"Really? It's really thanks to you for taking care of me. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want you to come with me to Totland."

"Totland!" Bucky's face changed, "That's the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, what are you doing there? Could it be to provoke Charlotte Lingling? That perverted woman is moody, if possible It's better not to provoke her as much as possible." Hearing Yang Jian's words, Bucky immediately persuaded him, although his current strength is not inferior to the other party, but he is not willing to miss this kind of person as an enemy.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to be an enemy of the Big Mom Pirates, but I haven't got a clue about the law of the soul recently. After all, the soul is the most mysterious thing in the world, so I want to use the copy fruit to copy Big Mom's soul and soul fruit ability. , I just need to witness the process of using the soul soul fruit to make Homiz with my own eyes, and record the soul fluctuations. There should be no war. To be honest, if I can, I don’t want to target that woman, just There are very few soul-related fruits, and there are not many for me to choose from. Big Mom’s soul soul fruit is the most suitable. I will try to avoid doing it. I have prepared something for her, which should be able to make him agree. trade."

Seeing Yang Jian's confident expression, Baki couldn't help being curious, "What are you going to use to make a deal with that lunatic woman, she is one of the four emperors, do you have anything in hand? Can you really get her to agree to a deal? "

Yang Jian smiled mysteriously, stretched out his hand to open the door, and suddenly a small door with a diameter of half a meter appeared out of thin air. Yang Jian took out a thick book from it and handed it to Bucky, saying, "Tell me, if I use This is a deal with Big mom, will she agree?"

Bucky took the book over and read it, his face twitched suddenly, because the name of the book was "300 Ways to Make Pastry for Foodies".

"Can this work? Big Mom's love of food is well known. Her staff has gathered famous chefs from all over the world. Do you think this will impress her?"

"Of course, I'm sure. There are many beautiful pastry making methods that have been lost, especially in desserts. Do you think big mom can refuse?"

"Well, I have to say that you have a very thorough understanding of Big mom. If it is really like what you said, even if only 1/10 of the pastry making methods are not mastered by the Big mom pirates, they will spare no effort It's an irresistible temptation for a big mom to get this book at a price."

"So you agree with my plan."

"Is it useful if I don't agree? What's more, the chances of the other party agreeing are very high. It doesn't matter if we take a trip, but we have to be prepared. Charlotte Lingling is a crazy woman who is moody. Who knows what she will do, maybe I made a deal with you amicably before, but I will kill you the next moment."

"Don't worry, so what if we do it? With the strength of the two of us, are we still afraid? Even if they are besieged by a large number of people, it will be no problem for us to escape, right?"

"That's right, shall we leave now?"

"Of course, the sooner this kind of thing happens, the better. I can't wait to study the ability of the soul fruit."

Yang Jian had already opened a door while he was speaking, and he was about to walk in, but at this moment, Ainilu's voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute, I'm going too, Big Mom Pirates, that's the Four Emperors! I've long wanted to How can we let this opportunity pass by seeing the world's pinnacle combat power?"

Yang Jian immediately stopped and turned to look at Ai Nilu, "Are you sure you want to go? Although we are going with good intentions, who knows what the other party will think? There is a great chance that a war will start, when the time comes Don't lose the chain, you will be killed by someone."

Enilu patted his chest confidently, "Don't worry, you all know my strength, even if it's a little worse than yours, but I'm already close to a general, and I'm sure there's no problem in self-protection."

"Okay then, but there is one point, you can't act rashly without my order, and I have to copy the ability to memorize a Big Mom. If you mess it up for me, I won't be polite to you."

"Okay, I will listen to you when the time comes, and I will never do anything without your permission. Is this okay?"

"I hope you will do what you say!"

Soon the three of Yang Jian passed through the space gate and came to a Hong Gang stronghold in the New World, which was relatively close to the Kingdom of Totland. The molecular structure changed its appearance, and then they headed towards the Kingdom of Totland together.

All three of them have the ability to fly. Yang Jian controls gravity, Bucky controls body density, and Enilo directly transforms into Thunder, and it didn't take long for him to approach Big Mom's territory.

The Kingdom of Totland, also known as the Kingdom of Nations, is dominated by Cake Island, surrounded by 34 islands dotted around, governed by 34 ministers, mainly the children born by Charlotte Lingling herself.

BIG MOM is the queen of this country. She hopes that this country will become a utopia that unifies all races in the world. The goal is to become a home where almost all races and tribe members in the world live in harmony. The known races living in Totland are humans, murlocs , mermaid family, fur family, snake head family, long hands and feet, long legs family, small human family, three-eyed family and so on.

In some respects, Charlotte Lingling is not completely bad-hearted, but according to the law, all citizens of Totland must pay one month of life every six months as a fee for Big Mom's protection, otherwise they He had to leave, but his children Bree and Praline claimed that Big Mom would never allow anyone to leave Totland, and anyone who tried to leave would be sentenced to death, adding to Big Mom's brutal reputation.

During the flight, Yang Jian recalled the information about the Four Emperors seen in previous animations. Big Mom is extremely powerful. In fact, as the Four Emperors, everyone has their own best aspect.

