"Yes, you can find your ideal there." Yang Jian said as he took out a rat charm from his bosom and gave it to Fujitora.

"You can integrate this rat charm into your body. If you need it, you can contact me directly. I can help you if I can."

"Lieutenant General Garp, you should be able to contact Drago Long. Although you have fallen out, you are father and son after all. How about helping Mr. Fujitora with an introduction and handing over these two things to him by the way?" Yang Jian took out another monkey charm and handed it to Karp along with the Redist Thought.

"Don't come here, take that book away, and I have already severed ties with that stinky boy. If he refuses to listen to being a navy, but wants to be a revolutionary army, I will never forgive him in this life."

Fujitora smiled and said with surprise on his face: "Dorag is your son. Your family is really strange. You are in the navy, but your son has become the leader of the revolutionary army, and your grandson is going to be a pirate. This relationship is really messy."

Garp's face suddenly turned ugly. This is definitely his biggest black history. He originally wanted to train his son and grandson to become a navy, but he didn't expect that your son and grandson would turn against him. This level of education is enough.

Karp originally wanted to ask Yang Jian how he knew about his relationship with Drago, but he forgot about it when he interrupted.

"Really, after all, they are father and son, why bother to make trouble to such an extent? Are you really not going to help?" Yang Jian shook the spell and the idea of ​​redism in his hand.

Karp shook his head like a rattle, "Absolutely not. This is something that can subvert the foundation of the government. If I give it away, it will be tantamount to betrayal. You must not do such a thing. At most, I will pretend that I didn't see it."

Seeing Garp's self-deception, Yang Jian just laughed, and no longer insisted, but handed the spell and book to Fujitora.

"Mr. Fujitora, it seems that you can only find it by yourself. Anyway, you have enough time to tell Mr. Dorag for me that although I have no intention of revolutionary action, I still admire the revolutionary army. This is my gift to him."

The mouse charm and monkey charm sent by Yang Jian, one can change ever-changingly, and the other can turn static into dynamic, which is a very abnormal ability in itself, and can also complement each other. For example, Fujitora uses the ability of heavy fruits to gather broken stones together , and then use the monkey charm to change into a beast, and then use the mouse charm to turn static into motion, and an army can be summoned in an instant.

After getting the spell and the book, Fujitora still seemed a little unwilling and asked, "Mr. Yang, have you really stopped thinking about it?"

"For that, all I can say is sorry."

"Well, this kind of thing can't be forced, I just hope that you don't stand idly by when things are difficult."

"Don't worry, although I'm not a good person, I will still help people I admire if I can."

Fujitora bowed to Yang Jian at last, and put the spell into his pocket casually. As long as the book was carefully wrapped in a piece of cloth, and then put it close to his bosom, as if it was the most precious treasure in the world, he turned around leave.

Seeing the gradually disappearing figure of Fujitora, Yang Jian felt a little emotional, and the fate of Fujitora has completely changed since then.It turned out that he was supposed to be promoted to a general during the world conscription after the top war, but now he will most likely join the ranks of the revolutionary army and become the enemy of the navy.

After Fujitora left, Yang Jian looked at Garp with a smirk on his face, "Lieutenant General Garp, you should be very clear that once Fujitora joins the Revolutionary Army, with what he has in his hand and his own strength, he will have great impact on the world." What kind of impact did the government cause, did you take the opportunity to kill him, or simply notify the navy to arrest him."

"First of all, I promised you that everything that happened today will not be leaked to anyone. In addition, even if I really do something, will you stand by and watch? I don't think I can resist your cooperation with my own strength."

"Okay, Lieutenant General Garp, you made the right choice. It's a rare encounter. Let's stay and talk more."

"No, no, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first. I haven't seen my lovely grandson for a long time! Go back and get in touch with them first, and we will talk later when we have a chance." Karp said, turned and left, with that appearance Looks more like an escape.

At this moment, Garp was panicking. He had only been together for less than a day, and his belief was shaken. If he really stayed for a while, he was really not sure if he could maintain his mind, so he There is only one thought, never to meet Yang Jian again.

Looking at Garp who fled in despair, Yang Jian and Bucky couldn't help laughing. This is a naval hero. It is enough to be proud to be able to trap him to such a degree. Even Roger, the former One Piece King, is just He was chased by Garp and fled everywhere.

"Okay, I don't care about Ace for the time being, do you have any troubles that you need me to help you? Better hurry up, I'm going to the unnamed island, Smoothie has squeezed a lot of drinks, I It has to be refined into a big tonic pill!"

Bucky looked at Yang Jian contemptuously, "Cut, it sounds good. He said it was for the supplement pills, but he didn't actually want to have a private meeting with Smoothie. It's daytime, so it's better to take it easy. You also often say that Ruanrou Township is a tomb of heroes, don't wear yourself down, if your legs are weak when you meet a strong man, you will lose face when the time comes."

Yang Jian wasn't angry at Bucky's sarcasm, instead it turned into a compliment, "That's right, I'm obsessed with gentleness, what's wrong! Heroes are sad and beautiful, I like it, I'm happy, of course a single dog like you isn't it?" will understand."

