No way, who made Bucky's abilities so easy to use? If they strengthened a little bit on the original basis and changed the molecular structure, their weapons would become tougher and sharper. For this, they owed Bucky favor.

"Your devil fruit ability allows you to strengthen your weapon, that's great! You ruined my mace, so I have to get me a new one, and it's better than the original one, no! No, one If there are not enough roots, you need to get a few more."

Kaido became excited as he talked, and when he recalled his things about weapons, he was full of tears.

Could it be that Kaido is willing to use this kind of mace that is only three or four meters long, looks petite in his hand, and does not match his height of nearly ten meters at all? No, there is no way, he was forced!

Normally, as a strong person, you will have your own exclusive weapon, and then use your own domineering to nourish it. Over time, it will become more tenacious. Big Mom has the Napoleon sword, and the red-haired Shanks has the famous sword. Griffin, Whitebeard has the ultimate sharp knife, only he uses a mace to dawdle.

And Kaido originally wanted to build a weapon suitable for him, but with Kaido's strong body, how can ordinary weapons withstand his tossing, and the swords he created may use a little force when fighting people. If it is too strong, it will be broken. In desperation, I can only choose a short stick. In order to increase the attack power, it has barbs on it, so it becomes a mace, and this mace should not be too long, because if it is too long There is still a high chance of breaking.

In addition, Kaido has another problem, because he will die from time to time, for example, attacking the Navy headquarters and then being captured. At this time, his weapons will of course become other people's trophies. Even if he escapes in the end, the weapons will definitely not be retrieved. Well, Kaido lost one after another of his maces. He never had a weapon that really satisfied him. He could only get a few maces to make do with, but now there is a person who can know the existence of powerful weapons at will, Maybe you can solve your own weapons problem.

Bucky rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Dude, are you stupid? We don't know each other well, and we are enemies. Do you think I look like the fool who made weapons for the enemy? Unless you can defeat me, force me Let me get you a weapon."

"Win you? It seems that I have a reason to win today. Since this is the case, come on, let's continue."

With a roar, Kaido grabbed the remaining half of the mace and smashed it at Bucky, and he didn't care about taking care of his weapon. He only had one idea in his heart, to defeat this unknown guy in front of him, and force him to make a weapon for himself.

Clinking, knives and sticks kept colliding, and fell on each other from time to time, but neither of them paid attention, because the injuries they suffered didn't matter, they would recover soon, and the battle became more intense.

Yang Jian was overjoyed. Before Bucky and Kaido used fists to fight each other. Although Kaido was often injured and bled, but because of his strong recovery ability, the amount of bleeding was not much, but now he switched to the weapon Bucky slashed. If it goes on, it will leave a deep wound, and it will take longer to recover, and the amount of bleeding will naturally be more. Yang Jian will naturally collect blood much faster, and it will be a few more than the blood collected before.

Even if Bucky's knife is damaged, he can recover it with his own ability, but Kaido is not treated so well. The mace barely withstood more than a dozen attacks and became bumpy. But when Bucky's knife hit, it shattered completely with a snap.


Kaido suddenly let out a roar, his body swelled, and in an instant he would turn into an oriental dragon, floating in the air and shouting: "You bastard actually ruined my weapon, today I want you to pay back a hundred times, scorching breath!"

Kaido's dragon opened its mouth, and then a pillar of fire spewed out, aiming at Bucky

boom! ! !

Bucky stepped on his feet continuously and left the spot in an instant. The pillar of fire passed under his feet, spanned a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and blasted on the sea near the sea, immediately setting off a huge wave.

"Continuous breathing."

Seeing that his first attack was ineffective, Kaido immediately chased after him and continued to attack, and this time breathing out dragon breath continuously, he followed Bucky closely.

Bucky continued to cast moon steps in the air, and pillars of fire passed by him. He was so embarrassed that his clothes were burnt with a hole. This appearance was really embarrassing. The more Bucky thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't hold it anymore. Shouted, "Too much deception, Kaido, don't think I'm out of stock, Wu-pretend-fly-fist!"

