boom! ! !

This time the eruption was louder than before. The high-speed rotating meteor hammer hit Yang Jian's bowl-shaped barrier fiercely. Yang Jian felt a huge shock in his body, and the barrier was directly smashed into the ground more than one meter deep, but even In this way, the barrier has not been broken and has withstood the test.

Katakuri was panting violently, looking at the still strong green barrier, not to mention how uncomfortable it was, he had tried all the tricks available, but he still couldn't break through, his heart was full of disappointment, he really wanted to ask Yang Jian : Why did you make yourself so thick?Do you want to be a turtle?

"What's the matter, Katakuri, are you out of recruits? Although your performance is already very good, if you just give up like this, it will still be a bit disappointing."

woohoo hoo...

Katakuri gasped for breath a few times, then looked up at Yang Jian and said, "Indeed, I can't break through your defense, but so what, are you just hiding inside like this? We can't attack you, But you also can't attack us, can you? This barrier protects you and limits you at the same time."

"Who said that I can't attack when I'm inside the barrier. Have you forgotten that I can open the door." Yang Jian said as he condensed a small black ball with his right hand, and opened a fist-sized space door with his left hand. Throw the ball in there.

"not good!"

A little under Katakuri's feet, the glutinous balls that flowed on the ground suddenly bulged up, bouncing him away, and at the same time a small black ball fell from the sky and landed where Katakuri used to be dry.

A powerful suction was born out of thin air, and the surrounding glutinous rice cakes were directly sucked in, shrunk into a ball, and then exploded, and the splashed glutinous balls with huge force shot towards Katakuri like a bullet, but They were all blocked by his armed domineering.

Yang Jian seemed disappointed and said: "Have you escaped? Sure enough, it is troublesome to be able to predict the future. Well, try another way!"

Yang Jian opened the space door again, threw the knife in his hand into it, and then pulled out a spear nearly three meters from it, swung it twice in his hand, tested the feel, and nodded in satisfaction.

A sinister smile appeared on Yang Jian's face, he turned to look at Smoothie, and suddenly thrust out the spear in his hand.

Smoothie was a little baffled, there was no one else inside the barrier except Yang Jian, what was he doing?Wrestle with the air?

On the contrary, Katakuri's face changed drastically, he looked at Smoothie in horror, and shouted: "Dangerous! Get out of here!"

At this time, Smoothie noticed that the front half of Yang Jian's spear suddenly disappeared, because a fist-sized space door appeared there.

At the same time, Smoothie felt a crisis coming from behind her, and she just wanted to avoid it, but the next moment her body froze there, not daring to move, because a trace of coldness had already touched the skin on the back of her neck, at this time she I already know where the missing half of the spear went. There must be a fist-sized space door behind me. The spear sticks out from the space door and clings to my neck. pierced his own neck.

"Bastard, let go of my sister!"

Katakuri is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and he is very caring for his family. Even if he has some conflicts with Smoothie on weekdays, in his eyes, it is just his sister's willfulness, and he absolutely does not want his sister to have an accident.

"Don't move around! Otherwise, if my hand trembles, I might pierce your sister's neck." Yang Jian held the spear in one hand, said irritating words in his mouth, and opened the second spear with the other hand. The two space doors are located right in front of Smoothie's face. He stretched out his hand to touch Smoothie's face, and pinched her nose.

Smoothie was about to explode with anger. Ever since she was a child, when someone dared to treat her like this, it was simply Hong Guoguo's teasing. She wished she could immediately fight Yang Jian with a bruised nose and a swollen face. But thinking of her own situation, she could only bear it and be honest. Literally stood there, not daring to move.

"You bastard has the guts to kill me. My mother will avenge me." You can't move physically, but your mouth refuses to admit defeat.cursed.

"This woman is strong enough, I like it, but since you are so unafraid of death, why don't you take a gamble, say use it first, I cover my whole body with arrogance, and then dodge, maybe the gun in my hand can't be eaten, are you hungry? Dodge before my spear in my hand pierces your neck."

"You..." The private placement machine was speechless, he said fiercely, but in fact, um, he was still afraid of death in his heart.

Katakuri took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and looked at Yang Jian's question. "What on earth do you want to come to you, you, you, it is reasonable to say that you have the opportunity to kill my sister, but you didn't do so, which shows that you don't want to make things into a mess. Well, then you must Tell me about your own wooden base paste, what exactly are you going to do to release my sister?"

"Okay, it's true that even smart people are like this, so I won't hide it anymore. Well, my goal is that I want to copy the fruit ability of the members of the numb pirates on your back. You take them Everyone called over, uh, as long as I finish copying, they will naturally let your sister go."

