The domineering sword wrapped in armed color collided with the sword energy, splitting it into two in an instant, and then the momentum weakened, colliding with the big sword in Big Mom's hand.

when! !

The clash of knives and swords made a piercing metallic sound, and even Katakuri and the others who were watching the battle from a distance felt pain in their eardrums and dizziness.

With Bucky and Big Mom as the center, a strong shock wave spread out in a ring shape, and the ground sank half a meter directly. The two gritted their teeth, clamped each other's weapons, and stared at each other, neither of them would take a step back.

"Mom, mom! It hurts! It hurts!" The big sword in Big Mom's hand suddenly came alive, and he cried out in pain.

Of course, this big sword is also a Homiz, named Napoleon, specially made by Big Mom. Although it does not belong to the Supreme Sword, it is not weaker than those Supreme Swords in terms of toughness. It stands to reason that there are very few swords in this world. It can cause damage to him, but now he is screaming in pain, which surprised Big Mom.

Big Mom hurriedly looked down at the Napoleon's great sword in his hand, and found that there was a gap where the swords intersected, which is why Napoleon cried out in pain.

This frightened Big Mom. You must know that her strongest point is defense. She has the title of steel balloon. She thinks that no one in the world can hurt her. Among the Four Emperors, Big Mom is the only one who has no scars on her body. .

Big Mom has done experiments in secret. The big sword Napoleon can't hurt herself, but she also can't destroy Napoleon. It can be said that Napoleon's strength is equal to her defense. Since the other party can damage Napoleon, it can also hurt herself.

Big Mom also understands that although there are many other factors involved, even if the knife in the opponent's hand cuts her body, it will only leave a small wound at most, which is irrelevant to her.

But the problem is that if the opponent destroys on the basis of a single wound, the accumulation will add up, as long as the opponent is given enough time, it will always threaten his life, and because of her huge size and lack of flexibility, Big Mom is the first time Not necessarily.

"Ah! Mom, Mom!" Big Mom screamed, and exerted strength with both hands at the same time, directly forcing Bucky back, but instead of pursuing the victory, he took the initiative to retreat, looking at the cut on Napoleon, with a heavy heart.

However, when Big Mom discovered that the weapon in Bucky's hand was more severely damaged, there was also a gap, and it was several times larger than the cut on Napoleon, so he felt relieved.

"It seems that your weapon is not fake, and it can actually damage my Napoleon. Is it the level of the Supreme Sword? But it is strange, I have never heard of the Supreme Sword that can change the size at will."

Bucky looked down at the big knife in his hand for some inexplicable reasons, and quickly figured out what Big Mom meant, "What is there no big and fast knife, this is just a weapon I made with my own ability, it didn't take long, even if it is If it is damaged, I can restore it."

As Bucky spoke, he directly activated the ability to decompose and reassemble the molecular metal part at the gap on the knife. In just one breath, the gap recovered visibly with the naked eye.

"This..." Big mom's face turned even darker. At first, he thought that he had the advantage in terms of weapons. If Napoleon was damaged, he could completely destroy the opponent's weapons. In this way, the opponent has no weapons, and his strength must be compromised. Maybe he could gain the upper hand, but he didn't expect the other party to have such a trick, so big mom's calculations would be in vain.

Big mom's brains turned sharply, and she began to think about how to deal with Bucky. She definitely couldn't continue to fight with weapons, and the opponent's strength was too great to gain the upper hand in melee combat, so she had to find another way.

Since it is best to use long-range attacks, or add other powers when attacking, Big Mom herself feels a little shameful. Once upon a time, she relied on her strong body to suppress the enemy. It was the first time she met her and gave up her body. Situations where advantage changes tactics.

Big Mom first changed Napoleon back into a bicorne hat and put it on his head. He stretched out his hands. At the same time, I was holding Prometheus and Thundercloud Zeus in the sky. Flames and thunder erupted and wrapped around his arms.

"Electric Fire Crit!"

Big mom punched out both fists at the same time, and the entangled lightning and flames fused together, instantly increasing its power several times.

"Well done, Big Split Fist, Critical Strike!" Bucky didn't continue to attack with weapons, but chose to hit with his fists. Although he used the fruit ability to recover the knife, he was still affected by it and was a little vulnerable.

boom! ! !

White cracks appeared around Bucky's armed fist, which instantly collided with Big Mom's thunder and fire fist, tearing the thunder and flames apart.

