Chapter 504

After Yang Jian passed through the space gate, he came to a giant pirate ship with a length of [-] meters, named Treasure King, Bucky's special pirate ship.

You can tell from the name that Bucky got it. His obsession with treasures is beyond imagination. In order to build this ship, Bucky took great pains. It took three years to build it from scratch.

The construction of the Treasure King was a big deal after meeting Yang Jian. He not only provided funds and purchased the best shipbuilding materials, but also brought out many technologies that are not available in this world. To put it bluntly, the Treasure King will continue to It is definitely the top ship in the world. It has a unique power system, which can use the thunder fruit of Enilo to drive high-speed flight and directly transform into a spaceship.

Yang Jian even installed a super electromagnetic gun on the ship. If Enilo is allowed to use it, it will be no problem to destroy an island with one shot. If the power is operated regardless of the cost, the Treasure Queen can even exert a power comparable to Hades.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Yang Jian sensed it aggressively, and soon found that Smoothie had been dragged by Bucky to the back of the boat, and chased after him with gritted teeth.

Soon, when Yang Jian caught up with Bucky, he found that Bucky was introducing Smoothie to Enilo, Kabaji and Moqi.

"Everyone, let me tell you some good news. Your Instructor Yang is about to get married, and his bride is this lady, one of the four-star dessert generals of the Big Mom Pirates, the fourteenth daughter of Queen Charlotte, Minister of Juice , Miss Charlotte Smoothie, who has a bounty of 9 million Berry, I have carefully selected for him, come and meet your instructor's wife."

The three of Ai Nilu blinked and blinked, but they didn't realize what happened for a while, they didn't understand what happened, how did they go out and their instructor Yang got a daughter-in-law.

"Bucky bastard! Are you looking for death? Don't talk nonsense, I haven't agreed yet." Yang Jian just arrived when he heard Bucky talking nonsense there, and almost exploded in anger.

Bucky waved his hands indifferently and said: "Oh, how can you say such a thing in front of Miss Smoothie, it's too embarrassing, and it's Miss Smoothie who wants to have a figure, a good looks, and strength If you have strength and have such a wife, you should be happy."

"I'm so happy, since that's the case, just marry yourself, don't drag me into it."

"How can this work? The son-in-law chosen by Queen Charlotte is you, not me."

"When do we need to care about that crazy woman's attitude? In short, send her back immediately."

"That can't be done, people have already followed, you just return the product for no reason, and let Miss Smoothie live, what face do you have to live in the world?"

"This is the trouble you caused, you can find a way to solve it for me, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what about? Anyway, things have come to this point, I'm stupid, I can't think of a good way..."

The dispute between Yang Jian and Baki became more and more intense, and it looked like they were about to fight. Anilu, Kabaji and Moqi tried to persuade and persuade, so as not to make things worse.

But at this time, Ai Nilu and the others also saw that it was Yang Jian who was cheated by Bucky, and the three of them admired Bucky's five-body cast, which is indeed the captain!

At this moment, Ai Nilu and the others had the urge to cry. It was not easy. They had been cheated by Yang Jian all along. When would they be able to cheat Yang Jian in turn? They had tried before, using some conspiratorial means To plot against Yang Jian, poisoning, trapping, kidnapping, etc., they did everything possible, but every time they were easily broken by Yang Jian, and they were often miserably cheated by Yang Jian in turn, again and again, After a long time, they all gave up. They didn't expect their beloved Captain Bucky to do it this time, and he even made Yang Jian a lot of trouble.

Yang Jian fought back and forth with Baki, but there was no result. Baki just had the same attitude, I got her for you, she is already your daughter-in-law in name, do you like it or not, whether you want to quit Go back, throw it away and let him fend for himself, or simply kill it, it's up to you, just don't come to me.

Yang Jian looked at Bucky who didn't get in, and was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Now Bucky is not something he can easily defeat. In a real fight, even if he can win, he will have to In three to five days, I don't know how it will be destroyed.

Yang Jian thought for a while, then turned to look at Smoothie and said: "Miss Smoothie, I'm really sorry, this matter is our fault, a misunderstanding, I will send you back now, you and Charlotte Queen explained clearly, continue to be your Minister of Juice."

After being given up by Big Mom as a marriage partner, Smoothie was in a state of despair. Hearing Yang Jian's words, a sad smile appeared on his face, "Go back! Hehe! I can't go back anymore, I am very clear about my mother's temperament. In her eyes, there are only benefits. If there is no use value, the only way to go back is to die. In the end, she sucks up her life force and throws it away. What do you think I should do?"

Yang Jian was suddenly embarrassed, seeing what happened, "Why don't I go with you and explain to Ms. Charlotte that you are also a victim in this matter."

"Do you think my mother is someone who can listen to other people's explanations?"

One sentence choked back what Yang Jian wanted to say later. Indeed, Big Mom is moody, understanding the so-called explanation will only irritate her, and I'm afraid she will do it without saying a word.

"Oh, why bother? Since you're already here, stay here. Miss Smoothie is a well-known strong man. With such a good wife, someone can wake up with a smile in their dreams. Why do you still look disgusted? "Bucky didn't seem to think it was a big deal, and said beside him.

