Yang Jian couldn't help applauding, and the admiration in Katakuri's eyes became more and more serious, "Okay! It's indeed Katakuri. The highest work of the Charlotte family, I admit that what you said is right, But have you ever thought about it, since I am a person with the ability to copy fruits, I can copy abilities from you, and naturally I can also copy the abilities of other people. As time goes by, my strength will only become stronger and stronger, surpassing your mother, There are more people, and you still don't know my true identity, and you don't know who you want to take revenge on, do you think you have hope?"

Katakuri's originally confident face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help thinking: Indeed, if the opponent's strength is getting stronger and stronger, it will be a matter of time before he surpasses his mother. Needless to say, he doesn't know the identity of the opponent at all. It’s useless if the other party has the space fruit ability, and it’s so easy to escape. If the other party uses the space ability to attack the ministers of the Big Mom Pirates, no one can stop it. In this way, the Big Mom pirates Sooner or later the regiment will be wiped out.

Katakuri racked his brains and finally had a new idea, "You are a person with the ability to copy fruit, right? But as far as I know, the copy fruit originally belonged to Carmenio, who used to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates Member, and I got the news that he disappeared inexplicably two years ago. Now it seems that it has a lot to do with you. Although Carmenio has left the Whitebeard Pirates, after all, the other party was once the son of Whitebeard. With Whitebeard's concern for his family, we must understand, you must be inseparable, if we join hands with the Whitebeard Pirates, do you think you can fight against two Four Emperor Pirates at the same time?"

"Hahaha, well said! Katakuri, the more I see you, the more pleasing I am. You are a smart person, and I have always been more tolerant of smart people, so I decided to give you a chance, a breakthrough now. The level of strength, the real step into the Four Elements stage, and even the chance to challenge me to defeat me in the future depends on whether you can grasp it."

Yang Jian said with a wave of his hand, and six octagonal cubes floated in the air, and the remaining six charms.

"What is this?" Katakuri was a little confused, not knowing why Yang Jian's attitude changed drastically, and why he took out these strange things.

"Recently, the world government has come up with a technology that allows dead objects to eat devil fruit, so as to obtain the ability of devil fruit. For example, let a knife eat devil fruit, and if the owner of the knife originally has a devil fruit ability, then he is equivalent to a double devil fruit ability user. I used some means to obtain their technology, and then went a step further, using a material that can be integrated into the human body to make this octagonal cube, so that they After eating the devil fruit, 12 talismans were made. After being integrated into the body, it will not conflict with the original devil fruit, thus gaining two kinds of devil fruit abilities. Although he also has some shortcomings, for example, because he is not fused with the real body, So you can't reach the level of awakening, but it can completely make up for your shortcomings in devil fruit, how about it, do you want to join our organization? Then you can choose a spell, so that you can truly have the strength of the four emperors."

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Katakuri's eyes burst into a gleam, and he almost couldn't help reaching for the charm floating in the air, but fortunately, he had relatively strong self-control, and he calmed down quickly, showing a guarded look on his face There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and you have to pay a corresponding price every day.

Seeing Katakuri's performance, Yang Jian was not angry, but even more appreciative. He felt that he had chosen the right person. If he was so easily seduced, then Katakuri would not have known that Yang Jian was so painstaking in wooing him.

"You made these spells. Who knows if you have tampered with them. What if you control the spells after they are integrated into your body?"

Yang Jian raised his hand, and a dragon-shaped charm slowly emerged from his palm, "These charms I made have another advantage. They can be taken out if there is nothing to do, and if the ability is not suitable, you can choose again. The problem, just give up. For example, I am a dragon spell, which can transform into a green dragon to fight. It is the same type as Kaido’s devil fruit. The most basic ability is dragon blast! These spells are fused with Eudemons plant fruit."

Yang Jian reintegrated the spell into his body, and a small fireball slowly condensed from his fingertips, and flew out with a light flick. With a roar, a hole more than one meter deep was blasted on the ground.

Katakuri felt that his heart was getting more and more restless, and his desire for spells had far reached its limit, phantom beasts!Those are rarer existences than the natural devil fruits, each one has coercive power, as long as they are well exercised and well developed, they are at least at the quasi-general level.

