Smoothie looked at Bucky with complicated emotions, his teeth itching with hatred, and he wanted to beat him up. After all, the reason why he was abandoned as a marriage partner was mainly because of Bucky's calculations, but thinking of the two parties The gap in strength is too big, if I really do it, I must be abused, that is a strong man who can fight against my mother, so even if I get angry again, I will not dare to attack it.

"Captain Bucky, please take care of me in the future. I have offended you a lot before, so I hope you don't take offense." Smoothie still decided to admit that whoever has the biggest fist in this world is justified, and the weak have the consciousness of the weak.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm very magnanimous, if you need anything in the future, just ask, come on, this is my deputy captain, Thunder God Enel, you have met once before, but I don't know his name , By the way, having said that, I'm afraid you still don't know the name of your future husband. It's too negligent. I have to tell an outsider, his name is Yang Jian, and his identity is a mystery. I don't even know where he came from. Where did it come from, it was just that he saved his life by accident when he was in the East China Sea, and he ended up relying on him, if you want to know more details, you can only ask yourself."

"You don't know his real identity, how is this possible? He is your subordinate, isn't he afraid of being an undercover agent in an ambush?" The more Smoothie listened, the more strange he became, and he became a companion without knowing his identity. Alright.

Baki shrugged and said: "In fact, he is not my subordinate, and he does not even belong to the Baki Pirates. He has his own forces. Although this force is based on the Baki Pirates, the two There is still a difference between them, so to be precise, we are just collaborators.”

"What! Doesn't belong to the Bucky Pirates, how is this possible?"

"Okay, let me explain next." Seeing that Bucky wanted to say more, Yang Jian quickly took the words, "As Captain Bucky said, he and I are just collaborators, but we owed Captain Bucky a favor back then. , so I promised to fulfill a wish for him and help him become the Treasure King. I just want to do this. The Bucky Pirates alone are obviously not enough. At least there must be a channel that can tell him about his treasure. , so in the past few years I have used the Bucky Pirates to create my own faction, and his name is Hong Bang!"

Chapter 505 Discovery at the Banquet

"Hong Gang!?"

Smoothie was a little dazed when he heard the name, then nodded and said: "I heard about it, and even had contact with it, but the Hong Gang is not very famous in the New World, they just sell some cheap goods, with many The forces are intersected. For example, our pirate group will be sheltered within the scope of all nations. As a price, they will have to hand over half of the income they get. The same should be true in their power sites. A large amount of income, so they avoided the fate of giving one month's life every six months. This matter was a joint decision of our four-star generals, and I agreed. Anyway, there are only a few dozen people in the Hong Gang. It should be a gang that is not very strong."

"Not very strong? Haha!" Bucky laughed mockingly, "You think the Hong Gang is not strong because you don't know the true background of the Hong Gang. Jun, do you know how strong the Hong Gang is? The purpose of the Hong Gang strongholds in the New World is not to make money, but to inquire about news. After all, in your four emperors' territory, you have to keep a low profile, so you put Most of the proceeds are handed over to obtain your asylum."

"You mean that the Hong Gang is actually very powerful." Smoothie looked at Bucky, and felt that there was something in the other party's words, but thinking about it, it would be easier for the Hong Gang to succeed again with Yang Jian, a powerhouse of the Four Emperors, in charge. .

"Yes, the Hong Gang is definitely stronger than you imagined. If you confront it head-on, even the Big Mom pirates are no match. If Yang Jian, an insidious guy, is willing to pay the price, he can definitely kill your entire pirates." Exterminate, and now the Hong Gang is still in a period of rapid development, and it will only become stronger in the future."

Yang Jian saw that Bucky's words got more and more biased, and he was a little off topic, and hurriedly said: "Okay, let's talk about these things slowly in the future, and she will see it with her own eyes, Bucky, don't you want to introduce other people, don't off topic."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm wrong, Ms. Smoothie, this is Enilo, a person with the ability of the thunder fruit, who is good at knowledge and domineering. As long as he wants to, he can monitor everything within a radius of hundreds of miles. He knows everything that everyone says, and he is the deputy captain of our Bucky Pirates." Bucky first pointed to Enilo and began to introduce him, and he can also tell his ability.

