"It's okay, we understand, it's the same for the first time, my performance was not as good as yours back then." Enilu waved his hand, comforting.

What Ai Nilu said is not nonsense. You must know that this kind of barbecue, including the seasoning and sauce used, is provided by Yang Jian from the food world. It is definitely the top and most delicious food in the world. One, when Yang Jian made it for the first time, Bucky and the others were conquered. They almost fought over the last piece of barbecue, and Mochi and the others didn't even recognize Bucky as the captain.

Soon the first batch of kebabs were ready, and Kabaki put a bunch of kebabs beside him, and before he could speak, everyone grabbed them.

Smoothie was a bit late because he didn't know the situation, and he didn't get any of them.

When Smoothie put the first skewer of barbecue into her mouth, she was captured by this delicious feeling. At this moment, she suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing for her to be abandoned by her mother and become a tool for marriage.

The banquet lasted for more than an hour, and everyone ate their mouths full of oil. In the end, the person who ate the most was actually Smoothie. There was no way, she was the biggest, and it was the first time she ate this delicious barbecue. I couldn't help it, and finally my stomach was bulging, like I was pregnant, and I couldn't walk anymore.

The more Smoothie thought about it, the more ashamed he became. Looking at Kabaji, he said shyly, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Kabaji, for troubling you."

Kabaji smiled, "It's okay, Miss Smoothie eats a lot, it's a recognition of my cooking skills, it's too late to be happy."

"That's what I said, but I still feel a little bit sorry, so let me make some drinks for you. As a person with the ability to squeeze fruit, this is my strong point, but there are only fruits on board and no living things. Otherwise, let you Try my unique drink."

Bucky shook his head helplessly, "Aside from humans, the only living creature on board is Mochi's pet lion... Simba, that's Mochi's life-and-death partner. We don't want to use it to make drinks."

"That's a pity. Let's wait for a chance in the future."

"Who said there are no living things, sea kings can't do it, look at me!" At this time Yang Jian walked to the side of the boat, stretched out his hand to pat, the sea made a loud bang, the sea surface was divided into two, and at a depth of [-] meters In the place, a large fish several meters long appeared.

Yang Jian raised his hand, a strong suction appeared, and the big fish was sucked onto the boat.

If in Yang Jian's original world, a whale that was only more than ten meters long and only an adult could be found, but this one in front of him is actually a cub, a cub of some kind of Neptune.

Smoothie looked at the sea king cub, nodded in satisfaction, pulled out his sword, cut it into dozens of pieces with a few swipes, then grasped it with both hands and twisted it hard, as if it was entangled in the cloth, squeezing it hard. A large amount of liquid was squeezed out and landed in an empty wine barrel.

Chapter 506 The Value of Smoothie

Bucky and the others drank the drink squeezed out of Smoothie, and everyone appreciated it. Although it had a fishy smell, it didn't affect its deliciousness at all, reminding them of the small dried fish they had eaten a few days ago.

It was only after Yang Jian took the first sip of the drink that his face became weird, as if he had tasted something special from it, it was a little unbelievable, and he took another sip to make sure, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he turned his head Looking at Smoothie, that look seemed to swallow her up.

Smoothie also noticed Yang Jian's strange behavior, and couldn't help but thump in his heart. He didn't understand what happened, why the other party looked at him with such eyes.

"Your Excellency Yang Jian, is there any problem? Does my drink not suit your appetite? If so, I can squeeze a glass of juice for you."

Seriously speaking, Smoothie is already Yang Jian's woman, but they have no feelings for each other, and they are mutually exclusive, and they even call them miss, sir and so on, which seems a little strange.

"Your drink is okay, it's not a matter of taste, it's just that I found something magical in your drink, and now I suddenly feel that it's the luckiest thing for us to join Miss Smoothie."

As Yang Jian spoke, he stretched out a finger, and a strand of gold gushed out, slowly condensing into a tentacle of venom, and inserted it into the drink.

The drink started bubbling, and after a minute, the drink was obviously reduced by one-third, and the rest of the drink became clear and transparent, just like boiled water. When Yang Jian spread his palm, he saw two white pills appear in the palm of your hand.

"What is this? It looks exactly like the big tonic pill you made!" Bucky picked up a pill from Yang Jian's palm curiously, looked at it again and again, and even stuck out his tongue to lick it.

Yang Jian said with a smile: "It's not like, it's basically, this is the kind of big tonic pill."

"What! How is this possible? It is very difficult to make endless covers. Every time you need to spend half a day to make a batch, when did it become so fast?"

