Big Mom nodded and said, "That's fine, but is it necessary?"

"Just in case, the other party is not simple. Not only does he have a domineering look, but he can also withstand the deterrence of his mother's soul. With such a powerful power, he is also secretive, and he is invincible with Cracker. Negative thunder fruit ability users, just their subordinates are so powerful, and they themselves should not be underestimated."

"Okay then, just do as you say."

Big Mom is in an online state of IQ at this time, so he agreed to his son's request, stretched out a finger to point at the golden substance in the tray, and poured strands of soul power into it, and the golden sphere slowly began to have life sign.

Big Mom and her children didn't know that when he began to inject soul power, a smile appeared on Yang Jian's face outside, and a golden light flickered in his eyes.

The golden substance is naturally the offspring of the venom. Katakuri noticed the longing in Yang Jian's eyes, but he didn't know that it was just an instinctive reaction. In fact, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, Yang Jian could feel Big through the offspring of the venom. Mom uses the law of the soul fruit to be a lawyer, and it is a physical contact. This situation seems to be that Big Mom and the fruit ability he has mastered are unprepared. Showing Yang Jian, it is simply too happy.

Soon Yang Jian mastered the ability of the soul law, some of which he didn't understand were copied directly, and he planned to find time to study it slowly in the future.

Chapter 499 Flip ruthlessly

When Big Mom withdrew his hand, the golden mass in the tray appeared eyes and mouth, bouncing and jumping in the tray, "Mom, mom..."

Big mom looked at the lively little guy in front of him, and said: "From now on, your name is Yo-Yo, your life is bestowed by me, everything about you belongs to me, listen to me, know Yet?"

"Mom, mom, Yoyo is a good boy, Yoyo is obedient..." Yoyo seemed very excited, and repeated it over and over again.

Big mom nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, now tell me, what abilities do you have?"

"Ability?" There was a trace of confusion in Yo-Yo's eyes, but then it seemed that he thought of something, his body began to swell, and after reaching a certain level, he began to squirm again, his shape continued to change, the golden color on his body surface gradually disappeared, and soon became Become a five-meter tall woman who looks exactly like Big Mom except for size.

Yo-Yo seemed a little lost, "Yo-Yo is useless, Yo-Yo can't get bigger, Mom, Mom, I'm sorry!"

Everyone looked at this shrunken version of big mom, and they were already very surprised.

"It can actually change into someone else's appearance. It's a really strange ability. I don't know how strong it is." Big Mom stretched out a hand, and slapped the "big mom" transformed into a yo-yo hard on the head.

Boom!A head was smashed directly, this scene made Katakuri and others' faces twitch, which made them feel like Big Mom killed themselves.

Soon, the golden liquid in the wound of the broken head squirmed and recovered, and looked at Big Mom with innocent eyes, as if asking why he hit himself.

"Very good, although the defense is not very good, but the recovery ability is very strong, do you have other abilities?" Big Mom wants to know more about the yo-yo.

"Mom, mom, I can be anyone, anything as long as I can touch it..."

As a woman, Smoothie is more careful, looked at the chattering yo-yo, pondered for a while, and said: "His intellectual level seems to be a bit too high, and ordinary Homiz needs a long time to adapt before he can develop his own intelligence." ability, and it does it almost instantly."

"Indeed, this step can be achieved in such a short period of time. If you train it well in the future, it will definitely surpass most smart people in the world." At this time, Katakuri also discovered the magic of yo-yos, learning ability A little too strong.

"Mom, mom, is this our new younger brother?" Prometheus, the little sun beside Big Mom, looked at the yo-yo and asked curiously.

"Mom, mom! Is it okay to make it look like me? I want to play with him!" Leiyun Zeus also yelled.

When Yoyo heard the words of Thundercloud Zeus, his body changed immediately, and soon he also turned into a cute white cloud shape, and slowly flew into the air, chasing and chasing each other with Thundercloud Zeus in the sky, having a great time playing .

"How is this possible! It's nothing more than turning into Thundercloud Zeus, but he can still fly in the sky." Now Big Mom changed from surprise to shock. Could it be that yo-yos can change not only their appearance, but also their essence? , otherwise how could it fly in the sky?

