Bartholomi Xiong looked at Fujitora standing in the front and said with a smile: "It was indeed troublesome before, but now with Mr. Smile, it is much easier. With the help of Mr. Fujitora's fruit ability, we have In addition to the flight advantage, the super maneuverability allows us to go anywhere."

Drago couldn't help interjecting at this time, "Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Yang, if it wasn't for your introduction, Mr. Fujitora would not have joined our revolutionary army. Mr. Fujitora has helped us a lot. "

The Fujitora Smile Team just smiled at Duolage's praise, and said modestly: "This is the credit of all of us. If I am alone, I can't do anything at all. On the contrary, the Revolutionary Army can liberate Tecchi even without me." The migrant workers on the La Wolfe Bridge are at most troublesome."

"But it is precisely because of your joining that we have more choices and the most effective solution, so that the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army can reduce their damage."

"The most important thing is your leadership..."

Seeing Dorag and Fujitora smiling and boasting, Yang Jian was a little impatient, "Okay, you guys don't brag about each other here, you should act quickly, and the laborers will suffer less if they do their work sooner." .”

Drago and Fujitora smiled and showed a bit of embarrassment at the same time. Indeed, their behavior was a bit self-promotional.

"Our revolutionary army has made arrangements here, so I don't know what you plan to do, Mr. Yang? You won't just watch?" At this time, Terry Kildeo suddenly said something beautiful, and everyone immediately For a moment, Terry Kildeo's words were clearly provocative.

Yang Jian was not angry, because he could feel that this Terry Kildeo did not really have any malicious intentions, but just felt a little uncomfortable with Yang Jian.

"Don't worry, I will act when it's time for me to act, just watch it, and then you will understand what is the charm of a great language artist."

The operation officially started. Bartholomew Xiong took off his gloves and slapped several senior officials of the Revolutionary Army. Those people were instantly bounced off and disappeared. Finally, Bartholomew Xiong slapped himself again and disappeared as well. No, it was only a few breaths before he reached the enemy's command post, went straight in, and destroyed the enemy's communication system.

But at this time, Fujitora waved the stick knife in Yixiao's hand, and the meteorites floating in the air began to land. They were soon discovered by those supervisors, and some shrewd supervisors sent out signals directly.

bang bang bang...

With a series of gunshots, the scene suddenly became chaotic, with supervisors and laborers running around, pushing and stamping on each other.

"Who fired the shot?"

"Look, what's in the sky?"

"There is an enemy attack."


While the enemy was in disarray, the meteorite had already landed, and the soldiers of the revolutionary army rushed over immediately and started a big battle with the overseer.

"Power Knife Chaos!"

In order to reduce the damage of his own personnel, Fujitora didn't mind bullying the small with the big, and shot a group of weak supervisors. Anyway, these supervisors basically didn't have any good things.

bang bang bang...

Several times the gravity was on the supervisors, and they fell to the ground screaming and screaming. Although they did not die, they were seriously injured, and they would definitely not be able to get up in a short time.


The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army rushed over and beheaded the wounded supervisors with knives in their hands. These Revolutionary Army soldiers were well-trained one by one, and although those supervisors could not be said to be full of food, they were not that strong. The Revolutionary Army soldiers went on a rampage , and soon killed the enemy steadily and retreated.

"Wow! Help!"

"Stop fighting, we surrender!"

"Let me go!"

"We don't dare any more!"

Soon the revolutionary army won the victory, and the captured supervisors and laborers were gathered in the open area of ​​the construction site. Yang Jian winked at Bello Betty, "Okay, now it's your turn to perform, but you have experienced me Hell training, don't let me down, otherwise, I can only bring you back, and then continue training, and double."

Bello Betty couldn't help shivering when he thought of the previous training experience, and told himself never to go back, that kind of horrible training experience once is enough.

Bello Beatty took a deep breath, jumped onto a boulder used to build a bridge, picked up a megaphone bug, and was about to start his speech.

At this time, Yang Jian also had people prepare a sound shell, a video shell, and two video phone bugs, ready to perfectly record Bello Betty's speech.

"My fellow citizens, don't be afraid, we are the revolutionary army, we are here to save you, from now on, you are no longer slaves, no longer laborers, you can regain your freedom..."

"It's really the Revolutionary Army, woohoo, finally saved." One of the workers couldn't help but shed tears looking at the group of Revolutionary Army soldiers.

"Yes, the newspaper I picked up has an introduction about the revolutionary experience. It's really them."

"Great, we finally don't have to suffer here."

"We are saved."

"Long live the Revolutionary Army!"

Looking at the excited laborers, Bellobe Ti was also infected, and her speech became more passionate, "...your hard days are over, and you can do what you want in the future. It is within the scope of our revolutionary army's management, and you can Work and earn money to support yourself, you can talk to the girl you like, you can educate your children in the future, no one will force you, squeeze you, of course you can also join us, become a member of the revolutionary army, and come with us to save more Innocent civilians like you..."

Bello Betty talked about it later, and it was miraculous that she resonated with the group of workers. Bello Betty felt as if something was about to come out from the bottom of her heart, but then it disappeared, just passed away, and there was nothing. to think about it.

However, Yang Jian and Dorag, who were standing behind, looked surprised. They glanced at each other, carefully recalling the flash of power on Belo Betty just now, and thought to themselves: It's an illusion. ?Why is it so domineering?

Just as Bello Betty delivered his passionate speech, a dozen nautical miles away, more than a dozen naval warships quickly approached here.

Fujitora, who is best at price and domineering, first noticed the abnormality with a smile, his face changed, and he quickly told Drago what he perceived, "No, the naval fleet has appeared and is approaching us quickly, what's going on ? It stands to reason that it is impossible for them to get the news, and the speed is too fast, something is wrong."

Yang Jian was also taken aback, obviously the plan was very good, what went wrong?The navy actually appeared at this time.

Drago immediately sent someone to investigate the situation, and soon got a message from the leader of the supervisor. It turned out that the newly appointed head of the naval branch was a very strict person, and he ordered the branch to conduct exercises from time to time. He had received news of an emergency drill a few days ago, but this time the revolutionary army was unlucky and directly hit the muzzle of the gun.The people in the branch happened to be conducting drills.

"What should I do? Mr. Yang, what can you do?" Drago was not in a panic. In fact, the most important thing about this operation was to verify the real revolutionary means that Yang Jian said, and he was not worried about being in danger, because They have a group of high-end combat power, more than a dozen warships, and 6000 navies are nothing at all. If Fujitora is willing, he can directly summon a few meteorites to kill them all.

"Don't worry, just continue with the action. Anyway, there will be no danger. Just take this opportunity to let you see the abnormality of Encouraging Fruit, and see how much Belo Betty can do."

Under Yang Jian's instruction, Drago temporarily suppressed the news of the navy's arrival, and called Bello Betty over after she finished her speech. Yang Jian explained the situation to her directly, and then gave her a task. Lou Betty turned green with fright.

"Mr. Yang, you don't have to trick me like this. Let me give a speech directly in front of the navy. What if they kill me directly?"

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