"Garret, give this book to Chef Long Bread, and then tell Mom what happened here, hurry up!"

The pink-haired woman was the 18th daughter of the Lotter family, the Minister of Butter, and a Superman with butter fruit ability. After taking the book, she turned and left immediately.

Both sides were waiting for the result, and the scene fell into silence for a while. Yang Jian glanced at Enil Road, moved in his heart, walked to his side, and opened a space door with his hand.

Yang Jian's actions startled Smoothie and the others, who thought they were going to do something, but soon felt relieved, Yang Jian didn't even look at them.

"Anilu, it's really impolite for you to go to see Queen Charlotte in this state, so go back first."

Ai Nilu is very clear that the so-called impoliteness is just an excuse. The real reason is that he has lost his combat power now. If there is a conflict between the two parties when they trade later, he will stay here to hold back. Although he is a little unwilling, he has not seen Aunt Four Emperors, who is at the top of the world, but he can still distinguish the priorities, so he didn't refuse, and stepped into the space door.

Seeing Yang Jian's ability to open the door, Smoothie secretly began to analyze, and quickly came to the conclusion that the other party has this ability, and it is almost impossible to catch him, because as long as they are given a little chance , you can open the door and leave, and you can't even catch it. In this way, there is no other way to get a complete pastry making book except for trading.

After about ten minutes, suddenly there was a sound of running in a hurry. Everyone looked up and saw a short and fat little old man rushing over even faster. long queue.

"Where is it? Where is it? Tell me where is the second half of this book?" asked the short, fat little old man, grabbing Smoothie as soon as he arrived.

"Chef Long Bread, please calm down, this book doesn't belong to us yet, first we have to find out, are the pastry making methods in the book true?"

It turns out that this little old man is the head chef of the Big Mom Pirates, Bread. He has the ability to eat fruits and has an unimaginable obsession with delicious food.

"Of course it is true. Don't you doubt my cooking skills? No matter what the price is, you must get the second half of this book, so that I can make more delicious food. Lingling will be very happy .”

Long Bread was busy preparing new desserts for Big Mom in the kitchen, but somehow received half a book from Smoothie, which interrupted his inspiration. He was a little unhappy at first, but when he took a look, But I was attracted by the content of the book.

Yang Jian recorded many pastry making methods that are not available in this world in the book, but from the perspective of long bread, it can be seen that this is definitely not nonsense, but really feasible, which is difficult for chefs and foodies. The temptation of imagination, so after he learned of Smoothie's location from Garrett, he ran over directly, even giving up on preparing new pastries for Big Mom.

"Chef Long Bread, is that book really that important?" Smoothie asked with some doubts, but Long Bread's reaction was beyond his imagination.

"Of course, the book records a lot of pastry making methods that have never been heard before. It's really amazing. If I get the whole book, I can definitely make pastry that satisfies Lingling, and it's not the same throughout the year. I won't need it in the future. I'm worried about her cravings, and it can definitely satisfy her appetite, so no matter what, you must get the full book, understand?"

Long Bread had taken an orderly tone at the end, but Smoothie and Cracker, the two proud sons and daughters of Big Mom, showed no dissatisfaction.

Long Bread has a special status. Among the Big Mom pirates, his status can be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people. Even if it is a cracker, Smoothie has to respect him three points.

Don't look at the inconspicuous appearance of the long bread, but he is a crew member of the Lockes Pirates. Later, after Lockes died, he and Charlotte Lingling established the Big Mom Pirates. The veteran of the pirates The characters, even though they are over 90 years old, are still very powerful. When Big Mom is furious, only he dares to persuade her to calm her anger. Others, even the closest children, will stay away , for fear of being slaughtered by big mom.

Through the expression of the long bread, Smoothie knew that she had done the right thing this time. She knew very well that her mother's desire for pastries surpassed everything else. If this book is really that important, as long as the deal is finally concluded, I will definitely be rewarded by my mother, the more I think about it, the happier I am.

On the contrary, Cracker's intestines of regret are about to be cleared, why is he so impulsive?Otherwise, the credit would be my own, as long as my mother can get a satisfactory high point, and I put forward any conditions, my mother will agree, but unfortunately it is too late to regret it now, so I can only take advantage of the damn sister for nothing.

"Mr. B, it seems that you are really good at seizing opportunities, but let me remind you, you'd better not trade too much, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

Yang Jian just smiled and didn't say much. From Yang Jian's point of view, this deal is a sure thing.

