Zilai also directly became the dog's leg of the third generation, and borrowed enough money from the third generation, and took the third generation to enjoy various delicacies every day. After a month, the third generation looked much younger.

If the three generations were just like this, Orochimaru would not be in trouble, but what happened later is the real headache.

Probably because after Sandai retired from the position of Hokage, there was no pressure, and the whole person completely let go, lived younger and younger, and directly became an old naughty boy, who actually made trouble with Zilai, went to peep at the women's bathhouse together, and even more The terrible thing is that he was still caught.

Because there is Jiraiya, the third generation knows the relevant laws and regulations of Tian Zhiguo, and also knows that there is a Uzumaki tribe who is good at sensing chakra in Yinnin Village, and he can't escape at all, so he didn't resist and let the patrolling people Grab it, and yell loudly: I am your teacher without Prime Minister Orochimaru, I am not peeping, I demand fair treatment...

In the end, there was no way to patrol, so the ninja had to report the matter to Orochimaru. At first, Orochimaru didn't want to take care of it, but now he kept yelling shamelessly. In the end, Orochimaru felt ashamed, so he had to release him on bail.

I thought this incident was over, but I didn't expect that the third generation seemed to be addicted to voyeurism, and similar things happened again and again. Every time, I asked Orochimaru to wipe his butt for him. , but not for the third generation. After all, I used to say that my teacher and my elders should not be treated like children.

Orochimaru is really worried about his teacher, even if he doesn't owe the third generation any personal salary, and even talks about severing the relationship, but he can't really ignore it, after all, the third generation was sincere to the disciple of Dashewan , is completely treated as a son.

Unlike Jiraiya and Tsunade, when the third generation recruited Tsunade, it was to win over the Senshou clan, and Jiraiya was also recruited to win over Konoha's civilian forces. Only Orochimaru did not have any selfish intentions, and accepted him sincerely As a disciple, so I don't care about it every time I say it, but every time the third generation gets into trouble, Orochimaru will still help him settle it.

And the third generation also felt that there was Orochimaru, a little unscrupulous, although it would not cause major disasters, but small troubles continued, and every time he was in trouble at the beginning of the month, he went to Orochimaru for help.

"Oshewan, you must help the teacher this time. It's a big trouble!" Some people just couldn't stand the nagging. Yang Jian and Dashewan mentioned the third generation just now, but they didn't expect to find them after a while. Outside the office The voices of three generations sounded.

Yang Jian didn't want to meet the third generation yet, so she came to the wall with a teleportation technique, stretched out her hand and pressed it, opened a secret door and slipped in, through which Yang Jian eavesdropped.

With a click, the door of the office was pushed open from the outside, and Zai Sandai walked in anxiously, followed by Ziraiya.

Seeing the joy on the face of the third generation of Orochimaru, "Great, Orochimaru, you are here."

Orochimaru resisted the urge to punch the wrinkled old face in front of him, and asked: "Three generations of teachers, what did you do again? Could it be that you went to peep again and got caught? How many times?"

"How is it possible, am I that kind of person?" Sandai stood up straight, don't slander me with his clothes, then pointed to Jiraiya behind him, "This is all done by Jiraiya, and he I accidentally broke the wall of the women's bathroom, and now I want him to pay for the repairs and compensate the bathhouse guests for their spiritual loss."

Hearing that the teacher blamed him on his own head, Zilai didn't refute it, so let's take the blame, as long as it can solve the problem.

Orochimaru looked at Sandai and Jiraiya, but he didn't know that the two of them must have gone to spy together, "Since Jiraiya did it, let him solve it by himself."

"Then how can I do it? As a teacher, how can I watch my students suffer? How can a teacher refuse to help when his disciples are in trouble? After you lend me some money first, let me release Zilaiye on bail, and I will pay you back later." .”

Orochimaru's originally pale face instantly turned black like charcoal, why does it feel like everything is back on the old road, "Teacher, although I am the Prime Minister of Tianzhi Country, it does not mean that I have money. After all, my laboratory The cost is also very high, if you are really short of money, I can act as a guarantor, you can go to the bank for a loan, and the interest is absolutely the lowest."

"How can that be? No matter how low the interest rate is, it's still money. I don't worry about borrowing from the bank. It's better to borrow from you. There's no such thing as a gift between us as a teacher and apprentice." The three generations took it for granted. No matter who looked at it, he couldn't help but want to beat him up.

"I'm really sorry, I don't have any money on hand, why don't you write some ninjutsu scrolls and pawn them for money?"

"Pawn? No! No! Although I have a lot of people, but these do not belong to me personally, but the property of the whole Konoha, how can you pawn at will, if you really have no money, I'll just sell myself, no matter what Said, I am also the third Hokage, and I am also the teacher of Prime Minister Tanokuni, so someone must appreciate this identity."

The Big Snake King is really going to vomit blood, sell yourself!Fortunately, you can figure it out, if you really do this, when the voice of you is my Oshemaru teacher will be exposed, what face will I have as the prime minister of this Tianzhi country in the future?

