Just as Yang Jian expected, Belo Betty became the spiritual leader of the revolutionary army unknowingly. Wherever he went, the morale of the revolutionary army was high, and then more people were infected and joined the vigorous revolutionary cause Come.

But that's why Belo Betty was targeted by the world government, and they regarded her as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and carried out an assassination at all costs. · Betty is not a vase, she is also very powerful, which prevents the enemy from succeeding.

As time went by, Bello Betty's reputation became more and more famous. Yang Jian sent recordings of her speeches to every corner of the world, including the new world where pirates were rampant, through the channels of space ability and Hong Bang. of people are interested in Bello Betty.

Whitebeard Pirates, Moby Dick, Whitebeard put down the shell in his hand, said with a smile on his face: "What are we waiting for? It's really interesting to ask, she is really a good girl, I don't know if she will call me Dad."

As the deputy captain, Marco said with a wry smile on his face: "Father, how can you still laugh? Now the hearts of the people on our ship are floating, and some people really plan to join the Revolutionary Army."

"This is a good thing. It shows that their blood is still not enough. To be honest, if I am 20 years younger, I will immediately raise a knife to help, so don't stop them. If anyone wants to go, just go."

"Father, are you not confused?"

"Of course I'm not confused. In short, you don't care about this matter, just let it take its course."

Marco had no choice but to retreat, since his father said so, what else could he do?

Another one-armed man with red hair and three scars on his left eye sighed, "A world of freedom, equality, and fraternity? Captain, if you are still alive, will the meeting support the Revolutionary Army? But I don't like that." The world is interested."

He is extremely tall and burly, with black hair shawl, long horns like dragon horns, a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, and a naked upper body. Kaido, the living beast like a "devil", listened to the speech coming from the sound shell, and vomited. Taking a breath of alcohol, "Cut! Where there is equality in this world, strength is everything."

In the Kingdom of Totland, there was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of big mom, "A kingdom where all races coexist peacefully? This is also my goal. This girl reminds me of nuns, maybe they will be the same people."

Gulan Tezolo, the world's largest entertainment city, a strong man with gray-green hair and purple sunglasses showed a hint of confusion in his eyes.

This person is the former cadre of the Revolutionary Army, Gilder Tezzolo, who has the golden fruit ability. He owns 20% of the world's Bailey, and he takes both black and white. Power, in the underground world, he is the golden emperor who uses money to control the dark world, and his power spreads all over the world.

"Don't you want to live like the person you once hated? But I seem to have already lived like the person I once hated, and I can't go back. But since you are against the Tianlong people, it is better to help you within the scope of your ability." Yes, I will provide you with some funds, in fact, this can be regarded as returning the property to the original owner."

Under Baccarat's sluggish gaze, the golden emperor Gilder Tezolo made a strange move, sending gold worth tens of billions of Baileys to a place and delivering it to a single person, although the gold was very important to Gilder Tezolo Tezzolo is not a lot, but it is a lot of money after all. I really don't understand why my boss does this?

Gilder Tezzolo didn't intend to explain at all. After driving away his subordinates, he hid in the room alone while playing the guitar and singing, and it was surprisingly good. I'm afraid no one would have guessed that the famous Golden Emperor was actually An excellent singer.

Don Quixote Doflamingo showed a sneer on the face of Redesrosa, "Is the revolutionary army quite capable? In this way, the five old stars who are aloof will have a headache, and one day they will be killed." Those self-righteous guys fell into the mortal world, and I will kill you all with my own hands when the time comes."

In addition, there are Sand Crocodile, Germa 66, Nine Snake Island, Queen Boa Hancock and other major forces are paying special attention to the Revolutionary Army. Of course, the five old stars are most concerned about Belo Betty .

Marie Joya, the Holy Land of Tianlong people, the curly-haired Wulaoxing smashed the shells on the ground and smashed them to pieces. He couldn't control his emotions, and the others were similar. It's very rare, even if the sky is falling, they can't make them so emotional, so it can be seen that they are really angry this time.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing said angrily: "What are those guys in the Navy doing? They actually caused such a big mess in the Revolutionary Army, and this woman is too dangerous. Let CP0 know that she must be killed at all costs." Get rid of."

The blond five elders immediately nodded and echoed: "Yes, this woman is even more dangerous than Drago. What Drago liberated was the bodies of those civilians, but what this woman liberated was women's minds. If we let her If we continue to make trouble like this, those lowly slaves will probably rebel against us."

"I agree. In addition, I think we should increase the bounty amount for that woman." Wu Laoxing, who was reporting in his arms, immediately expressed his attitude, and then looked at the last two people.

"Second! In addition, let the navy increase the pursuit."


