"So that's how it was. It was in your scheme from the very beginning. Damn it, I plotted against you. You're lying!"

"This is also a skill, isn't it? What? Don't you want to break your promise and get fat? We made a bet."

Bucky's complexion kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm willing to admit defeat. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't count. If you have any conditions, just ask, but don't go too far."

2 Yang Jian pretended to think about it, "how about taking off your clothes and running around the sea?"

Bucky was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "You bastard, what kind of condition is this, do you want to deliberately embarrass me? I won't do it!"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to run naked, really, just kidding, why are you so angry? I can't think of what to ask you to do, why don't you owe it first?"

"Okay!" Bucky's words almost came out of his teeth, and he was extremely angry.

"Okay, let's go back, today is really a good day for harvest, we people! Be happy today, people! I'm really happy..." Yang Jian couldn't help humming a little tune, feeling extremely happy.

On the contrary, Bucky's teeth were itchy, turned his head and got into the space door, and hid in the room, refusing to see anyone, while Yang Jian asked Kabaji to stay and deal with the remaining affairs of the Alrita Pirates. They were sent to Bucky by Yang Jian, and there will be no Al Lita Pirates in this world ever since.

Of course, Alrita did not suffer, and easily hugged Bucky's golden thigh, and Yang Jian felt that Bucky needed a good wife, so he gave Alrita a lot of big pills to let her follow Si Muji trained together, and only gave her a tiger charm.

Yang Jian wanted to make Alrita and Bucky into a pair. She thought that the difficulty lay with Alrita, but she didn't expect that there would be no problem with Alrita, because Alrita was overwhelmed by Bucky's domineering look. After being awed, a feeling of admiration arose, and she took the initiative to pursue her. She thought that women were chasing men, not to mention that after eating the slippery fruit, Alrita has become a rare beauty in the world.

But what made people speechless was that Bucky actually flinched, and he still failed to break through the last layer of relationship.

This made Yang Jian look down on Bucky very much. They obviously behaved like fish in water when they went to the Happy Street to support Miss Sister who lost her footing. They are veterans of the flower bushes. , and even take the initiative to chase after him, but you dare not go up.

Yang Jian was worried for Bucky, so she talked to him specially for this reason. She didn't expect Bucky's answer to surprise Yang Jian. Those girls who made mistakes in Happy Street don't have to be responsible, but if you find a woman who has lived a lifetime, then In addition, as a pirate, this is very extravagant, just like Roger, the fate of his wife and children is a lesson from the past.

Yang Jian couldn't help but contempt for a while. She really didn't expect Bucky to be so simple in terms of feelings, and his situation is different from Roger's. Now that he has a powerful force as his backing, who would dare to make trouble?

Yang Jian felt that Bucky simply looked down on him. Even if something happened, wouldn't he be able to protect Bucky and his wife and children with his own strength?In a rage, he simply used extreme methods, directly drugged Bucky, and then sent him to Al Rita's bed. Needless to say, he took the last step naturally.

Afterwards, Bucky didn't care how he complained about Yang Jian, and he deliberately acted like I did a good thing and came to thank me, so that Bucky went berserk again and again, if he couldn't beat Yang Jian, he would have been fighting Yang Jian for a long time .

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the time agreed between Yang Jian and the Revolutionary Army. Yang Jian directly opened a space door with a diameter of more than ten meters, which connected to Dorag. Then Yang Jian gave an order, Hundreds of members of the Hong Gang carried the materials prepared in advance.

"Mr. Yang Jian, we meet again. Thank you very much for the supplies you provided." Duo La Ge greeted Yang Jian with a group of high-level cadres of the Revolutionary Army, and said gratefully.

Drago has seen the list of supplies a long time ago. There are not only daily necessities, but also various weapons, guns, etc. Needless to say, there is even a weapon called a submachine gun, which can shoot bullets continuously. It is useless for experts, but for the people at the bottom, it is definitely a magic weapon. With these weapons, the revolutionary fighters at the bottom can even confront the government army several times.

"This is what I should do. I promised before that I will help you within the scope of my ability, not to mention that these materials are not given to you for free, but cost money."

"It's not as simple as what you can do. You pay half price for all supplies, which is equivalent to half selling and half free. I doubt that you will go bankrupt because of this."

"Don't worry, since I dare to sell it to you at a high price, I'm sure I won't lose money. In addition, this time I have delivered a batch of special supplies to you, which will be of great use to your revolutionary army."

"Oh, what is it? It's probably unusual for Mr. Yang Jian to specifically mention it."

"Of course, it is not very useful to others, but it is definitely a magic weapon for your revolutionary army."

Soon, under the leadership of Yang Jian, Dorag and the others came to a corner. When they saw the special supplies Yang Jian was talking about, they were a little dumbfounded, because it was actually a pile of shells.

Chapter 521 Training Bello Betty

"These are shells, what are they for?" Drago was a little puzzled, and directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Don't underestimate these shells, they are a specialty from Sky Island."

