"Well done, watch my Silent Swordsmanship - Reverse Slash!" The treasured sword in Kabaji's hand came out of the sheath instantly, and he slashed at Yarrita with the back of the sword, but Kabaji used the snake charm ability to make the sword invisible. It seems to be holding a ball of empty space.


Because Kabaji didn't dare to really hurt Alrita, the back of the knife hit Alrita's body, and he took a little effort, but he didn't use arrogance. As a result, Alrita slid aside with his fruit ability, and Yaerita's fist was neither deflected nor slanted, hitting Kabaji's nose just right.

"Ouch!" Kabaji only felt his nose sore, tears flowed from the pain, and he couldn't help taking two steps back, "Damn it, you stinky woman, you are so ruthless!"

Alrita's face was full of surprise. She used all her strength in that punch just now, and it was the fragile part of her nose. She only made the opponent take two steps back without bleeding from the nose. This body is too hard Bar.

Chapter 520 Trading the Revolutionary Army

2 "Why are you reacting like this? Doesn't it hurt? I obviously used all my strength for that punch just now." Alrita hesitated for a while, and finally asked out the doubts in her heart.

"Nonsense, can it not hurt? Your circle hit a fragile place like the nose."

"But your reaction is too small."

"It turns out that you are wondering about this. It's very simple. This pain is far worse than the pain I experienced in training before. It may be ten times or a hundred times stronger to make me unbearable. Okay, just now I just didn't Be careful that you take advantage of the loopholes, I will be serious next time, if you die, don't blame me."


Kabaji's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind Alrita in an instant, and the knife in his hand slapped the back of Alrita's head fiercely.

Alrita didn't have time to dodge at all, feeling the strong wind coming from the back of her head, she instinctively used the ability of slippery fruit, although she managed to slide the knife on the back of her head aside, she still endured a part of the force, and felt the back of her head hurt endlessly, I felt dizzy for a while.

clap clap clap...

The blow to the back of the head was just the beginning. After several hits, Yarrita was hit in a row. No matter how he avoided it, it was useless. It was really that Kabaji was too fast. Before he could react, he was concentrated and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. The bigger the pain, the worse the pain. Fortunately, Kabaji didn't kill his heart, but just slapped him with the blade, which lasted for several minutes. Yaerita spent time in the beating. Although she also tried the law, she couldn't touch it at all. People, the whole body began to numb, more and more weak.

"Stop...stop! I admit defeat, damn you are so strong, why do you still want to be a small chef in the Bucky Pirates? Your strength is probably not weaker than those hundreds of millions of pirates, right? .”

When Kabaji heard that Alrita had conceded, he immediately stopped attacking, and said with a sneer: "The reason why you have this idea is because you don't know the real strength of our captain. You thought it was him who fought against our captain before. Is it true strength? Let me tell you, that is because he deliberately concealed it. Our captain is very scary when he is serious, even if he is the Four Emperors... Forget it, you will be able to see our captain soon, and you will find out by yourself when the time comes .”

After Kabaji finished speaking, he retracted the knife in his hand, and then took out a phone bug from his arms. After dialing, the eyes of that phone bug soon changed to wearing sunglasses, which looked a bit sluggish.

"Kabaji, call me at this time, it seems that you have completed the task I gave you." Soon Yang Jian's voice came from the phone bug.

"Yes, I have already defeated Alrita, the little guys of the pirate group under her are still there, I didn't kill them, do I need to bring them back now?"

"No need, our dear Captain Bucky is on my side. Let's go there together. I made a bet with him just now. Now we need to verify who will win and who will lose."

On the other side, after Yang Jian hung up the phone, he carefully sensed the position of the spell in Kabaji's body, stretched out his hand and pushed it to open a round space door, and then dragged Bucky with a reluctant face inside.

Yaerita and her subordinates looked at the round space door that appeared in midair in shock, and when they were wondering, the tall figure of Yang Jian appeared first.

Seeing such a handsome guy like Yang Jian, Alrita was also a little moved, but then she saw Bucky who was dragged over by Yang Jian, she suddenly lost her anger, and was about to start yelling, but at this moment Bucky's eyes froze. Glaring, suddenly a powerful domineering look erupted, and the group of pirates under Alrita hardly had any resistance, and fainted as soon as they rolled their eyes.