Bucky almost vomited blood in anger. He brought Smoothie here to cheat Yang Jian, but how he cheated him back and forth, and finally buried himself in the hole he dug.

"Who says I'm single? Tell you that I'm the king of treasures who will come. Wanting a woman is not a matter of saying a word. I don't know how many beauties have thrown themselves into my arms. We used to go to Happy Street to help misses who have lost their feet. There are more than twice as many women around me as you."

"That's because you spend a lot of money, and I don't value quality. I'm a person of status, and not all women can look up to it."

"In terms of quality, can it be compared to the Queen of the Joy Festival, Stussy? She has received me many times in person, which shows the charm of my Treasure King Bucky."

"Come on, she just said a few words to you every time, and she really thought she would fall in love with you. On the surface, Stussy is one of the leaders of the dark world, the queen of Happy Street, and her real identity is a member of CP0. Although this woman He looks young but his real age is very old."

"So what about old age? What about government officials? As long as I like it, it's fine. After I become the Treasure King, let him take the initiative to throw himself into his arms. Then you will be envious and jealous."

Yang Jian said with a smirk: "Then how long will it take you to become the Treasure King? Five years, ten years, or twenty years. By then, you will be old. I don't know if you can still use that thing as a man? Don't come Sometimes I can't enjoy the beauty of a lot of beauties, so I have to do it for me."

"Shut up, I'm in good health, and the situation you said won't happen. Now I'm going back to the King of Treasures. You open the door for me, immediately! Immediately!" Bucky was so pissed that he actually doubted his actions. A man's ability is tolerable or unbearable.

"You're such a fool, get out, get out!" Yang Jian said as he opened a space door casually.

Bucky got in cursing, the hatred in his heart!He made up his mind that he would definitely not go to Wuming Island in the near future, so as not to be choked on the dog food of Yang Jian and Simu Private Funding Ji.

After Yang Jian sent Bucky away, he went to the unnamed island through another space door in the space, and arrived at the training place specially built for Smooth. The blindfold, the figure is constantly moving, and the birds will fly around her. Smoothie senses their flight paths, grabs them, and then releases them again and again, in order to Train knowledgeable domineering.

Because Smoothie concentrated his domineering aura within 20 meters of his body, he didn't notice Yang Jian's arrival.He was still training on his own, and it wasn't until half an hour later that he took off the blindfold and walked out of the training field, seeing Yang Jian smiling and watching his face flash with joy, and hurried to Yang Jian's side Said: "Jane, you are here!"

I have to say that a woman is a strange creature, if she is not emotional, she will ignore it once she is emotional, and is willing to give everything for it.

Yang Jian doesn't have much talent in picking up girls, but he can't help but have a girl-picking strategy from the 21st century in his mind, using some old-fashioned ways of picking up girls in the eyes of modern people, occasionally giving small gifts, and saying something about caring. In just a few days, Smoothie was captured.

"Smoogey don't train so hard, just take your time, or I will feel sorry for you if you get hurt!" Yang Jian said with a smile on his face, even he himself was a little disgusted when he said nasty words.

But it happens that Smoothie eats this way when recruiting. In the big mom pirates, Smoothie was a marriage partner in the eyes of Big Mom when he was young. With a strong fighting talent, after hard work, he became one of the dessert four-star generals. With a higher status and status, few people dare to show unreasonable thoughts towards him at this time, and occasionally say something about it , would also be considered molesting, and would most likely be killed by Smoothie.

So in fact, Smoothie is still a novice in terms of feelings, very simple, and Yang Jian's sweet words easily deceived everything, both physically and mentally, he was completely fallen.

If at the beginning Smoothie felt grief and indignation at being married to Big Mom, but now he is glad that he was able to meet Yang Jian, a man who loves her so much, and he completely fell for Yang Jian. A large part of the reason is because Yang Jian has the strength to fight against big mom and protect her safety.

Smoothie is now a senior member of the Hong Gang, and she can use the phone bug to contact the Big Mom pirates, but she has no idea about this at all, and Yang Jian even told her that she can tell Big Mom some irrelevant news , Let her deal with the Big Mom group, but I didn't expect Smoothie to say that even insignificant news may bring harm to the Hong Gang, so we should keep it as secret as possible. Regarding his mother, Smoothie said that The married daughter poured out the water, and she was already married to Yang Jian, so she had to focus on Yang Jian's interests, and also told Yang Jian some secrets about the Big Mom Pirates.

If Big Mom knew what Smoothie said, he would definitely slap this unfilial girl to death, it's too embarrassing.

Smoothie has real feelings, but Yang Jian is more about using Smoothie, a proper scumbag.

"Jane, according to your instructions, I squeezed all the sea kings captured by the Hong Gang recently into juice. It is ready, and you can refine it into a big tonic pill at any time."

"Thank you for your hard work, but don't worry, it's rare to meet, let's do something we like together first."

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