I have enough time to study other things. The dream I once had is in sight, but now I need to find a very serious problem, because this body is too powerful, and my soul can't control it, even if I practice what you taught The secret method, the soul is greatly enhanced, but it is still unable to be perfectly controlled, which is specifically fatal.

After this reincarnation, I don't plan to change another body anymore, so I need to reincarnate in the most perfect state and completely control this perfect body, so I would like to ask, what method do you have here to strengthen the soul , it is best to change the soul, so that I can fit perfectly with that body. "

"Strengthen the soul, change the soul, perfect fit, you really dare to think, this is simply not possible... Mmm! Wait a minute, it seems to be really possible!"

Halfway through Yang Jian's speech, he suddenly froze, because he thought of Hei Jue, and wanted to ask if Hei Jue had a soul?The answer is yes, he definitely has a soul. Although in the eyes of many people, he is just the conscious body of Otsutsuki Kaguya, in fact, when Kaguya created it, Heize was already an independent individual. Kaguya has been sealed for thousands of years, isn't Hei definitely alive and well?

And Heijue was created by Kaguya with his Yin-Yang Dun power before being sealed. Yin-Yang Dun can create souls, so can they also change souls?

Chapter 540 The End of the God-Building Project

"What is the solution? Tell me quickly!" Seeing Yang Jian's appearance, Orochimaru knew there was a door, and asked immediately?

Yang Jian didn't make a fool of himself either, "Actually, this method is simple and easy, but it's also difficult to say. The key is to find the pure yin and yang escape power."

"The power of yin and yang escape?" Orochimaru had doubts on his face.

"That's right, it's the power of Yin-Yang Dun, which is a higher-level power than ordinary chakra power. The trees made by the wooden Dun between the Thousand Hand Pillars can continue to grow and have real vitality. This is the ultimate chakra power. The power of Yang Dun is manifested, and the writing sharing eyes of the Uchiha clan will have magical powers, such as Izanagi modifying reality, and Izanami deciding destiny. This is the embodiment of the extreme power of Yin Dun. The power of Yin and Yang Dun is combined Together, you can reshape your body and soul, and if you have enough Yin-Yang escape power, it will definitely make your body and soul reach the most perfect and most compatible state after reincarnation."

A bitter smile appeared on Dashewan's face. Just hearing what Yang Jian said, he knew that the power of yin and yang escape is very rare, and it is not so easy to obtain, but he still asked in case: "Then you know how to get it?" Have you reached the power of yin and yang escape?"

"If you want to meet your requirements, the ordinary Yin-Yang Dun power is not enough. The Yang Dun power is at least from the Qianshou, Kaguya or Uzumaki clan, and it is the highest type, which will make your body constantly destroyed. Then continuous reshaping requires strong vitality, and the power of Yin Dun can only be provided by at least the level of Uchiha Kaleidoscope Sharingan. no."

"That doesn't mean you didn't say it, it's simply impossible to achieve."

"Let's think about it, I remember someone mentioned it before, that's right! Beiliuhu, I remember that after he first studied the derailment screw teeth, he planned to absorb five kinds of blood inheritance boundaries, but the human body's ability to bear is limited. More, the greater the pressure, I remember he said that his solution at that time was to use the power of yin and yang to strengthen the body. The five blood succession limit abilities are actually based on the five attributes of chakra. How about asking him how to solve the Yin-Yang escape power?"

"Helyuho! That's right, why did I forget about this matter, no, I'll go find him right away." Dashewan's eyes lit up, he stood up and turned around to leave, he couldn't wait for a moment.

"Wait a minute, why do you need to be so troublesome? Have you forgotten my space ability? You all have the space coordinates left by me, just let me do it." Yang Jian said and waved his hand, the space seemed black The pixels are average, separated from the left and right, and a dark portal appears, and then Yang Jian said: "Bei Liuhu, after a while, I have something very important to ask you."

In just a few seconds, Bei Liuhu, who looked like a real man, came out of the black space door, his face seemed to be dissatisfied, "What are you doing? Say something quickly, I have to go back to do the experiment as soon as possible."

"It's not me but Orochimaru who is looking for you, let him speak for himself."

"Bailiuhu, it's like this..." Orochimaru took the initiative to explain, and said that he needed the power of yin and yang escape.

"You need the power of yin and yang, it's easy! As long as the solar eclipse comes, there will be a lot of yin and yang power. At first, I planned to use the technique of ghost budding to absorb five blood-stained ninjas, and then use the power of yin and yang to strengthen them The body holds five bloodstains.

According to my research, the beam of the sun shines behind the moon, and the cast shadow contains the pure power of yin and yang escape. Sometimes I doubt that it is really like what is said in the book on the origin of chakra Yes, the moon was actually created by the Sage of the Six Paths, and the ancestor of Chakra is sealed inside. The entire moon has been eroded by Kaguya's power, and the moon has become a converter. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the shadow cast on the earth It will contain the pure power of yin and yang escape.

"The sun, the moon, the solar eclipse, that's how it is, hahahaha... Great! Great! In this way, all the problems will be solved, and the god-making plan can be implemented. I will reincarnate in a perfect state, definitely It can be successful, hahaha..." Orochimaru became more and more excited as he thought about it.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, it's not certain when there will be a solar eclipse, maybe it will be decades later, and you may be old and dead by then." Seeing Dashewan's excited look , Yang Jian couldn't help but strike.

