"Master Fengying!"

Seeing Gaara so desperately, everyone was moved to tears, especially those civilians. At this moment, they feel ashamed of their own weakness. If they can be stronger, they can protect themselves without letting Kazekage-sama Alone desperately.

At this moment, those people even had the idea of ​​turning around and fighting side by side with Gaara, but in the end they thought of their own strength, which was useless in the past except to hold back their legs. They could only endure the grief in their hearts and speed up to escape from this place. It is the greatest help to Fengying.

Fortunately, the farther away from the center the power of Shenluo Tianzheng is, the less powerful it is. When the Akatsuki organization started to attack, the people in Shayin Village began to evacuate the people. The area where Gaara is located is already the periphery of Shenluo Tianzheng. The power was finally blocked, and a fan-shaped area appeared behind Gaara, and the civilians and daimyo were not hurt.

When the technique of Shenluo Tianzheng stopped, Gaara didn't even have the strength to stand up, and fell to the ground with a thump, just relying on the breath in his heart, he persisted and did not faint.

"Hahaha!!! Red-haired brat, didn't you enjoy chasing me just now? Now you are lying on the ground like a dead dog, let me see you off with instant art, art is explosion !drink!"

Didara, who was riding a giant flying bird, swooped down from the sky at this time. Seeing that Gaara lost his combat power, how could he let this opportunity go, and threw dozens of bombs with his hands, preparing to completely eliminate Gaara.

"Gara! Blonde boy, you are courting death!"

Shouhe, who was beaten by Tiandao before, has recovered. He saw Gaara encountering a crisis from a distance, and was immediately furious. Without thinking about it, he slapped his stomach directly, "Wind escape·practice empty bombs!"

Boom boom boom...

A hurricane spewed out from Shuhe's mouth, and the strong wind directly blew the bombs away, exploding fireworks in the air.

"Oh! Damn it! My instant art was actually ruined by the big civet cat."

Shuhe quickly rushed to Gaara, stretched out his claws to grab Gaara in his hands, and was about to escape from this dangerous place, but Payne, the heavenly god, snorted coldly: "I want to go, did you go? Vientiane Tianyin!"

Tiandao once again used gravity to attract a huge boulder and flew into the sky, and then directly let the boulder fall freely and hit Shouhe.

Shuhe felt the shadow on his head wanting to avoid it, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that his body was sucked in place by a suction force, and it was too late to dodge, so he could only flick his paw in a hurry, throwing Gaara towards Hai Lao hid there, then landed on all fours, bowed his body slightly and decided to resist the blow.


As the boulder fell on the guarding crane, the violent airflow mixed with dust scattered, blowing everything around it up.


Shouhe let out a roar, and most of his body was smashed into the ground. Even the tailed beast suffered a heavy blow at this moment and felt unprecedented pain. Completely crushed.

Although Shouhe's body was severely injured, as a Chakra creature, the mantissa has a strong recovery ability, and he struggled to get up.

"Be honest with me!" At this time, a huge black stick appeared in Tiandao's hand, and he threw it directly, piercing Shouhe's body to the ground in an instant, then the second stick, and the third stick... In the end, six black sticks appeared, piercing Shuhe's body and fixing it in place, preventing him from moving.

This kind of black stick is the product of Yin Yang Dun. It was created by Nagato using the ability of the eye of reincarnation. Six Dao Payne and his psychic beasts have it. Once it is imprisoned, even the tailed beast cannot break free.

"A Fei, it's your turn, hurry up!" Tiandao turned his head and shouted into the distance.

A vortex appeared out of thin air, and Obito disguised as A Fei came out, staring at Shuhe with one eye. The space twisted again, and the huge vortex slowly enveloped Shuhe, sucking it in bit by bit.

When Ichizuru was completely sucked into the Kamui space, Akatsuki's actions were a complete success. Their first target was Mitsuo, because this was their only chance, and Izuo belonged to the second goal. Now even the second goal It's meaningless to stay after it's done satisfactorily.

After Nagato took a last look at the situation on the battlefield through Rokudo's perspective, he sent a signal to retreat without the slightest hesitation.

The members of the Akatsuki group retreated by every means, and Kisame Kisame summoned a large number of sharks, and the samurai who was fighting with him dragged them back, and then withdrew from the battlefield. Kakuzu used a powerful non-attribute combination to force Chiyo back and then turned around and left. Uchiha Itachi directly used an illusion, turned into a group of crows, flew around and disappeared, Uchiha Obito disappeared in the vortex, Dida The white bird that La called rushed to the sky and disappeared. Penn Liudao turned into a cloud of white smoke and was psychically returned by Nagato. In a blink of an eye, the members of Xiao's team disappeared.

Only the people of Sand Hidden Village who suffered heavy losses were left in place.Gaara recovered with the help of medical ninjas. Although the chakra was exhausted, there were no fatal injuries. The barely supported body immediately asked people to count the losses.

