After landing, the two people reacted differently. As a big pirate who has fought for many years, Cracker has experienced countless battles, big and small, and his experience is obviously richer. Get up, look for the direction where Enilo is, and continue to kill.

In comparison, Enilu's reaction was a step slower. When he stabilized his figure and got up, the cracker was less than five meters away from him, and he swung the sword in his hand and slashed at his neck fiercely.

At the moment of crisis, Ai Nilu's eyes flashed with lightning, and strong currents spread throughout his body, constantly stimulating and activating his cells. With a touch of his feet, he instantly changed his position.

Cricket's sword cut halfway, but suddenly there was no trace of the enemy. He couldn't help being stunned, and when he was wondering, his face suddenly changed, because he felt a strong sense of crisis behind him, and he didn't even want to think about it. Domineering covered the sword in his hand and stabbed behind him.


Cracker felt that he had stabbed something, but he didn't exert enough strength in a hurry, his whole arm was numb from the shock, and the sword in his hand was almost thrown out, but he forcibly endured it, and overcome it in a hurry. Li Jia turned his head and glanced out of the corner of his eye. At some point, Enilu had appeared behind him, and his sword just stabbed Enilu's arm covered with armed domineering, otherwise the opponent's fist would definitely Will coax in his back.

Seeing that his fist was blocked, Enilu's eyes flashed with surprise, his figure disappeared again in a flash, he circled to the left side of the cracker in an instant, and punched out again.

What is surprising is that the cracker blocked it again. Although it was a little bit reluctant, it did block it. After Enilo attacked a few more times, he found that the result was the same. He finally stopped and confronted the cracker .

Most of Cracker's body was numb, drenched in sweat, sore and painful, and he could hardly hold the sword in his hand. If it wasn't for the last ray of firm belief, he would have been in a coma. When Jia groaned in his heart, he found that his opponent seemed a little strange.

At this time, Enilu's complexion was also very bad, too pale, and he was sweating profusely, looking exhausted.

Cracker almost wanted to scold her, what do you mean?I was the one who was beaten, right?Why do you look like this?

Then Cracker suddenly thought that the speed of the opponent's last eruption was completely beyond imagination, which was very unreasonable. It was not the opponent's real strength. It should be forced to enter that high-speed state by using some kind of secret method, so for sure There will be side effects, otherwise there is no need to be so troublesome, just eat at home and beat yourself to the ground.

Cracker guessed right, this secret method of stimulating the body's cell excitation speed, Enilo, has not yet fully mastered it, and using it forcibly will cause great damage to himself, and fortunately, Enilo is a person with the ability of thundering fruit, and his resistance to thunder and lightning The force is relatively strong, otherwise the cells would have collapsed long ago.

"Boy, you are not bad. You are qualified to let me remember your name and report your name."

"I am Enilo, the god of thunder, the one who took your life!"

"Don't talk big, you should have no strength, don't hurry up and admit defeat."

"It should be you who admit defeat, right? You can't even stand firmly, and you are still talking nonsense here."

"Whoever said that I can't stand still, tell you, I can chop you with a sword at any time."

"Really? Then come here! See if you can hack me."

"Why did I go there, why don't you come? I will tear you apart."

"I was the one who tore you into pieces,"


"Pfft!" Seeing the two arguing, saying the most ruthless words but doing the most embarrassing things, Yang Jian and Baki couldn't help laughing out loud at this scene.

The laughter made Cracker's expression change, and he remembered that the other party had companions, and if they took the opportunity to kill him, wouldn't he be helpless?

Just when Cracker didn't know what to do, there was a movement in the distance. A white-haired woman over four meters tall and exuding a queen's look jumped onto the battlefield. A pair of long legs were particularly attractive. human eye.

The white-haired woman was a little surprised when she saw the situation around her, especially when she saw Cracker in a mess, she became more cautious. She knew the strength of Cracker very well, and it was not easy for him to be in such a mess , we must deal with it carefully, otherwise it is really possible to capsize in the gutter, and there will be no place to cry when the time comes.

Chapter 497 Entering the Island

"What's going on?" The white-haired woman asked calmly, unlike Cracker, who was about to hit and kill as soon as she came up.

Yang Jian looked at the woman in front of her. She was very tall, wearing a hat, a scarf, long hair reaching her legs, and a pair of gloves. Her legs had tattoos of the long-legged tribe, and she was carrying a long sword with a spiral scabbard on her back. , wearing a pair of pink boots with patterns.