"Don't! Don't! Forget about prostitution or anything else. I'll be responsible for the compensation. I promise there won't be any problems." Although Orochimaru knew that the so-called prostitution of the third generation was just talk, but what if?He really doesn't believe in the integrity of the third generation, so he can only admit it?

"Sure enough, you are still my good apprentice, Orochimaru. Among the three apprentices, only you are the most filial to me as a teacher. Of course, I am not the kind of person who gets benefits and acts obediently. Didn't you recommend me to go to the ninja school before?" Do the children go to class, I will teach them something when the time comes, I have the title of doctor of ninjutsu, and teaching them anything will benefit them endlessly, this kind of opportunity is rare." The third generation's face became relaxed, and he patted Orochimaru's Shoulders, as if you made a lot of money.

"Yes, yes, yes!! Teacher, you are the most powerful, and you will definitely teach a large number of elite ninjas." Orochimaru resolutely softened, as long as he can always avoid causing a little trouble, it is nothing to say a few soft words.

Jilai, who was standing next to him, didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but seeing Sandai's pitiful look, he asked Orochimaru to pay for him honestly, which was enviable in his heart!It's a pity that his method doesn't work at all with Orochimaru.

"That... teacher! You just stay in the kingdom of heaven and never return to Konoha. Don't you worry that Tsunade can't handle the affairs of the village alone? I know very well that Danzo has always been concerned about Hokage. You are not afraid of him taking advantage of your departure to cause trouble?"

"Don't be afraid, I have already warned him. Now Danzo is very honest. If he dares to mess around, Yamato will directly beat him to death. Tsunade is not as easy-talking as I am, and Tsunade's younger brother Nasoki is getting stronger and stronger. The stronger it is, the strength of an elite Jonin, by the way, Orochimaru, can you give me a clue? Is the rope tree a rope tree?" The third Hokage said and winked at Orochimaru playfully, A cute look.

"What is a rope tree? Is it a rope tree? I don't understand what you mean." Orochimaru pretended to be confused, isn't it just acting, who wouldn't?

Reviving the dead is really appalling. In order to make up for his previous mistakes, Orochimaru resurrected the tree, but he will never resurrect other people, so this matter must not be exposed.

"Don't pretend to be garlic, you understand what I mean, have you really researched whether you have really developed the technique of resurrecting the dead?"

The third generation is not so easy to deceive. On the one hand, the younger brother who should be by Tsunade's side is too similar to the dead Natoki. On the other hand, Natoki has recently awakened Mudun. I can't hide it from the eyes of the third generation. This is the real wood escape. The big tree created is full of vitality, not like a piece of dead wood in a big river. It is only through the biological armor made by Orochimaru that the real wood can be displayed. escape.

"How is it possible, the dead will not be resurrected. Of course, if you are talking about the forbidden technique of the second generation of Hokage, reincarnation is no problem. Do you have any dead people that need to be summoned? I can help you." Orochimaru knew that the third generation had already guessed The truth of the facts, but he will never admit it.

"You...forget it, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask, really, even lied to my teacher, it's too sad, let's go!"

In this way, the third generation led Zilai and left the office swaggeringly, leaving Orochimaru wryly smiling on the spot, what is this called?

"Hahaha... I really didn't expect that you, Orochimaru, would be punished for such a day without temper, but yes, you have no face and skin, and you are also your teacher, who happens to be your nemesis. It's so interesting to see your expression. Hahaha..." Yang Jian laughed and walked out.

"Shut up, you, if you have the ability, drive away the three-generation old man and Zilai, and I will write a word of obedience."

"Drive away? Why do you want to drive away, I won't fall into your aggressive method, isn't it interesting to let them stay here? I can often see you in such an embarrassing look, let our Leng Jun Da She Wan more A little bit of humanity."

"I would rather not have this kind of human touch!"

"Don't be angry, you must learn to think in the right direction in everything. Since the three-generation old man promised to go to school to teach something, he will definitely come up with some real dry goods. After all, is he a doctor of ninjutsu? It's not just a waste of fame, it's good for us .”

"So what? The benefit is someone else, I have no benefit at all, and I still find fault every day, and now I am starting to have a nervous breakdown." Dashewan looked depressed,

"So what, sacrifice yourself to make us all happy, just bear with it."

"Why sacrifice me, can't you sacrifice others?"

"Who made you drive away? If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck. If it doesn't work, I can give you some compensation."

"That's what you said. It just so happens that I need your help with something now."

"Huh?" Yang Jian looked at Dashewan unexpectedly, and the Dashewan who had been watching it was a little embarrassed, and then said: "I said, why did you suddenly become interested and chatted with me for so long? Me. Tell me, what is it? Can you put down your face and speak?"

"This... is actually not a big deal, it's about my Dao Dao Shen plan."

"Why, is there something wrong with your god-making plan? I went to see it before. The reincarnation you prepared is almost complete. There is no problem. It should be very successful."

"It's not close to completion, but it has already been completed. This body is a collection of the bloodline abilities of Uchiha, Senshou, Kaguya, Hyuga, and Uzumaki. As long as enough Chakra is provided, the body cells can divide almost infinitely. As long as It is no longer a luxury to live forever without being killed, at least it is no problem to live for thousands of years.

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