When Gaara looked at the report submitted by his subordinates and learned that he had lost more than a dozen top ninjas and more than a hundred middle ninjas, he trembled with distress. The future, just like that was killed.

What's even more terrible is that not only did they lose Shukaku in Sand Hidden Village, but also Sanwei Isao from Tianzhi Country. How can they explain to Tian Zhiguo?

But there is also one thing to be thankful for, that is, the other party did not kill Wuwei. The reason why the Akatsuki organization will be merciful is that on the one hand, it is worried that after Wuwei's death, the psychic contract will be terminated, and Sanwei will return to Tianzhi Country. At that time, they want to capture Wuwei. Sanwei is difficult. On the other hand, because he is worried that he will offend Tian Zhiguo, the other party will do everything to find trouble for him, and the Akatsuki organization is not sure that it can withstand Tian Zhiguo, who is full of talents.

Because the two tailed beasts were taken away, this matter was too big to hide. Gaara simply sent someone to send a letter, explaining the cause and effect of this matter to Tian Zhiguo, and finally stated that it would definitely He tried his best to get Sanwei back, and hoped that Tian Zhiguo would give them some time.

In addition, the daimyo of the Kingdom of the Wind was very angry about this attack, and directly issued a high reward for arresting the Xiao organization. In addition, he also contacted the daimyos of the other four major countries, especially explaining the horror of the terrorists of the Mingxiao organization, and invited them to launch a campaign against Aware of the organization's actions.

After Tanokuni received the news, Orochimaru, the prime minister of Tanokuni, immediately pretended to stand up and reprimanded the terrorists of the Akatsuki organization for what they had done, and delivered an impassioned speech.

What others don't know is that after the angry Orochimaru finished his speech and left, the anger on his face gradually disappeared where no one else could see, and turned into a weird smile, and then he came directly to Yang Jian's office.

"I said, Mr. Prime Minister, what are you doing in my office at this time? Aren't you busy with arresting the Akatsuki organization? That is related to Mitsuo of our Tian Zhiguo." Yang Jian looked at Orochimaru helplessly. Said.

"It doesn't matter, you don't care anyway, if you lose Sanwei, just lose it, what should I care about?"

"Who said I don't care about Sanwei, don't talk nonsense, okay? Sanwei is a hero of our Tianzhi country. How much electricity has been generated for our Tianzhi country? Amusement parks promote domestic economic development. It was captured by a terrorist organization. I am It hurts so much, if only I could..."

"Come on, don't pretend to be in front of me. If you were in Sanwei like this, you would have rescued him long ago. With your ability, you should have left space coordinates on Sanwei long ago. Even after his accident At that time, you should be able to feel that you can use space ninjutsu to rush over and rescue Sanwei, but you didn't do anything, which only shows that you don't care about Sanwei being captured, although I don't know what you are planning. What, but I feel like that's exactly what you want."

Yang Jian was silent, just staring at Dashewan, sighing secretly in his heart, it turns out that smart people are quite annoying sometimes.

"Well, I admit that I do have my own calculations, but I can't tell you for now. I can only say that Sanwei will not be in danger. He will come back in the future. Although there will be some losses, I will make up for it. What else do you have? Confused?"

Orochimaru shrugged and said: "No, actually I don't really care about this matter, anyway, tailed beasts are nothing to us, I just want to get some information from you, I already know what I should know Well, nothing else matters."

"That's good, now we should talk about your three-generation teacher and your old classmate Jiraiya. Recently, the two of them have caused a lot of trouble in our Tianzhi country. Should you take care of it? ?”

When Da Shewan heard Yang Jian mentioning Jiraiya and Sandai, his face turned dark immediately. He was really suffering from a terrible headache. Recently, he wished he could hide from the two of them, and he could not help but sigh in his heart: What evil did I do? Get such a teacher and companion, or else just kill them.

Chapter 539

Orochimaru has had a very bad life recently, because he met an old rascal, an old rascal, but this old rascal is still quite special now, always changing ways to take advantage of him, so that Orochimaru can't resist.

Needless to say, one can guess that this old hooligan is of course our third-generation Hokage-sama. The third-generation Hokage who has abdicated visited Tanokuni as Konoha's emissary and bought a large number of items, including various high-yield crop seeds and various machinery. equipment.

Originally, this was a good thing, but three generations relied on the old to sell the old, relying on the fact that he was a former teacher from Orochimaru, so he had to ask Orochimaru to give him a kickback, just like he did to help Tsunade back then.

Well, if you eat rebates, you can eat rebates. On the surface, it is the original price, but in fact it is a [-]% discount. Anyway, the products of the Kingdom of Heaven are basically assembly-line operations, and even so, it is a huge profit.

Originally, Orochimaru thought that Sandai should return to Konoha immediately after buying something, and take away Jiraiya, the troublemaker, by the way, but unexpectedly, not only did Sandai not take Ziraiya away, but he himself stayed behind. Wandering around Yinnin Village, I seem to enjoy the atmosphere.

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