"No, absolutely not. I'm just going to support the girls who have lost their way. I don't want benefits or anything. Just treat it as me helping you for free." Bucky, I am the most loyal, but I am terribly afraid in my heart. I hope Yang Jian Don't punish him, he used Smoothie to trick Yang Jian before.

"Sure enough, you are loyal enough to help without asking for anything in return. However, the more you behave like this, the more I can't pretend that nothing happened, and counting the time, Kabaji will have met that beauty by now. He will be gone soon. I want to snatch it back for you, this is Kabaji's kindness, you can't chill the heart of brother."

Baki was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that he really didn't see Kabaji in the past two days. He thought he was busy with training, but now it seems that things are not what he thought, and he can't help but feel a little regretful. Kabaji asked about the situation.

"So tell me the truth, where did Kabaji go? What did he do?"

"Simple, I will let him go to the Alrita Pirates and capture their captain to be your wife. How about it? Am I enough brother?"

"Alrita!" Bucky screamed immediately, "You bastard, you actually found me an ugly, fat, and pockmarked woman, are you so deceitful?"

"Don't be so absolute. Don't you know that fat people are potential stocks? As long as you lose weight successfully, you will immediately become a living person. Alrita is a rare beauty. You will definitely like it when you see it."

"Do you think I'm a fool? I know the power of these pirate groups in the East China Sea. I don't know what Alrita looks like. She is definitely one of the ugliest women in the world. She is simply a fat pig. She thinks she is so beautiful and makes others say she is the most beautiful."

"I said a beauty is a beauty. How about we make a bet? The loser has a condition for the winner. I bet that Al Rita is a big beauty." Yang Jian slapped the table heavily and said loudly.

"Okay, I bet you that if Alita is really a beautiful woman, I will never hesitate to do what you ask me to do, but if you lose, then don't blame me for being unreasonable, I will let you do it for me." I regret what I did today for the rest of my life.”

"make a deal!"


Yang Jian and Bucky laughed at the same time, indescribably treacherous.

Bucky thinks he is sure to win. Not only has he met Alrita, but he has also fought against her. He knows exactly what kind of woman she is. Even if she loses weight successfully, she is still ugly. Bucky remembers the first time At the time of Alrita, I was almost made ugly by the opponent, wishing to punch her to death, but in order to hide his strength, Bucky pretended to fight with Alrita, and in the end there was no winner, and now I think about it It sounds a little regretful, she should have been killed at that time, and there will be no trouble today.

But who is Yang Jian? Since he dares to make a bet, he is sure. Recently, Yang Jian received news that the Alrita Pirates had recently obtained a devil fruit. Combined with the plot of One Piece, Yang Jian It has been determined that it must be the slippery fruit.

In the original plot, Alrita did not eat the slippery fruit at the beginning. On the one hand, it was because she was not sure what kind of fruit she got, and on the other hand, she did not want to become a landlubber. After all, once she ate the devil fruit, she would be killed. Repulsed by the sea, unable to swim.

It was not until he was defeated by Luffy that he ate the slippery fruit for revenge. Not only did he gain abilities, but he also became a beautiful woman.

Yang Jian has already specifically told Kabaji to let him defeat Yarrita and then humiliate her. At that time, Yarrita will definitely have a desire for power, and in the end she will probably eat the slippery fruit and become a beautiful woman, so Only Yang Jian dared to make this bet with Bucky.

Although Bucky felt faintly wrong afterwards, he had no way out at this time.


The Alita Pirates is a very rare pirate group led by a woman. The name of the pirate ship is Miss Rab Daku. At this time, the crew of the two pirate groups are sighing at the stern. .

One of the crew members said: "The days are getting worse and worse. Ever since there was a ghost legend in the East China Sea that punishes pirates, everyone in the East China Sea pirates is in danger. They dare not kill people easily when they rob. , at most grab something and run away immediately, and often it is the treasure that has just been snatched, and it won’t be long before it is taken back.”

Another pirate nodded, "That's right, I don't know who you are, is there something wrong with you, why do such thankless things, why return things to those civilians?"

"Sometimes I wonder, if we kill all the people when we rob, will we not know that we did it? The treasure we got will not be robbed back."

"Shhh, shut up! You're looking for death, don't drag us down." The pirate looked around, and after making sure there was no one there, he said, "Do you think no one has tried it? There was such an unlucky pirate group some time ago. , robbed an island, and killed all the people on the island. I thought no one knew that they did it, but who knew that within a few days, the entire pirate group was hanged on a tree. What a tragedy! The one with the fewest wounds was also scratched more than a dozen times, and each of them had a hideous face, which made people have nightmares. One can imagine how cruel punishments were received before death. The only one who survived was because he had a kind heart. Nian, there was no murder incident without him, so I was able to save my life, but I dare not be a pirate again."