"Shut up! You bastard caused so much trouble, and you still dare to gloat here, and if you dare to say a word, I will kill you!" The more Yang Jian thought about it, the more angry he became, and he cursed directly.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, is it okay?" Bucky shrugged, picked up a barrel of wine from the side, poured himself a glass, and drank.

Yang Jian also began to think about Smoothie. Indeed, it is impossible to send her back now. It would be unreasonable to leave her alone. It's a bit troublesome to be around, after all, I have too many secrets here, if it gets out, who knows what the consequences will be?

Even if Smoothie left the Big Mom Pirates, it doesn't mean that she can get rid of Big Mom. If the other party uses the phone bug to contact Smoothie and ask about Yang Jian, Smoothie dare not refuse at all. After all, Big Mom has left an indelible shadow in her heart, at least for now she dare not resist.

"Okay, Miss Smoothie, you can stay, but you also know that we can't have much trust in you in view of your status. In order to prevent you from revealing the secret, we must use some special means, so I will Leave a kind of prohibition on you." Yang Jian said as a ball of golden venom appeared in his hand.

Smoothie looked at the golden venom in Yang Jian's hands, and couldn't help showing a hint of horror. Their Big Mom pirates were ruined by this thing, even Big Mom's soul soul fruit ability was copied away , and the abilities of his brothers and sisters, it now seems that there are other uses.

"How do you control me? Will this thing kill me?" Smoothie stepped back instinctively, distanced himself from the venom in Yang Jian's hand.

Baki and the others looked at the things in Yang Jian's hands, with inexplicable complexities in their eyes. They knew the effect of the venom very well, because the venom had suffered a lot, but it also gained great power. Feeling happy and feeling sour.

"You can think of this thing as a clone of me. After it is integrated into your body, it can monitor your every move, and even perceive your inner thoughts. If you make a betrayal, it will automatically remind you. Once Warning, two punishments, three times will directly kill you." Yang Jian explained while looking at Smoothie holding the venomous body in his hand.

"That is to say, once I integrate this thing into my body, life will be in your hands, right?"

"That's right, that's the only way I can rest assured. Of course, you can also refuse. I will send you away. You can go back to Cake Island, or you can go to pursue freedom. With your strength, self-protection should be no problem. Now tell me what you want Choose."

Smoothie smiled bitterly, "Do I have any other options? If I choose to leave, I can only be killed by my mother when I go back to Cake Island. If I go after the so-called freedom, I will not be able to complete the task, and my mother will not let me go unless I find With strong strength and no mother's backing, you are already the best choice for me."

"Well, it seems that you have already made a decision. Remember, don't make any betrayal, otherwise you can't afford the price. Just to remind you, this clone has a certain ability of self-judgment, and you can talk to you I contacted my mother, but there are some things that cannot be said. When necessary, you can communicate with the clone, and you will know what can and cannot be said.

In addition, there is another benefit after this kind of integration into the body. It can help you absorb life energy from other creatures for your own use. Is there any problem with directly absorbing life energy from Neptunes? You may not understand it. For example, Ba You have already seen Ji's current strength, it is definitely at the level of the Four Emperors, but he was not that strong five years ago, seriously speaking, he is equivalent to the level of a major general in the Navy headquarters, but after five years of cruel training , but it has reached the current level. Among them, this kind of avatar occupies a lot of credit. It absorbs life energy and stores it, and gradually emits it when Bucky exercises, so that Bucky can exercise unscrupulously, don't worry Tired, eventually breaking the limits of the body to produce evolutionary transformation. "

"Wait, you mean that this avatar can help me increase my strength." Smoothie watched the venom body in Yang Jian's hand turn from fear to surprise.

Smoothie feels that if it is really like what Yang Jian said, being controlled is not an unacceptable thing. Smoothie has experienced too many cruel things in the Big Mom Pirates, and he knows the strength better than anyone else. importance.In order to become stronger, she experienced all kinds of cruel training since she was a child, and her life-and-death fights turned her into a ruthless woman. She knew that this was a world where the weak preyed on the strong, and only those with strength could live better.

Smoothie's situation is the same as Katakuri's. She has already entered a certain kind of bottle. No matter how she cultivates, her strength growth is very limited. She has also tried many methods, but unfortunately the effect is not obvious, but now the opportunity is actively appearing in the In front of yourself, maybe you can try it.

"Okay, I agree, let's do it, how should I cooperate? Do I need to take off my clothes?" Smoothie let go after making a decision, and said generously.

Yang Jian twitched, and said in a flat tone: "No need, just stretch out your hand."

After a few seconds, Smoothie looked at the venom daughter that melted into her palm, she was full of surprise, she could feel that the venom daughter that merged into her body was slowly emitting a kind of energy, her body was warm, she said no as comfortable as possible.

"Okay, Miss Smoothie, now we are our own people, and we need to communicate more in the future. Let me introduce you to the members of the Pirates." Bucky saw that Yang Jian finally accepted Smoothie, with a serious expression on his face. smile.

Bucky had another idea in his heart, Smoothie stayed, it could be used as a breakthrough point, and he might be able to find more opportunities to cheat Yang Jian in the future.

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