful."

Yang Jian looked at Enilu with contempt, and said: "What an ignorant fellow, do you think they are useless because you didn't think of the correct way to use them? Is floating useless? Ask Bucky, he was on the One Piece ship back then. When I was a trainee crew member, I had suffered from a person with floating fruit ability, and he was a super big pirate who could compete with Pirate King Roger."

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