"Now there are less than ten ministers on Big Brother Island, plus some, er, a few fruit-ability users specially given to them including Long Bread at the beginning, there are no more than ten in total. Now let them go back in a hurry, if now It’s too late to bring the people outside in a hurry.”

"It doesn't matter, I just copy the abilities of the people on the island and that's enough."

"Okay, I agree, do you let my sister go now?"

"No, I want it here, after I finish copying."

"Okay, how to do it specifically, how can I make you copy it?"

"This is for you. What I want you to do is let someone with the devil fruit ability hold it for three seconds and you can copy it successfully." At that time, wait for the car and wait for everyone to copy it, and then you can send it back.

The price tag directly separated a part of the redundant fonts and handed them over to Katakuri.

Kata looked at the string of golden substances in his hand, um, and then looked at um, his sister, it's a hen He sighed helplessly, first hold the pottery liquid for three seconds and then turn around Go to other places, including, um, to the comatose people on the ground, um, and put the golden liquid venom on them.Hmm wait a minute.Grandpa waited and waited until all the people present had finished copying, and then went directly, uh, waited in other places and waited for half an hour before rushing back for a little bit, what a little stinky face, stinky face, put the unique font on it Give it back to Yang Jian.

Chapter 502 Recruiting Katakuri

Katakuri moved very quickly. After getting the offspring of the venom, he turned and left. He copied the ability of the person with the devil fruit on Cake Island as quickly as possible. It took less than ten minutes before and after, and he came back with a sullen face Angrily, he threw the bamboo leaf font to Yang and the venom son to Yang Jian.

Feeling the various laws copied from the venom daughter body, Yang Jian showed a smile on his face. The harvest this time is really too great, although basically they are some relatively weak, food-related abilities, most of which are only applicable to this In the world, even if it is passed back to the chaotic space, less than 1/10 of the laws can be used, but this is already a huge profit.

When she got what she wanted, Yang Jian also kept her promise. Although Smoothie's strength is good, it's not worth Yang Jian's loss of credit for her.

Smoothie looked at Yang Jian with hatred, the humiliation in her heart made her almost go crazy, but when she thought of the gap in strength between the two sides, she could only endure it, and could only keep this shame in her heart. There is a chance to get revenge again.

Seeing that his sister was out of danger, Katakuri immediately said with a sigh of relief: "Smoogey, I'm fine here, you can leave first and go to other places on the island, the more fluctuations in the battle on the mother's side It is getting stronger and stronger, and it may affect the people on our island, you should arrange for them to evacuate, if someone is injured, treat them in time, and reduce the loss as much as possible."

Smoothie knew very well that Katakuri deliberately transferred her away by doing this, because staying here Smoothie would not be of much help at all, but it would be easy to slow down, although Smoothie is confident that after he is prepared, even if Yang Jian She is sure to dodge it with the previous tricks, but what if?The other party ate the fruit of copying. Who knows what kind of strange ability was copied. If he is restrained and embarrassed again, should Katakuri copy the abilities of other brothers and sisters to redeem himself?

So no matter how unwilling Smoothie was, he was still obedient, turned around and left to arrange the safety of the island.

After Smoothie disappeared from sight, Katakuri turned his head to look at Yang Jian and said, "Our Big Mom Pirates wrote down the debt today, and we will definitely repay it ten times in the future."

Of course, Yang Jian didn't care about Katakuri's threat, and said indifferently: "Really? Then you have to practice hard, otherwise you won't be my opponent. Having said that, your devil fruit ability has already awakened." Now, the progress in physical training should also be getting slower and slower, and it is difficult to grow in strength, do you think you have a chance to take revenge?"

Katakuri's face darkened suddenly, and he said angrily: "Although you are powerful, don't forget that we are the entire Big Mom pirates, not just me, and your strength is not that strong, actually At least it's not much different from my mother."

Yang Jian suddenly asked with interest, "Why do you know that? In terms of strength, you are no weaker than a general. Even compared with your mother, you are only a thin line away. I can easily suppress you and your sister to join forces. Could it be that your mother Can it be done too?"

Katakuri said confidently: "I just figured it out too. On the surface, you had the upper hand from the very beginning. It seemed that you easily crushed us, and seemed to be much stronger than us, but if you think about it carefully You will find that we haven't actually fought head-to-head a few times, it's just that you have mastered the rhythm from the beginning.

Judging from your previous performance, you know us very well, including fruit ability, arrogance, and even my ability to foresee the future. You have made a targeted plan for our ability.

On the contrary, we don't know you at all, and we were suppressed by you when the information was not equal. That's why we lost so badly, but next time we won't be so lucky. "

clap clap clap...

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