Whitebeard has the most powerful attack power, and no one can stop the Zhenzhen fruit with a punch.

Kaido has the strongest recovery ability, no matter how badly he is injured, he can easily recover, so he can't die by committing suicide countless times. Yang Jian even thinks that even if he cuts off his head, he can open it back.

The red-haired Shanks has the strongest domineering aura. Under his domineering aura, even a master of the Four Emperors level will be suppressed, and his strength will be compromised.

And Big Mom has the strongest defense, known as the steel balloon, almost no one can harm her, and is the only one among the Four Emperors who has no scars on her body.

In addition, Yang Jian thinks the way the Four Emperors control their own power is very interesting. Whitebeard relies on his sons, Kaido evaluates the cruel power to accept his subordinates, Red Hair looks for like-minded partners, and Big Mom relies on herself to have children.

In terms of childbirth, I have to say that Big Mom is abnormal. Some of his children have more or less inherited her abnormal physique. In addition, they have undergone strict training since they were young. There are quite a few strong ones.

Dessert three-star general, no, this time period should be four-star general, including Charlotte Snag, but after being defeated by the strange monk Urgi, he was removed from the general star, and the other three star general Kataku Chestnut, Cracker, and Smoothie are all generals or close to generals. Among them, Katakuri's three-color domineering has been cultivated to a very high level, and among them, he is the best at knowledgeable domineering, and can even see some In the future, the absolute general level, together with other children, will constitute the main force of the Big Mom Pirates.

The three of Yang Jian landed on Cake Island and walked forward for a certain distance. After all, they were on someone else's territory. They had to maintain the most basic respect. They soon came to a forest. Before they got close, several figures suddenly appeared from the forest. Come.

"Who are you? Dare to break into the cake, etc., don't you know whose territory this is?"

Yang Jian carefully looked at the leader. He was tall and tall. He was wearing a helmet decorated with columns of mane. There were biscuit-decorated base horns on both sides of the helmet. He was wearing black and white biscuit-shaped armor, with the words BIS on his belt and a pointed beard. And long, holding a sword, wearing a cloak, and carrying a large biscuit shield on his back, he looks like a general, followed by a row of biscuit warriors.

However, under Yang Jian's strong sense of knowledge and domineering, he found that this was not the other party's real body, and the real body was hidden in the body of General Biscuit.

There was a slight blue light in Yang Jian's eyes, and his eyes penetrated General Biscuit's body to see its real body inside. It was a purple-haired man with three tufts of hair behind his head, and the two tufts of hair on the left and right were sparkling.There is a scar over the right eye.Wearing a pair of brown gloves.The upper body only has a piece of armor on the right shoulder and a pink cloak, and the lower body is wearing wide breeches and brown boots.

At this time, Yang Jian already knew the identity of the other party. Cracker, the biscuit minister in the three-star dessert general, has a bounty of 8 million Berry. He is very powerful. He is a superhuman biscuit fruit capable person, known as the "biscuit knight." ", usually hidden in the biscuit man made by the fruit ability, the biscuit armor can grow multiple arms, and the cracker can infinitely create biscuit armor, so it is also called "thousand-handed cracker".

"Hello, Your Excellency Cracker, I'm very glad to meet you here." Yang Jian's main purpose is to copy the ability of the soul soul fruit.I didn't come to fight, so I behaved more kindly.

"You know me?" Seeing that Yang Jian was so polite, Cracker asked instead without making a move directly.

"Of course, one of Big Mom's famous dessert four-star generals, the big pirate with a bounty of 8 million Baileys, has been published in the newspaper. If you don't know him, wouldn't it be shameful? There is an urgent matter to be traded with Queen Charlotte, and I hope you can help inform me."

"Don't think that I will be bribed if you say a few nice words. Your mother is so noble, and you can see her whenever you want. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Yang Jian smiled confidently, and took out the food preparation book that he had prepared before, but instead of handing it over to the cracker, he divided the thick book into two, opened a space door, and threw the second half In and out, throw the top half to the cracker.

"You give this to Queen Charlotte, or the chef of the long bread, and they will agree to meet me after reading it."

Cracker instinctively took half of the book in his hand, his eyes lit up when he saw the words on the cover, and he quickly flipped through a few pages, getting more and more surprised the more he read.

As the son of Big Mom, he will naturally study his mother's preferences. Even if he doesn't know how to cook, he at least knows something about desserts. Cracker found that this half book records many unique pastry making methods. If you let your mother know , will be obtained at all costs.

Now Cracker also understood Yang Jian's plan to seduce his mother with delicious food, which made Cracker upset.

Cracker was very angry at Yang Jian and the others sneaking into Cake Island without a sound, so he wanted to find an opportunity to teach them a lesson. This half of the book put him in a dilemma, and he must find a way to get the other half of the book. Otherwise, because Big Mom lost a lot of opportunities to eat delicious food, even if he has a high status in the Big Mom Pirates, he will be severely punished. After all, no matter how high his status is, can he still be higher than Big Mom?

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