"Our revolutionary army doesn't exist for revenge, and we don't want you to live in hatred, but you can join us and save more girls with a similar fate, are you willing?"

"I would, I hope no one in this world is as miserable as my brother's daughter."

"Well, I can decide to let you join our revolutionary army, but you still need some training. Only by passing the assessment can you become a real revolutionary."

"I will work hard, I promise, thank you for giving me the opportunity to redeem my sins."

"Fine. Come with me."

At this time, another stone flew out from a distance, quickly approaching the battleship, and the lieutenant colonel named Milo jumped onto it without hesitation.

"Wait, there's us, Miro, you're too mean, aren't you the only one who can't understand the scum of the Tianlong people? Is it because you're the good guy and we're all the villains? You've saved us many times. Fate, this time it is our turn to repay your favor."

"And us, don't get me wrong, we don't owe you favors, it's just because we want so much ourselves."

At this time, another team of naval soldiers came out and expressed their attitude without hesitation.

"If that's the case, let us be counted." Another navy team, more than a dozen warships, each of which has soldiers who want to join the Navy Revolutionary Army. A rough estimate is close to half of them.

"You guys..." Milo looked at those marines, feeling a little moved in his heart. Milo did save them back then, but the main purpose was to seek death for himself, and he didn't expect them to follow him without hesitation at this moment.

As the commander-in-chief of the navy fleet, Rear Admiral Kai Luo is about to break out in a sweat, but he just can't stop him. Once he makes any abnormal moves, before the Revolutionary Army takes action, there will be chaos within the Navy , It's not something he can control at all, he can only resign himself to fate and just watch the development of things.

As a result, Belo Betty was in a bit of a dilemma, but it was not a problem to let Mien join the revolutionary army. With her status and status, she could make the decision. She could make the decision, but so many people really couldn't make the decision.

Just when Belo Betty didn't know what to do, countless gravels flew over and quickly gathered together to form a suspended stone road, which was connected to every warship. Now Belo Betty was relieved, "If you want to join the revolutionary army, go along this road, let us create a world of equality, freedom, and fraternity together."

A group of marines rushed up immediately, running fast on the stone road suspended in the air, and they immediately began to receive them as someone was waiting on the opposite side. From today onwards, they are members of the Revolutionary Army.

Chapter 524 The flames of revolution are burning

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army and a former high-ranking officer in the navy, Drago has seen a lot and has seen too many incredible things. He feels that there are few things in this world that can surprise him, but what happened today It's not just as simple as surprising him, it's simply horrifying.

"Mr. Yang, I finally stopped when you said that I didn't understand who the enemy was. Indeed, the Navy is not the enemy of the Revolutionary Army. Many of them still have a heart of justice, but they just lost themselves in time. As long as they are guided a little bit, they can still walk on the right path, and they will be our righteous partners, our comrades, and an indispensable force for the revolutionary army."

In fact, Yang Jian was the most confused at this time. He did not expect such an accident to happen. In fact, Yang Jian knew that it was just an accident. It can exert several times the power, but it is not enough to surrender a group of marines with just one thief. The key lies in the lieutenant colonel named Miro, who combined many aspects to achieve the current results.

Of course, Yang Jian couldn't show these things, and deliberately showed that everything was under control, "Very well, you can understand this, which means that you have made progress and make persistent efforts. In addition, I think you have also discovered Bello Betty's In terms of importance, he will be the spiritual leader of the revolutionary army in the future, and he will definitely attract the attention of the world government, and he will definitely send someone to assassinate him at that time, so we must protect her safety, but don’t blame me for not reminding you if something happens.”

"I know, I will protect him.

"That's good. In addition, I recorded everything just now with audio shells, video shells, and phone bugs. You can record a few more copies and find a way to send them to all parts of the world. And let Bartholomew Bear bring Let her go to various places to give more speeches, and the effect will definitely exceed your imagination."

Of course, Drago obeyed Yang Jian's explanation 100%. Everything that happened today has proved Yang Jian's foresight. There was no doubt about Yang Jian's words.

Soon after thousands of marines received them, they were instantly transformed into soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. The Revolutionary Army was having a good time, and the corresponding Major General Kai Luo was in a bad mood. He finally gritted his teeth and took the initiative to call Bello Betty to stop. , secretly said a few words to her, no one knew the specific content, but after that, the expressions of the two of them relaxed a lot, and they wanted to reach some agreement that would be beneficial to both parties.

The navy came and went quickly, but there were 6000 navies when they came, and only a little over 2000 when they left, and they still didn't fire a single shot. Because of the lack of numbers, half of the navy warships stayed where they were. , The revolutionary army was cheapened in vain.


On the anti-navigation naval warship, Rear Admiral Kai Luo lowered his head in deep thought, thinking about what happened today.