"Boy, is that book yours? Give me the second half, and I'll get you whatever you want." Long Bread couldn't hold back anymore, rushed to Yang Jian and grabbed it.

Yang Jian took a step back, avoiding Long Bread's hand, "His Excellency, please be patient for a while, I'm here to make a deal, and I haven't got what I want yet, so it's impossible to hand over the second half of the book to me." yours."

"What do you want, say it and listen, maybe I can talk."

"It's very simple. I want to ask Queen Charlotte to help me make a Homiz, and that's it!" Yang Jian said as he spread his palms, and a mass of golden substance appeared.

"That's it! It's definitely no problem. It doesn't consume much soul power at all. It's just such a small gadget, and dozens of them can be made every day. I agreed for Lingling. Now you can give me the second half of the book."

"It still doesn't work. I have to wait until Homiz is finished, otherwise I'm really worried." Yang Jian wouldn't be so stupid. If he handed over the second half of the book, what if he didn't believe what he said? Big mom is a lunatic, and her children are cruel and untrustworthy.

"What do you mean, do you think my words are useless?" Long Bread asked dissatisfied.

Of course, Yang Jian couldn't say what was in his heart, but just pretended to be helpless and said: "Of course not, we can still trust the reputation of the chef, but the transaction has to be back and forth, we have given half of the transaction products as sincerity, and you If there is no indication here, how can this be passed?"

"But... this..." Long Bread also knew that Yang Jian's words were reasonable, but he was really worried that Ye Chang had many dreams and was too anxious to get the pastry making book.

"Chef Long Bread, I've already had someone notify Mom, how about waiting a while and letting Mom make a decision?" Smoothie came to Long Bread to persuade him.

"Well, it must be fast, I can't wait to see what follows."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Seeing that Long Bread had calmed down, Smoothie was relieved. At the same time, he was also a little thankful that today was his mother's normal state. Under such circumstances, Big Mom was calm and had an online IQ, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to bother her.

Not long after, Garrett finally came back and whispered something in Smoothie's ear. Smoothie turned to look at Yang Jian and Bucky, "You two, please come with me. Mom agrees to meet you."

After finishing speaking, Smoothie turned and led the way, Cracker, Long Bread, Garrett and some of his men followed behind, walking into the forest.

At this time, the big tree in the second coming came alive and separated automatically, forming a flat road leading directly to the center of the cake island.land.

This is the Forest of Temptation. The big trees inside are all made into homies by Big Mom. You can change the path at will. If you don't allow it, it will be difficult to get out once you go in.

Chapter 498 Big Mom

Yang Jian and Bucky followed along, and encountered many strange things on the way, including chess soldiers, the basic military force of the Kingdom of Totland, who served as soldiers in the Big Mom Pirates.

This is a white pawn-themed composition of Homiz soldiers, wearing checkered robes, gray trousers, white gloves and boots, and the four lower-ranking pawns have card suits depending on the pawn.

An infantry soldier with an orange tunic and a pink heart-shaped shield, a bishop with a red tunic and a yellow rhombus shield, a knight soldier with a green tunic and a blue shield, a lilac tunic and a green shield Chariot soldiers, queens in blue tops, yellow cloaks and pink ties, and king bins in yellow tops and blue cloaks, are a cannon fodder unit that wins by numbers.

The other is biscuit soldiers, one of the military forces of Cake Island, responsible for patrolling the island. They are created by Cracker's devil fruit ability, and Big Mom uses the soul fruit ability to become a conscious Homiz , the strength is very good.

On Cake Island, Big Mom is the supreme king. Even her children dare not mess around. If there is no important matter, no one dares to use their abilities indiscriminately on the island, so the speed of everyone is not fast. It took a little time to come to a castle in the center of the cake.

It didn't take long for Yang Jian to see a tall, fat woman in a palace, wearing thick lipstick and light purple eye shadow, wearing a pirate hat, and a woman in a pink wide dress. Beside her was a woman The little sun and a white cloud have mouths and eyes, and they look cute with a small hat.

Big mom, one of the four emperors, destroyed the giant village at the age of 5 and killed the hero of the giant family in seconds, known as the "born destroyer".

An extremely brutal woman with an extreme sweet tooth, a terrifying figure who would mobilize and conquer a country for the sake of sweets.

Whenever she gets excited because of her craving for sweets, her stomach acid will rush incessantly, and she will specifically ask for the places belonging to the territory under her banner to give her desserts every month, but as long as the territory fails to pay the dessert once , will face the crisis of destroying the country.

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