"What!" Big Mom couldn't help screaming when she saw the cracks around Bucky. This situation is so familiar. When she fought Whitebeard, the Zhenzhen Fruit could also cause the same destructive power. Known as the strongest man in the world, he has the ability to destroy the world.

But Big Mom knows very well that the other party is definitely not a person with the ability to shake the fruit. It can only be said that the fruit ability of the other party can exert the same effect as the fruit of the vibration. Could it be that there is another monster comparable to Whitebeard in this world?

After Bucky's fist shattered the thunder and flames, the destructive force directly acted on Big Mom. However, most of it had been consumed by the power of thunder and fire. It was impossible to break through Big Mom's defense, but barely repelled it.

"Hahaha, come again soon! Big Split Punch, Critical Strike!" Bucky laughed, and punched him again. This is the aunt among the Four Emperors, who is at the same level as the red hair, and can fight against such a person It's really rare, if you can defeat him, doesn't it mean that you can also defeat that bastard Shanks?Bucky can be described as high-spirited.

"Damn guy, don't be too arrogant, I'm Big Mom, Queen of Nations, flame jet!"," Prometheus condensed in the palm of his hand, and shot a pillar of fire at Bucky in an instant.


Just like before, the pillar of fire was shattered by Bucky's fist, and the remaining power fell on Big Mom, blocked by her steel skin.


Big Mom injects soul power into Thundercloud and sends it directly into the sky, turning into a huge dark cloud. A giant thunder pillar descends from the sky and blasts towards Bucky. This time, he changes the combat method and wants to use Thundercloud Zeus to attract Bucky's attention. attention.

"Big Split Fist, Critical Strike!"

Bucky shattered the Thunder Pillar with one punch, and the remaining power fell on Thunder Cloud Zeus. It didn't have the strong defense of Big Mom. It screamed and shrank quickly, turning into a small white cloud. Returning to Big Mom's arms, she looked aggrieved.

Big Mom was helpless now, the other party used such tricks back and forth, but she had no choice but to continue to confront Bucky head-on, but Big Mom's tricks were more flexible and changeable.

In fact, Bucky also has a hard time. If possible, he also hopes to have all kinds of exquisite moves like Big Mom at his fingertips. But the problem is that the awakening time of his fruit ability is too short, and he has not had time to develop it. Fortunately, his big split The fist is strong enough, and one move is fresh, and he has eaten all over the world without falling into a disadvantage.

In terms of attack power, Bucky is not weaker than Whitebeard at this time. Whitebeard claims to be the strongest man because of his strong destructive power and the most powerful attack. Therefore, Bucky can also be said to have the strongest attack. Big Mom can only weaken Bucky's attack first, and then use his body to carry it hard. This is a contest between the strongest attack and the strongest defense, a battle between spear and shield.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Flames, thunder and lightning splashed everywhere, white cracks continued to spread, and the palace finally collapsed unbearably.

Yang Jian directly opened a space door and got in. Although the Yang family would not be hurt even if the palace collapsed, Yang Jian did not want to suffer in vain.

And everyone in the Big Mom pirates turned around and fled, running a full kilometer before stopping, looking back at the berserk flames, thunder, and the constantly shattering ground, which seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, they couldn't help but burst out. The cold sweat was really terrible.

Katakuri and the others were lucky, it was unlucky that there were no servants who escaped from the palace, before because of Bucky and Big Mom's domineering confrontation, those who were not strong enough fainted, now the palace collapsed, All of them were buried alive inside, and it is not known how many survived.

Katakuri's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him. As the space was not opened, Yang Jian walked out unhurriedly, which immediately aroused the vigilance of Katakuri and others.

Yang Jian looked at Katakuri and the others with a smile on his face, "Everyone, let's stop watching, shouldn't we also move, or your mother and my companion are fighting, but we are here watching a big show, It’s really hard to say.”

With Katakuri's trident behind his back, he said coldly: "You only have one, do you think you can defeat so many of us? Who do you think you are? What gave you confidence?"

"Winning or losing a battle is not determined by the number of people. As for who gave me confidence, of course it is strength. Let me have some appetizers first, so that you can experience it."

As Yang Jian said, he stretched out his right hand and slowly clenched it tightly. An invisible force gradually compressed and slowly condensed into a black ball. The feeling of danger rose in Katakuri's heart instantly.

"Not good! Go back!"

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