Beliuhu thought for a while and said: "If it's the time of the solar eclipse, I can only say that Orochimaru is very lucky. There will be a solar eclipse in about three months, and the shadow of the moon will cover an area on the border of the Land of Winds. It's very desolate there, you can do whatever you want, and make sure no one disturbs you."

"Okay, God helped me too!" The smile on Dashewan's face became wider, and he glanced at Yang Jian triumphantly.

But Yang Jian's complexion was a little ugly, "Bei Liuhu, why are you so clear about the situation of the solar eclipse?"

Beiliuhu said as a matter of course: "Of course it is clear. I have spent many years studying the timing of solar eclipses, in order to perfect the Oni Ramen technique and capture the blood successor boundaries of other ninjas. With the gene grafting technology in hand, the bloodstain boundary can be obtained directly through gene grafting, and the original preparations are useless, but the research on the solar eclipse is still clearly remembered."

"Great, tell me the exact time and place of the next solar eclipse, I'm going to prepare right away." Orochimaru was full of anticipation, he wished he could start now.

Beiliuhu calculated it in his heart, then pointed to a direction and said: "There should be 83 more days, and the location is about [-] kilometers in this direction, and there is a desolate valley there."

Orochimaru immediately turned his head and looked at Yang Jian expectantly. Of course Yang Jian understood what he meant and nodded, "Okay, okay, let's go and have a look together."

Yang Jian closed her eyes, mentally estimated the distance that Bei Liuhu said just now, and waved open a pitch-black space door.

Seeing the space door open, Orochimaru was too anxious, before Yang Jian could open his mouth, he slammed into it first, and then there was a scream from the opposite side.

Beiliuhu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened to Orochimaru on the opposite side of the space gate, why it screamed, and looked at Yang Jian with a puzzled expression.

But Beiliuhu is not worried that Orochimaru will be in danger, because with the strength of Orochimaru, no matter what the enemy is, it can persist for a period of time.

Yang Jian shrugged helplessly and said: "Sure enough, once the deepest and most immediate interests are involved, it is inevitable that I will lose my sense of proportion. I don't know the specific situation of the location you mentioned, so I can only open the space door into the air, but I think the big snake Maru won't fall to his death."

"So that's the case, isn't Orochimaru really unlucky? Let's go, let's go there together."

Beiliuhu also plunged into the space door as he spoke, and sure enough, he came to the other side of the space and found himself in mid-air. The sound exploded, and the body slowly fell.

At this time, Yang Jian also came out from the space door.Behind him, a pair of golden bat wings transformed from venom, gently flapped twice to stabilize his figure.

Soon Beiliuhu and Yang Jian fell on a hillside, and Dashewan was not far away, pulling their bodies out of the soil.

Orochimaru fell hard this time, but fortunately, he transformed his body into a soft snake body in time. Although his body looked a bit embarrassed with mud, he didn't suffer much damage.

Dashewan stared at Yang Jian angrily, because the other party didn't remind him that he was so ashamed.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not that I don't want to remind you, but that you are moving too fast and there is no time." In fact, if Yang Jian is willing, she can completely avoid making Orochimaru embarrassing, even if the other party has already passed through the space, it can also help He stabilized his figure, but Yang Jian just liked to see Dashewan make a fool of himself.

Dashewan also knew that he was wronged, and he couldn't trouble Yang Jian with this matter at all, so he sighed helplessly, feeling sad for having a bad friend like Yang Jian, and simply pretended that he didn't exist, and turned his head to look at Beiliu Hu asked: "Where is the center of the shadow of the eclipse you mentioned? I have to make some preparations."

"Come with me, it's only a dozen miles away from here, and it only takes ten minutes to get there at our speed."

Beiliuhu led the way ahead. If space ninjutsu is not counted, Beiliuhu's Xundun is definitely the fastest. However, in order to take care of the speed of Yang Jian and Orochimaru, Xundun was not used, but at the speed of ordinary ninjas. Jumping constantly, using the instant body technique to speed up from time to time, he soon came to a valley, followed the path until he entered a cave.

Orochimaru was delighted to discover that the cave was hollowed out by people, and the space was very spacious. There was a high platform in the center, and five crosses were set up around it, which were obviously used to pray for ninjas. See the white clouds in the sky.

Beiliuhu handed a blueprint to Orochimaru and said: "This is the base I designed at the beginning to fuse the boundaries of the five bloodstains by using the technique of oni ra buds. There is also an array in the ground, which can gather chakras of yin and yang attributes. It's a pity It’s not useful, it’s cheap for you, you can see what needs to be changed, and you can design it yourself.”

Orochimaru’s blueprints were checked against the surrounding situation, and it turned out that the formation was very complete. It only needed to be slightly modified to remove those unnecessary things, and only retain the ability to gather chakras of yin and yang attributes.

Orochimaru said solemnly: "Hi Liuhu, thank you very much, you have helped me a lot this time, I owe you a favor, if you need me in the future, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it." Do not refuse."

"Don't be so polite. If it was before, I might really use this as a condition to ask you to do something for me, but now I have got everything I want, and with my current strength, basically There is nothing that can be given to me, now that we are companions, it is right to help each other."

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