"I want to ask, where did you get this golden substance?"

"You say this, you can regard it as a composite of my devil fruit ability, as for the rest, it is my private secret, it is inconvenient to say more, and I hope you will forgive me."

"Devil fruit ability? Isn't your ability to open the door? How did you come up with that golden thing? Do you think we are easy to deceive and deliberately make fun of us?" Katakuri's tone was obviously doubtful and questioning .

Yang Jian smiled slightly, without further explanation, but directly stretched out a hand, and immediately a large amount of golden substance poured out from the palm, so there is no need to doubt it now.

Big Mom's eyes lit up when she saw the golden substance in Yang Jian's hand. It was exactly what she needed, "I'm very interested in things like yours, and I want to exchange some with you. I don't know what price I need to pay?"

Yang Jian shrugged and said helplessly: "Unfortunately, I refuse this deal, not because I don't want it, but because this kind of thing is very important to me, and my life is one, and losing a little bit is nothing to me." It's a huge damage."

Big Mom's face suddenly became gloomy, and she changed as soon as she said it, "So you rejected my offer, did my acting too kind give you the illusion? I'm a big mom!"

"So what? Are you still planning to buy and sell by force? You can only be sorry for your so-called kindness."

"No need to apologize, just save your life, yo-yo catch him!" Big Mom's eyes became more and more murderous, and finally shouted loudly.

At this time, the yo-yo in Yang Jian's hand suddenly swelled, and a ball of liquid covered Yang Jian's body. After a while of wriggling, it turned into a rope, binding Yang Jian tightly.

"You crazy woman! What do you want to do? Is that how you make a deal, reneging on what you promised?" Bucky was furious when he saw this scene, and he took a step forward and asked sharply.

"Hmph, no one in this world can refuse me. If you don't know good from bad, you will have to pay the price. Now I give you two choices, either surrender or die. Now your companion is trapped by my Homiz, and it's over. You can’t open the space door, and you can’t escape on my territory.”

Big Mom looked confident, and felt that Yang Jian and the others had nowhere to escape. In her eyes, Yang Jian's space gate ability was the most troublesome. It could be advanced, attacked, retreated, and defended. Now that it has been abolished, it is already a sure bet.

Yang Jian looked at Big Mom, and said a little funny: "What makes you think I can't open the door without hands? Also, you think it's just a Homiz, and it's made of the materials I gave you, really Can you catch me?"

"Hmph, why, is there anything else you can do? Even if the material is provided by you, so what? Now it listens to me..."

"No, Mom. Hurry up and kill them!"

Halfway through Big Mom's words, Katakuri suddenly screamed. His domineering look, who could foresee the future, obviously saw something, and rushed out, attacking Yang Jian with the trident in his hand.


A piercing metallic clang sounded, and Katakuri was blocked by Bucky's knife. Katakuri's size far surpassed Bucky's, but what surprised people was that the seemingly thin Bucky actually stabbed the opponent with a knife. Split fly.

The strength of Big Mom lies in her super defensive power, her reaction ability seems to be a little slow, and she has not figured out the situation until now. At this time, a large amount of golden substance emerged from Yang Jian's body, wrapping the yo-yo changing rope, Constantly squeezing and wriggling, with a scream, the yo-yo had completely lost its sound, the venom returned to Yang Ye's body, and the yo-yo disappeared.

"What's going on? Why can't I feel the existence of the yo-yo? It is the Homiz I made, and it has left a trace of soul power in his body. It shouldn't be able to get rid of my control."

"It's a pity. There will be no more yo-yos in the future. He has been swallowed by me and completely wiped out."

"Totally wiped out? How is that possible! Besides, you have spent so much effort to let me help you create Homiz. Isn't it a pity to just destroy it like this?"

"It seems that you still haven't figured out the real reason why I asked you to make Homiz. What I care about is not the Homiz you made, but the process of making Homiz. That's all, there is nothing hidden until now. It’s necessary, it’s okay to tell you, I am a person with the ability to copy fruit, those golden substances are equivalent to my clone, I have already copied your ability when you made Homiz, now you will, I will, for example so."

Yang Jian was also extremely annoyed at what Big Mom did, so she decided to stimulate him severely, kicked her eyes, and directly used Big Mom's soul deterrent skill.

Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker and others felt the fear at the same time, and it was exactly the same as when Big Mom used it.

Big Mom's complexion became extremely ugly. At this time, he didn't know that he was being tricked, and he thought complacently that he had made a profit, which was simply unforgivable.

"I'm going to kill you!" Big Mom roared angrily and killed Yang Jian. She ran up and made a rumbling sound. She would never allow another person with the same ability as herself to appear in this world.

Before Yang Jian could make a move, Bucky was already standing in front of Big Mom. Although his body size was so different, his aura was not weaker than the opponent's. One arm turned black, arousing the power of the bull spell on his body, and punched him head-on. Boom over.

Chapter 500 Spear and Shield


The two figures, one big and one small, seemed to be too far apart, and they looked very uncoordinated. Their fists collided with each other, bursting out with powerful force.

One was close to ten meters, and the other was less than two meters. When Big Mom's huge fist fell, it looked as if Bucky was smashed into the ground, causing dust to fly up. The ground in the palace was shattered, and cracks spread in all directions. Come, like a spider web, it has been climbing up the wall, and the whole palace is shaking violently, it seems that it may collapse at any time.

Except for Yang Jian, Katakuri and others thought that Bucky was smashed into a meat paste by Big Mom's fist. After all, they all knew how strong their mother's body was, and they didn't think anyone could resist this punch with their listening body. .

But soon they saw an unbelievable scene. They saw Big Mom's fist rising slowly. When Katakuri and the others were wondering, they soon saw that a figure under the fist raised his hands high, slowly Slowly raise your fist up.

"How is this possible? There is actually someone in the world who can withstand mother's strange strength." Cracker yelled in disbelief.

Smoothie speculated: "Maybe it's some kind of stronger devil fruit ability, otherwise how could it be my mother's opponent with its normal size?"

Katakuri shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple, even the fruit ability is amazing, and his domineering use is also surprising."

At this time, Bucky was covered with armed domineering, extremely rich domineering black glow, and the scene of holding Big Mom's fist was too shocking, just like an ant lifting an elephant.


Bucky suddenly yelled, the muscles in his arms swelled a circle, and he exerted force suddenly. Big Mom was pushed back again and again by this force, and almost sat on the ground.

"Do you think it's great to be big? Then let's see who is bigger!"

As Bucky said, he directly changed the molecular density of the body. It looked like a balloon was inflated, and the body expanded rapidly, from less than two meters to nearly 20 meters in a blink of an eye.

Bucky looked down at Big Mom and said in a haughty tone, "Who do you think is bigger now?"

Big Mom gritted her teeth angrily, as if she had been insulted. The strength of the other party's growth in this form didn't increase much, it just embarrassed him, and directly took off the bicorne hat on the top of his head and turned it into a big sword.

"Giant Combat Skills Weiguo!"

Originally, Big Mom still had some strength to attack, after all, this is his palace, if it is damaged, it is he who loses, but at this time, he is already furious, and he can't care about so much, he swung his manual sword and cut a The huge sword Qi wanted to chop Bucky into pieces.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Bucky made a move, and the one-meter-long bottle was so narrow that it flew into his hand, and then he used his devil fruit ability to decompose and reorganize it, turning it into a ten-meter-long broadsword. The body of the blade was chopped out with a strong wave.

"Armed Entangling Unimolecular Cutting Blade Split Slash!"


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