Even though Yang Jian is more than three meters tall after years of training, she is still a bit petite compared to this woman, and she needs to look up at her.

The moment she saw the other party, Yang Jian knew her identity, the only woman among the four-star dessert generals of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Smoothie, the fifteenth daughter of Big Mom.

When Cracker saw Smoothie appear, he was relieved. If it was before, he would have liked to meet this ruthless sister, but now he is a little lucky.

You must know that even the Big Mom Pirates will have fights within the pirate group. The relationship between the dessert four-star generals is not very good, especially Cracker and Smoothie. One is irritable and the other is cruel. At least, if it weren't for Charlotte Katakuri, who was stronger than them and suppressed them, they would probably fight as soon as they met.

But now Cracker is at the end of his life, if Yang Jian and the others take the opportunity to attack, they will definitely kill him. Cracker knows this very well, so Smoothie's arrival is equivalent to saving his life.

"Hi, Miss Smoothie, we are here to make a deal with Queen Charlotte, but Mr. Cracker seems to have some prejudice against us, so there was a little conflict, and we had a discussion with our subordinates. I hope you don't take offense." Yang Jian immediately greeted with a smile.

Smoothie didn't believe that it was as simple as just sparring. Judging from the surrounding situation, it was obvious that she had experienced a big battle, and it was very intense. Even with Cracker in such a mess, she was very aware of her brother's strength.

Smoothie took a meaningful look at Enilu, "Let's discuss it? It seems that your subordinates are not weak, and you can push my brother to this point. Just based on this, you are qualified to make a deal with us. So tell me, who are you guys? What do you want to trade?"

"Miss Smoothie is much more polite than Your Excellency Cracker. I don't need to say who we are. You can just call me Mr. B. As for this is my team leader, Mr. A." Yang Jian now He was still unwilling to reveal his identity, so he directly replaced A and B, but before Anilo declared his name, Yang Jian was going to give him a good lesson when he went back, and hide it for a while.

"You don't even disclose your real identity, you don't have the most basic trust at all, you make me very difficult, who knows if there will be some conspiracy? Let's open up a bit." Smoothie pretended to be disdainful, trying to trick Yang Jian and the others true identity.

"Our real identities are not important, the key is that we have something Queen Charlotte wants to like in our hands. If we reject this deal, I believe Big Mom will regret it in the future."

"Oh! That's interesting. It seems that you are very confident in what you trade. I'm curious about what can impress my mother."

"Delicious desserts, Big Mom has never eaten desserts before, not as simple as one or two, but many, I have already handed half of them to Lord Cracker, as for the other half, I have to wait for it You can only give it to you after you get what you want, in short, you only need to give it to Queen Charlotte or the head chef of Long Bread, and after they have seen it, they will make the right choice."

Smoothie immediately turned his head to look at the cracker when he heard the words, and said very bluntly, "Bring it!"

Cracker was so angry that he rushed upwards, wishing to fight a battle with his hateful sister, but thinking of his current state, he finally forcibly endured it.

Cracker knows very well that if he refuses, Smoothie will definitely take this opportunity to give him a hard lesson. Although there is no danger of life, the problem is that it is embarrassing. They are brothers and sisters on the surface, but secretly Can't wait to kill each other.

Cracker reluctantly took out the gourmet and pastry making book that he had obtained from Yang Jian before. Cracker's knowledgeable domineering aura has become a bit more, breaking through, so that Cracker is somewhat comforted.

After Smoothie took the book, he glanced at it roughly, and had the same idea as Cracker. He had the urge to subdue Yang Jian and the others and force him to hand over the other half.

Of course, Smoothie understands how attractive this book is to Big Mom. If you can dedicate the complete pastry making method to your mother, Smoothie is sure that you will be rewarded like never before.

But Smoothie was much calmer than Cracker, and quickly suppressed the impulse in her heart, because she knew that if one of the opponent's subordinates could fight Cracker to a close, then the remaining two The strength is definitely stronger, and if you dare to make a deal with your mother blatantly, you must have something to rely on. , not only will not be rewarded, but will be severely punished, it is better to be safe.

Smoothie turned around and waved. A young woman with pink hair, lipstick, fair skin, and a purple cape and red skirt stepped forward, "Sister Smoothie, please order!"

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