Kyuubi lay on the ground helplessly, trying to shrink his chakra to avoid misunderstanding by the scary guy outside.

At this time, the red light in Naruto's eyes disappeared, and the pupils of normal people returned, but there were too many doubts in his heart, and he wished to go to the third generation to ask why he, as the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, sealed the Kyuubi. Heroes will be ostracized and bullied, from childhood to adulthood, living in darkness.

"Don't ask anything now, don't say anything, keep reading, if you want to know, find the answer yourself."

Yang Jian is not in the mood to feed Naruto chicken soup, this is Konoha's own business, don't you always talk about the will of fire?That being the case, it depends on how you deal with Naruto who knew the truth in advance.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, and felt pity for this companion in his heart. The fate of celebrities is not much better than him, they are all poor people.But then Sasuke was a little strange, what does these things have to do with their Uchiha extermination?

Soon, Sasuke's doubts were explained. After the Kyuubi incident, the relationship between you and the animal husbandry became worse. Although there have always been conflicts between the two, this time it was completely planned. .

Because Kyuubi was controlled that night, the image of three Gouyu Sharingan appeared in the eyes. Anyone with a little knowledge would know that this is because of being controlled by Sharingan, and it belongs to the ability of the Uchiha clan, that is to say , Uchiha became the biggest suspect in the Kyuubi incident.

Almost most people believe that Uchiha is behind the scenes, because they are dissatisfied with the village for deliberately releasing Kyuubi to sabotage, and those who don’t know the inside story, and because Kyuubi died of relatives and friends, after being guided, they also start to hate the live broadcasting clan. Some senior officials of Konoha Village even bluntly asked Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch, to hand over the murderer.

But the Uchiha clan was also wronged. They didn't do it at all. How could they teach the murderer?

In this way, the conflict between Uchiha and the village became more and more intense. As the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku was the most difficult. On the one hand, he had to deal with the persecution of his own tribe, and on the other hand, he had to be careful not to accompany the people in the village.

At this time, Sasuke saw the despicable side of his own people in the screen, especially the elders with high positions. They didn't dare to confront Konoha's senior management directly, so they transferred all the pressure to Uchiha Fugaku, saying A lot of ugly words, blame Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch, for being incompetent, this is not good, that is not good, and even overthrows Fuyue.

Sasuke looked at those paintings and wanted to beat someone up. At this time Sasuke had matured, so he could see that those Uchiha people who troubled Fuyue were not really kind, but just fighting for power and profit.

As the eldest son of Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi is very sensible. Seeing the pressure on his father, he took the initiative to think of ways to solve his father's problems, and worked hard to strengthen his strength. He became a genius of the Uchiha clan at a young age, which really relieved Uchiha. The pressure of Hatomi Gaku, but Uchiha Itachi has also become the target of other people. Danzo wants to control Uchiha Itachi in his hands. Uchiha's people always put pressure on Uchiha Itachi for various reasons. It should be done well, and all kinds of cynicism will be ridiculed if it is not done well. For all this, Uchiha Itachi has always silently endured it.

Sasuke looked at the situation where Uchiha Itachi was silent in the face of the tribe's accusations in the screen, and suddenly felt that Itachi should destroy the Uchiha clan. If he turned into him, he might do the same.

At the same time, the senior management of Konoha Village also had extreme patience with the Uchiha clan, especially Danzo, who claimed that the Uchiha clan was the source of danger and wanted to eradicate them all, but the three generations who were already old had no previous dare to fight. The determination to dare to fight has been pursuing stability and pressure.

Danzo was suppressed on the surface, but in fact secretly used conspiracy means to target the Uchiha clan, fanning the flames among them, making the conflict between Uchiha and the village more and more intense. Knowing that the Uchiha Shisui incident broke out, Shisui hoped to be able to To resolve the conflict between the village and the Uchiha clan, as a person who awakened the kaleidoscope, he has the qualifications, but he did not expect Danzo to attack him and snatch one of his eyes. Knowing that his life is not long, he simply took the other The eyes were entrusted to Uchiha Itachi, and then committed suicide.

Uchiha Itachi fell into a dilemma at this time. After discussing with his father, he came to the conclusion that if Uchiha and the village really fell out, Uchiha's genocide is inevitable. Although it can cause huge losses to Konoha, Uchiha No one in the family will survive.

Just when Uchiha Itachi was in trouble, someone found him. It is true that Uchiha Itachi had reached some agreement with him, the mysterious man with the whirlpool mask that appeared in the night of Nine Tails.At the same time, he found the leader and agreed that he would take action to solve the Uchiha clan. As a price, Sasuke's safety must be ensured.

Next, it was natural that Itachi killed the Uchiha tribe, and Sasuke also saw a special person in the picture, that is a beautiful girl full of vitality, Sasuke is familiar with her, because that is Uchiha Itachi's girlfriend , her name is Uchiha Izumi, and Sasuke has always called her Izumi sister.

Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi's heartache in the picture. Although he was expressionless when killing the Uchiha tribe, Sasuke could guess how painful Itachi was in his heart. When it was Uchiha Izumi's turn, Itachi hesitated, but Thinking of Sasuke, he stabbed down with a knife.

Izumi, who was pierced through the heart by Uchiha Itachi, did not show hatred for Itachi like other clansmen. Instead, she hugged Itachi and kept saying, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt...I'm sorry, I can't bear it with you..."

