
Listening to this unfamiliar but familiar vocabulary, Dashemaru's eyes showed the color of memory. He used to be a partner with Jiraiya and Tsunade, and he was willing to sell his back to each other, but fate seemed to open him up. Joking, and eventually parted ways, and even became enemies.

But Orochimaru doesn't regret it, and he feels very lucky, he has a new partner who can deliver his life, and what he has been pursuing is close at hand, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Then Orochimaru started to get busy, and asked Yang Jian to help, and sent a large amount of materials to the valley through the space gate, and began to rebuild, preparing to reincarnate when the solar eclipse came.

Time passed unknowingly. When Yang Jian was checking the information in the office that day, he did not expect that an unexpected guest came, Uchiha Sasuke, and there was another one beside him who was pestering him and chattering, asking him to talk to himself. Back to Konoha's golden retriever, Naruto Uzumaki.

Yang Jian was curious about Sasuke's arrival. Although Sasuke also knew about Yang Jian's existence, but Yang Jian didn't have much contact with Sasuke, so why did he come to him suddenly?

Yang Jian thought about it, and decided to meet Sasuke, but he didn't want to reveal his identity at this time, so Yang Jian specially disguised himself to prevent Naruto from seeing his identity. .

"It's a rare visitor, Sasuke, this is the first time you've taken the initiative to come to me, golden boy, your name is Uzumaki Naruto, right? Don't make trouble here, or I'll throw you out." Yang Jian looked at Naruto, who was still noisy after entering the office, couldn't help but give a warning.

"Asshole, I'm not Golden Retriever, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I'm going to be the man of the fifth...no, the sixth Hokage, Sasuke is my teammate, I want to take him back to Konoha, side job...boy, I'm Xuan Wu, Konoha has nothing to do with you."

"Who said it has nothing to do with me, now Sasuke is from our Tianzhi country, if you want to take him away, you have to ask us if we agree."

"No matter who dares to stop me, I will knock him away." Uzumaki Naruto said, waving his fists with a confident look. In the past three years, he has practiced with three generations, his strength has greatly increased, and he has initially controlled With the power of Nine Tails, he feels that he is no longer what he used to be, and he can defeat Yang Jian.

"But you don't seem to have asked Sasuke if he would like to go back to Konoha with you, and once he returns to Konoha, Sasuke, who is a traitor, will be executed. Do you want Sasuke to be killed?"

"This... this, I can ask the third-generation grandfather, I can ask Granny Tsunade, and ask them to let Sasuke go."

"First of all, whether to let Sasuke go or not is not something they can easily decide, and they let go of the rebellious ninja Sasuke this time, how will they deal with rebellious ninja in the future? They won't have much money in the future because of you. People use this as an excuse to ask to let go of rebellious tolerance, what should those who have been hurt do? Once the rules are broken, it will be difficult to re-establish them, don’t you think it’s selfish?”

"This I, I, I..." Naruto was speechless for a moment, he didn't know how to refute because he was simple-minded.

Chapter 541 The Past and the Truth

"That's enough, Naruto, stop talking nonsense, I won't go back to Konoha with you, now I just want to kill that man for revenge, I don't need Konoha's forgiveness, if you still treat me as a friend, don't do it anymore Advise me, otherwise we can only be enemies." Sasuke finally said with a cold face, he came to Yang Jian this time for a business, and he didn't want to waste time on these trivial matters.

Naruto was choked and speechless. In order to get Sasuke back, he has been practicing desperately and doing his best. But because Sasuke joined Tanokuni, it was not just a matter of rebellion and the village. to international disputes.

Naruto knew Sasuke's whereabouts a year ago, and wanted to come to Tanokuni to look for Sasuke, but Tsunade forcibly suppressed him. This time, when the third generation visited Tanokuni, Naruto still stalked him so that the third generation agreed to take him away. He took it.

Naruto has been persuading Sasuke these days, but obviously it has no effect. People in the Uchiha clan are all paranoid, unless you can subdue them violently, just like the first generation did to Uchiha Madara. Unfortunately, Naruto obviously does not have such strength now. Although it is stronger than in the original plot, but Sasuke has the teaching of the enhanced version of Orochimaru, coupled with the resources provided by Tanokuni, Sasuke's strength is much stronger than in the same time period in the original plot.

"This, it's Sasuke, I..."

Naruto wanted to say something, but Sasuke ignored him, turned his head to look at Yang Jian, and asked seriously: "I want to know the truth, the truth about our Uchiha, tell me everything, Orochi Maru said that you have the answer I want here."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Sasuke came this time because Orochimaru asked him to come, shouldn't Oroshemaru come here by himself?How did it get pushed on me?

Then Yang Jian figured it out, Orochimaru has been busy preparing for the reincarnation recently, has been busy in the valley, just waiting for the coming of the solar eclipse, and let go of Sasuke.

If according to the original idea, Orochimaru should guide Sasuke and let him kill each other with the Uchiha Itachi brothers, while he will watch the show behind, but now the plan has reached the most critical moment, which is related Orochimaru's lifelong dream, Sasuke Uchiha and so on are not important, and he doesn't bother to care about it, so he simply pushes everything to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian blamed Orochimaru for being lazy in his heart, but since he had already found it, he could solve it easily, but Yang Jian didn't have your habit of killing Uchiha brothers, so he decided to cut the mess straight away and settle the matter Let's talk, lest Uchiha Sasuke bother himself.