Then there was an even more miraculous scene. When the yo-yo flew over Katakuri's head, it seemed to be interested in the trident "Earth Dragon" in his hand, and it was directly replaced by a ball of golden liquid, which landed on the trident. Jian, the whole package went in, and after a while, it was separated again, and then began to change, continuously stretched and stretched, and turned into a new trident.

Looking at the two identical weapons, Katakuri couldn't see the slightest difference. He picked up the two weapons and clashed with each other a few times, making the sound of metal clanging, and tried the sharpness again. Finally, he came to a conclusion, The two tridents were equal, if he hadn't witnessed the transformation process of the yo-yo with his own eyes, even he himself wouldn't be able to tell which one was his weapon.

Then the yo-yo kept jumping on crackers, smoothie, long bread and others, becoming their appearance, their weapons, and even their clothing. Daozhen can be described as ever-changing .

Katakuri looked at the performance of the yo-yo, and his face became more and more serious, "Mom, this Homiz is not simple, it can change into any shape, if it is used for latent assassination work, even we will be recruited , if cultivated, it will definitely be a great helper, we must keep this Homiz and cannot give it to outsiders."

Big Mom nodded, and she also understood the truth, "Don't worry, it completely obeys my orders, even if it is taken by the other party, I can control it."

At this time, Cracker suddenly had an idea and said: "Mom, I don't know what that golden substance is. If we can get some more, with your fruit ability, mom, can we create a powerful team?" The yo-yo army. A brand new army? Can it be built?"

It is also very rare that Smoothie did not contradict the cracker, nodded in agreement and said: "Indeed, if this is the case, it will definitely enhance the strength of our Kingdom of Totland, even if that golden substance is the only item, I don't know if there are any more?"

Cracker glared at Smoothie and said, "That Mr. B is outside, call him in and ask him, don't you know?"

"Who knows if he will tell the truth."

"It's not up to him..."

Seeing that the dispute between Smoothie and the cracker was getting more and more intense, Long Bread said impatiently: "Anyway, let's get the book on pastry making first. Now that Homiz has finished it, shouldn't it be They called in? Finish the deal, and talk about the rest slowly.”

In comparison, Long Bread cares more about cooking, which is his persistence as a head chef.

"Okay, shut up, let's test it out now, Smoothie, go and call those two gentlemen in, you can be more polite, they have the qualifications." Big Mom directly made a decision.

Soon, Yang Jian and Bucky returned to the palace. Even though the venomous body was transformed into Homiz, Yang Jian could still perceive what happened here through it, but in order to confuse Big Mom, he did not show any abnormalities. He looked at the yo-yo with a look of excitement, as if he couldn't wait to grab it in his hand.

"Her Majesty really keeps her word. She made the Homiz I wanted so quickly. Thank you very much. This is your reward. Please keep it."

Yang Jian happily reached out to open a space door, took out the second half of the pastry making book and ran over.

Long Bread, who couldn't wait for a long time, jumped up, grabbed the half of the book in his hand, and walked out while flipping through it, unable to hide the joy on his face.

"Lingling, I'll go back and study it first, and I'll make you a delicious pastry that you've never eaten before."

The long bread disappeared quickly like a gust of wind. Yang Jian took advantage of the fact that other people's attention was on the long bread, and stretched out his hand, and an invisible force took the yo-yo into his hands. .

In fact, if Katakuri wants to, he can completely stop it. After all, he has foreseen this future, but he has no intention of stopping it at all, because he feels that his mother has already tampered with it anyway, even if Yang Jian gets it. It doesn't matter.

"Bastard, let me go, I want to find my mother, mother, mother, save me!" The yo-yo in Yang Jian's hands was constantly twisting and trying to break free, but he couldn't break free, and couldn't help calling for help.

Yang Jian was a little angry, and directly blocked Yo-Yo's mouth so that he could not speak, and began to study slowly.

"Mr. B, I have created the Homiz you want according to your requirements, but now I have a question, I hope you can answer it truthfully."

"Your Excellency, please tell me, as long as it is not too confidential, I can tell you."

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