Big mom restrained her murderous aura, at this time there was no need to go any further, two people at the level of the Four Emperors teamed up, no matter how strong her Big Mom was, there was nothing she could do.

"I admit that you are qualified to have an equal dialogue with me based on your strength, but you have copied my ability with tricks and destroyed my cake island like this. It is really unreasonable to leave without giving me an explanation. You know, I thought I was easy to bully."

Yang Jian looked at Big Mom with a half-smile and said, "So what, you seem to be the one who made the first move. We just counterattacked passively. Could it be that you still want us to compensate?"

"Compensation is not necessary, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Accept your conditions? It's ridiculous. Usually, only the loser is forced to agree to the conditions. Have we lost?"

"This condition is beneficial to us. Not only will you not have any losses, but you will also get great benefits."

"Really? That's interesting, let's talk about it."

"It's very simple, you marry me a daughter!" Although big mom looks irritable and irritable, she does things completely according to her preferences, but she is still very smart in a normal state. After winning, immediately change the strategy and change to wooing, maybe you can let the other party become your help.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. I don't dare to take your daughter. You can keep it for yourself." Yang Jian said as he waved open a space door, and raised his leg to step in.

"Wait a minute, Big Mom, I've agreed to your terms for him, marrying your daughter, right? Then let her, Charlotte Smoothie, you are a good match for my partner." Bucky said suddenly He said something unexpected, and actually agreed for Yang Jian.

Yang Jian had already stepped into the space door with one foot, and when he heard Bucky's words, he couldn't stand still and almost fell down.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about there? Don't make decisions for me. You really want to marry yourself. Don't involve me." Yang Jian cursed angrily, wishing he could chop Bucky off with one knife, and fought back with anger. Come here, or Bucky is leaving.

Who knew that Bucky had a sinister smile on his face at this moment, his body collapsed suddenly, and then regrouped a few meters away from Yang Jian, "Dude! I'm doing it for your own good, I'm asking for a wife for you! And this woman is really good, if she has strength and looks, she is completely worthy of you."

Seeing Bucky's weird smile, Yang Jian didn't know that she was going to cheat herself, so she pouted with a sneer, "No matter how nice your words are, I just don't agree, so what can you do?"

Who knew that Bucky ignored Yang Jian, turned his head to look at big mom and asked, "How is it? Queen Charlotte, do you agree to this marriage? As long as you nod, my brother will be your son-in-law, but I won't stay in your territory, we will take her away today, and you can give me a word."

Smoothie became anxious immediately. She didn't want to marry an unknown person, but she didn't dare to refuse directly. Smoothie knew her mother's temperament very well, and she wouldn't allow anyone to oppose her decision. It only exists for profit, and there is no family affection at all.

But then Smoothie thought that he still had a relatively high status in his mother's heart. Not only was he one of the dessert four-star generals, but he was also one of the highest combat powers of the Pirates, and he was also the Minister of Juice.Only you can make a drink that satisfies your mother, and you won't give up on yourself so easily.

Sure enough, Big Mom hesitated, "Smoogey can't, she is my minister of juice, I can't do without her here, you can change one, my daughter you can pick whatever you want, if one doesn't work, then two, if two don't work, three indivual."

"Okay, Captain, Queen Charlotte loves her daughter so much, how can we force others to be difficult, let's stop here, I haven't gone back for such a long time, I'm afraid Enilu and the others will miss it, we should go." Yang Hearing Big Mom, Jane let out a long sigh of relief, and finally felt relieved.

"Queen Charlotte, my brother is definitely the best in the world in terms of strength and intelligence. If you miss it, you will regret it. I will ask you one last time. If you disagree, we will leave immediately." Bucky's face was full of blood. Showing a hint of disappointment, he planned to make a final effort, and finally caught a chance to cheat Yang Jian, so he really didn't want to just give up.

"This..." Big Mom couldn't make a decision for a while, she didn't want to give up the chance of marriage just like that, and she didn't want to lose her daughter who could make delicious drinks for herself, let alone how entangled it was.

"Let's go!" Yang Jian didn't want to stay here for a moment, grabbed Bucky's hand, and dragged him towards the space door.

"Wait a minute, I agree, I will choose Smoothie." Big Mom saw that Yang Jian was about to enter the space door, and finally made up his mind, and decided to sacrifice Smoothie's daughter to win Yang Jian.

Bucky almost jumped up in excitement, threw off Yang Jian's hand, and rushed in front of Big Mom, "Great! I knew you would agree, don't worry, your daughter is worth it."