Smoothie couldn't help being surprised, and immediately understood that Enil, like Katakuri, was also a person who developed the domineering power of knowledge to the limit, but the two developed in different directions. Katakuri pursued quality, because The knowledge-colored domineering is too condensed, so that it has reached the point where the future can be foreseen, and the pursuit of Enilo in front of him is obviously the quantity, which strengthens the perception range of the knowledge-colored domineering. These two directions have their own advantages, so it is impossible to say Which is better.

"Hello, Your Excellency the Deputy Captain, please take care of me in the future."

"You're too polite, Miss Smoothie. I've heard of your name for a long time. If we have a chance, we can compete with each other. We fought against crackers before, and it was very enjoyable. I think Miss Smoothie is not bad either." Enilu devoted himself to pursuing power, but his mind was much simpler. He didn't beat around the bush, and directly expressed his thoughts.

At first, Smoothie was a little angry when he heard that Love You Road was going to challenge him, but soon he found that the other party didn't intend to provoke him at all, but just wanted to fight, so he couldn't help but feel relieved. It's easy to be reassuring, at least you don't have to worry about being calculated.

"Really? I'm also curious about the strength of the vice-captain Enel, let's have a chance to compete."

"You are welcome anytime, as long as I have time, anytime." Enilu's face showed a hint of excitement.

Bucky pointed to Kabaji who was standing on the left side of Enilu Shen and said: "This is our ship's military adviser, staff officer, shrewd mind, and a swordsman. Regardless of his appearance, he is very powerful. There is only a thin line away from the great swordsman, and Kabaji is good at cooking, and Miss Smoothie is good at making all kinds of delicious drinks, you may have a common language."

"Hello, Mr. Kabaji, nice to meet you."

Kabaji nodded, "I am the same. Miss Smoothie's swordsmanship is superb. We are colleagues. We have the opportunity to communicate more."

"The last one is Mochi, the animal trainer, and his lion pet. He is good at taming animals, even sea kings can be tamed. He is also the doctor on our ship."

"Miss Smoothie, you are welcome to join!" Mochi greeted concisely, without any nonsense.

This and the others are all little guys, like the three strange brothers, the acrobatic quartet, etc., I just introduce them casually, and I don’t care. After that, his strength has been very good, even worse than the colonel of the Navy headquarters, but in the eyes of Bucky and Yang Jian, he is still just a role as cannon fodder.

Finally, Bucky thought of something, turned his head to look at Yang Jian and said, "Since you are one of us, you can't be stingy, there are still places, so let's count Miss Smoothie."

Yang Jian naturally understood what Bucky meant, nodded, took out five spells from his bosom and said, "Originally, you should go through a period of trials before giving it, but since Captain Bucky has spoken, you can skip this step." Well, you are already on your own, so you don't need to hide some things, and with your strength, you will definitely be in a high position in the future, which can be regarded as giving you benefits in advance."

Originally, Yang Jian was still a little hesitant, because he was not sure whether Smoothie would betray in the future, but thinking that the other party had already fused the venom's offspring, even if he wanted to betray, he couldn't do it, unless Bucky was brain-dead and helped her separate the venom's offspring Otherwise, Yang Jian could take his life at any time, so she was relieved and decided to completely release resources to Smoothie.

"These are five of the 12 charms. They are made of phantom beast devil fruits and unique materials. They allow you to integrate into your body to obtain a devil fruit ability, and it will not conflict with the original fruit."

Speaking of which, Yang Jian thought of another thing, turned to Baki and the others and said: "The boss forgot to tell you that I also brought Katakuri into our organization, and he chose the rabbit charm. If you If you don’t want to reveal your identity, you can hide your identity at the next meeting, in the spell space, you are just a consciousness body, and you can change your appearance with a single thought, don’t forget.”