Alrita herself was actually trembling all over, as if a heavy burden was on her body, but the last breath in her heart made her refuse to admit defeat, and she held on tightly without falling down, but this was also the limit of Alrita, her body was already It's wobbly, maybe the next moment you won't be able to hold on.

Seeing such a childish Bucky, Yang Jian couldn't stop laughing inwardly. Now Bucky still thinks that he deliberately found an ugly woman to trick him, and he still doesn't believe that Alrita will become a beautiful woman. Rita be honest.

"Okay, stop making trouble, the business is important." Yang Jian said casually.

"What business do you have, if you really have business, then I have to settle accounts with a crew member who eats inside and out." Bucky said and gave Kabaji a hard look.

Kabaji suddenly looked bitter, "I was forced to search for me, otherwise I would have suffered a lot."

"So in order not to suffer, you sold me, the captain."

"How could it be? In fact, you are not at a disadvantage, captain."

"No loss, you said it lightly, find me a fat and ugly woman, this is how you treat me as the captain..." Bucky became more and more angry, and moved his hands directly, his fists were separated from his arms and covered The armed color is domineering, and it is a ruthless hammer to Kabaji.

Kabaji was beaten so badly that he fled around crying, but Yarrita was stunned. The powerful Kabaji couldn't even fight back against Baki before. The difference in strength is too far away. Or the clown Bucky she knew before?

Alrita recalled the powerful aura erupted from Bucky just now, which directly stunned all her subordinates, and even she almost couldn't bear it. What a powerful aura it was, as if she was a high-ranking king. Or the gods who look down on everything, which made Alrita obsessed for a while.

Alrita suddenly remembered that Kabaji said before that the reason why they came to trouble her was because their captain Bucky took a fancy to her. If this is the case, I think it is a good choice, Alrita Knowing that she was ugly before, she was not worthy of someone like Bucky, but now she has become beautiful, which gave her some confidence.

Alrita is in the East China Sea where the pirate power is the weakest, and has not seen many strong men. At this time, she seems to regard Bucky as the most powerful person in the world. In her mind, Bucky is the king above him. My idea, I must hug this thigh, so that I can walk sideways in the East China Sea in the future.

"Okay, Captain Bucky, don't forget our bet..."

Baki stopped chasing and killing Kabaji and took his hand back, and then asked, "Where is Yalita? I don't believe that she can become a beautiful woman."

Bucky looked around at the group of people who fell on the ground. Except for a beautiful woman, the others all fainted, but he didn't find the fat figure of Alrita.

"Isn't this what it is?" Yang Jian pointed at the beautiful Alrita and said.

"Are you kidding? How could she be Alrita?" Bucky shook his head, not believing Yang Jian's words.

"I'm not joking. She is really Al Lita. If you don't believe me, you can ask yourself. Kabaji can also testify."

After hearing the words, Baki looked at Yarrita carefully but didn't ask. He was afraid that the other party had colluded with Yang Jian and deliberately lied to him, so he turned to look at Kabaji.

Kabaji nodded seriously and said: "Yes, Captain, she is indeed Alrita, she just became more beautiful after eating the devil fruit."

"This... this, how is this possible?" Bucky's eyes almost popped out, he couldn't accept the transformation of a sow into a Diao Chan.

"Nothing is impossible, the facts are in front of you, admit defeat."

"But... Kabaji, tell me the truth, when did this happen? What kind of devil fruit did she eat?"

"Just now, she refused to admit defeat after being defeated by me for the first time, so she ate a devil fruit, which should be a slippery fruit of the super power system."

"That means she was a fat woman not long ago, right?" Bucky looked at Yang Jian suspiciously and asked: "Since you bet with me, it means that you have already expected this scene. How did you do it? Can you see the future?

Yang Jian shrugged his shoulders, "I can't foresee the future, but I know that the Slippery Fruit fell into the hands of the Alrita Pirates, and I believe that when Alrita faces a decisive situation, she will definitely pin her hopes there A Devil Fruit, so just let Kabaji defeat her, force it a little, and Alrita will definitely eat the Devil Fruit."

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