"Don't worry, even if the navy wants to attack, it must first figure out the situation and who the enemy is. As long as I give you a chance to speak, everything will be fine, and I won't let you be exposed to the navy's guns unprepared." Speak, I will build a defensive barrier on your body. Those navy groups can't hurt you at all. Now you will face the most important test in your life. Go, beauty, and let the world see your true greatness. "

When Yang Jian talked about greatness, she couldn't help but glanced at Bello Betty's chest, and praised in her heart: It's really not small.

Bello Betty's face turned black. Of course she noticed Yang Jian's gaze, and she was so angry that she almost couldn't help but slap Yang Jian on the face. She still had such dirty thoughts at such a critical moment.

After some persuasion by Yang Jian, Bello Betty finally agreed, even though she was extremely upset, but if she could save the Revolutionary Army from suffering a little loss, it would be nothing if she suffered a little grievance.

Soon the naval warship had come to the edge of the bridge. Belo Betty stood on a boulder and nodded to Fujitora with a smile. Betty, fly over to the naval battleship.

Chapter 523 Questioning the Navy

On a warship approaching the Robro Strait, a strong middle-aged man in navy uniform stood on the deck, with the cloak of justice fluttering in the wind, and his military rank was actually a major general.

At this time, a colonel dressed in the navy came over and said, "Major General Kai Luo, something is wrong. If it weren't for Luo Haixia's construction site, there seemed to be a riot, and other forces joined in."

The major general named Kai Luo nodded, "Yes, I'm afraid the situation is worse than we imagined. Let everyone get ready for battle, load their guns, and shoot as soon as they hear the order."

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

The colonel had just walked a few steps, and before he had time to notify others, he saw a huge boulder flying flat on the opposite side. On the stone stood a woman with a fiery figure who could be seen without underwear at a glance.

Colonel Kailo felt familiar for a while, and suddenly remembered the arrest warrant sent by the Navy Headquarters. Among them was the woman in front of him, Bello Betty, a senior cadre of the Revolutionary Army. What the hell.

Belo Betty was supported by a boulder and stopped at a place tens of meters away from the navy. Rear Admiral Kai Luo saw that there was only one person on the other side, and he didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, nor did he give an order to do it immediately, but wanted to Want to see what the other party is going to do?

Major General Kai Luo took a deep breath and shouted righteously: "Are you a revolutionary army? What's the purpose of coming here?"

"Yes, I am Belo Betty, Propaganda Minister of the Revolutionary Army, hello, all naval soldiers!" Belo Betty greeted with a smile, without the slightest nervousness when facing the enemy, as if facing an old friend It's the same as talking heart to heart. .

"What! Revolutionary Army?"

"How dare you dare to appear in front of us like this!"

"It's really courting death!"


Rear Admiral Kai Luo clasped his hands together, stopped the group of naval soldiers behind him, and asked: "Then what do you want to do here alone, do you want to beg me to let you go? Don't dream, you group of disturbing the world Evil people, murder, set fire, and rob nobles... It is best to catch them immediately, and maybe you can save your life."

Bello Betty shook his head and said: "No, I will not be arrested without a fight. I can die. I will die for the cause of the revolution. I will die to save tens of thousands of innocent people, but I must not die in the hands of the Tianlong people. To die in the cell of the World Government at the hands of those scumbags of the Tianlong people is the greatest insult to me."

A group of marines were choked by the evil Bello Betty, because they found that they couldn't refute it, and even they themselves felt that the Tianlong people were indeed a bunch of scum, and they felt very bad at this moment, as if they were The one who is evil is the one who is righteous, and there was a strange tranquility on the field for a while.

"Dear sailors, ask yourself, what is justice? You have made an oath to defend justice, oppose evil, and give everything for justice, but have you done it?"

Through the unique phone bug, Bello Betty's voice was extremely loud, and all the navy could hear it. Did you do it in the face of Bello Betty's sentence?They felt very heartbroken and lowered their heads one by one, not even daring to look at Bello Betty.

"If your justice is to be loyal to the world government and the Tianlong people who are stupidly loyal to the blood of the so-called creation gods, then I didn't say it, but I believe that anyone with a little bit of conscience will understand that those who are superior and trample on the dignity and dignity of civilians at will How cruel are the Draconians of life."

"Have any of you experienced such a thing, parents accidentally encountered Tianlong people who were out on a parade and failed to kneel in time and were shot, did any of you have wives or daughters who were directly taken away by Tianlong people because of their beauty? Playing with it as a plaything, and being killed after being spurned by the Tianlong people, are there any friends or relatives among you who were demoted to slaves because they couldn't pay the heavenly money... When all this happened before your eyes, what did you do?"


The scene became even quieter. No one in the navy present dared to respond to Belo Betty's questioning. Some people even experienced what Belo Betty said just now, and their eyes were red.

"Maybe you haven't personally experienced what I just said. The Tianlong people may only take away the wife and daughter of a businessman. You can say that I am not a businessman and have nothing to do with me. Maybe the Tianlong people killed the parents of an ordinary laborer." , you can say that I am not a laborer and have nothing to do with me, maybe what they took away was just the property of an intellectual, you can say that I am not an intellectual and have nothing to do with me, but one day, their butcher knife will point at you, point at you What about your wife, children, and your relatives and friends? Shouldn’t other people also say that I have nothing to do with you?”

