"What!!" Garp and Fujitora smiled and exclaimed at the same time, their faces were in disbelief, Yang Jian's words had too much impact on them. . ,

Bucky was also a little unbelievable, and asked: "Dude, did you make a mistake? The pirates, the world government, and the navy are hostile existences, and they are incompatible. How can they cooperate?"

"On the surface, it seems that the navy and the pirates are indeed irreconcilable, but if you look at it from the perspective of the government and the Tianlong people, it is another scene."

"What do you mean?"

"The World Government has more than 170 affiliated countries. It is the world's largest international organization, headed by the highest executor Wu Laoxing, directly under the secret spy agency CP0-CP9, the navy, the scientific army, the deep-sea prison, the judicial island, etc. What do you think? Why do these countries join the world government? For this reason, they have to pay a high amount of money from heaven every year."

"This..." Garp said for a while. As a vice admiral, he certainly knew the reason why those countries won gold that day, and it was not at all voluntary.

"The reason is very simple. In order to avoid the intrusion of pirates, in order to let the world government send a navy to protect them, and the world government is ultimately what the Tianlong people say, and the heavenly gold basically falls into the pockets of the Tianlong people. Then the problem comes, If there are no pirates in this world, do you think those countries will still care about the so-called world government and the so-called Celestial Dragons?"

Fujitora finally understood what Yang Jian meant, with a dazed expression on his face, "I see, the world government allowed the pirates to grow, and then used the pirates to threaten all countries in the world and force them to join the world government. The heavenly gold seeks refuge."

"That's right, that's it. Although One Piece's words have ushered in the era of great voyages and multiplied the power of pirates, they are still within the control of the world government. They clearly have a way to make life better for the common people in this world. , but they didn’t do that, and drove some people into corners, and finally became pirates, but these people didn’t know it. They became an accomplice of the world government unintentionally.”

Fujitora smiled wryly, "So it turns out that this is the root of the world's chaos. It's not that the world government can't end the chaos, but that they need chaos, which will help them rule and guarantee their rights."

"Although it is cruel, it is true in fact."

"Is there no way to change this situation?" Fujitora raised his head and looked at Yang Jian expectantly and asked.

Yang Jian shook his head, "It's difficult, because this is the established rule of today's world, an order jointly formulated by countless ruling classes, unless you can overthrow those people and establish a new order. Break this order and establish a new one. "

"A new order?" Fujitora immediately thought of something, and asked, "You mean the revolutionary army. Isn't their goal to overthrow the world government and reform the world? Do you think they can succeed?"

"Revolution is indeed a good way, but they are now on the wrong road. The revolutionary army adopts orphans to train them to form a strong combat force. They just instinctively oppose the world government. They have no clear goal. Lack of real faith, and not even being able to tell who the real enemy is."

Fujitora frowned and said, "Can you explain in detail? I don't quite understand."

"To put it simply, troops without faith can only go to decline in the end, and they may become people they hate in the future. If one day they really overthrow the world government, what kind of people do you think they will become next? ? Do you think that the top leaders of the revolutionary army will feel that they saved the world, are the savior, should enjoy rights, and should be served by others, and then become like the former Tianlong people to destroy those civilians."

"This, maybe." Fujitora said this, but he was sure in his heart, because he understood that people have selfishness, and most people will fall in the face of power.

"Yes, the new ruler will unknowingly become someone he hates under the influence of power. Just like in the story, the dragon slayer grows scales and eventually becomes a new dragon. Then start a new cycle, wait for the next dragon slayer to appear, and then become a dragon again."

"Then what to do? Is there no way to avoid it?"

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind, took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Fujitora, saying, "Here is this book for you, read it, and maybe you will have the answer after reading it."

Fujitora took the book instinctively, but then realized a very embarrassing thing. He is blind and can't read at all. I can't feel the words in the book.

Garp noticed Teng Hu's embarrassment, and offered to ask Ying: "If you don't mind, let me read it for you. To be honest, I also want to know the answer."

"Mr. Yang Jian, look..." Fujitora did not agree immediately, but asked Yang Jian for his opinion first.