Of course, these things were done by Yang Jian's Red Scarf Army. Yang Jian has placed manpower on all the islands in the East China Sea. He specially explained that if they encounter pirates who rob them, all they do is to save their lives. Don't worry, they will naturally get it back for them, and even if they can't get it back, they will find a way to make up for it, just remember which pirate group the other party is.

But Yang Jian didn't figure it out. Among the pirates, there really was that kind of madman who directly slaughtered everyone on the entire island. Only the members of the Hong Gang, because Yang Jian paid for them to build a shelter, It was hidden deep underground, so it escaped unharmed.

Needless to say, the blood debt must be paid with blood. Yang Jian dispatched the Red Scarf Army, and the pirates were wiped out, and they were executed in the most cruel way as an example to others.

"It's so miserable. We really have to be careful in the future and try not to kill people. But in this way, those civilians are no longer afraid of us, and pirates are getting harder and harder. How should we live in the future?"

"Actually, if you can't continue to be a pirate, there is no other way out. I heard that there is a force called the Hong Gang in the East China Sea. They have built many factories and are recruiting people. As long as they are willing to work hard, they can earn enough money." They can support themselves with money, marry wives, and give birth to children who can receive education for free.”

"You think beautifully. How can there be such a good thing? You can tell it's a lie when you hear it. If it's really so good, how can there be so many pirates in this world?"

"That's right, it's my imagination."

"It's good to know, don't have such daydreams in the future."

Just as the two of them were talking, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps. They looked up and saw a fat woman with pockmarked face walking over with a big iron rod. He hurriedly went up to meet him, "Captain, what are your orders?"

Needless to say, this fat woman is naturally Al Lita. Seeing that her two subordinates did not directly ask them to do things, she laughed and asked, "Who do you think is the most beautiful in this world?" woman?"

At this time, Kebi hadn't boarded the ship yet, so the subjects of the interrogation became these two unlucky bastards, and because of Yang Jian's rectification of the pirate forces in the East China Sea, many things have changed, I'm afraid Kebi will never have the opportunity to board the ship up.

The two pirates pretended to be admiring, "Of course it's you, Captain Alrita, the Queen of Pirates."

"Hahaha, very good, you are very discerning, go quickly, prepare wine for me, I want to have a good drink."

"Good captain, we'll go right away."

beep, beep...

The two unlucky pirates suppressed their nausea and were about to go to get wine for Alrita, but they stopped after walking not far away. At the same time, they looked up into the distance, and a ship loomed in their sight.

Chapter 519 Al Rita

"What's the matter, why don't you go get me a drink, do you want to be beaten?" Alrita had already drank a lot of wine, and her eyes were a little drunk. Seeing that the two subordinates stood there motionless, feeling angry, they grabbed the iron rod in their hands and waved it, as if they were about to make a move.

"Captain, no, look over there, there is a ship, and the flag looks like a pirate ship."

"Pirate ship!" Alrita woke up cleverly, rubbed her eyes vigorously, followed the gazes of the two men, and sure enough, a search found that the pirate ship, which was twice the size of their ship, was moving rapidly. Approaching, when she saw the conspicuous red nose pattern of the skull flag, she couldn't help muttering: "It's the Bucky Pirates, why are they here?"

Alrita is not afraid of the Bucky Pirates, she has fought against Bucky before, and she thinks that even if she is not an opponent, it will be fine to protect herself, so Dongxi waved her hand boldly and said: "Go and inform the others, come over , let's meet the Bucky Pirates for a while and see what the purpose of that clown is."

Soon under the order of Yarrita, the Miss Rab Daku quickly approached the big ship. When the distance was still hundreds of meters away, it was discovered that the ship was not the treasure king commonly used by the Bucky Pirates. It is another ship, but since it is also flying the flag of the Bucky Pirates, it must be the ship of the Bucky Pirates.

In fact, this ship is called Kabaji. You can tell that it is Kabaji's private car just by hearing the name. In fact, the Baki Pirates are not only Kabaji, but also Mochi and Enilo have their own private cars. , and is designed according to their situation.

Especially Enilo, his Thor used a lot of silver, you can transmit his lightning energy most powerfully, in the original plot, he used gold to build an ark, which is basically a spaceship, But in fact, silver is stronger than gold in terms of transmission ability. Yang Yangjian paid attention to the practical effect, so he chose silver, but even so, the money consumed was immeasurable, but Yang Jian didn't care at all, who made Hong Gang rich? .

Of course, the most powerful one is Bucky’s Treasure King, which has all kinds of black technology. It can also fly through the universe and has a super electromagnetic gun weapon. It’s just that it has never shown its ferociousness until now.

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