Garp was choked and speechless. Of course he knew that there was a lot of darkness inside the Navy, and he couldn't understand it, but he couldn't help it. Many things were beyond his control.

Seeing the situation, Yang Jian seemed to be getting off topic, so he hurriedly said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's just get to the point, why did you seek the Hong Gang? Do you have any grudges?"

Fujitora shook his head, "Of course not. Over the years, I have traveled all over the world, hoping to find a way to end the chaos in this world. Unfortunately, I have no idea. Even the world government hides too much darkness in it. I was about to give up, but something happened unexpectedly, which rekindled my hope."

"What's the matter? Is it related to the Hong Gang you just mentioned?" Yang Jian asked hastily. He felt that Fujitora might change his fate because of himself.

"A year ago on an island in the New World, I met a member of the Hong Gang who was captured by someone. He was just an ordinary person, not very strong, but he possessed unimaginable beliefs. The enemy tortured him, Tried all kinds of methods, but failed to make him open his mouth, betrayed information about the Hong Gang, even the other party used a unique devil fruit ability, failed to make him succumb."

"What happened later? How did that Hong gang member feel?" Yang Jian couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

"His belief is touching, so I saved him. At the same time, I also want to understand what makes him so persistent? What gives him such firm belief?"

"So did you get the answer you wanted?"

Fujitora nodded, then shook his head again, making people a little baffled, "I got a part of the answer, but I have new doubts. Because of his identity, he refused to reveal too much information about the Hong Gang to me. He only said something of his own."

"Really? I'm very interested, can you tell me?"

"There is nothing bad to say. I asked him why he was not afraid of death. Is it worth it for the so-called Hong Gang? But he told me without hesitation, it was worth it!

That person told me that he was willing to give everything for Hong Gang, even his life and soul. I was a little surprised at the beginning, but after he told his experience, everything was relieved.

From that population, I learned that he was just an ordinary commoner because he was oppressed by the nobles, lost his land, lost his only little wealth, and his family was about to starve to death. It was the Hong Gang who found him a job and let him Making money can support himself and his family, enable his children to go to school, give him hope of living, and give him faith.

Originally, he could always live the life of an ordinary person and live a happy life, but he hoped to repay the Hong Gang, so he joined the caravan of the Hong Gang as an ordinary person. Even though he knew it was dangerous, he still had no hesitation. Knowing that he would die, he was unwilling to betray the Hong Gang. He even said that if he had a soul, he hoped that his soul could return to the Hong Gang, burn his own soul, and dedicate his last ounce of strength. "

Yang Jian was slightly taken aback, and was moved in his heart. In fact, he didn't do too much for those members of the Hong Gang. He just gave them opportunities to work, but instead gained a lot of benefits from them. With the help of their hardworking hands, The return has been several times, more than ten times. If in the original world, what Yang Jian did was definitely an evil capitalist who squeezed the employees, but now he is regarded as a savior-like existence.

Karp has another idea. If all the navies have such beliefs, how can those pirates be allowed to be unrestrained?They've already been dealt with.

"To be honest, I was shocked when I saw that person's smile from the bottom of my heart. I think the Hong Gang might be the answer I've been looking for, so I want to know what kind of organization the Hong Gang is. , why can these people believe in it so much?"

The murderous intent in the eyes of Yang Jian and Bucky gradually dissipated, because they had already determined that Fujitora in front of them would not be their enemy, and might even be their companion in the future.

Yang Jian did not immediately expose himself as the controller of the Hong Gang, but thought of another thing, "Well, we believe that you are not lying, but there is one thing that I don't understand, and what you mean seems to be very important to the Hong Gang." It is highly respected, but why expose it so easily, isn’t it afraid of bringing disaster to the Hong Gang?”

Fujitora smiled slightly, "I'm a little proficient in knowledge and domineering. When I mentioned the Hong Gang for the first time just now, the two of you's hearts beat faster, your expressions changed, and you even had killing intent towards me. My eyes are blind, but my heart is not blind, and my intuition tells me that you have a lot of connections with the Hong Gang, even the high-level members of the Hong Gang, and I have been wasting time looking for the Hong Gang for a long time, and I don’t want to look any further.”

Yang Jian, Bucky, and Karp twitched their faces at the same time, and you can actually feel the heartbeat changes of the four emperors. This kind of arrogance is not as simple as a little proficiency, but has reached the level of perfection, at least you can do it yourself Less than that.

Yang Jian took a serious look at Fujitora, "Okay, I admit, I am indeed a senior member of the Hong Gang, and I probably understand your doubts. I should be able to give you the answer. Come with me first, let's go somewhere , You can experience it yourself, so that it will be easier to answer your questions."