"Someone once said that it is easy to destroy a country, as long as the good people in this country stand by and watch. Your oath is to uphold justice, but do you understand what real justice is?"

"Look at the bridge behind me, the Tequila Wolf Bridge that spans the entire East China Sea. It was built 700 years ago. How many people have died until now? Every piece of steel and every piece of stone is innocent. It is made of flesh and blood, and it has not been successfully built yet, so you don’t think how many people have to be sacrificed, and where do these innocent people come from? Will your parents, wife, Children or relatives? Are you just sitting idly by? How long will you have to wait? You are going to work for the Tianlong people out of conscience like this, and when they are their running dogs, what face do you have to meet those innocent civilians who died in the future? "

"What I'm talking about is only a small part of the tragedies caused by the Tianlong people. How many people have they persecuted? The tree of omniscience, the white town, the city of steel... Those you haven't heard of, you haven't heard of, Can you imagine how many innocent people died? How long are you going to do this?"

The more Bello Betty spoke, the more excited she became. Her emotions drove the power of encouraging fruits. The combination of the two was very magical, which made her words more touching and shocking.

Bello Betty raised her head and put her waist down, so upright and dignified. Under her gaze, none of the so-called Justice Marines dared to look at him.

"Our revolutionary army does everything we can to challenge the world government, save those innocent civilians, give them freedom, and let them pursue a happy life. We have a clear conscience, even if we die vigorously, I can confidently say that Everyone says no regrets, we have truly lived, and we died on the road of pursuing light."

"What about you? Are you worthy of your own justice? Is your so-called justice right? There are many kinds of justice in your navy, compromised justice, lazy justice, absolute justice...but now I want to tell you our revolution What is beneficial to the civilians is justice, and what is harmful to the civilians is evil, and we will consistently implement this kind of justice."

"The purpose of our coming here today is to liberate these innocent civilians who were abandoned because they couldn't pay the gold in the sky. If you want to do something and kill me, then come! Death will not scare me, even if the front is Hell, I'll keep going too..."

The marine soldiers held weapons in their hands, including guns, cannons, and knives, but no one aimed at Bello Betty. They felt that the weapons in their hands were as heavy as a thousand catties, and they were bearing unprecedented condemnation in their hearts.

Standing on the edge of the bridge, Dorag, Fujitora Yixiao and others saw Bello Betty's performance, not to mention how shocked they were. They could see that the Navy had completely lost their will to fight. Betty was really able to defeat the enemy with one mouth, and it was only then that they truly realized the power of Belo Bettina's inspirational fruit. No wonder Yang Jian looked at him with admiration.

"Mr. Major General, aren't you going to do it? I'm leaving soon. If I don't do it, it will be too late."

Bello Betty said and turned around directly, leaving her back to the enemy, as if she was not worried about the navy's sneak attack at all, and then the boulder under his feet began to move, dragging her to leave.

"Wait a minute, please take me with you and let me join you." At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the navy, and an abrupt voice sounded.

Bello Betty couldn't help being stunned. Looking back, he saw that it was a naval lieutenant colonel who seemed to be a little old. He seemed to be in his 50s, and there was an indescribable grief in Yazhong.

"Mien, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing? Such a blatant betrayal will definitely be sanctioned by the Navy."

Rear Admiral Kai Luo felt anxious, if it was someone else, it would be fine, but Milo was a little different, on the surface Milo was just a lieutenant colonel, but in fact he was already close to a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters in terms of strength.

Speaking of which, Milo can be regarded as a legend in the navy. When he was young, he dared to fight hard, and he practiced recklessly. After officially becoming a navy, he took the initiative to join the most dangerous naval force, and caught pirates in the new world. There are six or seven pirates who have personally captured hundreds of millions of pirates, and the credit has accumulated to the major general. It was no surprise that Mi En was promoted to lieutenant general.

However, an accident changed the rules of Mi En's fate. Once he was caught in a trap while chasing a pirate, and one of his brothers died trying to save him. To drink away his worries, but he is powerful, and he will still rush to the front to fight every time he encounters pirates, but many people can see that his behavior is more like courting death.

I don't know whether to say Mien's luck is good or bad?He encountered danger again and again, but he survived again, and he himself wanted to be promoted, so he always gave his credit to others. For example, the navy present, including Rear Admiral Kai Luo, had all received his favor, even I saved my life. If Mi En joins the Revolutionary Army, I am afraid that a large part of the navy present will follow.

"Crazy? Yes, I have been crazy for a long time. I was crazy ten years ago. I clearly promised my good brother to help him take care of his daughter, but I broke my promise, because she is cute, and the Tianlong people I snatched it as a plaything, but I couldn’t do anything about it. When I got tired of being played with, I was killed and thrown out together with the garbage. At that time, I wished I could rush into the residence of the Tianlong people and fight with them, but in the end I just watched like that. No, she was only five years old at that time! I will never forget the desperate look in her eyes when she was taken away. In the past ten years, whenever I close my eyes, the girl's eyes appear in my mind, which makes me want to die. Death is nothing, I have nothing anyway, so I might as well use my life to do something, but I didn’t have a chance before, but now I finally have a chance, do you think I should give up?”

The lieutenant colonel named Miro took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, looked at Belo Betty and said, "Please, let me join you, I am willing to give my all."

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