Bucky looked at the talisman, and suddenly said: "No wonder there are only five talismans left! But you were able to bring in the second character of the Mom Pirates in chapter Bi9, which is really good. Katakuri is definitely a general." level."

"Did brother Katakuri also become a spell warrior? It's surprising that he would surrender to you." Smoothie remembered that Katakuri also drove himself away for a while when he brought the cake island Facing Yang alone should be that time.

"It's not subjugation. The 12 spell warriors are equal. I can have more authority at most, but I can't force others to order. If you really need help, you have to pay a price. The same is true for others. You will Got it, now I will introduce you to the abilities of the remaining five spells, and then choose one..."

After hearing Yang Jian's introduction of the abilities of the five charms, Smoothie chose the sheep charm without hesitation. On the surface, it didn't seem to be very useful, and it could only leave the soul out of the body.

Yang Jian was also a little curious, and didn't understand why Smoothie chose the sheep charm. After asking, she found out that Smoothie made this choice because of her fear of big mom, so she chose the ability of the soul, although on the surface It seems that the sheep charm can only be out of the body, but she is sure to develop new soul skills, and she will have some confidence in meeting Big Mom one day in the future.

Regarding this, Yang Jian can only say that Smoothie's fear of big mom is too serious, and she has psychological shadows.

Now that Smoothie has made a choice, Yang Jian will naturally not object, and the sheep charm in this world is not as simple as it was shown in Jackie Chan's Adventures, as long as it is completely controlled, it can definitely develop a frightening soul ability , it depends on how far Smoothie can do it.

"Hahaha...With Miss Smoothie joining us, we are even stronger. It is something worth celebrating. Let's hold a banquet to celebrate, little ones, move!"

At this time, Bucky showed his demeanor as a captain. With an order, everyone quickly took action. The three strange brothers took out various fruits, meat and food from the kitchen, and the four jugglers brought barrels of fine wine. Kabaji, Anilu and the others moved iron frames from somewhere and lit them on fire.

Kabaji pulled out his own knife and swiped it a few times. Everyone felt a cold light flash in front of their eyes, and the meat was cut into thin slices of the same size.

Smoothie saw Kabaji's performance when cutting meat, and his heart was full of surprise. He swung a hundred knives in an instant, cut the meat into equal sizes, and made almost no sound, which showed that Kabaji grasped the strength meticulously. Degree.

Before Baki said that Kabaji's kendo cultivation was close to the level of a great swordsman, she was a little skeptical, but now she believed it, and even felt that Kabaji had reached the level of a great swordsman.

Smoothie didn't know that the key reason why Kabaji didn't make a sound when he swung the knife was because he used the ability of the Snake Charm, and he didn't quite grasp the strength himself.

The superficial ability of the snake charm is invisibility, but it hides not only the body, but also the sound and smell. Kabaji developed another application of the snake charm, which is used to isolate the sound when swinging a knife, so he is far away from the big sword. Howe still has a long way to go. Even if he is lucky, it will take two or three years to break through. This is still under the condition of Yang Jian's supply of various resources. If he is unlucky, he may not be able to break through in his lifetime.

In addition to the three major generals in the Navy Headquarters, there are also many substitutes for the generals. Their strength is always inferior to the generals, such as the peach rabbit and the tea pig. They have been in the same situation for more than ten years, and now Kabaji is in the same situation.

Soon everyone helped Kabaji to string up those pieces of meat. Some of them were put on the grill, sprinkled with a kind of spice, and the other part was put on an iron plate. Enilu used the ability of the thunder fruit to heat it, and then used a brush to Spread the sauce.

Soon the tempting fragrance came out, and everyone couldn't help salivating, especially Smoothie, who smelled this fragrance for the first time, actually made a grunt in his stomach, this movement attracted everyone's attention, Smoothie Ji blushed with shame on the spot.

"I'm sorry, it's too fragrant, so I..."

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