Until the moment of death, Izumi was comforting Uchiha Itachi, without any intention of blaming it, as if it was a kind of happiness in the hands of her beloved.

Chapter 542 The past and the truth

A strange scene appeared in the picture. As the victim, the beautiful girl Izumi died with only relief on her face, without the slightest resentment, while the murderer, Uchiha Itachi, had a distorted face. Anyone can feel it when he looks like that. the pain in his heart.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his brother in the picture, clenched his fists, his nails sank into his flesh, blood flowed from his fingers, and he yelled frantically in his heart: Stop!Brother, don’t hurt sister Quanmei, you don’t need to do this for me.

It's a pity that the picture will not stop because of Sasuke's wishes. In the end, Uchiha Itachi killed his beloved girl with his own hands. The pain in his heart almost made him collapse, and he even regretted his decision. But thinking of Sasuke, he forced himself to stand up again , walking to the room where my parents are.

At this moment, Sasuke's face turned pale, because he knew that what happened next was the nightmare of his life, but Sasuke didn't escape, and stared at the picture.

The next thing Sasuke saw was naturally the conversation between his brother, his father, and his mother. Only then did Sasuke realize that his usually inconspicuous father had awakened the kaleidoscope a long time ago. His elder brother may not be his opponent, but in the end, as a father, he chose to fulfill his son, Keer, who did not resist, was in the hands of his son, and the only request was for Itachi to take good care of Sasuke.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

When Sasuke saw the content on the screen, he completely lost control. The pain in his heart made him unable to bear it any longer, and he shouted. At the same time, his Sharingan automatically opened, and in his bloody eyes, the three hook jades spun more and more at high speed. Soon, a little black halo gradually appeared, and finally turned into a plum blossom pattern, and the kaleidoscope was officially awakened, a long time earlier than in the original plot.

Seeing the awakening of Sasuke's kaleidoscope, Yang Jian showed a satisfied smile on his face. Yang Jian was just doing an experiment, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

In the original plot, the author Uchiha Itachi used various methods to stimulate Sasuke and let him open the kaleidoscope, but unfortunately all failed. In Yang Jian’s view, the method he used was wrong. Uchiha Itachi simply made Uchiha Sasuke hate himself, So it is known that Uchiha Itachi failed at the moment of death.

Knowing that Sasuke later learned some truths from Obito, knowing what his brother did to protect himself, he completely opened the kaleidoscope under the stimulation of his love for Uchiha Itachi in his heart.

Yang Jian thinks that the key to opening the kaleidoscope lies in getting love and losing love. It is easier to awaken the kaleidoscope between love and hate. The kaleidoscope with soil is opened because of love for Lin and hatred for Kakashi's failure to protect Lin. , Shisui is because of the love for the village and the hatred for those who destroy the peace of the village, Uchiha Itachi is because of his love for his parents and Sasuke, and Uchiha Madara must be because of his love and hatred for Senjuzhuma.

While Yang Jian told Sasuke the truth, he also wanted to take this opportunity to experiment with his own ideas, which proved to be very successful.

At this time, Sasuke didn't realize that he had awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and his heart was already filled with Uchiha Itachi's tragic experience, crying like a child.

Naruto reached out and grabbed Sasuke's shoulder, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

If it was before, Sasuke would definitely slap Naruto's palm away with a slap, but this time he did not do so unexpectedly. Humans are strange animals who like to cuddle together. Naruto's situation seems to be not much better than him. His parents died when he was born, and he was ostracized and targeted since he was a child. Two poor people who lost their loved ones huddled together to keep warm, which made him feel a little better.

The next scene is that after Itachi killed his parents, he reunited with the Akatsuki organization, but he secretly left a shadow clone, met with the third Hokage, and talked about the Akatsuki organization. The two parties agreed that Itachi would sneak into the Akatsuki organization Be an undercover agent, and the third generation protects Sasuke.

When the scene ended and the surrounding environment recovered, Yang Jian looked at Sasuke and asked, "This is the truth of the matter, how do you feel? What are you going to do next?"

"Revenge, I must have revenge!" Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were full of madness.

"Then who is your enemy?"

"Who is the enemy? The enemy..." Sasuke Uchiha was stunned for a moment. Originally, he hated Itachi Uchiha, but now that he knows the truth, of course he will not hate his brother who has been doing his best to protect him. After thinking about it, Gritting his teeth, he said: "My enemy is everyone in the Akatsuki organization, as well as Konoha, especially that bastard Danzo. I want to destroy the entire Konoha."

"No Sasuke! There are many innocent people in Konoha, have you forgotten Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, three generations of grandfathers, Sakura, Ino, Choji..."

"They are innocent, isn't my brother innocent?" Sasuke yelled sharply, like a lunatic.

Yang Jian smiled slightly and said, "It's normal for you to want revenge, but now someone wants to seek revenge from you, what should you do?"

"Avenge me? Who is it?" Sasuke couldn't help but wondered. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't have any enemies.


Yang Jian snapped his fingers again, and a phantom of a man appeared out of thin air. The three jades in his eyes proved his identity, and he also belonged to the Uchiha clan. The man's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"It's his Uchiha Izumi's brother, the brother of the silly woman who died at the hands of your brother and who was still comforting you until the last moment of his life.

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