"Is that true, Captain?"

The eyes of the three of Enilo turned to Bucky at the same time. As Bucky's strength became stronger and stronger, many secrets were released.

To be honest, if Bucky didn't say it himself, and Yang Jian proved it, they really couldn't believe that their captain Bucky, who usually looks a bit unreliable, is actually an apprentice crew member on the One Piece ship, so brilliant The experience made them have to admire.

Although the word "apprentice" is added in front of the crew, it should not be underestimated because of this. As long as it is related to One Piece, even a dog is enough to make people pay attention. Think about the red-haired Shanks, who can become today's four One of the emperors, the apprenticeship experience on the One Piece ship must have been the key to laying a solid foundation for him, so he was able to soar into the sky.

Bucky nodded, "He's right. There used to be a guy named Golden Lion in the sea. He was a person with fluttering fruit ability. As long as he touched it, he would lose gravity and fly to the sky. His pirate The group is flying in the sky, so it is called the Flying Pirates. When Captain Roger took us, we suffered a lot under his hands, and even were cornered several times. Captain Roger almost died in his hands, but We were lucky, and finally escaped. This is the Golden Lion, who is arrogant and thinks that he is the only one who is qualified to defeat Captain Roger. When Captain Roger surrendered himself, he still wanted to save people. Fighting against the naval hero Garp and Marshal Buddha with his own strength, although he was defeated in the end, the aftermath of the battle destroyed the Navy Headquarters, although the defeat is glorious."

Kabaji couldn't help holding the chicken charm in his hand, and asked with a look of shock: "You mean to say that this floating ability can be developed to a power comparable to One Piece in the end."


At this moment, Yang Jian knocked on Kabaji's bag, and said angrily: "What daydreaming? That's impossible. The same devil fruit exerts different powers in different hands. So powerful, not only because of his fruit ability, his strength is all-round. In addition to fruit ability, he also has a strong body, superb swordsmanship, perfect physical skills, and three-color domineering. Stand up to form a powerful golden lion, you are far away, even if the opponent does not have a devil fruit, he can hang you.

In addition, the floating ability of the chicken charm is not so powerful, not even one-tenth of that of the Piao Piao fruit. The ability of the chicken charm is more like a combination of floating and mind power, so you don't need to touch it, as long as you can see it with your eyes. Let the target float, so it is more flexible and changeable.It can be said that each has its own advantages, and the extent to which it can be used depends on individual development. "

Well, Kabaki also understood that he was thinking too much, so he put the chicken charm back embarrassingly, this charm is really not suitable for him.

On the other side, Enilu stared at the sheep charm for a while, "Then how can this sheep charm be used?"

"First of all, it can be used to inquire about news. The soul, without the shackles of the physical body, can travel freely. For example, if someone of us is imprisoned in the large submarine prison, when we rescue, the soul can go out of the body to inquire about the news in advance."

Bucky and the others couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, the sheep charm is the best way to inquire about news. Although the state of the soul is a lot more comfortable, it also has great advantages. As long as the physical body is well taken care of, it will be fine.

"Another point I said before is that you can possess other people and control their actions, as long as the other party's soul is not too strong, you can sneak attack and assassinate, for example, secretly control the bodyguard of a big person, and look at it. Stab him when you're paying attention."

Everyone couldn't help but shuddered. Bucky turned his head to look at his subordinates, Kabaji and Moqi. If one day they were controlled and attacked from behind, he would never be prepared.

"The last sheep charm is the ability to enter dreams. You can communicate with people in dreams, and you can also create dreams, and take the opportunity to steal other people's inner secrets."

After what Yang Jian said, Bucky and the others immediately understood the horror of the sheep spell. Although it had no direct attack ability, its auxiliary effect was very powerful, and in some respects it was more dangerous than other spells.

"Okay, now it's up to you to make a decision. The dragon spell is mine. Captain Bucky seems to be more interested in the cow spell. You can choose one of the other spells. By the way, the dog spell is for Simba." , as an existence who has inherited the title of the Lion King, he must be as brave, fearless, and powerful as the Lion King Simba, the dog charm will make him immortal, I hope he will not live up to the title of the Lion King.”

As Yang Jian said, he directly took the dog charm and pressed it on the pet lion's forehead. Well, before it objected, it turned into a ball of liquid and melted into the body.

Whenever he sees his pet lion being bullied, Moqi feels a burst of heartache. He scolds himself for being useless again and again, but he dare not make any objection. Ah! Bear with it!"

"Since Li...no! I mean Simba chose the dog spell, so I will choose the horse spell. If he is injured, he can heal him. Besides, I am no longer the deputy captain, so I can change my job to become a ship doctor. I have learned medical skills from Mr. Yang Jian for several years, and with the horse charm, I can fully assume the responsibility of the ship's doctor."

