The two ships approached quickly, and there was a hint of greed in Alrita. The opponent's ship was much stronger than her own. It would be great if she could grab it and turn it into her own pirate ship.

While Alrita was dreaming her dream, she saw a figure suddenly jump out of the other party's boat, landed on the surface of the sea, but did not appear, but was running fast, approaching their boat in the blink of an eye, with a light touch Jump onto the deck.

Alrita felt bad when she saw that the other party could gallop on the sea. This is not something ordinary people can do, and the other party's ostentatious actions are obviously not good, so when that figure landed on the deck At the time, Alrita smashed the mace in her hand without hesitation.


The visitor reacted very quickly, and with a swipe, he pulled out the treasured sword that he carried with him. The blade was wrapped in the armed domineering color and turned black. He easily blocked the iron rod and pushed Alita back. .

Kabaji looked at Yarrita with disgust on his face. If it was before, he might not be Yarrita's opponent, but after being trained by Yang Jian, his strength has increased and his vision has also improved. A small role like Rita is not taken seriously at all.

"What an impolite guy, you start off as soon as you come up, isn't this how you treat guests?"

"Hmph, come to my ship without my permission. I don't have a guest like you. I recognize you. You are the staff officer of the Bucky Pirates. You are full of bad ideas. It must be no good to come here. Tell me, What is the purpose?" Alrita tightly grasped the iron rod in her hand, ready to strike at any time.

"Your news is out of date. Now I am no longer a staff officer, but the head chef of Bucky Pirates. As for the purpose of coming here..."

When Kabaji said this, there was a trace of struggle in the depths of his eyes. He didn't know whether to say the following words, but he was trying to embarrass him. If he followed Yang Jian's words, he would be very sorry for their Captain Bucky, because this is clearly They cheated their captain, but if they didn't cheat Bucky, the unlucky person must be Kabaji himself. Kabaji really knows Yang Jian's tricks, if he doesn't follow Yang Jian's orders, he will have to die even if he doesn't die. peeling skin.

Kabaji thought for a while, and finally decided to kill the fellow Taoist instead of the poor. In order to save himself from suffering, he had no choice but to apologize to Captain Bucky.

"Alrita, I have good news for you. Your luck has come. Our captain has taken a fancy to you. Come with me and join our pirate group. You will be our captain's wife in the future. Your crew is willing to leave Leave, we will take those who don’t want to leave together.”

As soon as Kabaji finished speaking, a group of crew members under Yarrita were stunned. They turned their heads to look at the ugly and fat figure of their captain. They only had one thought in their minds, what kind of vision did that Captain Bucky have?This is too heavy taste, to actually fancy such a woman, is it worth it?It's really...too manly!I really wish I could write a service word on the spot.

Alrita was ashamed for a while, and then furious. Don't look at him usually forcing others to call her the most beautiful woman, but doesn't she know what she actually looks like?I feel that the other party is clearly trying to humiliate me.

"You die for me!"

Yarrita roared angrily, and the mace in her hand slammed down like Mount Tai, as if she wanted to beat Kabaki into a meat paste.

"The Way of the Silent Sword, Flash!"

Kabaji's hand holding the knife seemed to move, but it didn't seem to move. The group of people around him didn't know why, but Yalita, who was opposite Kabaji, was really horrified, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from her forehead.


At this time, a sound attracted the attention of the surrounding gangsters. They turned their heads and saw that the iron rod in Alrita's hand had already been cut into two sections, the cut was smooth, and the first half fell to the ground. The sound just now The movement was caused by half an iron rod hitting the deck.

"Is that all you have? I really don't understand. How did you become the captain? How did that guy fall in love with you? Forget it, it doesn't matter. It is your honor to be our captain's wife. Now you have There are two ways, either die, or follow me honestly." Kabaji's face was cold, and he deliberately stimulated Yaerita, which was Yang Jian's order, and he didn't know the reason, but Yang Jian specifically explained After several times, Kabaji didn't dare to discount it.

"You..." Alrita couldn't help but yelled, but she felt a murderous aura when the words came to her lips, so she had to swallow the rest of the words, thinking of the death fear that the other party felt just now, it was very clear The opponent's strength is far superior to his own. If the opponent really wants to kill him, he has no power to fight back.

"I don't accept it! The reason why I lost to you just now is because I didn't eat enough. If I have the ability, we will fight again when I am full. If I lose, you can tell me if I win," Alita Suppressing the fear in her heart, she is still trying to find a way to turn things around. At this time, she pins all her hopes on the devil fruit she got not long ago. Although she hasn't figured out the ability of that devil fruit yet, she doesn't care about that now. Too much, decided to take a gamble.

