Cracker, who is a four-star dessert general, will choose Big Mom without hesitation, because he and Katakuri have always been at odds, and the two have many conflicts, even if Katakuri himself doesn't care, but Ke Lijia has his own pride, he will never surrender to his former opponent, and will only try his best to surpass him.

When Cracker glanced at the brothers and sisters around him, when he saw Owen and Daifuku, his heart suddenly moved, and he thought: If I take a sneak attack and kill the two of them at this time, based on the relationship between Katakuri and them, Will it be distracting?In this way, is it possible to create a chance for mother to kill Katakuri?

Cracker is impatient, just as he had an idea in his mind, the murderous look on his face showed involuntarily, which immediately aroused the reaction of Dafu and Owen.

Dafu and Owen looked at Cracker almost at the same time. Seeing each other's appearance, their thoughts changed sharply, and they also guessed what the other party was thinking. Almost at the same time, they took out their weapons and stood on guard. They knew very well that their strength was stronger than that of Cracker. There is a lot of difference, otherwise, why is he a general and he is just a minister.

Of course, Owen and Daifuku are not afraid. If the two join forces, even if they lose, at least they can protect themselves.

Daifuku is a person with the ability of the Dengdeng fruit. He rubbed his body vigorously, and a puff of smoke came out from the mark on the belt, which gathered into a devil holding a big knife. Owen is a person with the ability of the hot fruit. His hands clenched into fists, and they suddenly became red and hot. Let it out.

The Yidi between Owen, Dafu and Cracker immediately attracted the attention of others. Seeing the three people who were at war with each other, they quickly backed away and kept a distance, for fear of harming Chiyu.

The children of Big Mom are also in a dilemma at this time. They are not fools, and they quickly figured out the reason for this situation. Which side should we stand on?

At this time, Snug, one of the four dessert generals, took the initiative to stand up and persuade: "We are all brothers, why is there such a deadlock? Now that Mom and Katakusu have not yet decided the winner, if something happens on our side The conflict has caused damage, and after the end of their side, I am afraid they will not let go of the culprit, brother Katakuri is the one who loves his family the most."

Cracker was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Snug was reminding himself that if he hurt Owen and Daifuku, Katakuri would not let him go, and with Katakuri's current strength, if he really fell Killer, I can't resist myself at all, especially the opponent's speed has no way to deal with it, so I will definitely die.

Cracker took a deep breath, slowly suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and continued to look at the battle between Katakuri and Big Mom on the battlefield. Well, the previous thing seemed to have never happened, and Owen and Daifuku couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief , they really don't want to go to war with the crackers if they don't have to.

Chapter 528 Shenlong Kaido

After Big Mom tried all her attack methods one by one, she found that she couldn't touch Katakuri in any way. Although she was extremely annoyed, she didn't lose her mind because of it. Flying to the side, with the injection of soul energy, the little sun turned into a fireball with a diameter of [-] meters, wrapped Big Mom in it, and then flew into the sky.

Big mom looked down at Katakuri and said, "Katakuri, can you still touch me like this? Although you are fast, you have no ability to fly, and you can't resist the heat emitted by Prometheus at all." , Once you get close, you will be reduced to ashes, you can’t even get close to me, let alone attack, and I can attack you anytime I want, do you think you still have a chance of winning?”

Katakuri smiled slightly, "That's not necessarily the case. As long as the speed is fast enough, you can run in the air with Yuebu. As long as you are fast enough, be careful to escape from the range of the flames before the flames hurt me."

After Katakuri finished speaking, he stepped on his feet hundreds of times in an instant, and his figure disappeared instantly. At the same time, Big Mom felt his lower back stabbed, and his body couldn't help but tilted. Before he had time to react, he felt himself The neck was cut, and the head could not help but tilted, and then the stomach, why something stabbed, and rarely felt pain.

In a short moment, the three parts of Big Mom were attacked almost at the same time, because it happened so fast, Big Mom didn't react at all, until Kakuri's figure appeared in place again, as if he had been standing there, never leaving As before, there was a piercing burst of sound, but it was caused by Katakuri's continuous trampling, but his speed far exceeded the speed of sound, and it was transmitted after the attack was over.

Big Mom used the little sun Prometheus to stabilize her figure, stared at Katakuri for a while and said: "Your speed can reach this level, I am more and more interested in your secrets gone."

"Really? But it's not that easy to get my secret from me. Are you sure you can defeat me now?"

"Of course, I'm Big Mom. Although you have the advantage in speed, as long as you can't break through my defense, I must be the one who wins in the end, and you can't stay too long within the range of Prometheus flames." Time, after each attack, you must leave to cool down for a period of time to let the body temperature dissipate, so that you can't attack continuously, let alone break through my defense, so I still have the advantage."

"As expected of a mother, I thought of it so quickly, but since I dare to challenge you, I am fully prepared, and my words are unfounded. Let us see the truth."

Katakuri waved the trident again to kill Big Mom, but as Big Mom said, after each attack, he had to cool down outside the flames of Prometheus for a period of time, which seemed to be a little weak, and Big Mom didn't have this problem. He controlled Thundercloud Zeus, and the lightning blasted out one after another.

And Katakuri didn't panic either. With his super speed and ability to predict the future, he could always dodge easily. The two fell into a stalemate for a while, and it became a competition of endurance.