Bucky's right hand clenched into a fist, which became black and shiny. With a flick of his arm, the fist flew out, made a circle in the air, and slammed hard on the chin of Shenlong.

Bang!boom! !

Shenlong's mouth was wide open, and a mouthful of breath had already been conceived in the mouth. As a result, such a punch hit the chin, the open mouth was forcibly closed, and the breath exploded directly in the mouth, emitting a cloud of black smoke.


Kaido uttered a scream, blood flowed from his mouth, he shook his head vigorously, finally spit out the hot air in his mouth, and the wound began to heal quickly. At this time, Kaido was full of anger and stared at Bucky. He was injured by his own breath, and the culprit was the mysterious person in front of him.

Chapter 529 End

"I am going to kill you!"

After the dragon Kaido passed by, he roared and rushed towards Bucky, but this time he didn't dare to continue to breathe, for fear that he would not hurt the enemy as before, but hurt himself instead.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed! Double Armed Flying Fist!" Bucky's two fists flew out together, also covered with armed domineering, it was a fierce hammer to the dragon Kaido, and it was aimed specifically at its relatively soft abdomen.

bang bang bang...

Large size also has disadvantages of large size, just like now, because the target is too big, it is difficult to avoid, and it is easy to be hit.

"Aw! Aw! Aw..."

Kaido let out a series of screams. Although its resilience is strong, even if it is hit, it will not die, but it really hurts!

Kaido gritted his teeth, endured the attack of two flying fists, rushed out, twisted his body, swung his tail with a dragon, and slammed towards Bucky fiercely.

At this time, it was too late for Bucky to dodge, and before his two fists could be withdrawn, he concentrated all his strength on his two feet in desperation. After being covered with domineering armed colors, he exuded a dark luster, and his lower body quickly spun, "Armed coverage, chain kicks, pancakes!"

bump bump! !

Bucky's lower body collided with the dragon Kaido, and Kaido's tail was forced to be kicked back, but Bucky was also blown away by the violent force, like a meteor, falling towards the sea several kilometers away.

Bucky secretly suffered in his heart. You must know that as a devil fruit capable user, once they fall into the sea, they will lose their power, so the ocean is a big taboo for them.

In desperation, Bucky directly used his life-saving hole card, and his body shook.Then he shouted: "Awakening by division, the cells explode and disperse!"


Bucky's body suddenly shattered and turned into small particles, which stopped in mid-air, and then fluttered and gathered together again, assembled himself, became what it was before, and floated into the air again.

At this time, Kaido also stabilized his figure. Looking at the recovered Bucky, his face was full of depression. He couldn't hurt the opponent with a single blow with all his strength. What kind of ghost ability is this? It's too weird. .exist

"That tail twitch just now was pretty cool, I was almost killed by you, but since I'm still alive, then it's your turn to be unlucky, and now it's my turn, are you ready?" Bucky Looking at Kaido, who was in the state of Shenlong, he moved his hands and feet while gnashing his teeth and said.

"Hmph, if you have any ability, just use it, and I will continue." Losers don't lose, let alone don't think they will lose, so they immediately turned back.

"Really? I hope you don't regret it, Armed Flying Strike Quartet!"

This time Bucky's hands and feet flew out of his body, covered with armed domineering, and punched and kicked around Kaido.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of attacks landed on Shenlong, Kaido found that he couldn't dodge, so he didn't dodge at all, and rushed directly to Bucky, intending to attack directly after getting close as before.

But Bucky also learned to be smart after suffering a loss. He stopped Kaido with his flying hands and feet, while he himself kept backing away, keeping the distance as much as possible, while attacking Kaido's neck, jaw, back neck, etc. with his hands and feet. part, making Kaido unable to use Searing Breath to attack.

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