As Yang Jian said, she turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Karp, "Wait a minute, I want to know too, take me with you."

What about Cap?Don't look at him who is careless on weekdays, but he is extremely smart at critical moments. Through the brief conversation just now, he also understands what kind of person Fujitora is, and he can also guess the doubts in his heart. Isn't it his fault? Doubtful, I also want to follow along.

After Yang Jian heard it, she thought for a while before saying: "If you can guarantee that what you saw and heard today will not be told to anyone, I can take you with you."

"No problem, I promise, I will never tell anyone what happened today, alas, unless I get your permission."

"Okay, let's go together."

"Ugh! You agreed so simply. I'm a navy, so aren't you afraid that I'll go back on my word?" Seeing that Yang Jian agreed so readily, Garp was puzzled, feeling a little unreal.

"I believe you!"


"Because you're Karp, it's as simple as that."

Garp was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face, "It's a simple and rude answer, but I like it, don't worry, I won't let you down, I will do what I say."

Chapter 511 Redism

Yang Jian led the way, followed by Kapbaki and Fujitora. The four chatted without saying a word. They introduced themselves to each other on the way, and everyone knew each other.

Soon a group of people came to the Red Scarf Primary School, but they did not show up. Instead, they sneaked into the school secretly, came to the top of the tallest teaching building, looked down on everything in the school.

Yang Jian just watched a group of children wearing red scarves around their necks listen carefully in class, play and play games together after class, including Luffy and Ace. Although they are very naughty, there are still a few who can follow They play to a partner.

Until the end of school in the afternoon, a group of children met their parents at the school gate and went home happily, holding hands. They kept telling what games they played and what knowledge they learned at school today. The scene was indescribably warm.

After all the students had left and the school fell into silence, Yang Jian looked back at Fujitora and asked, "How do you see everything in the school? What do you think?"

"Happiness!" Fujitora smiled and said in thought: "This is a beautiful place, everyone lives happily, from children to adults, they are all happy, full of confidence in the future, I have traveled to many places, I have also helped many people, but most of the people I have seen have lost hope in life, their eyes are full of death, and they are waiting for death to come."

"Yes, the people here are full of hope for the future, even if they don't have much wealth, even if they are just civilians living at the bottom, but if you saw it five years ago, it would definitely not be like this. They are similar to the people you said before who have lost hope for the future, and this place is not beautiful at all, it is full of garbage, you have not been here before, you may not understand, but I think Lieutenant General Karp should know it all too well. "

Karp nodded and admitted: "That's right, this place used to be a garbage mountain. The Kingdom of Goya transported all the garbage here and piled it into a mountain. To be honest, I can't believe it when I see the beautiful scenery here now."

"That is to say, all the changes started five years ago. What happened during this period? Is it because of the Hong Gang?"

"That's right, Hongbang invested in the treatment of the garbage mountain. The recyclable garbage was reused, and the non-recyclable garbage was incinerated and buried, and then planted trees and beautified the environment. In just two or three years, it became the picture in front of us. look, and on the site of the original garbage mountain, this red scarf school was built.”

Garp looked at this school, feeling a little emotional in his heart, and said: "The Hong Gang must have spent a lot of money to build this school. I found that the facilities are very comprehensive, and they deal with the garbage mountain. Wouldn’t it be worth the money to die?”

"On the contrary, we did invest some money at the beginning, but we made it back later. Those recyclable garbage were remade, made into products and sold again, with almost no cost, and provided tens of thousands of jobs. Well, the residents on the island can earn money by working part-time. With their hardworking hands, they built this place into a paradise. Not only did the Hong Gang not lose money, but they also made a lot of money, and they had extra money to build a school.

You see, this is obviously a win-win situation. The Hong Gang can improve the lives of the common people and benefit themselves by providing some jobs. For the common people, they earn money with their own labor, and it is easy to be satisfied. But why is it so easy for those high-level government officials to not do it well?Why are there so many people in dire straits? "

"Yeah, why? Is it because of pirates? It doesn't seem to be the case. There are no pirates in some places I have experienced, but their lives are also very bad. Then why?" Fujitora muttered to himself, thinking hard , but still couldn't figure it out, looked up at Yang Jian, hoping to get an answer.

"Before answering this question, let me ask you another question. What do you think pirates mean to the world government?"

Karp said without hesitation: "It's not a question, of course it is the existence of evil. They bring chaos to the world and lead to the miserable lives of civilians."

"On the contrary, in my opinion, pirates are a knife and a tool to be used for world conquest. Pirates are an indispensable means for the world government to rule the world. They are the best collaborators."

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