Katakuri has developed an ordinary, even tasteless Nunuo fruit to a whole new level, which in itself shows his talent and has reached the level of a general.

However, due to the congenital deficiency of the fruit, Katakuri's strength has always been somewhat different from that of the Four Emperors. Katakuri is very clear that his body has reached the limit, he is already at the peak state, and the fruit has also reached awakening, three-color domineering It is also difficult to make progress in the use of it. If there are no special circumstances, it is almost impossible to break through to the level of the Four Emperors. He himself is about to give up. He didn't expect the opportunity to appear in front of him suddenly. How could Katakuri not be moved?

But despite his heartbeat, Katakuri still maintained his sanity and was not controlled by desire. Some things must be asked clearly.Destroy, "Looking at your confident appearance, it seems that you are sure that I will agree to your conditions."

Yang Jian nodded, "Of course, I can see that you also have a heart longing for freedom, and I don't think a person who has awakened domineering look will be content with the status quo. It's just because you are afraid of your mother that you forcibly suppress her." Get rid of the restlessness in your heart, you know very well that if you dare to resist, with the cruelty of Big Mom, you will definitely be killed without hesitation, even if you are his most proud son, and your strength is not as good as others, you can only be honest and obedient , I will now give you a chance to confront your mother head-on, and even challenge me in the future, what choice will you make?"

Katakuri's complexion kept changing, and he was constantly struggling in his heart. After a while, he sighed, nodded and said, "I have to admit that you have a thorough grasp of human nature, and you understand me even more, okay? , I agree, you can first tell me what responsibilities you need to pay to join your organization, and what abilities do these spells have?"

"Our organization is relatively loose, and there is no special responsibility, and there is no real distinction in terms of status, they are all equal, but when you need your strength one day, you can't refuse. Of course, there is a premise. That is not to harm your own interests."

"It's that simple?" Katakuri couldn't believe it, the conditions are too good.

"It's that simple. There are 12 people in our organization. After merging the spells, they can enter the spell space and hold a meeting once a month. But remember to choose a safe environment for the meeting, because the spell space only allows consciousness to enter. You Your body is still outside, if you are killed by a sneak attack at this time, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky, and besides, I will not reveal your identity, you can hide it with a mask or something during the meeting.

In addition, members can trade with each other, and they can help each other when encountering difficult things. For example, if you encounter a strong opponent and can’t beat it, you can ask other members to help out. Harvesting, even brothers have to settle accounts clearly.

At this point, I have a natural advantage. Our members are too far away from each other, and we need my fruit ability to open the door for you. "

"It turns out that, so the organization is sort of like a trading platform in some ways."

"The description is very appropriate, but now the six talismans already have owners, and the relationship is relatively good including me. Even if you join, you can only be regarded as an outsider, so you have to work hard. By the way, let me introduce you. The rest The abilities of these six spells, among which the rat spell..."

After Yang Jian explained the abilities of the six spells one by one, Katakuri finally chose the rabbit spell after a while of contemplation, which represents speed, which is very suitable for him. Katakuri itself has the ability to predict the future, but sometimes , It’s just that sometimes I can’t react, and now I have super speed.It can be said to be like a tiger with wings added, as long as you exercise hard and completely control the power of speed, it is definitely the fighting power of the Four Emperors.

Katakuri has a feeling that as long as he masters the power of the rabbit charm, he can completely confront his mother head-on. The trident combined with domineering will not be able to break through his mother's defense at one time. If he stabs hundreds or thousands of times in an instant, the rabbit With the blessing of the spell, Katakuri believes that he can do it, so that he doesn't have to be afraid of his mother and can realize his dream.

Katakuri managed to calm down his excitement. The booming sound in the distance reminded him that the battle on the other side was not over yet. At this time, the battlefield had moved from the center of Cake Island to the beach, reducing the pressure on Cake Island. The destruction of the island is not a problem if the battle continues like this.

"Since I have joined your organization, I am considered a companion, shouldn't you stop the guy who came with you? By the way, by the way, is he also one of the 12 spell warriors?"