At this time, his adjutant came over with a sad face and said: "Major General Kai Luo, what should we do next? If we report what happened today, the two of us will be able to go to the military court."

Major General Kai Luo shook his head and said: "Then don't report it, find a way to hide it, and delay it as long as you can."

"But it's no use procrastinating. This matter will be exposed sooner or later. I'm afraid we'll be the two of you."

"So what if the crime is added to the crime? No matter whether the crime is added or not, in the end, most of our sentences will be locked in the deep sea prison. Except for joining the revolutionary army, the rest will be a dead end."

The adjutant asked in surprise: "What, sir, you want to join the revolutionary army, but you didn't join there just now? And our family is still under the control of the world government, what should they do?"

"No way, I need to prove my worth and bring a nomination certificate. As for our family members, it's very simple. Why do you think I went back? It was to buy time, and the revolutionary army should take away the family members of the former brothers. Including our family too. Put."

"So that's how it is. Before you came into contact with the Revolutionary Army alone, it was just to discuss this matter, right?"

"That's right, I made a request. I will not stop those who are willing to join the revolutionary army. I will be responsible for detaining those who are not willing to join for a period of time. After the matter is over, let them go. This is the last thing I do for my brothers."

"Then what are you going to do next? Our branch has lost so many people, and the headquarters will definitely notice. If they send General Huang Yuan to investigate, who can stop it? Your speed, General Huang Yuan Not for long."

"So next, I need your cooperation. I will only take 1000 people back and leave the rest to you. Then I will announce to the outside world that I will conduct a secret exercise. You should try to make it as loud as possible, and use more than [-] people to make four to five thousand yuan." Momentum, as long as you persist for ten days, everything will be fine."

At this time, Major General Kai Luo and his adjutant were already two grasshoppers on the same rope, and no one could escape, and only cooperation would have a way out, so the adjutant thought for a while and agreed to Major General Kai Luo's plan.

After the matter was decided, the adjutant was unavoidably aggrieved, and sighed: "We have no choice but to do this. At least we gave them a chance to choose, but I don't know if it's worth it."

"There is nothing worth it. Now that you have taken this step, there is no room for regret, and I think the Revolutionary Army is pretty good. You have heard what the Minister of Propaganda said before, and you must blame yourself in your heart. Our justice has long been dusted, and now we can establish a new justice, do something for the common people, and at least feel better.”

"That's true. I've had enough of the style of those Tianlong people. This is not a betrayal, but forced by them. Let us have a big fight together."

"That's a good point, but first of all, we must ensure the safety of ourselves and our brothers' families."

Next, the Revolutionary Army successfully liberated the laborers at the other two bridge sections, and found a large amount of supplies in the warehouse, including various meats and fine wines. However, it took a long time for the Revolutionary Army soldiers and laborers to ask, which made Drago and the others hated the supervisors even more. They only fed the workers soup made from potato skins despite having so much food. They simply didn't treat them as human beings.

Duo LaGe also got rich, and directly conducted a public trial on the supervisors. Those who committed the most heinous crimes were directly executed, and the crimes were relatively minor, and some workers with conscience were put through labor reform.

Those laborers were delighted to see those who bullied them killed or forced to work. Afterwards, under the command of Bello Betty, they held the so-called complaining conference, revolutionary thought guidance education and other activities, so that The laborers had a rebellious mentality and asked them to pursue freedom, and more and more people joined the revolutionary cause.

Because Fujitora's gravity fruit ability can fly in the sky, which greatly enhanced the mobility of the Revolutionary Army, and Major General Kai Luo was able to delay the time for more than ten days, Fujitora easily picked it up and joined the Revolutionary Army Those Navy families, all is well.

In the next period of time, Yang Jian gave Bello Bettis a speech while instructing Drago in various innovations, and Bartholomi Xiong followed and became Belo Bettis' bodyguard.

Belo Betty began to run around, shouting equality and freedom in front of the people, and asking how long will you wait in front of the navy?Before the soldiers of the revolutionary army go to war with the enemy, they shout that whoever shares blood with me today is my brother, shouting to the mixed race, I have a wish, hope.The murloc race, the long-leg race, the giant race, and the three-eyed race can gather together, play together, and laugh together...

Unknowingly, Belo Betty's ability to inspire fruit has infected others as well as herself. The momentum on her body has become stronger and stronger, and then the domineering domineering aura is naturally awakened.

However, unlike other people's domineering look, Belo Betty's domineering look is not violent at all, not so aggressive, but makes people feel warm and magnificent. When Belo Betty is giving a speech, The domineering look will be exuded, and she seems to be transformed into a round of sun, bringing endless light to people and warming people's hearts.

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