Normally speaking, Katakuri could not be better than monsters like Big Mom in terms of stamina, but Katakuri still chose this method because he got a bottle of Dabuwan from Yang Jian to restore his physical strength , it can be said that he is simply cheating.


boom! !

After Bucky and Beast Kai collided with each other's fists, the two retreated at the same time. Kaido's arm was torn from the skin by those white cracks, bloody, and the flesh rolled up.

In terms of injuries, Kaido is obviously more serious than Bucky, but this is meaningless at all, but within a few breaths, the wound on Kaido's arm kept wriggling, and he recovered in a blink of an eye.

Bucky's fist was also a little shattered, but the molecules that control the body reorganized and healed faster than Kaido.

Kaido found that he had punched hundreds of times with the opponent, but he didn't gain the slightest advantage. He couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and decided to use his weapon, directly taking out the mace hanging from his waist.

Speaking of which, the mace is also three to four meters long. If it is held by an ordinary person, it is definitely a giant weapon, but to Kaido, it is a monster close to ten meters high, but the mace seems a bit petite. The contrast is cute.

Kaido pointed at Bucky with the mace in his hand and said: "Yes, you are very strong, and your weird recovery ability is no worse than mine. I have encountered many opponents, but among all the opponents I have encountered, Even the white beard back then didn't dare to fight me directly with his fists, and he has persisted for so long, I approve of you, and I will use my weapon next, your knife should not look good."

Bucky smiled slightly, and pulled out the knife without any nonsense. At this time, Bucky changed the molecular density of his body, and his height was about the same as Kaido. I saw that the handle grew rapidly, reaching five or six meters long in the blink of an eye.

Bucky held the knife and waved it lightly twice and said: "Although my knife is not a supremely fast knife, it is just made by me with my own ability and has almost no reputation, but I can tell you with certainty that my The knives are definitely no worse than those supreme sharp knives, so you have to be careful."

Kaido looked at the big knife in Bucky's hand, nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, I am a dragon fruit capable person, and I have the instinct of a beast. That knife gives me a very dangerous feeling. It is indeed a If you have a good knife, then I'm relieved, let's compete with weapons, Lei Ming Gossip!"

Kaido of the Beasts swung the mace vigorously, and the violent lightning wrapped around the mace, and Kaido of the Beasts blasted out, fast and hard.

"Good job! Armed entanglement, molecular cutting and slashing!" Bucky immediately waved towards him. After the armed domineering entanglement, the blade body turned black, and a dark white crack that was compressed to the extreme was condensed on the blade.

The reason why there is only such a crack, and there are no countless irregular traces like the previous attack, is because Bucky has a new understanding of the power of the torn fruit. The cracks are more powerful and destructive.

when! !

Bucky's monomolecular blade collided with Kaido's mace, making a piercing metal clang sound. Under Kaido's shocked eyes, the mace was cut off in one piece, and in desperation he hurriedly Give it a hard push and use it to back up.

Seeing that his weapon was damaged, Kaido couldn't help feeling distressed. There are very few weapons in this world that can withstand Kaido's powerful power. This mace took a lot of effort to forge.

Kaido looked up at Bucky, and found that there was also a gap in the other side's blade, and his mood suddenly improved, and he didn't feel so unhappy when he was unlucky with someone.

This is Kaido's good mood that quickly disappeared, because he found that the opponent's knife was actually healing itself, and the gap was filled by the surrounding parts, but in a blink of an eye, it returned to the original state, Kaido was so depressed Well, it's fine if a person can recover, any weapon can be recovered, which is too unreasonable.

"Damn it, you actually broke my weapon. You know how hard it took to make my mace."

Bucky looked at Kaido with contempt, as if looking at a bumpkin, "It's just a mace, what's the big deal? I can make several a day."

"Fart, my mace, how can it be compared with the mace you made casually, it took more than half a year just to collect the materials."

"So what? Let me tell you, I am short of everything, except materials. I can change the molecular structure. Of course, with your IQ, you don't even know what a molecule is. The simple point is that I can make any Metal materials, even if the supreme sharp knife is sent to me, I can reproduce similar ones. Of course, the belief of the swordsman carried by the weapon is impossible here, but with the foundation, there will be new ones. With his own domineering and spiritual belief, the swordsman has every chance to make his own supreme sword."

Beast Kaido was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and asked with a little hesitation: "You mean, as long as you give you time, you can use ordinary metals to synthesize corresponding materials, and copy the same material that I have in my hand. Same class mace, eh?"

"Although there are some problems with your understanding, this is generally the case. To be precise, as long as I change the molecular structure a little bit, the quality of your mace can be improved by a level. All the weapons used by my subordinates have been strengthened by me. However, of course, it will definitely not reach the level of the Supreme Great Sword, and I don't have so much time to buy him enhancements, but the level of the Great Sword and the Good Sword must not be asked. Anyway, it is only a matter of a few days for me. As for you Not to mention the mace in my hand, there is really no skill at all, it is just a trivial matter to me."

In fact, not only Bucky's subordinates, but even members of the Revolutionary Army have specifically asked Bucky to help strengthen their weapons, such as Fujitora's staff sword, Sabo's water pipe, Belo Betty's military flag...

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