"You should know that the so-called Dabu Pill is a pill made by me using venom to absorb the life energy of sea kings and extracting high-energy substances from it. However, the amount of venom I have is limited. A sea king is tens of meters away. It will take me at least half a day to fully extract its life energy, which is really powerless, so the supply of supplement pills has always been limited, but now there seems to be a shortcut, just like Miss Smoothie used her first The ability to squeeze out the essence of the sea kings, and then let me extract the life energy in it, and the speed has increased by more than ten times."

At this moment, Bucky and the others' eyes lit up like light bulbs, looking at Smoothie as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

Baki said excitedly: "If that's the case, wouldn't we eat the tonic as a meal in the future? I was a little worried at first. After the venom is gone, Kabaki's growth in strength will definitely slow down, and I'm having a headache. How can I help them? It seems that I don’t have to worry about it now, the Dabu Pill can completely replace the effect of the venom.”

Yang Jian nodded in agreement, "That's right, and the cultivation of the Red Scarf Army can also be accelerated. Although I also provide them with supplements to strengthen their strength on weekdays, but because there are too many people, the number of supplement pills is insufficient. It can be supplied in a limited amount, and sometimes you even have to dissolve a big tonic pill with water and give it to several people to drink separately. Their strength growth cannot reach the expected goal. With the help of Smoothie in the future, you don’t have to worry about the big tonic. There are not enough of them.”

The more Yang Jian and Bucky talked, the more outrageous they seemed to regard Smoothie as a tool, but Smoothie, who was the party involved, hadn't figured out what was going on, and he was looking confused, didn't he just squeeze a can of drink? , Why did it become like this after drinking it? This is a drink, not wine. Even if it is really wine, it will not be drunk from a glass. It seems like a treasure has been discovered.

Yang Jian looked at Smoothie who didn't know why, and decided to completely reveal the secrets of the Hong Gang to her, because Yang Jian had already decided that Smoothie should be kept by his side no matter what, because he was really important.

Yang Jian looked at the dazed private Smoothie and thought for a while, then waved his hand and opened a space doorway: "Come with me, there are some things I need to explain to you clearly, you can understand the real background of the Hong Gang, and at the same time understand yours." importance."

Yang Jian strode into the space door, Smoothie hesitated for a moment, and then followed.

After stepping through the space door, Smoothie came to an empty place by herself, surrounded by thin mist, and the smell of sea water from time to time made her understand that this was an island.


Attracted by the roar from the sky, Smoothie looked up at the sky and saw lightning and thunder, illuminating the sky, and from time to time a streak of thunder fell down, if he was struck by the thunder, even with Smoothie's strength, he would lose half of it Fate, but fortunately, when the lightning bolts fell, they were attracted by the iron pillars on the island.

Yang Jian walked all the way ahead, took out a strange badge on his body, walked through a small path, and came to a square, where nearly a hundred people were exercising, each of them was tall, muscular, with a piece on his head The red scarf is basically a two-person confrontation.

What shocked Smoothie was that all the people who were training had mastered domineering. When fighting, either their arms, legs, or their whole bodies were covered by armed domineering, exuding a dark luster. In addition, judging from their performance, they are also very proficient in controlling domineering power.

Yang Jian didn't bother them, and continued to walk forward. Several people also spotted Yang Jian, but after seeing the badge on Yang Jian's body, they didn't ask any more questions and continued to do their own things.

Next, Yang Jian and Smoothie walked along a road lined with metal pillars. Smoothie saw small houses lined up on the side of the road. They met a few people on the road, some went in, some walked. They came out, but the people who came out were sweating profusely, listless, and even flashes of lightning from time to time.

Because Yang Jian led the way ahead, Smoothie didn't encounter any obstacles, and soon came to a castle, covered by a cloud of dark clouds.

At this time, Smoothie suddenly discovered a strange thing, her knowledgeable domineering was particularly active, and Smoothie had a feeling that if she stayed here to practice, it would not be long before her knowledgeable domineering made a breakthrough.

After Smoothie entered the castle, the feeling became even stronger. If she hadn't been able to distinguish between serious and serious, she couldn't help but sit down and practice.

There were many people practicing in the castle, and they were all blindfolded. In the sky, a group of palm-sized birds were flying around, constantly bumping into those people, but those people were moving around within a narrow range, Can avoid the impact of those birds every time.

Smoothie understands that they are cultivating arrogance and arrogance. In comparison, the eye method is unnecessary. Blindfolded, the effect of exercise is better.

Just when Smoothie was attracted by the domineering people who practice knowledge and knowledge, there was a sudden movement of shaking mountains in the distance. Looking up, he found a giant more than five meters tall rushing towards him, with abnormally developed muscles. The rumble was his footsteps.

The giant came to Yang Jian and said excitedly, "Boss, I'm so happy that you finally have time to visit me."

"Giant Spirit, how are you doing recently? Seeing your flushed face, you must have had a good time."

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