"Okay, I'll give you 20 minutes to eat enough to keep you from making excuses." Kabaji was not in a hurry at all, Yang Jian gave him plenty of time, and he didn't think that Yaerita could have anything A means of overturning.

"It doesn't take 20 minutes, just five minutes, you just wait." Alrita said, throwing away the remaining half of the iron rod in her hand, turned around and rushed into the cabin.

Alrita quickly came to the bottom of the cabin, opened a room where the looted treasures were stored, and took out a small box from the corner. After opening it, she saw a strange-looking devil fruit inside. She gritted her teeth and put it directly He swallowed it in his mouth.

An indescribable taste came from her mouth, and Alrita almost spat it out. He had heard people say that the taste of devil fruit was very bad, and now it seemed even worse than she imagined. I felt it, but for revenge, I could only endure it.

The devil fruit entered her stomach, and Alrita immediately began to try to discover the ability of her own devil fruit, clenched her fist and prepared to smash it out, but she didn't expect that before she had time to do it, she suddenly found a very embarrassing thing, the clothes on her body were from He slipped off his body and stood there naked.

Alrita blushed and grabbed the clothes and put them on. After all, she was a woman, so she would be shy, but Alrita soon discovered that the clothes seemed too loose, what's going on?The clothes are obviously custom-made according to my figure, why can't I wear them?

Alrita had no choice but to wrap the clothes around her body first, then walked out of the room, found a wall from the warehouse, and found a few thin pirate boy clothes to wear on her body, so as to avoid being exposed embarrassment.

"Strange, why did my clothes become so loose? That's according to my figure...wait for my figure? Could it be..."

Alrita thought of something, and immediately rushed to her room. The door was smashed, but she didn't care at all. She rushed to the mirror and looked at a tall, bulging beauty reflected in it. I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Is this really me? I have really become beautiful, and I won't be laughed at in the future, and many people will pursue me."

Alrita was ridiculed and bullied because of her figure since she was a child, which is why she has such a cruel personality. Sometimes she also fantasizes about becoming beautiful and a happy life in her dreams, but Every time I wake up and look at myself, I feel that the world is full of malice, but now my wish has finally come true, and my heart is full of happiness.

"Wait, don't get too excited. There is still a powerful opponent waiting for me to defeat. First, I have to determine what my devil fruit ability is. Is it just to be beautiful?"

Alrita looked at the damaged door, and punched it through. The door was pierced directly, but she didn't show any special ability.

"There is no bonus in terms of attack. It seems that my devil fruit ability cannot be directly used for attack. What about defense?"

Alrita removed another door panel, grabbed it with her right hand and slammed it at her left arm, and then a miraculous scene happened. When the wooden panel touched the skin on Alrita's arm, it was suddenly slid by an inexplicable force. To the side, it seems that there is no force.

Alrita's eyes lit up, and after many attempts, she finally confirmed her ability.

"So that's it. This is my ability. Is what I ate a slippery fruit? I can slide away all the enemy's attacks, so that Kabaji's bastard's knife can't hurt me? OK Great, I want him to look good later!"

dong dong dong...

Yaerita walked briskly, she was full of vigor, imagining in her mind that she would beat Kabaji to the ground later sober, and soon came to the deck.

"Kabaji, I'm full, let's continue the previous battle, this time I'm going to knock you down, and let you know how powerful I am, Alrita."

What was embarrassing was that the deck became extremely quiet at this time, even a needle could be heard falling on the deck, and everyone stared dumbfounded at the beautiful woman in front of them.

"That... this beautiful woman, who are you? Where did Alita go?" It took Kabaji a while to realize, and asked weakly.

"I am! Are you blind?" Alrita replied as a matter of course.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you think I'm a fool? Alrita is ugly and fat, the difference between you is too far, even if you want to impersonate, you have to find someone who is similar."

"Shut up, who dares to say that I'm ugly and fat, but I'm the most beautiful woman. To tell you the truth, I have eaten the slippery fruit just now, and my strength has increased several times compared to before. How about it? Be scared, regret it Well, it's a pity that it's too late now, and you'll have to pay the price for what you did before." Alrita clenched her fists with a fierce look on her face

"So that's why you ate the slippery fruit, that's why you become beautiful, so I can rest assured, otherwise, if you get a fat and ugly woman to the captain, I'm still worried that the captain will beat me up when he gets angry , downloading is no problem, presumably the captain is very happy to have a beauty like you by his side."

"Bastard, you still dare to speak out loudly, and I'm going to kill you." Yaerita said and rushed out, clenched her fist and slammed Kabaji hard.

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