When Yang Jian forced Baki to study biology, he was worried that he would be bored by himself, so he decided to find some companions for him. Of course, the two unlucky bastards, Moqi and Kabaji, were also arrested, but they didn't like him. Bucky was so unlucky, one was studying medicine and the other was cooking. Although Yang Jian's requirements were relatively high, compared to biology, which made them completely confused, he was finally able to do it. After a few years, the results were actually good.

Watching Moqi integrate the horse charm into his body, Kabaji also began to think about which spell he should choose. After some careful consideration, he reached out to the snake spell, "I have been practicing the silent killing taught by Mr. Yang Jian for the past few years. The sword has already reached the level of a swordsman, if combined with the invisibility ability of the snake charm, its absolute power will be greatly increased."

In the end, everyone looked like Enilo. In fact, he also made a decision and picked up the pig charm, "Then I will choose this one. Although my thunder fruit has a strong attack power, every attack will always make a big noise. Those who are powerful can easily hide, and the laser beam of this electric eye can be activated as long as the mind moves, and the eyes are locked on the enemy, and the speed is fast, which just makes up for one of my own shortcomings."

"Very good, you have all made the right choice according to your own situation. Not bad, I also want to tell you a piece of good news. These spells can be connected with each other through special signals, and there is also a fantasy space, using the spirit The Force Stimulation Charm can enter it, try it."

Bucky and the others glanced at each other, and slowly closed their eyes. According to Yang Jian's spell to stimulate the body, they felt the scenery change instantly, and came to a place emitting white light, surrounded by 12 huge statues. Circle, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Hai, Pig Zodiac. In the center of the circle is a huge round table surrounded by 12 chairs. The chair corresponds to a statue behind it.

Five people and one lion headed by Yang Jian sat on the chairs, half of the 12 seats were occupied.

"This is the spell space. We only enter here consciously, and the body is still outside, so remember to find a quiet place every time you enter, and gather once a month in the future. If there is an emergency, you can also apply for the party through spells. , do you have any opinions?"



"very good!"

"I have no opinion!"


This is a good thing, of course no one will object.

After checking the spell space, Bucky looked back at Yang Jian and said, "The purpose of making 12 spells is to build a core organization based on this and strengthen the connection between the Bucky Pirates and the Red Gang, right? ".

"That's true. I don't want Red Envelope and the Bucky Pirates to have a conflict one day, so I have made some preparations in advance. I have cooperated well before. If I continue to maintain it, I hope to find the balance point where the two sides coexist peacefully."

In the previous five years, the Bucky Pirates were controlled by Yang Jian, and he established the Hong Gang with the help of the Bucky Pirates, but Yang Jian knew very well that the Bucky Pirates did not belong to him, and the Red Gang It is the power that really belongs to him.

The Bucky Pirates belong to Bucky, and his goal is to become the treasure king. One day the two sides will part ways, and who knows if there will be conflicts between the two sides. In order to prevent this, the best way is to strengthen the relationship , If there is anything, you can communicate with each other to reduce the possibility of conflict.

Chapter 495 Totland Kingdom

Bucky's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly understood Yang Jian's thoughts. He nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. A council based on spells and 12 core members of combat power, Hong Gang and Bucky Pirates The group can communicate more in the future, understand each other's movements, and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts, but now our pirate group has occupied five seats, isn't it fair and unfair to the Hong Gang?"

Yang Jian waved his hand and said indifferently: "It doesn't need to be so clear. Anyway, there are still six spells. I will just find a few more people in the future."

"Also since you can make 12 charms, you can definitely make more, and maybe there will be more members in the future."

"You're wrong, I won't make any other spells, 12 is not enough, but the quota can be limited, so, Captain Bucky, you can introduce up to two people, and the rest are up to me." to choose a master."

"Well, well, if there is a suitable person, I will not be polite."

"The choice of spell ability is first come, first served. When the time comes, choose by yourself. The last person can only consider himself unlucky, because there is no choice at all."

"It seems that I have to hurry up."

Yang Jian and Bucky made up their minds in this way, and everyone quickly left the spell space and returned to the real world. Yang Jian stretched out his hand and put away the remaining six spells, waiting for their future owners to choose.

Everyone broke away from the magical feeling in the spell space, Yang Jian changed his tone and said: "Okay, the official business is over, we are talking about some private matters, Bucky, I need your help with something."

A surprised expression appeared on Bucky's face, "It's really strange, there are times when you need my help?"

"Is it strange? I'm not an omnipotent god. I didn't ask you for help before because your strength is not enough. Calling you would be a disservice. Now that you are strong enough to deal with any crisis, naturally you won't There are so many scruples."

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