The Five Old Stars almost thought of going together, they all noticed the abnormality of the ability to encourage fruit, the longer the delay, the more unfavorable they are, so it must be resolved as soon as possible, and soon, the order of the Five Old Stars will be passed on, the whole world because of Bello Beatty and the storm.

Chapter 525 Bucky VS Kaido

Under Yang Jian's personal guidance, in less than half a month, the revolutionary army has learned what Yang Jian taught in a decent way. Don't let Duo Lage and others be surprised by Yang Jian. Yang Jian joined the Revolutionary Army, and even Dorag said that the entire Revolutionary Army would obey Yang Jian's orders and say exactly what he wanted. For this reason, he even used beauty tricks, asking Bello Betty to surround Yang Jian from time to time, Make some seductive gestures.

In the end, Yang Jian of course refused. He didn't want to live so tired. As for beauties, Yang Jian has never been short of them, because Yang Jian doesn't have any feelings for a heroine. In his opinion, as long as she is beautiful, she is absolutely beautiful. Biology, aren't the ladies and sisters on Happy Street delicious?

So after everything was on the right track, Yang Jian offered to leave. Although Duorag and the others were extremely reluctant to give up, seeing Yang Jian's determination, there was no reason to stop them, so they could only let Yang Jian leave.

Of course, Yang Jian still had a good impression of the revolutionary army, so she helped them in the end. In order to ensure the safety of Belo Betty, Yang Jian gave her the last chicken spell among the 12 spells, making Belo Betty a Spell Warrior, who controls the power of floating Wu Nian, if you can come, he will have an extra power to protect himself, even if he is assassinated, he can ensure his own safety.

Yang Jian returned to the Hong Gang headquarters through the space door, dealt with the recent affairs, and then came to look for Bucky, but when he saw Bucky, he found that he was actually hiding in the room drinking, and Alrita quietly accompanied him. Beside him, it seemed that the two of them walked together completely after breaking through the last step. Whenever Bucky's wine glass was empty, she would take the initiative to help fill it up, which gave Yang Jian a sense of improvisation.

"Oh! My dear Captain Bucky, why do you look so depressed? Could it be that something bad happened to you? Tell me and let me be happy too."

If it was before, Bucky would definitely turn back when he heard Yang Jian's gloating tone, but this time he surprisingly didn't say anything, and he sighed after a while and said, "Ace is out to sea."

"Ace?" Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was no wonder that Bucky looked like this: "So that's the case, but it's normal, isn't it his own choice? You should have been mentally prepared for it."

"That's what I said, but when he really took this path, I was still a little worried. Although I never thought of myself as a good person, few people can make me admire and make me grateful.

But for the old regiment leader, I still can't let go of it completely. He taught me a lot.

At the beginning when we were on the sea together, the captain was like a pillar, sheltering us from the wind and rain. Although he was a little unreliable at ordinary times, he was the most trustworthy captain whenever we encountered a crisis.

So I stayed in Donghai for so many years and secretly protected Ace. Now that he has finally grown up and chose his own path, then you say that I should completely let go, but why do I always have a feeling of boredom in my heart? "


Yang Jian suddenly pointed at Bucky and burst out laughing, which made Bucky a little confused. He lowered his head and looked left and right, but he still didn't find anything funny about him, "What's wrong, is there any problem with me?"

"No, no! It's just, dear Captain Bucky, don't you think you're worried about Ace now? Just like his father?"

Bucky was dumbfounded. Thinking about it carefully, it was really the case. It seemed that these were not things he should worry about at all.

"Uh! Sorry, it seems that I have been thinking too much, but I still want to help him one last time, that... you should have the last charm left in your hand, can you give him the chicken charm, let Ai Si also become a spell warrior? This will also have more self-protection ability."

Yang Jian waved his hand helplessly and said: "Unfortunately, if you had raised this condition a day ago, I would have agreed, but unfortunately it is too late now, because I have already given the last chicken charm to the revolutionary army. Minister Belo Beatty, I think you have also heard his speech, how did you feel?"

"Bello Betty? Yes, her speech was very inspiring, even I was a little moved by her, well, she is indeed eligible to get the chicken charm, I can only blame Ace for being unlucky, then you have What kind of powerful devil fruit?"

"The devil fruit in my hand is used for experiments." Of course, this is Yang Jian's excuse. In fact, the devil fruit was sent back to the chaotic space to let the little sheep study the laws contained in it to help the newly opened world evolve.

"But you don't have to worry, you know that Ace has a powerful father, won't your leader leave him some good things? There will definitely be good devil fruits."

Baki gave Yang Jian a blank look, and said angrily, "Even if the captain really has a powerful devil fruit in his hands, so what? I've been dead for so many years, and I have no chance to give it to Ace!"

"Your captain has no chance, but you can pass it on to someone else. If your captain wants to leave something good for his son, who will he keep?"

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