"No problem. Books are for people to read. Maybe you can listen to the valuable opinions of naval heroes."

No problem now, Fujitora immediately handed the book to Garp.

After Garp took the book, he looked at the six big characters of Redist Thought on the paper, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. The late stage in his heart made him unable to resist turning to the first page of the book and began to read.

Next, Garp experienced the most thrilling moment in his life. Even when he was catching up with Roger, the One Piece, he didn’t feel this way, because the content of the book was so frightening that he couldn’t help but stop after reading it several times. But under the urging of Fujitora, he could only continue reading.

For Fujitora, the content of this book on redism is a guiding light, which gives him the answer to his inner doubts.

However, Garp was struggling because of redism. In Garp's view, this is a book that teaches others to rebel, and there are various effective methods, but Karp feels that The content of the book makes sense, and it was an unimaginable shock to him who had spent his whole life in the navy and the world government.

Look at what is written in the book about equality, freedom, fraternity, justice, common development, unity of thought, the three major disciplines, the eight points of attention, and various strange measures behind it, such as the complaint conference, and even the two sides of justice. This word has given a brand-new interpretation: everything that is beneficial to the people is justice, and anything that is harmful to the people is evil.

Seeing this sentence, Garp almost couldn't help applauding, and finally suppressed the impulse. Garp found that his belief in the navy had been shaken all the time. He felt like joining the revolutionary army, for the equality, freedom, Impulse of just devotion.

This book was condensed by Yang Jian, and a lot of content was deleted. By late at night, Karp had finished reading it. The moment he finished reading the book, Karp was sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked, as if Losing all the strength in his body, he slumped on the ground, motionless.

And Fujitora also fell into silence, constantly recalling the contents of the book in his mind, while Yang Jian and Bucky watched quietly from the side without speaking, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

One minute, two minutes... ten minutes, twenty minutes... until half an hour later, Fujitora came to his senses and woke up from his meditation. Although he hadn't eaten all day, he didn't feel hungry at all. The spirit is extraordinarily excited.

"Lieutenant General Garp, thank you very much for your help, I have got the answer I wanted."

At this time Garp woke up like a dream, glanced at Fujitora, then thought of something, suddenly threw the book in his hand, and then crawled to a corner of the roof, as if the book existed like a scourge .

Yang Jian stretched out his hand, and the book flew into his hand again, and then said: "Lieutenant General Garp, is this necessary? It's just a book, even if you don't like it, you don't need to throw it away."

"Stop! Don't come over, don't let that book get close to me, damn it, I shouldn't be reading that book." Garp couldn't help but took a step back, and almost fell from the roof.

"So what if you don't look at it, do you still want to lie to yourself?"

"Maybe I can't lie to myself, but at least I can stick to my last obsession. I am a navy and will always be a navy!"

"Okay, whatever you think!" Yang Jian shrugged and said so-called.

At this time, Fujitora stood up and bowed respectfully to Yang Jian, "Mr. Yang Jian, thank you very much, the confusion in my heart has been answered, so are you going to revolutionize and change the world next? I am willing Help you, even at the cost of your life."

"Unfortunately, I don't have such an idea. I just want to live a little easier and have no interest in revolution."

Fujitora stayed there for a while, and said incredulously for a while: "Why is this happening? You have unparalleled intelligence, surpassing the eyes of the world, why don't you do something for this world?"

"Because I am a selfish person. Revolution is a great and sacred thing. The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. This road is destined to be paved with blood and bones. There will be countless sacrifices. I can watch others die indifferently, but I can't make my recognized companion die in front of me."

Chapter 512 Smoothie's Change

At this moment, Fujitora's mood is going downhill like a roller coaster. He thought he had found a savior, a person worthy of his allegiance, and gave everything he had, including his life.But he didn't expect that the other party had no intention of being the savior at all, which made him feel extremely aggrieved, trembling all over, and hated Yang Jian for nothing.

Seeing Fujitora's appearance, Yang Jian could only say sorry, "Don't be angry, although I don't plan to be a revolutionary martyr, there are other ways, you can go to the revolutionary army."

"Revolutionary Army?"

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