"Since you want to know, then I will tell you all the truth. Who else intervened in your Uchiha extermination? What role did the people in Muye Village play? What did Uchiha Itachi do? But I think Let me remind you in advance that Zhenkou is different from what you imagined, and may be more cruel. The bad guys who used to be heinous in your eyes may be good guys, and the nice guys may have ulterior motives. Are you really mentally prepared?"

"I want to know the truth, everything, no matter what I can bear, this is my responsibility." Sasuke is not a fool.Especially in Tanokuni, in addition to receiving the training of Orochimaru, he will also learn some other knowledge. As time goes by, he grows up and gradually discovers that the Uchiha extermination is not as simple as imagined.

"Naruto, you go away first."

"But Sasuke and we are friends, no matter what we can do together." Naruto looked at Yang Jian and didn't want to leave.

"No, this is our Uchiha's business, and we don't need outsiders to intervene."

Seeing that Sasuke was going to drive Doo away, Yang Jian thought for a while and said: "Let Naruto stay, this matter has something to do with him, to be precise, it has something to do with his parents, the origin of the Uchiha extermination is from It started the day he was born and the day his parents died."

"My parents, you know who my parents are, tell me what's going on."

However, Naruto opened his eyes wide. It was the first time he heard the news about his parents from other people, and he became anxious. Naruto was regarded as the reincarnation of a demon fox by others since he was a child, and he was regarded as a monster by others. He also asked the third generation, who are the parents of Iruka and others, but no one gave him an answer, and everyone seemed to be hiding it from him. Now that he finally has the opportunity to know the truth, Naruto is a little anxious.

"Don't worry, take your time, I'll tell you what you want to know."


Yang Jian suddenly stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Naruto and Sasuke felt dizzy at the same time, and the images in front of them kept changing. They still had the basic qualities of a ninja. They knew that this was a manifestation of being confused by illusion, and they instinctively wanted to Dispersed the chakra in the body to get rid of the illusion, but at this time Yang Jian's voice sounded: "Don't resist, if you still want to know the truth."

Sasuke and Naruto immediately stopped their actions when they heard the words. Although it was a bit risky, after all, being controlled by illusion is a very dangerous thing, but in order to get the answer they wanted, they were willing to take this risk.

At this time, the changes in the surrounding pictures gradually slowed down and stopped on one picture. It was a dark and windy night. In a cave, a red-haired woman was giving birth, screaming from time to time, exhausted. With all the strength in his body, he wanted to give birth to his child as soon as possible. An elderly woman was taking care of her, and a sunny man with blond hair pressed his hands on the woman's abdomen to seal it.

"That's the Fourth Hokage. There is a statue of him on the Hokage Rock. He is the person I admire the most." Naruto couldn't help but screamed when he saw the blond man. The Fourth Hokage is really famous, and he looks handsome. Powerful and strong, he is the idol of many people.

"Yes, that is the Fourth Hokage. His wife is giving birth. That day is the day when his son was born and also the day when he died." Yang Jian explained with a smile, while watching the celebrity thinking in his heart, I don't know Later you will know what kind of mood he is your biological father.

The scene changed again. After the child was born, a mysterious man wearing a whirlpool mask broke in and slaughtered wantonly. Although he was repelled by the Fourth Hokage, he snatched Mrs. Hokage and pulled Kyuubi away. Kyuubi began to destroy the village.

Naruto and Sasuke also knew about the Nine-Tails riot more than ten years ago. After all, it was too famous. How many people in Konoha Village died in that disaster, and even the Fourth Hokage fell to seal Nine-Tails.

The picture was still going on, Sasuke and Naruto watched intently, seeing the four generations of Hokage fighting against the Mysterious Man and Nine-Tails, they couldn't help their blood boiling, and at the cost of their lives they performed Ghoul Sealing, while he and his wife It was also pierced through the body by the claws of the nine tails.

But the next scene made Naruto burst into tears. Mrs. Fourth Hokage's life was about to end, but she endured the pain and called Naruto to let him eat more, make more friends, and live happily. A mother's greatest hope for her child.

Naruto's eyes were red, and the tears flowed more and more, the eyes, the pig price changed into the vertical pupils of the beast, and the violent chakra belonging to the nine tails also began to overflow.

"Fourth Hokage is my father, my body is sealed with Kyuubi, but why, everyone regards me as a monster, why? No one told me this, why no one helped me when they watched me being bullied." Ming The person became more and more excited, and the nine-tailed chakra became more and more intense, covering his body, forming a layer of chakra fox clothes.

"Naruto wake up!"

Yang Jian made a sudden move, and I patted the man on the back of the head, and the chakra fox clothes dissipated immediately, and Naruto only felt a cool breath enter his brain, and instantly regained his clarity, although he was still angry and still did not understand, But there was no previous violent aura, because the power of the Nine-Tails Chakra had been retracted into the seal again.

In the sealed space inside Naruto's body, Kyuubi felt a palpitation, "What's going on? The feeling just now was too terrifying, and that kind of power was comparable to that of the old man. Who is it? Can do this step, damn it, After finally waiting for this kid to lose control of his emotions, I thought I could take advantage of the opportunity to escape, but I didn’t expect there to be such a terrifying existence outside, forget it, let’s bear with it.”

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