"Of course, he is the owner of the cow charm, which represents power. As for the other things, it's not convenient for me to say more. You can ask yourself in the future. As for making him stop, it couldn't be easier, but your mother is holding back now." Stomach anger has no place to vent, let them stop now, after Mou and we leave, most of this anger will be vented on you children, are you sure you want to stop them?"

Katakuri thought that this was really the case, and immediately shook his head and said: "Forget it, let them fight for a while, and wait until mom's anger is almost exhausted."

Chapter 503 Yang Jian Was Trapped

boom! ! !

Bucky flew in the sky, his whole body was covered with armed domineering, resisting the lightning of Thundercloud Zeus and the flames of Prometheus, and punched Big Mom hard, Big Mom screamed from Thundercloud Zeus He fell down and made a human-shaped crater on the ground. Homiz, Zeus and Prometheus, ran away in fright, for fear of being targeted by Bucky.

The battle between Bucky and Big Mom has been going on for a day and a night, causing serious damage to Cake Island. 1/5 of them were beaten by two people. Fortunately, Big Mom still has a little sense. After all, it is his own country. Be safe, move the battlefield to the sea, otherwise, if the cake island that has been painstakingly built is destroyed, Big Mom will feel distressed to death.

Although Bucky knocked Big Mom into the air in a circle, there was no joy on his face, instead, he was full of depression.Because this situation has happened many times, but every time Big Mom is hit, the other party will come back unscathed soon, and Bucky is almost nauseated.

Bucky couldn't understand why a person's skin could be so thick, and the other party's energy was too strong. After fighting for a day and a night, Bucky was a little out of breath, but Big Mom was still so energetic, time after time No matter what attack Big Mom uses, Bucky can smash it to pieces with one punch, but what's the point?Bucky's fists hit Big Mom again and again, but they didn't do any damage, all in vain.

Bucky became more and more impatient, and only hoped to end this meaningless battle as soon as possible, although it was not without any benefits, for example, this kind of high-intensity battle made Bucky very domineering.The use of fruit abilities and physical skills is more proficient and flexible, comparable to a few months of practice under normal circumstances, but the problem is that he really doesn't want to do this.

"Mom, mom, quack quack..." Sure enough, it didn't take long for Big Mom to rush out of the pit. The captain's clothes were torn, he looked embarrassed but he was not injured at all, and screamed in a strange voice , rushed towards Bucky with big strides.

Bucky could only give a wry smile, clenched his fist again, and hit Big Mom.

Bang bang! !

At this moment, two green barriers appeared in front of Bucky and Big Mom, blocking their attacks.

Seeing the green barrier, Bucky and Big Mom reacted differently. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that it was Yang Jian who made the move, so the battle should be over. Big Mom was furious. Dare to intervene in your own battle.

"Mom, stop! Enough is enough, if the battle continues, Cake Island will be gone." Katakuri rushed over with Smoothie, holding Big Mom from left to right.

On the other side, Yang Jian also came to Bucky's side, just nodded slightly, and Bucky understood in his heart that his 20-meter-high body began to shrink, and slowly returned to its normal shape.

Big Mom looked at his own son and daughter, then at Yang Jian, and asked, "Why did you stop? Why didn't you catch that guy? Could it be that so many people can't deal with him?"

Smoothie lowered his head with shame on his face, he didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say that he was easily defeated by Yang Jian, and he became a drag, it was too shameful.

"I'm sorry, Mom, we let you down. His ability is too weird. I don't know how many abilities he has copied. We can't help him together. If we continue to fight, we will only lose." Katakuri behaved like that He became much calmer, did not hide that his strength was inferior to others, and said it openly.

Big Mom looked at Yang Jian in amazement. He knew very well that his son's strength was definitely at the level of a general, and he was only one line away from the Four Emperors. Katakuri was still no match for Yang Jian even with someone's help. , doesn't that mean that the other party is also a master of the Four Emperors?

Big Mom is a little unbelievable. The Bucky he was fighting against is already as powerful as the Four Emperors. Now that he has added another one, it will be two powerhouses of the Four Emperors level. Such a master should be very famous. Why did he never before Haven't heard of it?What is it about?

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