Smoothie almost cried, never thinking that he would be abandoned one day, "Mom, how could you..."

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here!" Big Mom yelled angrily, interrupting Smoothie's words, then turned to look at Bucky, "I married my daughter to your subordinates, we are also considered in-laws Yes, now I have a small request, I'm sure I won't refuse it."

"What request? Tell me!"

"Your real identities, I can't even know who my proudest daughter is married to."

Yang Jian: "I refuse!"

Bucky: "Of course!"

Yang Jian's face turned dark immediately, and he scolded Bucky bloody in his heart, and he really spared no effort to deceive himself.

Bucky didn't even look at Yang Jian, his body changed for a while, and he returned to the original project, the red nose was particularly conspicuous, "Long time no see, Charlotte Lingling, I am the future treasure king, the captain of Bucky Pirates Bucky."

"What? It's you! Bucky with the red nose." Big Mom's eyes widened instantly, and he yelled in disbelief.

Of course Big Mom knows Bucky. At the beginning, the Big Mom Pirates had a conflict with the Roger Pirates. The two sides fought more than once or twice, and there were only a few members of the Roger Pirates. Big Mom remembered every one of them. People, even the trainee crew, in her eyes, Bucky was just a dispensable role, and she didn't pay attention to it at all, but she didn't expect to grow up to this point.

"How is it? Surprised." Bucky looked at Big Mom with a smile and said.

"It's really surprising that the red-haired guy can grow to the point where he is now. Although it's surprising, I can still accept it, but you can also do this, it's too unbelievable." B

"Seeing your unbelievable expression, I have an indescribable sense of satisfaction. By the way, keep things about me a secret. In the future, I will plan to plot against that guy Shanks? Think about it when he sees Seeing my expression, it must be very interesting."

"Yes, I don't like Shanks too. It would be great if you could teach him a lesson."

Yang Jian saw that Bucky and Big Mom were talking more and more vigorously and irritable, so she turned around and was about to leave, "Okay, let's stop this farce, anyway, I don't agree with this marriage, Bucky, since you don't leave Then stay, I have to go back first."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Yang Jian was getting angry, Bucky hurriedly called him to stop.

"Why, do you have anything else to say?" Yang Jian looked at Bucky with a sneer, as if waiting for his explanation.

"I want to say... I'll take your daughter-in-law back first!" Ba suddenly shouted, and before everyone could react, he came to Smoothie's side in a flash, and grabbed her hand , forcibly dragged directly into the space door.

"Bastard Bucky, come back to me. I haven't agreed yet. Send me back!" Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was being tricked by Bucky. He couldn't wait. Then drilled into the space door.

Yang Jian has no plans to get married for the time being. Even if she really wants to get married, she won't be a woman like Smoothie. On the one hand, it's because Smoothie is cruel and ruthless, Yang Jian doesn't like it, and more importantly, it's because of her height.

Smoothie is a long-legged family, with a height of more than 4 meters, and even if Yang Jian has continued to increase his height due to exercise, reaching more than three meters, but standing next to Smoothie, he looks a bit petite.I looked a little petite a few years ago in private placement, and I even had to look up to each other, which always felt uncomfortable.

Yang Jian thinks that she is a visual animal, but Smoothie does not conform to her own aesthetics. If she really wants to find a woman, she should look for a female emperor, not a tall and big female man.

Until the space door disappeared, Big mom was still in a daze, what happened, her most proud daughter was taken away like this, things should not be like this, and there are still many things that have not been explained to her.

Big mom thought hard for a while, and then said to Katakuri: "You send someone back to guard the phone bug on the island, I believe Smoothie will contact us, let her find a way to find out, right? The news about the gangsters, especially my mysterious son-in-law, I married my daughter to him, but I still don’t know his true identity, let Smoothie be more confident, it’s better to control that guy, Use it for me..."

"Don't worry, Mom, as long as Smoothie contacts, I will make it clear to her. You must be exhausted after fighting all day and night. Go and rest. The contact with Smoothie is on my shoulders. She probably won't Let us down."

Katakuri said so, but he smiled bitterly in his heart. Judging from the previous communication with Yang Jian, he has already determined that Yang Jian is a very smart person, and he does everything without leaking.And judging from the other party's performance, he knew that he didn't like Smoothie at all. Under such circumstances, how could he control Yang Jian, and he might even be unable to send messages. This sister was lost in vain.

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