"Sky Island? Could it be the legendary airdrop?"

"That's right, it's the empty island. According to legend, Chinese Bra Rolando discovered the Golden Land, and then the king ordered him to take people to look for it, but he didn't find the so-called Golden Land at all and was executed. Later generations call it the King of Liars In fact, he can't be blamed for this, because the island has been washed to an altitude of 10000 meters and turned into an empty island."

"I see, but what's the use of these shells?"

"These shells have been widely used in daily life in Sky Island. They can be used as lamps, stoves, recorders, and even various shellfish can be used as combat weapons."

Yang Jian first picked up one of the shells, flicked it twice, and a strong wind sprayed out from it, "This is a blowing shell, and the blowing wind can be used as power to speed up the ship."

Immediately after Yang Jian picked up the second shell, "The cloud shell can create clouds with a fixed shape. It can be used for construction and can also produce clouds for people to ride on, but it can only be used in high-altitude environments."

"This is a water shell, which can spray water and can be used to put out fires. A lamp shell, which stores lights, will light up when pressed on the top. Xiang shell, put it in a shoe, and can make jumps and other actions."

"The next thing is shellfish for combat. Slash shells can absorb slash damage and cause slash damage. Shock shells can absorb the impact and then release it. The recoil is very strong. Slash shells are equivalent to 10% of shock shells. It is powerful, and its recoil can be fatal. The laser shell and the wooden handle are connected to the battle shell, which can cut off the giant tree with one blow. The flash shell unexpectedly emits light around the eyes, which can temporarily blind the eyes."

After Yang Jian put down those shells, he picked up the last two shells, "The last two are the key. The image shell and the sound shell are of vital importance to you. Although the telephone bug also has the function of recording and video recording, but that kind Telephone bugs are very rare and limited in number, whereas these two types of shellfish are extremely plentiful."

Drago picked up two empty island shells and looked at them again and again, the confusion on his face became more and more serious, "But this sound shell and image shell sound don't seem to have much effect."

Hearing what Drago said, Yang Jian was stunned, "Is there any mistake? Don't you understand how important these two things are to the propaganda work of your revolutionary army? You don't have this Miss Bello Betty?" It’s someone with the ability to inspire fruits, don’t you understand that the combined power of the two is better than thousands of troops?”

Terry Kildeo looked at Belo Betty standing beside him and said: "Is it so powerful? Although every time before a battle, he will give a speech to boost morale, but it is too much to say that he is better than thousands of troops." Right. How is it possible to cooperate with these two shellfish?"

"Wait, what you're saying is that Ms. Bello Betty's fruit ability was only used as a tool for mobilization before the war. Didn't you do something else? Isn't this too wasteful?" At this time, Yang Jane already understood why the other party didn't understand what she meant, and the two parties were not on the same channel at all.

"Can the Inspiring Fruit ability do anything other than boost morale?"

"You can do publicity, you can make speeches, as long as you use it reasonably, the ability to encourage fruits is definitely a bug-like existence, so you may not understand it, so, what is your next goal to be liberated? I will tell you when the time comes Let me take a trip, let you see the correct way to use the fruit of encouragement, and let you see how to defeat the enemy with one mouth?"

When Duo Lage heard that Yang Jian helped them personally, he couldn't help but feel happy. Although Yang Jian didn't join the revolutionary army, it was at least a good start.

Dorag thought that the next target of the Revolutionary Army seemed to be a small country, and was about to speak, but he didn't expect Terry Kildeo to take the first step and said: "Our next target is Tequila Wolf, if Mr. Yang Jian is willing It would be great to help, and we will definitely be able to liberate those workers."

Dorago froze for a moment, and looked at Terry Kildeo with an extra question. He didn't know what he was doing. This was not their next target at all.

"Is it Tequila Wolfe? The country of labor! Located in the East China Sea." Of course Yang Jian knows that Tequila Wolfe is a country on a bridge. The bridge has been built since 700 years ago, and most of them refused The people and criminals of the countries that have joined the world government, people are forced to laboriously build bridges every day.

Yang Jian's base camp is in the East China Sea. Almost all countries have strongholds of the Hong Gang, but Tequila Wolf is different, because the world government pays special attention to this place, and Yang Jian is unwilling to let his subordinates pretend to be slaves. Go in, although there are supervisors, but those supervisors are too hated. Yang Jian doesn't want his subordinates to become that kind of person, so he gave up the infiltration of Tequilawolf.

In the original plot, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were almost caught when they encountered the yellow monkeys, Zhan Momomaru and the pacifists in the Chambord Islands. As a result, the big bear arrived in time and sent them away with the ability of the meatball fruit. Among them, Robin was exiled to Tequila Wolfe, and then encountered the Revolutionary Army here, which means that the Revolutionary Army should not take action against Tequila Wolfe until two years later. Obviously, this Telly Ki Er Daiou deliberately made Yang Jian difficult.

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